Grits, cornbread, black-eyed peas, turnip greens, and sweet southern drawls

P. B. Walker said:

Yeah I totally agree. I was there in the "off season". I still had a blast. I don't think I'd like to be there during the spring break crowd. Not really my scene. Too easy to get into trouble LOL.

I also enjoyed my trip to Fort Walton Beach area too. They are pretty similar I imagine. :)


I haven't been to Ft. Walton but know that it is on the coast next to PCB (as you leave).

It really is a wonderful vacation spot (PCB) if you go during the off season. The season ends in mid-late August and is still hot and beautiful on the beach (although you are entering hurricane season for the gulf coast, which means churning waters and lots of baby jellyfish). You can get a room on the beach for $40 -$50 a night during this time. I highly recommend it.
Ebonyfire said:

did ya bring some food?


Didn't bring any, but I am thinking of making some red beans and rice for tomorrow.

And some cornbread (yum).
redelicious said:

Didn't bring any, but I am thinking of making some red beans and rice for tomorrow.

And some cornbread (yum).

add some blackened redfish and I might show up.
cymbidia said:
morningirl and i talk on the phone with frequent infrequency. She has this major southern drawl thing going that makes me scramble to keep up with her words sometimes. My dominant, Tex, has an accent that has to be heard to believed. Even standing there facing him, i still miss about one word in five. My California-born-and-raised ears just can't handle that drawl, i guess.

And grits, well, come on! That's not really people food. All y'all just laugh at us when we gamely try to eat it cuz you told us it was good, right? It's really for horses or rabbits or something, right?

cym, i knew there were times that i was making absolutely no sense when we talked. I thought it was just because i'm usually so emotional, not the accent, though.

I'm definitely a Southern girl, born in Tn, went to college in Alabama and lived in Georgia for 11 years now. BUT, i've recently discovered that those "damned Yankee" transplants can be pretty damn attractive.
I'm a Carolina girl. Born in NC, currently living in SC. I'm with LTR on the grits. I'll cook 'em, but I don't eat them. Its a texture thing for me.
Pure south Georgia girl here and ya'll I just gotta say......add a little sharp cheddar to the grits and well just yum.

I just never could figure why people up north put sugar in their cornbread but not in their tea. Makes no sense to me.

Good morning everyone.
Georgia Girl said:
Pure south Georgia girl here and ya'll I just gotta say......add a little sharp cheddar to the grits and well just yum.

I just never could figure why people up north put sugar in their cornbread but not in their tea. Makes no sense to me.

Good morning everyone.

Hello GG! I may be one of those big city Northern gals, but it's good to see you here!
CarolineOh said:

Hello GG! I may be one of those big city Northern gals, but it's good to see you here!

Thanks darling, I've been away for a bit.

This just looks like a day that calls for peach cobbler and homemade vanilla ice cream.
It's Tropical Storm Hanna wonderful? We needed a good soaking so bad. But it will make for some messy football when the Dawgs pluck the gamecocks later today.
WriterDom said:
It's Tropical Storm Hanna wonderful? We needed a good soaking so bad. But it will make for some messy football when the Dawgs pluck the gamecocks later today.

I like football when its kinda messy.
does livin' in suthern Ca-na-da count?

dixicritter said:
I don' min' a'tall Ma'am. Pleaze do come on ovah here an' join liddle ole me. I thank Mista WD is fixen to make us a right fine suppa.

hey!...dixi, gurl!......yo shore dew ware theyytt thare body harnass taayit! :D

hhhmmm.....duz yer Master call youse a critter cuz He keeps ya perched upppp sump place whar He kin git to ya reel quick when'eyre He fancies??

and darlin'? thar reeeelly no such thang as vittels and frogs gizzards????....cuz, if nawwt, whut wuz it thayyt kipt Jed, Jethro and Elly-Mae sew hellthy and Granny sew bisy in the kitchin' cookin' "mighty fine food fit fer a king" fer so menny 'ears???????

hope ya dont git yer Sunday Best crinolin in a knot over mah spellin', since ahhhh ne'er reelly feenished thurd graid win ah wuz a youngin' cuz mah teeecher ayit the schoooolhouse wuz allwees sea-ick, and bisides, daaddi keypt needin' mah heylp out baaaayck keepin' the dawgs outta the chicken coup!! !
Re: does livin' in suthern Ca-na-da count?

luvsubbbbb said:

hey!...dixi, gurl!......yo shore dew ware theyytt thare body harnass taayit! :D

hhhmmm.....duz yer Master call youse a critter cuz He keeps ya perched upppp sump place whar He kin git to ya reel quick when'eyre He fancies??

and darlin'? thar reeeelly no such thang as vittels and frogs gizzards????....cuz, if nawwt, whut wuz it thayyt kipt Jed, Jethro and Elly-Mae sew hellthy and Granny sew bisy in the kitchin' cookin' "mighty fine food fit fer a king" fer so menny 'ears???????

hope ya dont git yer Sunday Best crinolin in a knot over mah spellin', since ahhhh ne'er reelly feenished thurd graid win ah wuz a youngin' cuz mah teeecher ayit the schoooolhouse wuz allwees sea-ick, and bisides, daaddi keypt needin' mah heylp out baaaayck keepin' the dawgs outta the chicken coup!! !

LOL.....You so silly. And I ain't tellin on the vittels and frog gizzards.....~wink~
Good morning from floda.Theres sausage gravy and biscuts on the stove and I'll be rite back from 7-11 with your 12 pak darlinas I shut the traylor door stumble over your huntin dog and get tangeled iin your fisshin rods.I make it to the pikup after kikken a few yard byrds out the way and I'am down the road.BTW excuse the spellin I also went to skol here.By ya'll....lillum
lillum said:
Good morning from floda.Theres sausage gravy and biscuts on the stove and I'll be rite back from 7-11 with your 12 pak darlinas I shut the traylor door stumble over your huntin dog and get tangeled iin your fisshin rods.I make it to the pikup after kikken a few yard byrds out the way and I'am down the road.BTW excuse the spellin I also went to skol here.By ya'll....lillum

Dear GAWD.... I understood every word you just said. I do indeed come from a long and disreputable line of poor white trash. ;)
WriterDom said:
It's Tropical Storm Hanna wonderful? We needed a good soaking so bad. But it will make for some messy football when the Dawgs pluck the gamecocks later today.

Luckily it has cleared up, here in Gamecock country.

(And now I am forced to say, "Go Cocks")
It's lightening and thundering here. The sky is gray and dreary. And all i have to say is...Go 'Noles!!!!!! (at 7:45pm)
redelicious said:

Luckily it has cleared up, here in Gamecock country.

(And now I am forced to say, "Go Cocks")

It was clear here, LOL!!

Guess I will stick to cooking.:rolleyes:

cymbidia said:
And grits, well, come on! That's not really people food. All y'all just laugh at us when we gamely try to eat it cuz you told us it was good, right? It's really for horses or rabbits or something, right?

Naw cym we just laugh at folks trying to eat them plain. We always forget to tell the first timers what to put on Grits.

spankabelle. Bless you I have been looking for that football North vs South thing for a while now.

And in closing a loud resouning UGA
Hot4Heels said:

Naw cym we just laugh at folks trying to eat them plain. We always forget to tell the first timers what to put on Grits.

spankabelle. Bless you I have been looking for that football North vs South thing for a while now.

And in closing a loud resouning UGA

Hot4Heels said:

spankabelle. Bless you I have been looking for that football North vs South thing for a while now.

And in closing a loud resouning UGA

i do what i can to help,'s that southern hospitality thing :p