Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Toby squeezed his eyes shut for a few moments, not to avoid looking at her partial nudity, but because he felt so stupid for letting his sense of panic release all of that word vomit. At least she wasn't laughing at him. He could only hope his panic was misplaced.

He gasped softly when she touched his arm, but this time he didn't pull away. Her energy was calm, her words gentle. He chewed on his lower lip for a few moments, unwittingly making it plump, rosy, and wet.

Who did this to you?

"Just some guy," he mumbled, his eyelids fluttering. He finally looked down at himself, realizing how striking those marks around his hips were. Gerry hadn't said anything about it. Did it upset him to see marks on his boy from another man? Did he find it sexy on some level? Maybe Gerry would enjoy the pictures. Toby wasn't sure how he'd feel about pictures of himself - he'd skipped school picture days for years, and his mom wouldn't buy them anyway - but Charlotte was a decent photographer. Maybe she'd actually make him look good.

"O...okay. Take your pictures if you really want. Where should I go? By the windows in the back room again?"
Charlotte watched Toby squeeze his eyes shut. She could tell he was uncomfortable with her being naked or maybe with her just being here at all. The clean clothes story was a little odd, as was his waltzing round her parents' house naked and bruised. Some guy bruised him, Toby said. It made sense to Charlotte. They were the types of kids her father counselled. The damaged ones.

But the nakedness? Well some people just liked being naked. She did. Some of her friends did. It was a thing. It didn't mean you were fucking everyone although she smiled to herself about how nice that would be. Maybe, she thought, I should put my shirt back on if that makes him feel better. So she did.

And then Toby relented just when Charlotte thought he was going to say no and run upstairs.

"Where should I go?" he asked. "By the windows...."

"Hmmm," she said. "By the windows would be good. I like how the light and shade...."
The anxious tightness of Toby's young body released a little when she put her top back on. Feeling a little less vulnerable now despite still being totally naked himself, he stepped back to the room with the daybed and made sure the curtains were totally open, pausing to scan the backyard to make sure no one could peek over the fence and see a bruised, naked teenager being photographed by a college student.

The sun streaming through the glass warmed his tender flesh, and he paused to soak it in. Maybe it was just the vitamin D, but being in the sun made him feel just a little bit more alive.

Feeling a phantom tickle at the back of his neck, he glanced back over his shoulder to see Charlotte watching him. He couldn't help wondering if she was enjoying the sight of his ass, or if it might be visibly beat up.

"Am I bruised back there?" he asked, his large eyes searching for validation. "Do I look okay? I, um... I wouldn't mind... seeing how my butt looks. I've never looked at it, I guess."

Finally, the slightest hint of a half-smirk twitched at his lips.
"Am I bruised....?"

Charlotte could see Toby was bruised, even more obviously with the light streaming in. He looked so vulnerable, so sweet, so young. The younger brother she never had. She smiled to herself, prepping the camera she pulled from her bag.

"I wouldn't mind seeing how my butt looks..."

They locked eyes and she saw a smirk flash across his face. He looked mischievous now and she laughed in response.

"You've never taken a picture of your ass? Toby, you're joking. Girls take pictures of their....their bits all the time. So they can see what they look like. And guys take pictures of their cocks. I get dick pics every day. I've even thought of doing an exhibition of just dick pics."

She wound on the film. Charlotte loved how firm the camera felt in her hands. So solid and reliable. Mobile phones were for snapshots, for the dick pics boys sent her. But the camera was for the record, for pemanence. It made her feel powerful, like she was making history.

"Stand like that for me," she said. "Leaning against the glass, looking into the yard so I can see just the side of your face."

Toby did as she asked, curving his body away from her, the closest leg straight, his nose angled across her view. The bruises on his back looked even darker now.

"That's great. Now turn slowly away from me, hands on the glass, butt out towards me, yeah, all the way round slowly."

The boy turned gently and smoothly, like he'd been photographed before. The camera clicked and whirred in the silence, the sound of birdsong distantly in the yard.

"And when you're facing me I want no expression. Let the hair flop down over your eyes. I don't want your pretty face to distract the gaze from your cock. Just let it hang...."

He was beautiful. Charlotte happily pronounced Toby's beauty to herself. Beautiful and bruised and slight and slender. And for a kid she didn't fancy at all, decidedly attractive. Her gay friends would call Toby fuckable. She'd almost titled her exhibition 'Fuckable' but the course coordinator had vetoed it. 'Not at a church college' he said. But he'd offered to negotiate for her photos to be shown in the town gallery. 'It's a very liberal town. Fuckable will work fine'.

And now she could add Toby to her exhibition.

"Why don't you stroke yourself for a bit, Toby," she said, looking closely to see if her suggestion shocked him. "Just semi hard. I don't want to fuck you, OK. I just want a hint of wood. And then if you're a good boy, I'll photograph that ass."
Toby looked a little embarrassed when Charlotte spoke of how common it was for both guys and girls to take pictures of their own junk. Probably he would have, too, if he'd had the opportunity.

"I just... never had a camera," he murmured, looking out the window as she directed him. "Or my own phone. Broke as fuck."

He moved fluidly, shedding his initial hesitation bit by bit. Perhaps it was largely thanks to Gerry, Charlotte's own father, that he could stand here and allow his body to be observed, even to show off. But he didn't show off like the average teen would, like some wannabe social media thirst trap - he showed off like a vulnerable young man who was simply ready to let himself be seen, and even acknowledge that he might have some beauty to share with the world. When he looked toward the camera, he managed the look of a blank-faced, floppy-haired young model.

When she asked him to stroke himself, the only nervous hesitation he showed was a slight bobbing of his adam's apple. It wouldn't be the end of the world to wank himself a little in front of a girl, he figured, even if it was still a bit weird. He was so used to getting off in this house by now, he supposed he needed a little weirdness to temper things, to keep himself from getting more excited than he ought to.

With his heart thumping, he reached down to give himself a few strokes, letting his cock chub up a bit. At first he looked down at himself while he did it, but soon he looked directly into the camera. Not at Charlotte, but at the camera, as if it was truly a portal through which the world might be peeping at him. The more time he spent in front of the camera, the more he warmed to the idea of being on display for strangers.

"Like this?"
"Showing you what I've got on film?"

Gabriel Dance locked Gerry with a steely gaze. Gerry hadn't seen this side of the chaplain before. The man seemed like a floppy haired spoiled pussy. The type who went into the church because Mommy and Daddy said so, or it came with a housekeeper, or ready access to fawning women....or men. But here was his colleague grilling him in silence about sex tapes of Gerry. Or taken by Gerry perhaps. Maybe that was it. Gabriel thought Gerry had filmed him and Henry, and supplied the USB.

"I don't know what you're thinking, Gabriel," Gerry said, instantly regretting speaking first when he should have waited it out.

"I'm thinking Gerry, that maybe I'm not the only one round Fillmore High who's been caught fucking the kids on film. I mean, look at it. It's gotta be blackmail. Why else film it and send it to me? It's not for entertainment."

But it did make you hard, Gerry thought.

"It's the janitor's room, Gabriel. You know that. Maybe you want to speak with the janitor."

Gabriel snorted. "That gorilla. Hardly. You think he has the nous to set up a trap like this?"

"Why not?" Gerry said. "Has he approached you? Said anything? Looked at you sideways?"

Gabriel shook his head.

"Don't say or do anything," Gerry said. "Wait for the janitor to make the first move. And maybe stop fucking Henry Merton at school."

"OK", Gabriel said without conviction. "And then there's this."

The chaplain clicked his computer again and brought up his emails.

"You'll have one also."

Gerry leaned over Gabriel's shoulder, straining to read without getting too close. From the Principal. Asking that the two of them collaborate on organizing consent training for the graduating students. Boys and girls.

"Jesus," Gerry said under his breath. "We'll need a female teacher as well. The matron will do. I'll ask her now. She's been copied in anyway."

Gabriel huffed, swiveling his chair to look out the window. Gerry left the room, expecting the chaplain to watch the video again as soon as he was on his own. He walked along the corridor towards matron's room which was next to his office, turning a corner to run into Henry Merton emerging from the janitor's room.

"Like this?"

Charlotte watched Toby stroking himself with surprising softness, she thought. The young guys she knew, including the one's she'd asked to get hard when she photographed them, usually attended to getting erect with a ferociousness like toweling themselves off in a blizzard. But Toby had an alluring coyness, artfully pulling at himself in such a way that the journey was, in Charlotte's mind, as pleasing as the destination. She regretted not having filmed him, but only taking stills. Perhaps filming was for a future session.

Gentle as Toby was, however, he was soon semi-erect. The teen dropped his hands and let his cock sit up, meeting Charlotte's eyes momentarily before glancing down shyly.

"Perfect," Charlotte said. "Now the same twirl as before, but this time I'm going to get closer."

Toby twirled in the window as Charlotte bent down, holding the camera so close to his body that only his torso and thighs, and what lay in between, would appear in shot.

"Slowly," she said. "Slowly. And again....and stop."

Toby's ass was facing the camera now.

"Lean against the window," Charlotte said. "Palms flat against the glass, ass out to me, legs apart...further apart...bend some more...I'm just going to switch on all the lights."

Toby's ass was as bruised as the rest of his back.

"You must be sore," she said, snapping away all the same. "Have you seen the doctor?" Or the police, she wondered. "Have you spoken to Dad about whoever did this? He's good with anything personal, but then you know that. You're staying here. But I looks like....something big has been pushed into your ass?"
Surreal and strange, standing here with everything on display, half aroused, presenting himself for a girl and her camera. Not just any girl - his Daddy's real life daughter. He could still barely wrap his mind around it.

If I marry him, Charlotte, I could be your new stepdad.

He almost laughed at this. Fortunately he was facing the window directly. He didn't want to have to explain the expression on his face. He spread his legs, bent over, as requested, presenting more of his ass before he even realized what she was asking for. Her questions caught him off guard. He stared out the window at the shed where he'd been violated by that dirty cop while he searched for a way to answer her questions.

"I've been seeing a doctor, yeah," he finally said. It wasn't exactly a truthful response to what she was asking, but it wasn't an untrue statement. He certainly had been seeing a doctor. Seeing every inch of him.

"Yeah... yeah, it was... it was big. It sure was. Your dad knows everything. I've been talking to him a lot. I don't think I can talk to anyone else about it. I'll be okay. I just needed to... not go to school today. God, I don't know if I can make it through the rest of this year. School is a nightmare."
Charlotte was focused on photographing Toby as he talked. As he bent and opened his ass, his hard cock angled down into the sun. The most amazing shadow and light show broke out on the polished floor, the cock pointing like an exaggerated fingerpost. She tried her best to capture it on film, although she knew the subtlety of the scene was testing her skills.

"Bend over more," she said as Toby mentioned the doctor. The family doctor, she wondered. Old Dr Ironside? He was a no nonsense kind of doctor. "Try to get horizontal from the waist. This is great, Toby. Just fucking great."

As he bent further, Charlotte could get both the shadow of Toby's cock and the cock itself. But if she wanted it in full sun, she needed to be in front of him.

"I'm gonna step round to the window," she said, "so I can take a shot looking down from on top but to the side. Your hair, a bit of your face, that beautiful cock, the sunlight. Was it Dr Ironside you saw?"

Whereas his back and asshole were bruised, Toby's cock seemed OK. Did cock's bruise, Charlotte wondered? Or maybe whatever had happened had only involved Toby being penetrated, and not vice versa. She almost asked Toby if he was a virgin, but stopped. It was big, he was saying. "Your Dad knows everything."

Good, she thought. Dad is good with this sort of stuff. Toby was getting the help he needed. She felt easier about the whole thing, especially photographing him if he'd suffered some sort of trauma.

And then Toby said school is a nightmare. Well, true, Charlotte thought. From her experience that was almost the point of school. Not that she'd been traumatized. But as a girl the pressure, the harassment, the sheer alienating isolating subjugation of self. Yuck.

"I know what you mean," Charlotte said. "I fucking hated high school. If I ever get to go back in time and relive my life, the day I graduated high school would be the absolute fucking limit. Nothing before that. Fuck!"

And Toby was one of those softer kind of guys. Not a jock. Not a nerd. Just soft and vulnerable and cuddly and sad. Probably gay or confused. At the mercy of the bullies and the beautiful ones and the teachers who didn't give a fuck. Not to mention whatever his home life was like. It must have been horrible. Thank Christ her father was looking after him.

And then it came to her, as she focused the camera on Toby's cock, first the neatly veined pink shaft, then the taut uncut tip and back again. She would take Toby under her wing. Sure she was going back to college in a day or two. But while she was at home and maybe....Toby could come stay with her in the dorm. Sure it was a church college, but no one cared about the dorms and who stayed. Or he could stay with a guy friend. One of the gay ones maybe. She could show him round.

"That is simply beautiful," she said, stepping back. "But I want to take some from the yard through the window, so stay where you are."
Toby was good at following instructions. It might not be as true in class, but it was true when he had his clothes off. He was a dedicated enough bottom that he was now wholly ready to please, even though he wasn't getting any sexual satisfaction out of this.

"I don't know Dr. Ironside," he murmured as he kept his body still for her camera, bent over 90 degrees with his thickened cock pointing at the floor. "Just... went to some random clinic."

She thought his cock was beautiful. It might not have had any interest in the giver of the compliment, but Toby liked hearing it. It made him wonder if the kids who'd always bullied him could have been jealous of him in some way. Even if that wasn't the case, he didn't need to worry about what they thought. If they couldn't see what was beautiful about him, they were the ones missing out. He was growing more and more enthusiastic about the thought of strangers in some gallery seeing his pictures, bruises or no bruises.

Charlotte went outside to photograph him through the window, and he stayed put as instructed, but not all of him was completely still. There was something about knowing someone was on the other side of the window taking pictures of his junk that excited him. He felt like an exhibitionist presenting himself to a voyeur. His cock thickened a little more, and twitched. Hopefully he wasn't ruining the photos...

He also hoped Charlotte's presence wouldn't ruin any chance for him to be alone with Gerry again today. He wanted the man's mouth on him. He wanted to be spoiled and adored and pleasured.
Instinctively, Gerry put out his arms, grabbed Henry by the shoulders, turning him down the corridor.

"My office," he said, as he walked the boy in front of him.

Gerry wasn't sure what he was going to say to Henry once they were ensconced in the office, but after meeting with Gabriel and watching the film, and then bumping into Henry it seemed only natural that he needed to talk to the boy about something, if only not to miss an opportunity or possibly even prevent another transgression. Henry had that aura of someone always on the prowl, always looking for trouble, outwardly innocent, but deeply and intellectually wicked as if trying to bend the world and everyone in it to his perverted will. Even as they walked, Henry was looking behind trying to meet Gerry's gaze, and the teacher was overwhelmed with the notion that if he looked into Henry's eyes he would somehow be instantly captured and corrupted like meeting the gaze of the Medusa.

"What's up Gerry?"

"Mr Metzler to you, Henry," Gerry said wheeling the boy through his office door and closing it behind them.

"OK. Mr Metzler then, Gerry," Henry said, stepping forward out of Gerry's grasp then turning and giving the older man a twirl. Henry was dirty blonde today, hair flopping over one side of his face so that Gerry could only see one eye, next to a swinging silver cross piercing an earlobe. The boy was wearing a mesh shirt, completely see through, sleeveless, with a wide black leather choker round his neck. At his waist where the shirt ended prematurely, Gerry could see Henry's bare flesh, bisected by the line of hair below his navel, and framing a pair of low slung PVC trousers, painfully tight, looking as is if they been sprayed on rather than stepped into.

"You know we have a dress code at Fillmore, Henry," Gerry said.

"I know, Gerry," the teen said. "I check it every morning to make sure I'm non-compliant. Don't you like my look? I call it 'hard rock boy whore'."

"Well.....'" Gerry began, struggling now to compose what he actually wanted to say to Henry. But what did he want to say? I've just watched you on film fucking the chaplain up the ass in the janitor's room?

"I've just watched you on film fucking the chaplain up the ass in the janitor's room."

Gerry hadn't actually meant to say it, but as soon as the words formed in his head, they came out. He felt them flow across the ether to Henry and into the boy's ears. Henry cocked his head to one side, then smiled, looking completely in control of the situation.

"And did your cock get hard watching me on film fucking the chaplain up the ass in the janitor's room? Did I make you cum, Gerry?"


Charlotte made her way outside and round the side of the house to where Toby stood in the window. He seemed to be staring into space, but caught her eye when she arrived and smirked at her again. She had this idea of photographing him through the glass, maybe catching some double reflections as he pressed his hands, his body, his cock against the pane. She could see how excited he was, even through his coyness. This was a guy who liked being exposed, maybe even performing in public. As she snapped the camera she wondered if she was the catalyst for bringing this side out of Toby given how painfully shy he'd seemed on their first meeting. But that is just my ego, she mused. Surely I'm not the first person Toby's encountered who's done that for him.

She smiled and waved back, gesturing how she wanted him to turn, stand, hold himself. He was obviously enjoying disporting himself for her, stroking his cock, waving it at her as the tip slowly rose into the air. The reflections in the glass weren't working for her at all, especially her own reflection which seemed to dominate the shots. Only when she herself was pressed against the glass could Charlotte get a clear and unspoiled picture of Toby.

"Against the glass," she said, half speaking, half mouthing the words. "Press yourself against the glass."

Toby got the message and did as she suggested, turning and twisting, his flesh pressing flat as she shuffled to and fro, the lens only inches from the window. Now the exercise really worked, lean white flesh flattened and splayed, making weird planes and dimples and folds, excitingly visible up close where the shadows were eliminated. And then Toby took things to the next level, pressing his cock against the glass, bending and flexing it, sometimes in his hands, sometimes without, just his hard pink cock, exhibited behind the glass like some writhing animal.

Charlotte wanted to smile, affirm that she liked what Toby was doing. But she didn't need to. The kid was doing it anyway.

And when she thought maybe she had enough for now and might go back inside to try out some other ideas, Toby stood in the window and made an X with his body, stretching his arms and legs out wide, his face and torso and knees pressed hard against the window. And especially his cock. Notably his cock. Taking pride of place, the star of the show at the center of the X, trapped between his body and the flat surface of the window, long and hard, moist at the tip where the foreskin had peeled back in the boy's excitement. Charlotte took several wide shots, then gradually focused in on Toby's cock until she was against the glass herself, his organ captive to his stance and her camera, the purple head smearing the glass, filling her viewfinder and her vision. Just an erect cock, distorted by the window.

"Cum for me Toby," Charlotte whispered to herself. "Give me a money shot against the glass..."
Maybe he was a whore for the camera. Toby couldn't explain it. He just came alive. Charlotte came closer and closer with the camera. The glass between them seemed like an important barrier to him, preventing this from being something he didn't want it to be. It was about the camera - the idea of an audience. An audience to his arousal.

He pressed himself against the window, made love to it. He knew this wasn't supposed to be porn, but she was going for it, just as he was. He could tell without her having to say it. Once he felt the slick wetness of his own precum against the glass, he knew he was on a path he wouldn't be returning from.

Would Gerry get to see these pictures, somehow?

The increase in heat from his body had the glass fogging up all around him, making his image even more ethereal. A bruised boy, flushed and sultry, his libido far outweighing any sense of logic or meager intellect. He was one big beautiful dumb cock, fucking a hypothetical audience, like he'd fucked a whole roomful of sexual deviants in the principal's office. He was powerful and full of cum.

When it was imminent, he eased himself back so nothing was directly against the window but his hands and his throbbing cock, and then there it was - a splash of white leaping across the glass, and slowly oozing downward. Splash, splash, splash, splash - several spurts in rapid succession.

He stayed still a while except for the rapid rise and fall of his chest as he caught his breath. He knew she was still taking pictures. He couldn't explain just what the hell happened, but he'd have to figure out what to say to her in a minute.
Charlotte watched through the lens as Toby came against the glass. For a moment she had to look up simply to see his ejaculation in all its wide angle glory. She'd seen men ejaculate before, not just when they came in or on her, but in porn as well. Up close and personal, as the saying goes. And guys ejaculated in lots of different ways. Copiously. Quickly. Strong spurts and weak oozes. Verbalizing and non-verbal. Eyes open and seeking affirmation and engagement, or shut in silent contemplative euphoria.

Toby was an eyes down kinda guy, Charlotte thought. Focused. Intense. But not overwhelmingly so. He brought himself to orgasm as if performing in a silent film. Or behind glass. Of course. He was literally and figuratively a performance artist, she decided. Admired, watched, assessed, but not touched. There to be seen, but protected, distant behind the transparent screen between them. Was he a virgin, she wondered again. Had he performed for anyone before. She couldn't quite tell. Toby was no first time fumbler, but he exuded a vulnerable naive innocence not through any sort of wish to be alone, perhaps, but a wish to be adored, to be cherished, respected and loved for his art and who he was. A cherub in a Botticelli. A member of the chorus. Not front row or leading man, but a naked extra in some sexy art film.

She shook her head, returning to the lens to capture the gentle cascade of cum down the glass. Did she even know what she was thinking or was all that analysis just word salad? She knew almost nothing about Toby except that he was naked in her parents' house, her father was his counselor, someone had given him a nasty beating including anal penetration, and he was happy to orgasm in front of her and her camera. Which was a little more than almost nothing maybe, but not much more.

Even as the semen sluiced ever slower towards the floor, Charlotte sensed Toby's stillness, just his chest heaving a little more deeply after his 'little death'. In a moment the scene would be over and she'd go back inside. Maybe they'd talk about what just happened. Maybe they'd talk about everything but. She so wanted to praise him, extol his beauty and his honesty, bring them closer together if only in the artistic sense. An artist and her muse. That was what Charlotte wanted them to be. Daddy would be so pleased. It would seem so adult and focused and intellectual. And hopefully be in tune with her father's counseling and what he wanted for Toby professionally. Although on second thought, naked subject for a college photography project was way out there. It might not be the first thing to broach on her father's return. Keep it in her back pocket while she read the room perhaps. And make sure Toby didn't spill the beans. That was goal number one, she thought, walking over to the door and stepping back into the dayroom.
A little chill tickled up Toby's spine as the girl stepped into the room. He didn't know where to look, so he just kept looking at the mess he'd made on the window.

Who are you? What are you? Why the fuck did you do this?

She wasn't saying anything, but he was still pretty sure she couldn't be weirded out considering how apparently freewheeling she was, and how she'd taken pictures the whole time. Apologizing probably wasn't necessary. Did he have to give an answer?

"I don't... really know what I did that," he finally mumbled, following with an awkward chuckle.

He sighed and sank down to his knees, now face-to-face with his still dripping cum. In moments, it would congeal. He didn't consider his next move any more than he'd considered his last one. He leaned in and started licking the glass, hungrily, as if it was his first meal after a long fast. He licked up every trace of his cum and then licked his lips, finally leaning away from the smudgy glass and flopping back onto the carpet, arms and legs spread wide. He laughed helplessly.

"Guess I'm just some kinda whore. You gonna put my cum pics in your show?"
Jesus! Charlotte was stunned. Toby licked his cum off the window.

”Fucking Jesus,” she said under her breath, as the teen fell backwards onto the floor, laughing hysterically.

A whore? That’s what the kid called himself. And there she was thinking he was almost an innocent. Did Daddy know Toby had a taste for his own cum? That he was this deviant?

”Christ, Toby, I almost can’t believe you just did that. I mean, swallowing cum is fine….yeah….but off the window?”

And I forgot to take photographs, she thought.

”Cum pics in my show….” Charlotte thought. “Maybe not the college show. Well definitely not. They won’t have unclothed cocks, let alone hard ones. But in the town gallery maybe. Behind a door with a warning. They permit that kind of thing. Just singletons mind. Not couples. Or girls and boys.”

She inspected the window in case she needed to clean it before Gerry came home, but Toby had done a thorough job.

”I’m thinking, Toby, that we won’t tell Daddy about my taking pictures of you. Not just yet. It might not sit well with him being a school counselor, yeah? Our secret, just until I read the room.”

You made the chaplain cum, Henry, Gerry thought, looking into the boy‘s mischievous eyes, but fortunately didn’t say it.

”Has the janitor filmed you with anyone else, Henry? Has he….touched you?”

Henry laughed, putting out a hand and giving Gerry a playful slap.

”Touched me. That‘s fucking hilarious, Gerry. Touched me. You sound like my grandfather. He’s fucked me, Gerry. Like how you fuck Toby Keller. Yeah?“

Gerry watched the expression fall away from Henry’s face as the kid waited to see how his elder would react. He willed himself to stay silent and look as disapproving as he could.

”Or aren’t you getting enough, Gerry? Is that why the long face? Not enough cock time with little Toby?”

Henry reached out and touched Gerry again, leaving his hand on the teacher’s arm. Gerry could feel the spot burning like a hot iron.

”Maybe…‘d like a little variety in your love life.”
Toby finally drew his legs up against himself, hiding his deflating cock and looking a tiny bit embarrassed in the wake of her shock at his lewd display. He remained on the floor for now, looking up at her upside down.

"Sorry... I guess I'm kinda disgusting. You can use those pictures for whatever. But I'd like to see them, if I could."

He finally rolled onto his front and propped his chin in his hands, legs swinging in the air like a girl sprawled out on her bed. He almost laughed at her comments about her dad, the "school counselor". He was in agreement that she probably shouldn't tell him yet, but certainly not for the same reasons she would have had in mind.

"Yeah... best to hold off on telling him. I've been telling him about so much shit I've been through, and I don't want to give him extra things to worry about. But maybe if it's you... eventually... he won't be so worried."

Or he'll freak the fuck out about me cumming in front of his daughter... Jesus!

"You said I could borrow some clothes if I let you take pictures," he reminded her. "I'd just really like to put something clean on if that's okay."

Charlotte was totally distracted. What had just happened with Toby had thrown her. She’d taken pics of lots of naked guys. She loved male bodies, the subtle curves, the unexpected angles and shadows, the flatness of the chest and the ass, the cock….oh the beautiful cock. But with Toby and his bruising and his youth and his vulnerable beauty, and his coyness despite the things he did in front of her, her fascination jumped to a next level. It wasn’t love or physical attraction. In fact Charlotte still wasn’t sure quite how far her sexual interest in men extended. But it was infatuation. And curiosity. And a sense of exploring something undiscovered. Even as she heard Toby agree that her father didn’t need to know about any of this just yet or at all, she wanted to grill him about Toby and what he knew about this mysterious boy.

It didn’t occur to Charlotte that she should fetch any of her father‘s clothes and she returned to the day room with a Tshirt and shorts from her own room.

”They’re kinda small,” she said. “Things I haven’t worn for a while, so if they don’t fit I’ll look again.”

She watched Toby trying on her clothes. They were a little feminine, but not girly. Mid-sex, if that was a word. It seemed such a shame for Toby not to be naked in front of her. His nakedness had felt so natural. But dressed like this she could still see his skinny legs and the lightest of down on them, silvery in the sunlight. And when he stood the Tshirt wasn’t quite long enough, leaving a pretty band of flesh between the hem and the top of the shorts.

”So…..” Charlotte was dying to ask….”Toby, why do you….think you’re disgusting and call yourself a whore?”
Toby slid the clothes on. They were nothing he would have worn. He wasn't sure he'd ever owned a pair of shorts, let alone anything white. He usually stayed in baggy jeans, black t-shirts, and oversized hoodies. These shorts were white, soft, a little bit stretchy, and hugged him, but not in a too-small way - they were just form fitting, and seemed intended to be so. The t-shirt was roomier. A pale, minty shade of green - a pastel colour that he wouldn't have chosen, but he decided he didn't hate it, even though it was shorter than he expected a t-shirt to be. It was a girly fit, maybe meant to show off a bellybutton.

He felt... cute.

"I mean, they don't not fit. They're comfy. They'll do okay for now."

He looked up at her question, surprised. He thought he'd just been stating perfectly self-evident things. Girls had always thought he was "gross", and even though he was now clean and fresh compared to how he used to be when living in that squalid apartment building that always smelled of cigarettes and piss, he would have at least assumed Charlotte was weirded out by him eating his cum off the window. She was at least shocked.

And a whore? What other sort of person would have sex with a fucking window for a camera?

He sat down on the edge of the daybed, letting his overgrown hair slip down over his eyes as he lowered his head and contemplated the question.

"Well... I guess I thought... what I just did at the window is something most people would find gross and whorish. And I'm definitely, uh... a bit sex obsessed I guess." He paused, chuckling breathily.

"But I guess that doesn't make me unusual."
Gerry looked into Henry’s eyes, and then down to the teen‘s nipples visible through his mesh shirt, and below that the bulge in the PVC pants. He knew what Henry was offering. This boy was the opposite of Toby. Henry exuded power and control. His confidence overwhelmed his mere eighteen years. Even if the chaplain had been somehow empowered to show Gerry the video, it was Henry and not the teacher who’d been in total control.

Both boys were trouble, but Gerry felt he could manage Toby while Henry would eat him for breakfast. And yet he was tempted. Who wouldn’t be? Henry was young and beautiful and available and skilled and well endowed and…..he could lock the door and they could fuck here in Gerry’s office without any danger of being filmed. Gerry wasn’t even expected at school today and few people had seen him. Even if Henry might have the upper hand, there would be no evidence, no trail leading back to Gerry. Just a quick fuck, a roll in the hay, pleasurable and deniable. Fuck Henry and go home. What could possibly go wrong?

”Of course it doesn’t make you unusual, Toby,” Charlotte said. ”It makes you normal. Being obsessed with sex….well, not obsessed. Interested. Aware. Driven. It’s normal, Toby. It’s honest and nothing to be ashamed of.”

She couldn’t help but run her eyes over what the kid was wearing. The Tshirt hung loosely on his slight upper body, but the shorts were way too tight. There was no room for Toby’s junk which protruded almost lewdly between his legs. And yet, he looked fashionably androgynous, she thought. Like a model, the guys in the catalogues who all look young and feminine, all doe eyed and skinny, untouched.

But Toby wasn’t untouched. He was bruised and sad and called himself a whore. What the fuck had happened? Charlotte knew she would grill her father when he returned although she had no expectation that he’d tell her any more than Toby.

And then there was what they‘d photographed. Together. So beautiful. So naive. So illicit.

”Hey,” Charlotte said. “I’m gonna play our pics on the flatscreen. Show you how good you look. Like a model, Toby. Like a fucking super model. Yeah?”

He looked unconvinced.

”I’m serious,” she said. “You and me. We’ve got something here. I can’t wait for the guys to see them. My tutor, the gallery director. I can’t wait to show you round the campus.“

Charlotte walked into the front room where she could connect the camera to the TV. Toby followed.

”Hey. Have you decided which college you’re going to? You are graduating this semester, aren’t you? You could join me. Junior and freshman collaborators. Jesus Toby, it would be perfect.”
Toby was absolutely skeptical when she told him he looked like a supermodel - no one who looked like a supermodel would get treated the way he had been throughout high school, would they? - but he did want to see the pictures anyway. He didn't look in mirrors a lot, and he wasn't used to people taking his picture. His mom never did. Who else would?

This attention was refreshing, and maybe he could see himself through someone else's eyes, and see real beauty - not just a sad little beat up cum dumpster.

He was smiling when they went to the tv room. Not only because he was looking forward to the pictures, or because he liked how it felt to walk around commando in tight shorts, although both were true. The main reason for his smile was the sudden flash of memory of what had happened the first time he'd been in this room. Gerry had taken him here so they could watch gay porn together and learn how to fuck.

It was such a short time ago, it seemed almost impossible. Their first makeout. Gerry calling him "boyfriend" and all sorts of other sweet things. Gerry tongue fucking him, driving him crazy. Even now Toby was trying to find the spot where he'd cum on the carpet.

What a revelation it had all been. What a life changing experience. It seemed he'd lived half a lifetime since that day. Now, fully remembering those first experiences together, a sense of melancholy started to overtake his good cheer. Too much had happened. He'd fallen in love, and been shown sweetness and pleasure - things he'd had so little of before. He'd been a boyfriend. He didn't feel much like that by now. He felt very, very used. And Gerry, after all, hadn't really needed him like he'd seemed to. Toby had a hard time putting aside what had happened the last time they'd been in his office - Gerry had almost raped him. A far cry from the doting man who'd cuddled him and called him boyfriend.

And there were other boys. Some of which were so slutty that they'd jerk off Gerry in the fucking library. Or maybe Gerry was the real slut. Fucking Gerry. Some boyfriend. He hadn't even bothered lending Toby some clothes.

"College?" he exclaimed as he plopped himself down on the couch, drawing one knee up to hug to his chest. Charlotte's question had caught him off guard.

"Christ! Even my teachers would laugh at that idea. No one's gonna take me - I suck at school. Graduating is gonna be a stretch. I can't even imagine what I'll do after that. Definitely not
more school."
Charlotte was disappointed, as much for herself as for Toby. In typical fashion, her obsessive nature had instantly turned the afternoon's cooperative exercise into a whole college career and beyond of collaborating with Toby, her muse and inspiration and subject for an ever more controversial series of exhibitions.

"Well," she said, wondering what she could say to mollify Toby and further her own interests, "school sucks. More than you suck at it. More than I sucked at it. I know how you feel. I do. But teachers say horrible things. People are horrible."

She couldn't help but think of Toby's bruises and who caused them.

"The world can be horrible. But it can be beautiful too, Toby. You are beautiful, Believe me. The pictures I took, the things you did were beautiful. Are beautiful. And we can take more beautiful pictures. I promise."

Enough of the beautiful, she thought. Toby wasn't looking convinced.

"Look," she said, sitting down on the couch beside him. "We'll talk to Daddy when he comes home. I'm sure he'll know what to do. Maybe he's already advised you about how to graduate. I mean, any idiot can graduate...."

That was wrong, she thought. "There are guys at my college who can't walk and chew gum at the same time, but they graduated."

Did that sound any better?

"I'm not making any fucking sense, Toby. I know. Just believe me. You can graduate. I'll help you. Daddy will help you. Let's talk to your friends. They can help you too. Yeah?"

Charlotte patted Toby on the leg. It didn't feel sexual, but she brushed against his cock which was stretching the girls' shorts he wore. Should she apologize or let it pass?

"And if you don't want more school, then we can find you a job. What are you good at?"
I'll help you. Daddy will help you. Let's talk to your friends.

"Friends?" he scoffed, snorting in a way that would clearly communicate he didn't have friends. Sure, Daddy had helped him plenty. But they hadn't exactly talked about college. Early on they'd started working on a plan for getting through the rest of high school, at least, but they hadn't exactly touched on that in a while. Lately, Toby had to twist Daddy's arm to get him to help with his ever worsening schoolwork situation.

He noticed the touch and tensed up for a moment, but quickly relaxed when he concluded the touch must have been accidental, and not intended to be sexual. He squirmed a little in the tight clothes.

"I... I'm not... really good at much of anything," he mumbled.


Sure. He was decent at blowjobs, based on the feedback he'd gotten so far. And he had a tight ass. But Gerry sure hadn't paid him anything. Maybe that was why the old man called him boyfriend. Free blowjobs, and the kid thinks he's special and does whatever you want. Clever, Gerry.

"Could we just... look at the pictures? I don't really want to think about school or anything after."
The school nurse had come to the rescue, although whether his or Henry's, Gerry couldn't quite decide. The school counselor could feel himself falling for Henry's charms even as there was a knock on the door. He'd opened it and the old woman had spied Henry and rolled her eyes.

"Do you really have to dress like that?" she'd asked and Henry had replied it was for drama. "You have drama class everyday?" she asked, and this time Henry rolled his eyes.

The nurse informed Gerry about the Principal's email. Consent classes for the seniors. "Yes, the chaplain told me," Gerry said. "I'm not supposed to be here today." He and the nurse agreed to meet the next day. "With the chaplain...yes...can you organize that?" Gerry asked. "I'm just off."

Gerry looked across at Henry in the front passenger seat. How the fuck had the kid convinced him to give him a ride downtown? Henry reclined the seat and sat with his legs bent up underneath him, stretching the PVC pants alarmingly.

"Maybe we could stop by the canal, Gerry," Henry said, breaking the silence.

Gerry drove on, his sweaty palms barely gripping the steering wheel.

"OK," Charlotte said, linking the digital camera to the flatscreen. They watched the pictures of Toby, sitting together on the leather couch.

"They're beautiful," she said. The light and shade, the way your hair covers an eye, your pale skin, even the bruising...and the way you look like...I don't you're gonna break in half."

And now for the climax, Charlotte thought to herself, unable to disguise a grin. They watched in silence, Toby stroking his cock, the erection growing, his twirling and bending over to expose his ass, then the view from outside, cumming against the glass, and finally the close-up of the trail of cum sliding down the pane. If only she'd photographed Toby licking his semen off the glass. When the pictures were finished Charlotte found she was breathing hard, her heart audible in her ears.

"See, Toby," she said, not daring to look at the teen, "You really are good at that."
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Toby's eyes were wide as he watched the screen, watched himself, seeing through Charlotte's eyes at the images of his body, of his pleasure. His mouth hung slightly open. At times, he found it hard to believe it was actually himself he was looking at, because the pictures really were beautiful. Artistic. Alluring.

It was interesting how she zeroed in on his fragility. He'd always worked so hard to keep some kind of armor on - he had to, to survive. But he was so breakable, all this time. Was it always that obvious? Had he failed to hide it? Was this why he was always so broken - something intrinsic in him that marked him as prey to those who craved to break someone to lift themselves up?

Was that why Gerry had fallen for him? An overworked school counselor with an endless stream of broken teens, most of whom he had to feel helpless to fix. Toby had come into his office with a "fuck you" attitude, but maybe Gerry had just read it as "break me". Perhaps that was what he should get tattooed on him, rather than Daddy's Little Boycunt.

There was a strange paradox in the experience of leaning into his fragility, exposing it, advertising it, and feeling empowered as a result. He wanted to do more pictures.

"Could this be... a job?" he whispered. "I like it. We can do more, yeah? Break me, and put it in pictures. I always hated being treated like human garbage, but like... it can be art."
Gerry drove past the canal without stopping or commenting, without even slowing down. He kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead, trying to give Henry the message that he didn't want to talk. As a school counselor it was Gerry's natural inclination to talk, to tease things out of students, find out what was troubling them and identify solutions, or ways forward at least. But with Henry he was non-plussed. The kid knew what was troubling him and the solution. Fucking older men. Henry had the power and the more Gerry thought about the situation and how to respond, the less confident he felt. It was as if the roles were reversed and he, 53 year old married professional father was the inexperienced person in the car and eighteen year old flamboyant Henry was the all-seeing, all-knowing guru.

"You've passed the canal, Gerry. And the turn towards downtown."

Out of the corner of his eye, Gerry watched Henry unbend his legs and then stretch out, slipping off his shoes and placing his socked-feet on the dashboard.

"Where exactly are we going?"

Charlotte and Toby sat in silence for a moment.

"Could this be a job?" Toby whispered eventually. "I like it...."

"Of course it's a job," Charlotte said. "What's wrong with you?"

Toby went quiet again and Charlotte turned to apologize.

"Sorry, but you are so exasperating. Modeling is a gift. Performing is a gift. And let me tell you, getting hard and cumming in front of other people...well, have you ever watched any porn? I mean, I know plenty....well, I know guys who can't get hard with the light on, so what you just did in there..."

Charlotte smiled at Toby, to encourage him and show her approval.

"Really," she said in response to his doubtful look. "Not porn maybe...erotic literature, suggestive photography. Like in fashion magazines and arthouse stuff. I mean, it's not really porn because it's expensive and fashionable and highbrow. It's very special and like I said, you have a gift, a look. They could use your face and body and...that waif thing you do with your eyes down, to sell anything. Underwear. Make-up for men. Travel. Resorts. Watches. Shoes. Jewelry. High fashion. Anything. Jesus, Toby, this is big."

She stood up and disconnected the camera.

"Let's talk to Daddy when he gets home. Not about the pictures. That's our secret. About college and you graduating and modeling even. And we'll arrange for you to come visit college with me. Daddy will support that one hundred percent."
Toby's eyes seemed to glaze over as he considered everything Charlotte was saying. Modeling. Performing. Cumming in front of people. Erotic photography.

Daddy will support that one hundred percent.

Will he?

But did it matter? Charlotte supported him. Maybe this was what he needed. Someone who saw potential in him that wasn't just a hole to fuck. A lump grew in his throat and he swallowed it back with effort.

"I didn't know... you could do things like that. Like, not quite modeling and not quite porn, but something sort of in between? I think I wanna do that. If people wanna watch me, I'll totally do it."

He swallowed again and smiled shyly.

"Thank you. I... I dunno what your dad will say, really, but... thanks."

He looked down at his lap and noticed how poorly Charlotte's shorts accommodated his cock, and he couldn't help giggling. He tried to adjust them, to no avail.

"I should wear these in some pictures," he laughed. "I guess they don't leave much to the imagination. Would people want to see this? You can put anything you want on me I guess. Other clothes. Makeup? Would people wanna see me looking kinda girly?"