Grits, cornbread, black-eyed peas, turnip greens, and sweet southern drawls

I've spent all morning building an ark. Now I need 2 redheads, 2 blondes, and 2 brunettes.
lovetoread said:

Its that bad there?

Not sure when the rain started. Friday night maybe. But it hasn't let up since then. Not complaining though. I am getting a little stir crazy though. If I can find my old navy rain coat, I might go fishing.
MY-Sir's-k- said:

Belle, HOW BOUT THEM NOLES!!!!!! Kickin ass and taken names! :D :D :D

-kym- Luv them NOLES! :heart:


#4 is my hero!!!! Thank GOD he's back this year...

There were some pretty good upsets yesterday...good thing i haven't gotten involved in any picks polls cause i'd have been so very wrong on games yesterday...(and i was so pulling for Florida to lose or at least win small)

i'm so glad it's college football i have something to do on Saturday's...

i am so pathetic...(runs back to corner)

belle 'GO NOLES!'
Hey everyone! Just cookin' up a mess of greens and cornbread with rice puddin' for after supper and wondered if anyone would like to stop by. i might even have a jug or two of some home-made white lightning hiding in the pantry.
P. B. Walker said:
<grumble> noles <grumble> <grumble> damn <grumble> <grumble> :)


I know how you feel - WD's Dawgs got the best of my Gamecocks.

(though I also pull for the 'Noles, sorry)
redelicious said:

I know how you feel - WD's Dawgs got the best of my Gamecocks.

(though I also pull for the 'Noles, sorry)

:) Your gonna hate me when I say I went to UVa lol. Go Hoos... I think we got the best of ya last week.

One of my other fav teams is the Dawgs... lol...

PBW "Yeah baby!"
P. B. Walker said:

:) Your gonna hate me when I say I went to UVa lol. Go Hoos... I think we got the best of ya last week.

One of my other fav teams is the Dawgs... lol...

PBW "Yeah baby!"

Oh yeah!

Well . . .

Go Noles!

So there!

Red "I got nothin" delicious
A Southerner in Hell

A Southerner dies and goes to hell. While he's down there, the Devil
notices that he is not suffering like the rest. The Devil checks the
gauges and sees that it's 100 degrees and about 80% humidity. So he
goes over to the Southerner and asks why he's so happy.

The guy says, "I really like it here. The temperature is just like
Tennessee in June,"

The Devil isn't happy with the Southerner's answer and decides to fix
him, so he goes over and turns up the temperature to 120 degrees and the
humidity to 90%.

After turning everything up, he goes looking for the Southerner. The
Devil finds him standing around unbuttoning his shirt, just as happy as
can be. The Devil quizzes the Southerner again as to why he's so happy.

The guy says, "This is even better. It's like Alabama in July,"

The Devil, now really upset, decides to make the Southerner really
understand that hell is no paradise. He walks over to the controls and
turns the heat up to 140 degrees and the humidity to 100%.

"Now let's see what that dang Southerner is up to," he thinks.

So he goes looking for the Southerner. The Devil finds him taking his
shirt off basking in the heat, even happier than before. The Devil
can't figure it out. He asks the Southerner why he's happy now.

The Southerner replies, "This is great! It's just like Florida in

The Devil says, "That's it, I'll get this guy."

He walks over and turns the temperature down to a freezing 25 degrees
below zero. Everything is frozen.

"Now let's see what that dang Southerner has to say about this!" the
Devil thinks to himself. He looks around and finds the Southerner
jumping up and down for joy.

"What in heck are you so happy about now!?!" asks the Devil.
Still excited, the Southerner replies,

"Auburn has finally won the National Championship!":devil: :D

-kym- basking in the heat :cool:
This Southern gal has a drawl all of her own...or so I'm told...I can make it as thick as you please, sugah....I'm in SE TN...

I can cook up a storm, be it breakfast, lunch or supper...gotta have butter, salt and pepper on the grits along with a bit of cheese....add some eggs with tabasco and we're cooking with gas!!

I can follow orders pretty good, too....*eg*

Have a great day, ya'll!!
