Gotham: After Dark (closed for LitShark, Princesssexci, SweetP4U and myself)

Detective Stowe – Bruce Wayne – A very indecent proposal!

Did I know Mr. Playboy was looking up under his shirt I wore, no. Or he might have been smacked or at least ‘frowned heavily upon’. That sounds professional and legal-consequence free… Which is what my mind is whispering as I stare around the place. Just.. amazing.. Odd, but yeah. That.

“You going to march in there and tell Bipolar King he can’t be mayor?” Is my quip, I know.. I know! I am a smart ass, you’re welcome! He is correct, the city is rife with dissidence. Far to many are the ‘have nots’ than the ‘have’, and that imbalance coupled with corruption in every damned branch of our government, it’s almost always chaos around here.

Turning to talk about how to de-throne the King, I am privy to a very naked backside. Mouth open, going to do that word making thing, or so I thought I was. Damn! Okay that is one fit man, and yes I am ogling those goodies, don’t judge. Watching through the suspenseful fog, and that suit be .. applied? I mean he doesn’t have to do one leg at a time here folks. Shit, I need one of these and seams going the other way.. apparently. Once outfitted, he’s turning around and I am wiping my expression blank, looking a bit displeased.

Revenge is putting it mildly. I became a cop and worked my tight ass off climbing every opportunistic ladder rung (sans sex you perverts!) to get where I am today. Working every damned shift, under every able bodied T.O. that would take me along, and it paid off. Ambition I have in droves…

That? That right there! He may as well have asked me if I want syphilis or quadruplets! Do I know how to lure a man? Why the hell would I want that?! I suppose the expression on my face tells him the very thoughts I am having right now because I am literally horrified at that whole stupid thought process that he just vomited out of his mouth.

“If you are thinking undercover work, it’s too late for that. He knows I’m a cop. AND He came back from death for Harley! He went on enough about that one to be absolutely clear what and who he is after and there for.” Do I know how to appeal to men! The nerve of this guy, and yes, I am glaring right at him. “The last thing I ever try to do is appeal to men, Mr. Wayne.” Is the snippy retort, clearly offended he even suggested such a play…

Thumb nail to lips, chewing at it as I think this through. “I don’ have murder proof armor.. You should flirt with the psycho..” I know! Again, that smart-ass rears her snitty head. Did he really find me appealing? Hard to say in all .. THAT chaos and neurotic mind of his, and his words. “Maybe because Harley thought I was sexy?” Face scrunching up a bit, not at all thrilled with this whole line of thought here. I know what he is getting at, is it our best shot? I can feel my entire body shudder a bit, I had my mouth on his…. ! I am hearing Pussycat Dolls in my head, complete with BEEP noises...

Question here Stowe…. How badly do you want justice?

“Alright. I’m game. Show me or tell me..” hands rub a bit on my thigh before they cross under breasts. “How do I appeal to .. Him?” This is a fool’s game, and I am the new jester. “Harley was all in..” Is the words that come out of my mouth, a grin forming there. “She is almost as crazy as he is, but she is sweeter and not vampiric!” I look at him expectantly, since he brought up this whole idea in the first place, he better have some great insight to how I appeal to the Joker..

Forgive me, Dad…
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Bruce and Stowe in the Bat Cave - Strategizing

Bruce laughed, “I can tell him until I am blue in the face … “ Understanding the irony of his blue mask. “He is convinced he is, despite it being technically impossible absent some recognition by the city council and we don’t exactly condone coups. No elected official wanted to feel there was a bounty on their head, and this wasn’t some feudal state where pure force enable leadership. “But an announcement must be made, and Jim Gordon will make it the people have to hear that this lunatics actions are a crime, no more, no less.”

Deep down I knew I was right, Jokeer ahd no legal authority, but he had power right now, and an uncomfortable following that was more likely to grow than diminish. Yet until we had subdued him, captured him, likely needed to Kill him, he was a threat unlike almost any other.

I had no idea she could see the suit being applied through the steamy smoke of the chamber, nor would I have minded if it did. There was an element of exhibitionism and voyeurism that I knew intrigued me, aroused me, but I had yet to find the right partner or partners. The technology of the suit and its fitting and release truly were marvels, but now equipped in this second skin I was far better set to take on any challenge.

Chuckling as I emerged, seeing her eyes, “I tell you what, you help me here and I will have one of these, including a suit made for you.” Joking and letting my eyes rake ever so briefly, “You’d strike quite an intimidating figure.” The statement was both flirtatious and admiring, one superb form of humanity acknowledging another. I see your reaction, clear that the exploitation of famine wiles is not your modus operandi. Frustrated a bit at the somewhat antiquated view of merit.

“If you are thinking undercover work, it’s too late for that. He knows I’m a cop. AND He came back from death for Harley! He went on enough about that one to be absolutely clear what and who he is after and there for…. The last thing I ever try to do is appeal to men, Mr. Wayne.”

“Jesus Stowe, your an attractive… fuck… gorgeous woman, mind numbingly, cock hardeningly, hot … you must know that? For Fuck Sake! If this is a shock take a moment and understand.” Frankly, Bruce had been tempted to bend her over that desk as soon as he saw the sway of that muscular ass, and the glint of the pink perfection between her superbly and naturally tanned thighs. She was a woman who did that to a man.

I waited, I was not flirting with this compliment, this was laying out the facts and tools at their disposal, said with no more passion than taking an inventory of the arms the joker had likely taken possession of in is overthrow of City Hall. “To ignore that is like Einstein thinking he needs to solve physics problems with his muscles, rather than his brain. I am sure you have worked your way up legitimately, done things the right way, blah blah blah… this is war, there is no right and wrong, there is winning and losing, kill or be killed. I’d fuck a french poodle if I thought it gave me a leg up on this fucking madman. Get your mind right, got it!”

I softened a bit, the “motivation” over and moving to tactics. “Harley is his love, if he is cable of such, but you are different, the forbidden fruit, the quite literally fucking of authority, and your passing out, will leave a lingering need and hunger to finish what once felt so tantalizingly close. This has nothing to do with that crazy bitch… “ My nickname for the admittedly attractive but nutty freak show, Harley, we had our own history. “If anything she seemed as into you as he was. I am not asking you to roll over and spread your legs, that wouldn’t work anyway. You need to be on the periphery, seeemingly, actually literally taking chase, close enough he can feel you, but can’t touch you …. I’m asking you to edge him Detective, consume his mind on how to get you, and in turn, help me idenfy how and where his soft underbelly might lie. It may even be Harley herself, or who is that mad woman who controls her?”

Bruce would look it up, it had been a while since I had last tangled with her or that .. “Amanda Waller… that’s it… we need to see if we can find her too, that could be useful?” I had been talking and Stowe had not exactly been taking notes, “You gonna remember all of this?” I turned and opened my arsenal of weapons, yet it wasn’t a glock or miniature laser, although she was welcomed to those too, it was a device that looked remarkably like a tampon. “I’d like you to wear this?” I held it out, not surprised by the revulsion I might see back. “It is a world class tracking device, it also provides completely hidden, two way communication for us, you need do little more than whisper. You can clean it, and … “ I showed her each end, “If need be, hit this button and it is a very strong hand grenade, hit this button and it can unleas a gas that wil demobilize anyone not having the antecdote.”

Yes, Batman was asking her to slip this into her pussy, yet it seemed a logical and safe spot, for it seemed other than pissing, Stowe was not planning to put her pussy to much use anyway. I could only shake my head, what a fucking waste! “Stowe, I don’t think you will need to have sex with him, or her, but… you need to be ready to do what you have to do. Any other questions?”
Stowe & Bruce

This has been a problem my entire life. Men, and not just one or two but generally ALL men and some women too, thinking like he does. My expression says it all, “Gosh, so observant Mr. Wayne..” Yeah, that was oozing more sarcasm. Thinking just because I am pretty, that I am stupid or easy, or some fuck doll. No one ever takes me seriously. It always ends up pissing me off and here we are, and I am guessing his little explosion was a hormonally driven outburst. But as I said, I am used to it.

“I am not sticking a grenade up my crotch.” Is the growled response, the disgust in my tone matches the one on my face. “I could shift and set that thing off, no. Find something else or I will tuck it into a pocket. But I am definitely not inserting that thing.” Arms fold, glare steadily and I’d like to see him try to push it on me. Of course, that brings to mind his face eye level with my crotch and that is a whole hot twisted scene playing out in my head as we glare at one another. Okay so that is a very sexy thought, I wonder if he’d lick it before he sticks it?

Relenting a little, due to my own inner voices acting like idiots, I chuckle a bit. Yeah, I have issues…

“I will carry it, don’t worry about where. No, not in my butt either, before you suggest..” I cut him off before more words came out of his mouth, just in case! “I will do whatever needs done. I am not sure his game plan or what he has up his sleeves, usually something twisted but.. Yeah, we can’t have him doing this stuff, or his old tricks. I can’t for the life of me figure out just who brought him back to life nor how…” Not that it matters now, the Joker is back and ready to make a scene.

Question is, how do I get in there without being riddled with bullet holes? The Joker never really used a weapon on someone, that wasn’t his style. His goons usually do all the brute force shit. Bombs, guns, gases.. His arsenal was a broad one, before he died. “No more questions at the moment, I need to get some clothes on and go to City Hall if I am going to figure out how to get inside to see our new Mayor..” Reaching out to snatch his grenade combo tampon, hold onto it for now.

Where the hell did he get this device and why would a man have it? Looking at this tampon shaped item and Bruce’s face, I am getting some pretty warped ideas of where HE keeps these things. At least it looks new and clean… “Where do we start, or how?”
Harley groaned as Joker kissed her passionately. Their tongues battling for dominance. Fucking in a mansion was definitely better than fucking in a variety of, or alleyway, or hide out.

She felt the remaining bit of shorts being tugged down and thrown somewhere.A long moan slipped into their kiss as he slid inside of her. The Joker knew exactly what Harley wanted.

It had been so damned long she forgot how heavenly his cock felt.

“Fuuuuck…” she groaned once their kiss broke.

“Oh fuck! It’s good!” Joker howled, his fangs descended unconsciously, “You’re my Puddin’ again! I’m your Puddin’ too!”

“Yes, so good. Your coooock!” Harley whimpered.

Harley had been waiting forever for her clown of madness to claim her with those words. She had given up her whole life, literally for him.

“I—I told you f-fucking in mansions were great!” Harley stammered as she now gripped the desk

“I want to taste you! Really taste you. I won’t take too much, I promise. I’d never risk losing you again!”

Harley could practically hear her conscience (who now sounded like Pamsy) screaming how bad of an idea this was.

But the sex was soooooooo good!!!

“i du..dunno mistah Jaaayee…” her moan turned into a moan of pleasure.

Her body moved against his as she leaned her head back shivering as his fangs brushed against her neck, teasing. She shouldn’t want this. She would be someone new, something new.

‘If you give him this Harley, he will have your independence forever.

Harley blinked a few times and stared at the figment of her imagination that was Pamela.

“Nooo, nooo not yet.” He wouldn’t have her independence yet. Thats what she was saying but also answering the Joker.
Batman and the Hot Frigid Cop (Not sure how DC missed that one?)

Bruce couldn’t help but laugh, “Well at least you’d enjoy something up there, until it went off that is, it is a God damn shame that would be the most and best action it’s gotten, wouldn’t it be Stowe?!” He now had a nice little chuckle happening, but he saw the seething and knew what she was thinking.

“For fuck’s sake, get over yourself Stowe. Boo fucking who, you are a hot piece of ass, and so you think no one gives you credit because of it. That is your problem, not theirs, you know who you are, you know how smart and kick ass talented you are, yet you are letting others get into your head. Maybe some don’t respect you, but that gives you an advantage, and furthermore those people are idiots, so why do you give a fuck what they think? I think you’re smart, wicked smart, and tough. I thought that before I fully realized the rest, the first time I met you, I heard you dressing down a suspect, you were good, I couldn’t see you, but when I did I thought, this woman could be dangerous. That is a compliment.”

“You think I don’t use my looks, my money, to get what I need, put others at a disadvantage, do I give a shit if they think I am some idle playboy while I am learning what I need to take them down? No, I fucking do not! Don’t let others define you, use your talents, all of them, whatever your maker gave you, and be happy about it.”

Batman moved a bit, “Let me tell you, the fact you have my suit fitting very uncomfortably, is an advantage, it is hard to think straight with a hard and very painful cock. Yes, I saw your who ha there, when you climbed the stairs, and it was stellar. Fuck, it is hard to stop thinking about how that might feel. And, don’t be so offended, I saw you staring at my ass too. Stowe, we are human, that is natural, but it doesn’t make me respect you less, and wanting a woman and thinking she is really fucking impressive can both be true at the same time.”

The lecture was over, and Stowe might replay this and realize in many ways this was quite the backhanded compliment. “Keep it in your purse, it achieves the same benefit, and everyone but you will think it’s a tampon, and women need those. Even hard ass, non sexually interested bitches like you!” He gave her a grin, “That was meant to be a joke. I have trusted you here, trusted you a lot. I think the plan is not for the Joker to think you are interested in him, but rather chasing him, trying to stop or kill him, that will make you far more appealing to him, make him do stupid and reckless things to try to get you, so yes, we are going to use your sex as a trap, I’m just not sure how yet, but you and I have to be in constant communication, looking for opportunity, where and how we can get to him, at him. Let us not kid ourselves, he is one bad ass mother fucker! The most pathologically insane and dangerous man we could ever expect to face. If I wasn’t worried that I could do this, I wouldn’t be here with you right now.”

Bruce dreaded what still lie ahead and so he tried to make light of it. Batman put on his mask, “time to go to Gotham City and see the commissioner, we start there, you get some men to take to city hall, hopefully, he is still there.” Bruce hit a button and a small entrance opened on the far side where they would take the Batmobile out. Bruce handed her the tampon/tracking device/grenade. “Here, take it. It is too bad though, I thought you might need help getting it in, could have been fun … “ Bruce was again chuckling as he walked away and Stowe would see the winged doors of the ultra high performance vehicle swing up and open, her chariot awaiting.
Stowe & Leatherman - Bat Mobile Uber

Here we go again, he is making me smirk. A LOT! I am starting to feel like one of Joker's goons with this grin on my face. Seriously Bruce? Can we get past my pussy already? Petulant sounding playboy isn't worried about others thinking the very thing he is? Go figure! Shaking my head at this whole conversation, wisely I just keep my mouth shut and thoughts to myself. People reveal much about themselves when you just let them ramble on and on as he's doing right now.

"So kind of you, Mr. Wayne." The tone is mirthful, the look in my eyes I know has to be sharp as a blade right now. Why is it a woman is a bitch and a man in the same situation is "cunning"? Manipulative woman and then we get ambitious man? Sexists, they will always think this way, no amount of lib is going to change that fact. You get used to this shit too, hence my disdain for others who think I should act like that negative manipulative cunt inside their heads. Screw my way to the top, sure! Why not? They all think I did anyway, or we get the far end of the spectrum with guys like Wayne here, now I am some sort of uptight prude because I won't pogo on their cocks at beck and call.

"Thank you." At the door to his spiffy race car, and into the seat. The seat belt was.. Where is the seat belt? Looking around each side of the seat, the whole machine dipping when Wayne gets in. "Seat belts?" I ask, turning to that masked face in question.

"Let me strap you in.." He says, in this tone that seems.. cocky? What am I saying! He always sounds cocky, too cocky if you asked me. He fills the door frame, his masked face so near my own I can smell his mouthwash, see the color and flecks of others in his eyes. He is so damned near I can feel his exhale on my mouth. Shit!

"Alright.." Squeaks out a bit, suddenly feeling crowded and a bit warm, clearing my throat as a gloved hand reaches around my hip and pulls out this harness looking piece. I'd glance down more but I am in danger of bonking our heads together, so the best I get to see is his eyes, masked nose and cocky smile. A hand on my thigh makes me tense a bit, until he says in a soft tone, "Just lean back, relax and let this happen … let me take care of it” that smirk twitching as if he might start to laugh, and both nipples get hard. Fuck this is not shit I need right now, and I growl a little, widening my knees where his hand can drop between into a gap and pull out yet another piece of this seat belt.

Slipping the fitting into the harness, he's pressed his palm against my mound, “is that really necessary?” I ask, “Not really” he chuckles and continues. Fuck, he went high too, his forearm was more than friendly with pressing up between my thighs, mashing that leather to my bare sex.

"Like that do you?" We both say at the same time, then freeze. I can't help the burst of laughter that comes, his lips do twitch into a smile. The last one he has to back off to get since it's at his side of the car and seat, but he's got it and tugging it and the other hip rather hard, jostling me around so much I can feel my tits bounce as well as my whole body. He's got the upper belt, tugging it over my chest down to the fastener, then the other. Hell, I am not going anywhere in this set up, shit I can hardly breathe, and something in his eyes says he is liking this whole idea of strapping me down. It is possible I am just imagining things too, we don't seem to rub well together. I don't rub well with anyone really, can't afford complications like this in my life.

How did I not see this before, that mask isn't hiding a hell of a lot of him from the world? That mask opening just enough too a woman could sit on that and have a real nice time. Now I can't.. and of course, he can't undo what he's done either. A warm smile returns, staring at the Batman, He's no longer a total mystery. Who would have thought... WHY didn't they figure it out? I mean the stuff this man owns, who else? Ah, well. Alright, there are a few possibilities but of his size? Raz.. Wasn't that his name? I suppose he could have also filled this suit too.

We do stare at one another a long, long few seconds, I wonder what he is thinking, but then again... What does it matter. Got a bigger psycho fish to fry. No doubt in my mind that the Joker knows I want to haul his ass into jail. What cop doesn't? He's on that most wanted list, at the top. Even when he vanished, most seemed to have this sick sense he'd be back, fewer still knew he was dead, and so we dismissed him for that purpose. Shame on us.

Guess who's back, back again... Joker's back, tell your friends..

Can see it in his face as much as my own, we got a job to do. While this is and was amusing, there is worse shit to deal with right now than his too tight suit and my.. Nope! We are not putting that thought into my head, not right now. NOT EVER! "We better.." He nods, already up and the door is lowering, to his side of the bat mobile. "Probably best to drop me off somewhere near my place, an alley preferably so we're not seen together.." I can't go from Wayne manor to bat mobile to station, in this fucking button up of all things. I need my clothes, my car and then the station. "Alert S.W.A.T..." Assuming he can do that, or he knows someone who can, if Gordon hasn't done so already. This thing is rumored to haul ass, and so I am somewhat expecting it.. but not really! HOLY FUCK!

~ an hour later ~

It's utter chaos and every cop in the city is in some random sort-of horseshoe around City Hall, guns all drawn, sort of. A news chopper overhead as well as a few police as well, the Chief is in a mobile command unit bus and a few are arguing over who is going to try and negotiate with the loon inside. My arrival is barely noticed, no one seems interested in my ass, thank god. I am sure I will hear it when they're done, since it is my assigned charger over there.. minus tires. What the fuck did he DO to my car?! How the hell do you get almost all tires off the fucking rims? I got one left.. Yeah, I am so going to get reamed for that..


Lord grant me patience to accept the things I cannot change...

Morons. Who the hell else would be out here in this horseshoe of squad cars with flashy blinky lights and a bullhorn and helicopters swarming around with big old, lettered flak jackets and Kevlar vests? The fucking girl scouts?!

"We got snipers in the nearby building.." There's no angle though, the damned City Hall was built to prevent sniper attacks. Just a shit show, an utter shit show. Glancing around the area, I move over nearer and mostly behind the bus, it's armored and least likely to get through several layers of bullet proof giant black bus to hit me, and I have no doubt his goons in there are all armed. I am eavesdropping, listening in for a queue of some sort that will give me opportunity to lend a hand, and less opportunity to get demoted or yelled at.
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Black Mask and the Black Masks – Henching For Dummies

From his secondary blockade around the elevators, Black Mask was having trouble seeing the grand design. Sure, it was good for him to have a villain in office and if Joker had conquered death, he didn’t want to stand in opposition to him—but in the short term, the price tag on this caper was rising and Roman was left to foot the bill.

At least a dozen of his own henchers had defected to join Joker’s growing crew and Roman was feeling more and more like he was being actively sidekicked.

Keeping his head low, Black Mask moved across the lobby, where newspapers had been spread out to cover the blood puddle from the guard who fought back. The luxury couches and marble tabletops had been piled across the shattered glass building front creating a barricade. A sort of “No Man’s Land” had been created in the space between the occupiers’ barricade and the police barricade.

The police negotiator was shouting demands through a megaphone, which was common in such situations. Being professional criminals, the Black Masks had a megaphone of their own.

Joker only wants to see Cherry Dick!” the henchman with the megaphone shouted back, “anybody else comes out here they get lit up!

The henchman fired an aimless shot for emphasis, ducking down again before the laser sights found steady purchase on his mask or body.

Passing orders along was a lot like the children’s game “telephone.” Orders that aren’t fully understood are often misinterpreted and the more mouths they had to travel through, the less the final message could be relied on. And so it was that Joker’s order to let Detective Cherry through the barricade got misconstrued into an adamant demand for “Cherry Dick,” which the police had so far been helpless to interpret. The Black Mask negotiator even put special emphasis on it, putting bass in his voice as he said it each time Cherry Dick—desperately trying to preserve his ominous presence.

“Are you sure it wasn’t Dick Cherry?” Black Mask asked of his negotiator as both pressed their backs against the barricade, “I heard it was Dick Cherry.”

“I heard Cherry Dick… what’s a Dick Cherry?”

“What’s a Cherry Dick?”

The negotiator shrugged and Black Mask snatched the megaphone away from him.

If there’s a Dick Cherry, we can let them through.

“I’m pretty sure it was Cherry Dick…” the negotiator huffed, frustrated at being overruled.
Stowe, Bruce/Batman … an agreement, some slight bondage, and a partnership of sorts is formed

Is it wrong to enjoy strapping a woman in like this? When it is a woman who looks like Stowe, an irresistible combination of contempt and sexy chemistry, I think it would be wrong not to. “Just wiggle a bit, it needs to fit nice and tight, this is a high performance ride, lots of torque, the G forces may surprise you.” Yes, I am talking about the car, it’s ability to go 0-60 in 1.8, 0 to 120 MPH in 2.4, but fuck yes I’m cocky, I like to think of it as confidence.

“Like that do you…” Chuckling as wicked minds converge, Jinx you owe me a coke, is thought not said, why ruin the moment. “I do indeed… I only wish there was time to linger longer” Is instead growl although I do not expect similarly positive retort. Stated as back of hand slides up soft mound of gorgeous passenger, now nicely bound. My review would be most complementary of both grooming and physique.

Frustrating how little you lean into sex Stowe, not that you should, always respect a woman’s perogative, but damn a finer female specimen, perhaps other than Selina, another revelation of the last 24 hours and a woman who does seem a bit more receptive to suggestive advances, is not easy to find and seems an utter shame to forego. Yet life is long and we wil see what the future might bring?

As I come back around I do wonder what is in that head of yours, what you are thinking of all this, my surprise revelation, have I chosen wisely to trust you, perhaps it was impetuous, but I don’t think so, somehow I think you being aware of the duality of my persona will help us bring down the joker, and then, well perhaps I will need to kill you, or marry you? Smiling to myself in wonder as to which fate you might choose if required?

We have spent too much time already I know it, and only so long can I look into eyes, even as beautiful as yours. What. Contrast those will be to the psycho we now head to meet. Not sliding in like a normal driver, the Batmobile is drive face forward, laying on stomach, in prone position. So staring into my eyes will not be a temptation, my ass, well you can decide for yourself?

You lay out plan and I agree, “I’ll have you there in ten minutes, I’m serious about the G’s, close your eyes if you need to, it is not an admission of weakness.” Voice is a bit softer, no longer on sexual prowl, time to collaborate. I like how you move to business, logical, thorough. “It is too hard to hop in and out of this thing, I will just drop you when we get there, see you at City Hall.”

Accelerating at full speed, full throttle, ready to blow up anything that happens in our way, but all is clear, oddly clear, likely everyone is at home glued to their TV sets, listenting to Joker rant, pontificate and promise a world the needy want but can never fully happen. Their is even a certain appropriateness in some of his insane ramblings, but that is not my job, my job is to restore law and order.

At Stowe’s, can’t help but sneak peek as she has to adjust to undo belt, and swing gorgeous legs up and out, really, really gorgeous legs! A low growl, as wheels spin and torque kicks in to go head first into the hell awaiting. Shaking head, “Fuck, why did I ever decide to be Batman?” Mumbled silently in pure frustration to all that lies ahead and sacrifices required.

Ten minutes later

Pulling up to a bullet proof trailer, a mobile command center in the middle of this cluster fuck. Pushing through doors, no one questions, I see him staring at a screen which shows nothing. “Commissioner Gordon…” Jim Gordon turns and I see a sigh of relief pass through his body. “Thank God you’re here, gentlemen leave us please…”

I wish I shared his faith that the answer to his problems just walked through the door. “Is there any film of him seizing control of the Mayor’s office?” The commissioner only shakes his head, “Not him, some fo his men, and the woman, Harley, I think, and a blur …”

Batman stopped him, “The blur was Joker, he’s a vampire, he moves faster than the eye can command … “

Commissioner James Gordon was bewildered, “Not you too, that was what Bruce Wayne tried to tell me….”

“And you thought it was impossible. It is possible and he is a vampire.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the men coming back in the room, “The Joker wants Cherry Dick…” Batman, didn’t understand, “NO, he wants to only speak to Dick Cherry….” Everyone but Batman still looked completely confused. Bruce had heard the garble between Joker and Harly in reference to Detective Stowe earlier, he understood completely.

“Is Dectective Stowe here Commissioner?” Jim Gordon looked at him, “I don’t know, I think maybe ….” He sent the men off to find the Detective, before turning back, “Why do you want her?”

Batman chuckled, “I don’t… the lunatic does….” Gordon clearly didn’t understand, “Trust me, i know how to understand crazy… unfortunately.”
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BARBARA and DICK- The one who was forgotten

“You can’t seriously be thinking of considering what that old pervert said …”

Barbara sighed as she grabbed another handful of clothes and glanced at her crush or well, was it ex crush now? She may have slept with two guys at once but that didn’t mean she wasn’t hurt to see Dick in bed with Pamela.

Had he even cared where she was last night?

“All guys are perverts, dick. Dont tell me you’re jealous especially when you disappeared last night.” She couldn’t help the jab. “I’d ask where you went but I got that answer this morning.”

Another verbal kaplow was thrown at him.

“I’m sorry about last night … I’m not sure what happened … “

She shrugged her shoulders,”It’s fine.” She should have known better than to think she would be his first choice. She was inexperienced. Why choose Barbara Gordon over an older woman? She wasn’t exactly special.

“If I were a guy, I’d take a sexy older red head too. Is that even her real hair color?” Oh shoot, had she said that outloud? “I said, its fine Dick. I have to go…”

“I didn’t even get a chance to open your present .. do you still have it?”

She paused and her brow furrowed as she thought of the broken bird wrapped in blue wrapping paper. Barb had left it there on the ground, hadn’t she? She was so disoriented when she left, Barb wasn’t sure what she did with it.

“It’s somewhere at your house. I really have to go. I will keep in contact with you just to let you know I’m alive. I promise. This will be good for us, separation makes the heart grow stronger right?” Barbara blushed some and cleared her throat. She moved away from her bags and placed her hand on his chest and kissed his cheek. “Happy birthday, Dick.”

Without another word, Barbara grabbed her bags and made her way outside to the black car.

Joker snarled and bared his teeth, set to strike out at her neck—he was so hungry! But she’d said ‘no,’ which he kept reminding himself, meant no. Instead, he sank his teeth into the corner of the Mayoral desk, biting down until the whole desktop surface snapped along the grain. Joker buried his hips again, finishing inside—only considering afterward how or if his swimmers had survived his excursion to the other side. Did he have Vampire sperm? What would that even entail? Most likely his swimmers were dead and not coming back. Regardless, he came inside of Harley with a mouth full of splinters.

There was still a snarling growl issuing up from his throat as Joker spat out the pieces of the desk and pushed himself up off of Harley. He turned his head to the side without looking at her.

“I wasn’t going to turn you, just feed on you a little. Nothing some vitamin B supplements and a nap couldn’t fix!” Joker was clearly not very satisfied, despite the deep climax he’d enjoyed, his more urgent need seemed to be frustrated.

“Lucky for me, the first bags of donor blood have arrived,” Joker stabbed a straw into an IV bag full of blood and drank it like a Capri Sun, “being bitten doesn’t turn you. You have to do… like… other stuff.”

Actually, Joker had no idea. Most of his deep knowledge was in clown lore and Gotham City and Art of War... He should probably get to know more about Vampires, since he was one. Unfortunately for him, the only one who could answer some of these burning questions was Ras al Ghoul and he’d been conspicuous by his absence lately.

“J—Joker?” Rimshot had been waiting (and listening) at the door for when Joker was finished making up with Harley, “may I enter?”

Joker gestured to Harley to cover herself up, still picking splinters out of his teeth between sips of donor blood. It was cold, which was somehow unsatisfying to the point of revulsion.

“Come in.”

“Sorry to interrupt, Sir. Some weird old man came by, something about Rouge Owl Gruel?”

“Ras al Ghoul?”

“Yeah! Him. He said—to tell you—that he owns the docks now… oh! Something about the bills for your new life coming due. And if you don’t like it, he’ll leave you back where he found you.”

Rimshot grinned, pleased with himself that he could remember most of the message without tipping his hand at how interested he’d been in listening through the door. But Joker wasn’t pleased with the message.

“Arrrgh!” Joker seethed, tossing the empty transfusion bag across the room, “you had Ras al Ghoul here and you let him leave?”

“Well we had more people looking for Cherry Dick…”

“De-tec-tive Cherry! Not Cherry Dick, you fucking imbecile!”

“Someone told me Cherry Dick…”

“Ugh, it’s so hard to get good help!”

Joker was still naked as he radioed down to the barricade.

“All channels, regardless of what you might have heard, I’m looking for a Detective Cherry—not anything else you may have heard. She is not to be searched and brought up to my office right away. Over and out,” Joker released the talk button and slammed the walkie down, “why is being good so much harder than being evil?!?”
Ras al Ghoul and Slade Wilson – A Firm Hand

The black town car pulled away as soon as Barbara was inside. The electronic locks engaged automatically when Slade pushed down on the accelerator. Ras, for his part merely turned and flashed a smirk before turning his eyes forward again.

“You made the correct decision. I can appreciate that Greyson’s presence may have made this somewhat difficult for you, but I find it encouraging that you were able to assess the situation rationally before making a decision from emotion. Part of your training will be severing your emotions from your decision making,” Ras unbuckled his belt and unzipped his slacks.

Slade raised the partition between himself and the back seat without needing to be told.

“I have unexpected dinner plans, so I’ll need to multitask—your initiation and debriefing will have to take place simultaneously,” Ras reached over and grasped the back of Barbara’s neck, bringing her face down to his large and fully erect cock, “if I seem to be demanding a lot, it’s because I expect a lot from you.”

Ras fed Barbara his veiny cock like it was the most natural thing in the world.

“I will not be there when you carry out your mission, so Lieutenant Colonel Wilson will be taking point. He is farther in his training than you, so I expect you to obey him without hesitation or question. He will be executing the primary mission, your part will be to be seen but not apprehended. You should not engage with any of the targets, only move swiftly and with purpose, utilizing the shadows to give the impression that Batman is the one carrying out the mission. Show yourself, draw their fire and disappear again.

“I will ensure that you are able to do this before I send you into the field. Move your tongue to indicate that you understand.”

Ras leaned his head back, taking a moment to fully appreciate her response as his hand rode up and down on the back of her head.

“Good girl…”
Detective Stowe : The Barricade

Ear wig in place, “You understand your part here, Stowe?” Jacket taken, fitted into a vest, my weapons taken from me. “You are to go in, find out what he wants. Liaison, do not engage. Do not bargain, you’re not the negotiator here, you’re the middleman …. Woman.” Gopher, patsy, the fall-girl when shit goes south? Yeah.. I know. I’ve heard it all before. Unauthorized to do more than engage with the madman and hope he has a desire to give up his newly stolen seat of supposed power. Fuck… This is going to be a lot harder than they think.

“Why he callin’ you Cherry Dick?” Some S.W.A.T. member is leaning in the doorway, smirking at me. Apparently, this one was the idiot who played shitty telephone and delivered the demands. The commander didn’t find it amusing and gave the guy a scowl as he sent the guy packing.

What Bruce said made sense. somehow, I got to use my head and my body… My head far more than my body. I doubt the Joker is interested in my naked ass, maybe in draining some blood.. some? How comical is that. Vampires don’t sip us like wine, do they? Fuck again! I have the slightest clue and I have no idea the numbers in there but I am about to find out.

Use my head. He knows I’ll be looking to do my job, insulting him by play acting anything else seems unwise. Time will tell, and I can feel all eyes on me. I am stalling, my heart is racing hard and fast. They’re sending me into the den of a madman with highly exceptional senses and possibly thirst.

“I’m ready.” Is far braver than I feel and said with more confidence than I feel but hey, he asked specifically for me. No, no I am not ready! The earwig bud turns on, hearing the faint crackle and then the voice. They are going to know I am wired, I am not even going to bother trying to hide it either.

“Call came in, said Detective Cherry..” A head peeks into the doorway, barely and out before the laughter outside is heard. Men… such morons sometimes. If it’s not fart jokes, it’s sex. “Don’t let it get to you Stowe.” The commander, I forget his name, is trying to be serious and leadership like, reassuring me as if I care what they think. You need hard skin to be in a man’s world and face it, Gotham P.D. is a man’s world. “No problem Boss.” Tucking that tampon like thing into my pocket, checking badge and without either gun, I am out the command trailer and marching through the crowd, squad cars. Into the plaza I go, no man’s land. All eyes on me, it is not comforting.

Two masked what look like men exit the front doorway, flanking each side, guns pointed up but out where they can be seen clearly. So that’s two.. Stopping to stand before their make shift barricade, I can feel eyes raking over me, more than just the two pair here.

“The Joker asked for me.” Stating, chin coming up and cool eyes meeting those within the nearest eyelets of a black mask. “Detective..”

“Cherry. We know.” He grunts, exhales rather heavily and leans in. Bending a bit to avoid that breath of his, I can see his narrowing eyes as they roam over my body. He wants to search me, pat me down but holds himself in check. “You got anything on you?” Grounds out, this guy smokes.. a lot! Big too. Okay, I got a weakness for built guys but this one is creepy as fuck and a bit too big.

“Clothes, comms device, a tampon.. That count for things?”

“Stowe!” comes through the one ear but hey honesty is best policy, right? Hey I didn’t say there is a mic strapped to my bra cup now did I? Nope!

“Come.” Another grunt and growl, his head and gun jerking towards the stairs. Moving ahead of them, I am taken to two wood double doors where they bang on the door, “We got your Dick out here, Boss.” Raising his voice to boom loud through the halls, smirking as he looms over me.
Barbara training to be the best


“You made the correct decision. I can appreciate that Greyson’s presence may have made this somewhat difficult for you, but I find it encouraging that you were able to assess the situation rationally before making a decision from emotion. Part of your training will be severing your emotions from your decision making,”

Barbara’s head bobbed back and forth as she sucked on Ras’ Al Ghoul’s cock. It was more or less forced down her throat but what choice did she have?

“I have unexpected dinner plans, so I’ll need to multitask—your initiation and debriefing will have to take place simultaneously and if I seem to be demanding a lot, it’s because I expect a lot from you.”

She groaned in response but wasn’t sure if that was a groan of pleasure or just acknowledgment of his words. This was not like her. She only just lost her virginity the night before.

Yes, it had been with two guys at once but it was her first time, none the less. Her head continued to bob, her tongue dragging along the underside of his cock.

“I will not be there when you carry out your mission, so Lieutenant Colonel Wilson will be taking point. He is farther in his training than you, so I expect you to obey him without hesitation or question. He will be executing the primary mission, your part will be to be seen but not apprehended. You should not engage with any of the targets, only move swiftly and with purpose, utilizing the shadows to give the impression that Batman is the one carrying out the mission. Show yourself, draw their fire and disappear again.”

The tasks Ras was giving her seemed easy enough. She only hoped that she didn’t actually get shot at.

Obviously, she could respond or confirm she understood what he meant.

“I will ensure that you are able to do this before I send you into the field. Move your tongue to indicate that you understand.”

Her tongue flicked against the tip of his cock before returning to sucking, every now and then she would reach up and stroke his cock as she sucked. Thats what she’d been taught the night before.

“Good girl…”

The phrase had her shiver with delight.
Joker Re: Harley and Det. Stowe – Mis En Cine

“We got your Dick out here, Boss,” the newly minted Hench that Joker had nicknamed “Strongarm” called through the door. Strongarm was so named due to his obstinate pushiness, and not any particular feat of exceptional strength—but perhaps it would serve to sound intimidating to those who had never met him.

Joker swung the door open, reinvigorated by his latest feeding from transfusion blood, he was personifying the magnanimous host like the star of a silent film, arms and smile both spread wide.

“Well-well-well—if it isn’t my favorite dick of them all! I’m so pleased to see you, Cherry my dear!” Joker bowed low, nearly touching his forehead to the top of his wingtip loafer as he invited Stowe into the Gubernatorial office.

Despite the predictable disarray of a violent coup taking place, and a few discarded transfusion bags, the office looked fairly put together, as if Joker had actually been attempting the work of governance in his time engaged in a standoff with the whole of Gotham’s Major Crimes Division.

“My Harley has been practically beside herself with worry over you—she’s been like oh mah Detective Cherry! Ah miss hear so much!” Joker gestured as part of his cartoonish caricature impression of Harley, overplaying her accent which was hardly even a part of her brand anymore, “we’ve been wracked with worry—both of us! I’ve been completely distracted, worried that you were out there telling everyone that I was a selfish lover. Joker got his dick sucked and never returned the favor. Or some such.”

The impersonation of Stowe was slightly less cartoonish, but no less derivative.

Joker pulled out a seat for Stowe across from his desk, which he leapt and slid across to land in the plush armchair, his feet remaining on the desk. Joker produced a bottle of expensive Scotch from somewhere in the Governor’s desk and slid it over toward Stowe.

“Can I offer you a drink? I’m sure you’ve had a stressful day—being on the other side of these walls, up ‘til now. Or if you prefer gin or vodka, I can facilitate. I think the old mayor was a bit of a lush,” Joker made a bottle motion with his thumb and pinky.

“Stowe—I didn’t ask you up here just to offer to munch your box—though admittedly, that was my first priority. But after the box munching stuff, I’d like to talk to you about a way forward. Not just for this building, but for the city. See? Gordon’s past his prime and frankly, deeper into the Batman’s pocket than he is in the bottle.”

Joker paused, his eyes suddenly seeming to look beyond the back wall.

“Do bats have pouches? Like some awkward marsupial flying… penguins have pouches—but they don’t fly… bats are mammals, so they might have…”

Joker caught himself going off on a tangent.

“Gordon will never admit that I’m the mayor now. But you, Stowe. You’ve got imagination! You’ve got potential! You’ve got dick—sucking—lips! Damnit, Stowe! I’m offering you the Commissionership of GCPD! If Gordon resigns and names you as his successor, I will vacate the mansion and release the hostages—blah, blah, blah. I just want an election—a runoff over who the people really want. We can do a debate—we can do the campaign shit—kissing hands and shaking babies. A real vote—the whole dog and pony show! But if I win, I get to be Mayor—no takesy backseys! Whaddaya say? Ready to run things for a change, rather than getting the run around.”

Joker reached into a nearby mini fridge and grabbed a fresh packet of transfusion blood, raising it like a toast.

“I’ll drink to that!”


Ras al Ghoul and Slade Wilson – Pre-Mission Emissions

“If you find yourself outmatched, just get clear. I have other pieces in play, but you shouldn’t count on them. If you get yourself caught by the police or worse yet, the mobsters—we won’t be able to help you.”

Ras gripped Barbara’s long, red hair, bobbing her head in his lap as he felt himself nearing completion right around the same time Slade was pulling up to the abandoned building which would serve as the staging area for the mission to take back the Gotham Harbor Docks from the deeply entrenched Marone family.

Ras was nearly lifting his hips off the seat as he grew closer to climax.

“We’re here,” Slade said without inflection, glancing back into the rear view mirror at Ras.

“Ye-es!” Ras groaned as he came down Barbara’s throat, “swallow it.”

Once he was finished emptying his balls into the throat of a girl younger than his daughter, Ras released her hair and sat back in his seat.

“Your equipment is stored in the trunk. I’ll be taking the car from here, Slade will handle your exfil after the operation is complete.” Ras let her up and reached across her, opening the door, “If you’re successful, we’ll celebrate tonight at my penthouse. Go and seize your destiny.”
Detective Stowe: Lets Make A Deal … with the ????

Mister broad no-neck is the cock of the walk, grunting as we pass other henchmen, one has to wonder with arms that large, can he even wipe? Strewn papers here and there, a lone low-heeled shoe and a potted plant on it’s side dirt fanning across the marbled floor yet not a single body. No blood anywhere, no signs of injured bodies, perhaps all hostages are held elsewhere, or he has none? I can’t really speak into the mic at the moment, wedged between two goon union workers. Where does he get these guys? Goons -R- Us?

A meaty fist rattles the door when knocking, calling me ‘his dick’, again!? The gene pool with this one is a total loss. “Thanks.” Is said a little sarcastic as doors are thrown open and there stands Mistah J. A sheepish smile, awkwardness both felt somewhat, and ploy, to smile his way and then meet eye to eye before looking down. “Hey..” comes out of my mouth, my mind is going like a machine trying to solve this problem. Tread carefully Stowe.

Big guy moving aside, looking at me as I pass into the office, listening attentively and again, looking for casualties. “Did she, that is so kind..” The chair, my knees feel a little Jello and the entire fucking force is listening in on this conversation.. THANKS! Fuck, did we have to go there? “I .. whatever chemical attack happened at Wayne Manor is still under investigation. We do not..” A sigh and a nod, “Yes, please. A drink would be great!” Catching his eyes, his mimickey of drinking and try to smile again. “I woke up on the floor, afraid I missed the whole party. It is a bit of a blur..” A good cover story needs to be roughly the same facts…

Munch my box? Now that is both amusing and insulting at the same time, but hell if I am going to respond either way to that one. In my ear I can hear a few whispers but not what was said on the other end. You can’t take your eyes off of him, I have to remind myself of this. Appease him and play along. “Gin, please. My day has been a mess..” Waiting until handed a drink to hold it in my hands, warily watching.

Time to get frank.. and no, I don’t mean one of the goons. Not bothering to look for Harley, I know she’s here somewhere. What is a mad king without his queen? “Well that is .. kind of you, Mister Jay, I can’t recall the last time anyone has offered to… uh..” words just falter, I am fighting the urge to laugh and chew him out both at the same time, words just tumble out in a quick rush of breathy, “munch my box, but business is waiting, yes?” A flush of red, I will never ever live this down. Not in twenty years, or perhaps even in my lifetime. The Joker, offering to … The image in my head and those teeth, suddenly that is a frightening thought. Sobering, really.

Pouches? Well, that bat suit looked like it had some, and the utility belt.. Is that? No, that’s not what he means at all! Does he honestly think that the Batman is literally a bat? The expression on my face has to be as comical as this entire discussion AND! We need to move this man along! Quickly.

When the proposal comes pouring out of his mouth, I am not sure who is more stunned. Me or those listening? “That seems..” Insane? Ludicrous? “Fair. Yes,” Head nodding, situation of madness spiraling a bit but we can keep our calm and collected heads here. Gordon was closer to retirement, if not retiring soon anyway.. A lot can happen on a campaign trail too. Is he looking at my mouth?

A flashing smile and the drink is set aside, leaning back into the chair as I study the man across the desk. “I do agree with you, and you are correct about Gordon. He has done his time, for a long time.” I can hear someone whispering to relay a question but ignoring them seems wiser than to bring these eavesdroppers up in conversation. “A fair election and debates would be very good for Gotham as well as you, Mister Jay. Shed light on the man who cares about equality for the little people.. Are you in this for the little people?”
Pamela Isley

Pamela stared in boredom at the tv screen as various new stations were in shock. Shock that the Joker was back, shock that he was now the self proclaimed Mayor, and shocked that Harley was by his side, again.

None of this surprised her. Thr joker was like a fucking roach. Even when you thought he was dead, he wasn’t. Did it surprise her that Harley was back with that motherfucker?

Not in the slightest.

It was a tad but disappointing though but Harley seemed to still have that co dependency going on. It was why they couldn’t make it as a couple

As much as the female clown liked to pretend she was independent, it was part of the lie she told herself.

Speaking of co-dependency, Pam pulled out her phone and took a quick selfie. It wasnt as naughty as she would have liked to send but she was at work or pretending to be stuck in her lab working on research. The white lab coat hugged her body.

In the picture she was winking and blowing a kiss at him. ‘Dont miss me too much, Dick. Im off at 5, if youre interested.’

By now, the poor guy was probably omitted his hands and knees asking his little school friend for forgiveness but Pamela wasn’t going to let him think about it too much.

Harley and the Cherry Dick (Detective Cherry that is…) and her Joker of a Mayor.

Harley had been adjusting her clothes because as much as she loved the world to know that she was Mistah J’s girl for now, she didn’t want THEM seein her goods. That was special access only. She didn’t like being on the losing side and right now next to Mistah J was the closest thing to winning.

As the detective that they’d lost stepped into the room, Harley couldn’t stop the squeal of excitement. “Detective Cherrrryyy!!”

“My Harley has been practically beside herself with worry over you—she’s been like oh mah Detective Cherry! Ah miss hear so much!”

Harley’s brow furrowed. She didnt sound like that, did she? She sounded way cuter in her head. Her eyes slowly narrowed at him but she returned her attention to Detective Cherry.

She didn’t like bein made fun of!

“we’ve been wracked with worry—both of us! I’ve been completely distracted, worried that you were out there telling everyone that I was a selfish lover. Joker got his dick sucked and never returned the favor. Or some such.”

Harley leaned against the wall with a grin.

“Stowe—I didn’t ask you up here just to offer to munch your box”

“What??? We didn’t?!!” Harley was surprised and slightly disappointed,”Shame if ya ask me…”

“Well that is .. kind of you, Mister Jay, I can’t recall the last time anyone has offered to… uh..”

The way she said mistah jay but adding in that hard R. It didnt have that same twang that it did when Harley said it or at least Harley didn’t think so.

“:..But after the box munching stuff, I’d like to talk to you about a way forward. Not just for this building, but for the city. See? Gordon’s past his prime and frankly, deeper into the Batman’s pocket than he is in the bottle.”

“munch my box, but business is waiting, yes?”

Harley wasn’t exactly sure where he was going with all this but was quiet, for now — just listening, just observing.

“Do bats have pouches? Like some awkward marsupial flying… penguins have pouches—but they don’t fly… bats are mammals, so they might have…”

“That seems..fair.”

Her brows creased in confusion. Should she tell him he was going off track as he usually did. Naaaah, he seemed to realize it and besides god forbid she sound like some
dumb bronx broad.

“Gordon will never admit that I’m the mayor now. But you, Stowe. You’ve got imagination! You’ve got potential! You’ve got dick—sucking—lips! Damnit, Stowe! I’m offering you the Commissionership of GCPD! If Gordon resigns and names you as his successor, I will vacate the mansion and release the hostages—blah, blah, blah. I just want an election—a runoff over who the people really want. We can do a debate—we can do the campaign shit—kissing hands and shaking babies. A real vote—the whole dog and pony show! But if I win, I get to be Mayor—no takesy backseys! Whaddaya say? Ready to run things for a change, rather than getting the run around.”

.“I do agree with you, and you are correct about Gordon. He has done his time, for a long time.”

Harley was getting bored. She idly glanced through the bookcase, still listening but still not truly taking part in the conversation.

Until she wasn’t bored.

Can I be a psychiatrist again? Since we are doin all this promotional stuff.Harley asked after raising her hand like a student in school.I can be a good girl!
Barbara and the dangerous mission

“If you find yourself outmatched, just get clear. I have other pieces in play, but you shouldn’t count on them. If you get yourself caught by the police or worse yet, the mobsters—we won’t be able to help you.”

Barbara was pretty sure that her heart beating rapidly against from possible gear of getting caught by the mob or police. Fraud was a dangerous act!

She nearly gagged on Ras Al Ghouls cock as she felt his fingers intertwine through her red hair. She gurgled out littke sounds of pleasure as her tongue twirled around his cock then ecentually went back to bobbing back and forth.

“We’re here,”

“Ye-es…swallow it.”

With that, Barb felt the warm, salty cum go down her throat. Still unused to it, she sputtered and coughed some before pulling back. Barb was still in a slight haze.

She sat up and wiped her mouth some.

Your equipment is stored in the trunk. I’ll be taking the car from here, Slade will handle your exfil after the operation is complete.”

Well that was…not expected.


Barbara climbed out of ths car and opened the trunk. She pulled the suit out and it looked a lot like Batman’s except the measurements obviously.

“I guess this is goodbye then…”

“If you’re successful, we’ll celebrate tonight at my penthouse. Go and seize your destiny.”

Her pussy clenched at those words though, she wasn't sure why. God, she’d had sex once and was already turning into a nympho! Barbara glanced around to find a place to change because he obviously didnt mean for her to change out in the open right?
Dick realizes consequences of dicking Pamela & Batman has a far more critical realization

Dick had been in a hard place the prior night, in fact he’d never been harder, but now hearing Barbara’s voice, and even more the hurt in her eyes, he was ashamed, but not entirely sorry, how could he be after enjoying such ecstacy, and finding himself craving more almost like an addict who was just coming down his first hit of heroine.

“Things just happened Barbara, the stuff in the air, and you disappeared too, I didn’t see you, but you obviously stayed?” Dick Grayson was partially talking to himself, talking to Barbara. She was focused on his choice, “If I were a guy, I’d take a sexy older red head too. Is that even her real hair color?”

Dick, like an idiot, responded to the question. “How would I know that?” As if that was the real question at hand, however, Dick had been so focused on grinding and getting deep inside Pamela’s pussy, he hadn’t even gotten a chance to enjoy the view of her silky smooth mound where if there was a contrast in color, no one would ever know?

“I … I didn’t realize it was a choice .. was it?” He looked up at Barbara, was she saying she had been willing to go to the same place the prior night that Pamela so skillfully took him. “Barbara you are so special to me, I don’t want you to think I don’t want …” He shook his head, “I want that very much …” But what he wasn’t sure or didn’t really want to think about was whether Pamela, whose number was burning an eager hole in his pocket, keeping his cock at a constant tingle of expectation, made it impossible to also pursue Barbara, who was truly the young love of his life.

She was angry, he had hurt her, and he was ashamed. He heard her words, “I’ll look for it …” Referencing his present, and when he did, seeing the broken robin, it would be a harsh reminder of the current status of their relationship. “Please stay in touch … Barbara … I … I….” But she was gone.

Dick walked out of the house and immediately called Bruce who had just let Dectective Stowe off. “Barbara has left with that Raz man, the old man you told me to be careful of offending. He recruited her, but to what I don’t know?” Batman stayed calm, but this was concerning, why subject Commissioner’s Gordon’s daughter to such risk, and after last night, something about the taking of a young woman’s anal cherry, made him even a bit more protective than usual. This would be yet another topic of conversation for his late dinner with Raz, however that was nothing compared to the Joker.

It had taken Bruce longer than it should have, or perhaps he just needed to regain the Batman personna, more likely the toxins, but now he realized that his conversation with Raz last night, and the reemergence of the joker as a vampire, Prince of Darkness, had to be related. It was not a stretch to think Raz had harness the “fountain of youth” powers of the pools to not only endlessly extend, but also to resuscitate life to the dead. His question was not if Raz, but why, for Raz hated vermin like the joker even more than he did, so how did this most dangerous maniac play into his grand vision of vigilante justice?

Dick headed back to the mansion, and was just stripping down to shower when he got Pamela’s sext. While not x rated, she had positioned just so, and unbuttoned just right to make it a very nice R. As he read the text, his hand had already found his quickly hardening cock, “Yes, Miss … Pamela… I am very interested.” If only she could have seen the fervent stroking of his young dick, she would have known. She had definitely made him an addict, and he was thrilled to hear from his dealer. “… where is your office, I will pick you up at 5:00, should I wear anything special?”

While a part of him wanted to have a real date, the part currently in need only wanted to be alone, naked and getting his fix!
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Batman at the Command Center

Jim Gordon was seething at the Joker’s statement, “How dare that lunatic …” and that was the background murmer Stowe heard in her ear piece. Batman simply listened and raised his gloved hand to his mouth, suggesting but not saying “Sshhh”. This was a most unexpected offer, a way to disarm the moment, but he could tell Gordon was far from compliant and was interested in what Stowe said.

As she made her proclamation, Batman could barely contain his smirk, smart girl, his instincts had been right. “That insolent, ambitious bitch!” Gordon was losing it, and Batman needed to take control. “Everyone out, but the Commissioner and I, I will take over negotiations.”

The SWAT negotiator was furious, “You have no training, I am in com….” Yet the look Batman gave the man froze him in his tracks, and he wilted as if he’d just been waterboarded into submission. “This is highly irregular, we will need to debrief on this later, this should not…” He looked at Gordon, who was two consumed with the repeated shots to his ego, as no man wants to acknowledge the threat of Father Time.

They were suddenly alone in the trailer, and Batman put on the headset so he could speak directly into Stowe’s ear. “Stowe, this is Batman…” The voice was calm, but firm, “Good job so far.” Batman hit mute. And put his hand on Gordon’s shoulder. “She has no choice but to agree, and we don’t either. My goal is to get her out of there, and then send her back, so the Joker knows he has a deal in hand. Jim, this is the only way this doesn’t turn into a fucking nightmare right here.”

Jim Gordon only nodded, “Get her out of there, we’ll talk … “ His shoulders slumped and his temples stopped throbbing, “But I see your point.”

Batman unmuted the microphone. ‘’Sorry Stowe, we needed a moment to agree here. I think I know how Joker came back, we can discuss that later, but I don’t think the person who did that would have agreed to this, but I don’t know. I think he is free lancing and we need to take advantage and end this. Right now, this is not a bad solution, but he needs to know it is real. Tell him you need to talk to us, and you’ll be back quickly with an answer. Keep him thinking you’re on his side .. And Detective … you’ve done well.”

It was then Batmen heard Harley, having not fully realized she was still with him, but she could be used, or at least he thought she could. She had a hard time staying focused on one plan, or one lover, she craved attention and to feel she was on top.

“Stowe! Endorse that … tell him you would like to enlist Harley if you were going to really get this whole situation under control… the fact she will share Joker with you, means she likes you… wants you… that’s good!” Batman was actually thinking out loud, but Stowe hopefully heard it and would follow his lead. “Maybe have Harley leave with you, to hear in person our agreement to Joker’s proposal?”

It didn’t take long to get agreement, for now Commissioner Jim Gordon would step aside, Detective Stowe would assume the role of acting commissioner, it was all a facade, but a necessary one. Or was it? The Joker was not wrong about Jim Gordon, he was long in the tooth, and the fact Batman had trusted Stowe, and agreed she might be the perfect new commissioner. The only thing that bothered him was he and Joker coming to the same conclusion …
Joker Re: Harley and Det. Stowe – The Rising Tide

Clear blocks of pick-chipped glass tinkled melodically as they bounced around the bottom of the cut crystal glass. The cubes clicked and hissed as the top shelf gin flooded the glass to raise them up from the bottom. The seltzer bottle hissed and splashed as Joker squeezed the handle to mix the sparkling water over the gin. He used his folding boot knife to cut the lime which he squeezed thoroughly before rimming the glass and dropping the lime into the drink.

Joker slid the glass near Stowe’s hand only to have her set it aside.

“A rising tide raises all ships,” Joker grinned, grateful that his words seemed to be resonating with Stowe, “you must be tired of it, aren’t you? The sexual harassment, the snide remarks, everybody treating you like you’re a little less than… Like you don’t deserve the credit you get, when you’ve done more than the next five above you. I know that feeling, Stowe. Heh—”

A humorless laugh as he sat back in the mayor’s chair.

“Winning. It’s the only cure for being overlooked. Don’t get even, get everything,” Joker leaned forward in his chair, “if you want the truth, I don’t give a shit about the little guy—I hate the fucking little guy!”

Joker slammed his fist on the desk. In his previous life, they would have called this “acting out.” Now it was politics.

“But I hate he big guy more! Lots more. The same people have been on top for too long—the Waynes, the Falcones, the Marones. Unlike my predecessors, I’m not scared of the mob. I assume you’re not either, detective…” Joker’s eyes were drifting lower, following the pulse in Stowe’s neck, his eyes meandering down to her chest.

“Of course, we’ll need to work… closely together,” Joker’s tongue dabbed at the scarred corners of his mouth, “but that’s what I want. To work together with you. Not to order you around or use you like a puppet. You would be in charge. And if I ever need reigning in, you’ll be the one holding the reigns.”

Joker took Det. Stowe’s hand gently, shaking it with his own, cold as the underside of a grave. A cordial handshake—albeit unofficial as he directed her fingers to the side of the gently sweating crystal glass.

“All you gotta do is say, ‘yes,’” it was then that Joker heard Harley’s plea to return to the workforce in her own way.

Joker’s eyes flashed with mad rage, he whirled on her with speed enough to brush some stray papers off the desk. It was like all the bad times came flooding in like a tidal wave—the abuse, the manipulation, the frightening way he had of making everyone do exactly what he wanted. One look seemed to unleash years of trauma on Harley in less than a second.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” the Joker seethed, his anger seemingly manufactured from thin air, “you never stopped being a psychiatrist!”

In spite of everything leading up to it, his response was supportive. Was this really a new Joker?

Slade Wilson Re: Barbara - The Blade and The Bat

Slade hefted his own trunk of goods out of the trunk, the gear weighing enough that the town car sat up a little higher on its shocks as he removed the large, black, military case. He closed the trunk and slapped the bumper twice, signaling Ras that they had what they needed, allowing him to pull away without a glance back at them.

“C’mon,” Slade gestured with his head toward the abandoned building which he had scouted the night before.

A small corner of the chain link fence had been cut and Slade pulled it back, allowing Barbara to go inside first. It was hard not to stare at her exceptionally toned ass as she climbed into the abandoned house, but he tried to remind himself that Barbara was the same age as his daughter.

Despite the age difference, Slade was generally recognized as a very attractive man. His body was like chiseled granite and his grey beard was often incited comparisons to Sean Connery when he was playing James Bond. His eyepatch gave an air of mystery and danger—not to mention the fact that one could count the muscles of his stomach through the thick material of his black turtleneck.

Slade followed Barbara inside, disguising the way they had come before lighting a butane lantern on the dirty floor.

“Get dressed,” Slade instructed, clapping his hands together to brush away the dust from the ground, “we’ll be safe in here until the time comes.”

Slade peeled his black turtleneck over his head, revealing his neatly trimmed nest of silver chest hair and various scars all across his muscular body. Every vein, every sinew moved and flexed as he continued undressing without hesitation.

Gotham’s waterfront was lousy with abandoned properties, originally built as part of the Wayne family’s revival initiative, most civilized people had abandoned this part of town long ago during one bloody mob war or another. The abandoned buildings made for a haven of gang traps and squatter homes—but this house was still untouched from the former tenants who had most likely walked away from the property after losing their lifesavings.

Slade stepped into his form-fitted tactical clothes, orange and black, ultra-thin but capable of stopping a knife—even redirecting a bullet under the right circumstances. The material resembled latex stamped with a beehive latticework on the outside. Barbara’s all black costume was made of the same material. Hers zipped up the front, ordinarily Ras preferred his female operatives leave plenty of skin showing, but as Barbara was supposed to be imitating Batman, better to keep her cleavage covered this time. Straddling the zipper was a clasping bat logo, made of the same kind of reflective, yellow plastic as road markers, designed to reflect and magnify almost any light. It was the icon they were meant to see—not its barer.

Slade continued to dress for battle, crossing swords on his back and strapping pistol after pistol to his thighs. A knife, an axe, another knife, a bandolero of throwing knives—Slade was armed to the teeth.

When he was fully dressed except for his mas and HUD system, he extracted a flask stamped with the Navy Seals logo. He took a long drink before offering the flask to Barbara.

“I hope you’re as good as Ras thinks you can be,” Slade’s tone was almost cautionary, “they are not going to be happy to see us.”

Ras al Ghoul Re: Pam Isley – Seeds of Doubt

“Call the office of Dr. Pamela Isely,” Ras instructed the smart dash console as he made his way grudgingly through even more of Downtown Gotham’s worst traffic. It was going to take him at least an hour to make it to the restaurant for his dinner with Bruce.

He had to multitask.

The muted ring played through the car speakers.

“Yes, this is Ras al Ghoul calling for Doctor Isley. I’d like to make an appointment for first thing tomorrow morning, please. I have a… charitable opportunity that I think she’d be very interested in.”
Detective Lily Stowe - The Hornet's Nest

Cool greens follow every motion of those trickster hands, that drink mixed as if born a bartender and I have to ponder, was he? Before this? What did this maniac do? It smells of sex in here, and not mine. Shifting in seat, taking that offered drink to set it aside as we discuss things, until that toast. I need him in line, manageable.. somehow. That is another tricky part, I doubt anyone can manage this .. clown for long. So mad, so .. fanatical and determined.

“Winning. It’s the only cure for being overlooked. Don’t get even, get everything,” I hear Batman in my ear, and Gordon, he is livid!? Fuck, my acting must be much better than I thought? How can he even buy into this sham? Really? Who raised me after I lost my dad? JIM GORDON! And he thinks I.. Do I agree with the Joker?

“But I hate the big guy more! Lots more. The same people have been on top for too long—the Waynes, the Falcones, the Marones. Unlike my predecessors, I’m not scared of the mob. I assume you’re not either, detective…” Joker’s eyes were drifting lower over me, is it my pulse or tits that captivate?

“You have NO idea how fed up I am, but..” Our eyes lock and that glass is taken in firm hand, crooked smile lifting when our eyes collide. “I think I misjudged you, Mister Jay.” I shift forward when eyes almost devour me, that open necked vee plunging down a few buttons, glasses tap and clink. “The mob doesn’t scare me, not much does.” Okay so that might be a little bit of a lie, this one scares me, but I will not give in and show it… I hope.

Play the game, Stowe! Eyes fix on that face, the way his mouth twists as he speaks of both the rats and the elites almost in the same breath. Do I believe him on his words about reigning in? Only a fool would believe them able to control the Joker, yet I smile the sexiest smile I can give a man. “Giddy up..” Is the husky whisper, tilting that glass to drink.

It’s difficult not to flinch when he goes off on Harley, my pulse is hammering, and I know he can hear it as well as that swift intake of breath. Will he call me on it? Who knows but Bruce has a good idea and listening to his whispered words, encouraging me. A shiver causes goose bumps, it’s been an awful long time since any man has praised me.. It does give me goosebumps. Fuck, do I have daddy issues or what? I may be near to Harley before…

Speaking of..

“Yes.” I said, sitting forward to put that empty glass onto the desktop, getting his eyes back on me. “Yes, Mister Jay, I think you are very correct and very wise. I think this town needs a man in this office who .. can make change. A fair election would do wonders, wouldn’t it? And just think of all those parties and fund raisers.. Who doesn’t like free money?” A dimpled smile spreads across my face, I hope it is not a constrained look but one of admiration I am aiming for. “I have to take this deal of yours down to the command center, Harley could accompany me and make sure your demands are crystal clear. Does not hurt to have two relaying your wishes, yes?” I glance then over to Harley, a warmer smile spreading.

“A psychiatrist such as Harley can surely read people and judge for you and for me their honoring of your demands, I dislike wasting my time.. No doubt you do too?”
Joker Re: Det. Stowe and Harley – The Old Clown’s New Trick

Tossing his head back, Joker neighed like a horse, shaking his lips against his face and making a sound like whickering in response to Stowe’s flirtatious reference to his equestrian metaphor. This was going well. Despite her profession, Joker was enjoying getting to know Detective Stowe. Harley liked her too, which was important.

Everything seemed to be going swimmingly until the detective tried to slip in her condition casually. She wanted to take Harley with her. It wasn’t enough for him to release the deposed mayor and end the standoff—they had to take his girl too. Joker was still smiling, but the mirth quickly fled from his eyes, like an entirely different tone overcame his face without his expression changing at all. Suddenly his smile was ominous, dark… threatening.

“You want to take my Harley away from me?” it was like the laughing, neighing, joking clown was gone all at once, a painted predator in his place—red of tooth and claw, “you know, there was a time when even suggesting such a thing would set me off. By that I mean, I’d leap across this desk, snatch you by the throat and rape you until the room stunk…”

The pause was heavy—somehow worse than a pregnant pause. An aborted pause.

“But.” The word landed like permission for everyone to breathe in the breath they had been collectively holding, the playfulness returning to his smile, bit by bit, “I’m turning over a new leaf—as it were. So I’m going to do something I almost never do, I’m going to trust a pig. Detective, despite my long and complicated history with the Gotham PD, Major Crimes Division—I’ve decided to trust you, Cherry Pie.

“As mentioned, this is a new experience for me, so I should tell you that if my trust is broken, I genuinely do not know what I will do. You understand? There are levels to depravity that even I have not yet explored—and if you betray me, Detective, we’re going to dredge those depths together—you and I. Understand?”

It was a long-winded way to get around to a threat, but Joker trusted that the extra effort would make it clear that he meant it.

“In return for this… unheard of leap of faith on my part. I want you to bring someone to me from your side. Amanda Waller. I want her. Here, sitting right where you are. I know you’re looking for me to guarantee her safety, but I won’t. You’ll have to trust me.”

Joker turned to Harley.

“Puddin’, you good with this?”


Ras al Ghoul Re: Bruce Wayne – Breaking Bread

Ras was known for arriving early, conversely, Bruce Wayne was notorious for being late—it made for a fairly reliable wait any time they made plans to be somewhere together. Ras was taking his wait at the bar, watching impatiently as the sun faded to a dark shade of ochre behind the residual smoke from the riots.

The restaurant was mostly empty, barely even open after the events of the day, but Ras was unconcerned with the trials and tribulations of service people. He was concerned with the Detective. Would he still wish to invest? How much did he know about what Ras was planning—or who he was in cahoots with?

There was still much uncertainty that only the Detective himself could unravel.

Moreover, Ras knew that if he could keep Bruce Wayne occupied at dinner, the Bat would be conspicuous by his absence from the docks. Worst case scenario, the bird might make an appearance, but Slade was a battle hardened veteran—Greyson was an orphan who grew up in a mansion. A male version of Little Orphan Annie. If Greyson tried to intervene on the docks, he’d find that it was a hard knock life.

Ras rattled the hand-carved cubes in his rocks glass, letting the bartender refresh his glass of Scotch. He checked his Rolex. It was almost time…
Bat..person B- Barbara impersonating a hero

Barbara was a quick study and prided herself for being able to multi-task. Not many women could do that. But the cute curvy red head could listen to directions while sucking cock, apparently. Her father would be proud. Well— maybe not with her current actions. She was getting ready to impersonate one of the most famous heroes in all of Gotham City. It wasn’t exactly detective work like she had always dreamed but babysteps…

With that last thought, she had to fight the arrogant grin. In the last 8-16 hours, Barbara had managed to suck 2– no 3 cocks! She shouldn’t have been proud of her sexual escapades, she was the commissioner’s daughter after all, yet there was a virgin sense of pride about what she’d done.

Take that Dr. Pamela whatever her last name was!

“Get dressed,” Slade instructed, clapping his hands together to brush away the dust from the ground, “we’ll be safe in here until the time comes.”

Barbara was doing her best not to gawk because as hot as Mr. Slade was , he still looked scary as fuck.

Once she felt like Mr. Slade wouldnt be staring at her as she changed, she did just that…changed. The spandex suit was form hugging obviously but it still had the appearance of Batman.

“I hope you’re as good as Ras thinks you can be,” Slade’s tone was almost cautionary, “they are not going to be happy to see us.”

She stared at the Flask for a minute, eyes narrowing before taking it and taking a quick swig before coughing some. She wasnt used to such hard liquor.

“Good gods what is that?” She hissed before clearing her throat, “I should be fine…” she was responding to his earlier comment about his hope that she was as good as Ras thought. She was a huge mega fan of Batman and had even practiced his stances in the mirror like any fan girl would do.

“Im ready by the way. My breasts arent obvious in this are they?” She pulled her hair up so when she put the mask on her obvious red locks wouldn’t show.

Harley Quinn or Harleen Quinzel that is the question

“I think I misjudged you, Mister Jay. The mob doesn’t scare me, not much does.” Okay so that might be a little bit of a lie, this one scares me, but I will not give in and show it… I hope.”

Well that was hot, Harley wasn’t expecting that. She loved a woman who knew what she wanted and didn’t let anyone bully her around. Harley watched almost mesmerized by the way Detective Cherry was playing the tease.

At some point Detective Cherry even as Mistah J was talking about rats and rich people which…Harley didn’t really get but most of the time she was just around to look pretty.

Fuck, was he doing that to her now? Setting Harley up to be his pretty little ceramic crown that he didn’t want anyone to break but …

“Giddy up..” Detective Cherry had leaned forward to say to Mistah J.

“Thats hot…” Harley mumbled then gasped quietly covering her mouth. Had she said that out loud?

She busied herself with glancing around the office and fumbling with the books pretending like she wasnt listening.

“I have to take this deal of yours down to the command center, Harley could accompany me and make sure your demands are crystal clear. Does not hurt to have two relaying your wishes, yes?”

Harley squeaked and glanced over at Detective Cherry. She lifted a blonde brow at the detective but quickly covered her curious look with a smile.

“A psychiatrist such as Harley can surely read people and judge for you and for me their honoring of your demands, I dislike wasting my time.. No doubt you do too?”

“Oooh adding a bit of my own flare might bring the votership up Mistah J…”

Harley wasn’t sure if Detective Cherry was being serious or not, but it didn’t matter right now.

“You want to take my Harley away from me?” it was like the laughing, neighing, joking clown was gone all at once, a painted predator in his place—red of tooth and claw, “you know, there was a time when even suggesting such a thing would set me off. By that I mean, I’d leap across this desk, snatch you by the throat and rape you until the room stunk…”

“Its almost insalting that he aint…” she muttered quietly.

“But.” The word landed like permission for everyone to breathe in the breath they had been collectively holding, the playfulness returning to his smile, bit by bit, “I’m turning over a new leaf—as it were. So I’m going to do something I almost never do, I’m going to trust a pig. Detective, despite my long and complicated history with the Gotham PD, Major Crimes Division—I’ve decided to trust you, Cherry Pie.

Harley had to roll her eyes as she turned her attention back to the books. He kept saying he had turned pver a new leaf but she wasn’t convinced.

They were still talkin like Harley wasnt in the room!

“Puddin’, you good with this?”

The words snapped her out of her own head and frowned. She had sort of spaced out again and vaguely heard the name Amanda Waller but hadn’t actually paid mucb attention. Shit, was she slipping back to old habits?

She looked between the joker and Detective Cherry.

“Yes.” What was she agreein to again? Fuck! She let mind go through the conversation that she heard but stopped paying attention to. Right, he wanted to know if she was okay with going with Detective Cherry.

Okay, at least she knew what she was doin.
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Batman First … Bruce Later …

Bruce Wayne, Batman, and The Detective as Ras referred to him listened to every word spoke to Detective Stowe. He liked the woman, more than liked, and he admired her, her balls! “Jesus… “ Jim Gordon spit as the venom began to spill from the Joker’s mouth in response to Stowe’s request.

“Shhh” Batman said, he wanted to hear every fucking word, despising the utter helplessness he felt at the moment. “She knows what she is doing, she has good instincts…” That was what Batman said to the commissioner, he only hoped he was right. You never really knew when you were dealing with a psychopath, who was now a psychopathic vampire.

He made a vow, if the joker carried out his threat, he was not the only one who had yet to explore the depth of his depravity. How exactly did one torture a vampire anyway?

It was with a sigh of relief he finally heard the Joker’s response. Turning to Gordon, “Where is Waller, Bruce & Batman, both of his personas, had some experience with the very attractive Doctor. “Send a detective, get her here, so we can talk.” Batman was not aware of the complex and highly questionable relationship between Waller and her patient, Harley Quinn.”

Gordon dispatched the plain clothesman and the two awaited Stowe’s and Harley’s arrival for “permission”. “Jim, don’t do anything heroic here, Stowe is going to come in, and we are going to make it look good in front of Harley, act as if it s a huge dilemma and only very begrudgingly are you stepping down. She has to buy it, and she and Stowe must return to Joker shortly. Whether or not we can convince Waller to join them is a different matter completely, but Harley must see that at least we tried.”

Bruce did not say what need not be said, he was quite certain that the Joker was not making an idle threat.


Later that night, after a quick trip back from the City Hall situation, now seemingly peacefully under control for the moment, Bruce had left and gone home, no longer Batman, slipping on a custom suit, and this time driving a new toy, a McLaren GTS, he was a big man, nearly six foot three and this was simply more comfortable than any model of Ferari or Porsche or Bugatti.

The valet’s all scurried out to get his keys, wanting to drive this most exotic of sports cars, if only for a minute, but Bruce knew one of the men, Dusty Hendrix, and it was Dusty he gave the keys. “I should be a couple of hours, if you’d like to enjoy yourself a bit, just bring it back whole.” Dusty was an orphan, Bruce had known him since he was six, the kid could use a few minutes of pleasure.

The young man looked down, biting his lip. “I was wondering if maybe I could go and see …”. Bruce nodded, “Candy, so you’re still seeing her?” Dusty was 18, Candy was Candice Vanderpoehl, a 32 year old socialite, the younger sister of a girl Bruce had once dated, long aga. Candice liked collecting boy toys, “You know she’s using you?” Bruce warned but a sly smile was on his face. “Absolutely Mr. Wayne … “ Bruce was still laughing as he walked into the restaurant, and knew Ras would be at the bar.

Bruce was shockingly prompt, for Bruce, but not compared to Ras, and was not surprised to see his old mentor at the bar, swirling something in his glass, no doubt bourbon or scotch, and only the very best. Bruce had two cigars in his pocket, in an air tight, locked container, those would be for after dinner, assuming it went well. That was a big assumption.

Bruce wasn’t looking for a fight, but he did need answers, and he knew Ras was seeeking them as well. He would not back out on the investment, but the rebirth of the Joker created all sorts of new questions. “Hello Ras …” He spoke before Ras turned to look at him, ‘Shall we get a table or would you prefer to have a drink here first?” The bartender was quick to attend, he knew Mr. Wayne rewarded service. “I’ll have whatever he is having, Mr. Al Ghoul has excellent taste …”
Detective Frozen Cherry Pie & Imminent Death Sit In A Room…

Fucking Christ! Sub-fucking-zero in a mother fuckin’ nano-second! It was utter system chaos to look into those mad eyes threatening to rape me. It’s not the raping that has my stomach knotted, my knees feeling numb, and my breath lodged in my throat. No, it is that look of promised torture before death… Obviously misunderstood but am I going to correct his madness?


Do I look stupid to you? FUCK! The ability to breathe returns almost reluctantly, pulse hammering like riding no high I’ve ever experienced before in my life. I am shaken, tingly, both afraid and for some crazy ass reason, pissed off AND turned on!


I open to speak and can’t fucking find words! I just can’t.. I hear myself laboring to breath, feel my shocked face try to smile and that nervous as all hell laugh bordering on hysterics welling up.


Going to trust me? ME? As if I am the fucking psycho here? Jesus! The held drink has to be set down before numb fingers let it slip out to the floor below. Harley seems distracted but I hear her pipe up in that cute and confused tone of voice her compliance with the idea.

Fuck! Alright, so in the future… Why the fuck is he looking at me like that? A firm stare is met right back, I may be stupidly balancing on the edge of death right now but I am not some weakling. I am no pussy and I won’t take his crap! Yeah. Right.. Good pep talk! Tilt the chin a little, fix him with a stern stare of your own and give him that sultry come-fuck-me smile.. also doubles as a go-fuck-yourself smile and that ever present I’m-Right look too. I can pull this off… I need to write a fucking last will..


Why me? WHY me? What did I do to deserve this shit? I am not even paid as much as the other detectives! Dicks. All of them.. Him too, glaring at me like I am going to steal his favorite play thing..

Focus Stowe!

“Waller is federal if I recall. I will make your demands clear. If they are smart, they will accept your terms and they will send Waller over here. She has a smart mouth that one. Met her once, she’s about as dried up as a nun and as pissy as a gaggle of geese.” The glass is set to the desk and slid back with a little shove. “Thank you for letting Harley help me deliver your terms. We will both be back.” Standing, I don’t know what the fuck might set him off or not, but rising and watching him, there is a thickness to the air, of waiting on his permission to leave his new office.

Once granted, I don’t even wait to see if Harley is going to join me or not. I need air, I need out of this room and I need to get down to the command center ASAP. Passing armed goon after armed goon, I am given no interference though I am watched by every pair of eyes I cross. “Harley?” I call, not looking back, knowing it echos in the building halls of marble, “you think you can get Waller on the line?” The outer door is shoved hard and for the first time in a couple of hours, I feel warm again. Gordon isn’t going to like this…