Grafitti Wall Thread

Even Carl Sandberg finds his way onto bathroom walls in Chicago!! :eek:

If I ask my mother for one egg, and she makes me two instead, and I eat them both, who's better at arithmetic, me or my mother?

:rose: :rose:

one endless childhood summer -new poem....please read.
mary had a little lamb
it's fleece was white as snow
she sold it for a hundred bucks
and bought a gram of blow
One day my boss did assign
Extra work that was not to be mine
The little prick hid his shirk
Behind my stellar work
Now come bonus time, his trembling ass is mine!
Merrymaker said:
One day my boss did assign
Extra work that was not to be mine
The little prick hid his shirk
Behind my stellar work
Now come bonus time, his trembling ass is mine!

You belong here
A Shakespearian actor named Harris,
Found work on a stage outside Paris,
But then he took a twirl,
With Hamlet's best girl,
And ended up stabbed through the arras.
:) :mad:
Tathagata said:
On the GB they have a Random Blurt Thread.
This is much the same
Leave a limerick, a rant, a poem, anything goes
Leave a message for someone
Respond to a previous post
Ask Eve about her hat
Think of it as a men's /ladies room wall
( I'm hoping someone post's Tara and Anna's numbers with " for a good time call" written above it
No rules
Just right
( or write as it were)

carry on

Bumping another goodie ....

Go, play .... have fun
just remember to wipe the seatie
when your done ;)

co-written with an old barfly friend in Brooklyn

A once famous Irish Bar's moose
had a front end but had no caboose
so they made a derrierre
out of tables and chairs
but they found that his stools were too loose.
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