Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Gerry wasn't sure why, but he was driving home. With Henry in the car. Why? He couldn't answer either question. He just wanted to go home. Safety maybe? Security? Peace and quiet? But with Henry? How did that make any sense?

Toby was at home. On his own. And Gerry knew enough about how fragile the boy was to know leaving him on his own for too long was a risk. The fact that the Principal's office had been cleared up made him feel better, even if watching the video with Gabriel had opened up a whole new line of worry. And now Henry whom he could drop anywhere really, although a teacher just dropping a student off in town might seem a little odd if someone saw him, or Henry complained. And taking a kid home was even more of a problem, but for now the car seemed headed that way and Gerry couldn't really think of a better idea.

"I'm going home, Henry," he said. "It's in the direction of your place so you can walk from there."

Gerry nearly added 'dressed like that', but it seemed churlish. If there was one thing he admired about Henry it was the teen's complete lack of inhibition, his towering self confidence. Henry was the sort of guy you could follow into battle, Gerry thought, and the more time he spent in his company, the more Gerry felt the counselor patient dynamic seemed to be reversing.

Maybe that's what he wanted. To learn from Henry. Did that make any sense? Or was his mind just making excuses for wanting to fuck Henry? Fucking Toby had got Gerry over a hurdle. A lifetime of uncertainty and denial was behind him now and fifty three wasn't too young to start fucking men. if Toby and Henry were men. Twinks is what they were. Like the young guys he watched on the internet. Smooth, fit, pretty, soft-faced, willing, available....Gerry could feel himself getting hard. Would Henry notice?

"Home? To your place? Sure, Gerry. Let's go check your place. How's Toby getting along?"

Gerry was already turning into the drive as Henry mentioned Toby. It was too late to keep going.


"Kinda girly? Maybe," Charlotte said. "Kinda sexy, for sure. Why don't we go up to my bedroom and see what we can find for you to wear, yeah?"

She waved for Toby to go upstairs and followed him, watching his ass wiggle in the tight shorts, and wanting to pinch him.

"So you know where my bedroom is then?"

Toby stood aside at the top of the stairs to allow Charlotte to go first. She opened her room and stepped inside.

"Anything," she said, opening her wardrobe and then the drawers. "Try on anything you want. Girly, not girly, in between. You know what I like. The androgynous look where people ask is it a girl or is it a boy. Sort of post-sexual, post-gender...whatever. I'm not making much sense."

She couldn't hide the excitement in her voice.

"And I left the fucking camera downstairs," she said. "I'll run and fetch it and while I'm away, you find something to wear. Surprise me."
Post-sexual? Post-gender? He had no idea what that meant. College bullshit. Oh well - he could at least understand "androgynous". Charlotte's obvious excitement kept a little smile on his face. He wanted to please her, and please himself.

He shouldn't have been surprised, considering Charlotte's behavior so far, but it still caught him off guard to have the whole closet and every drawer available to him, including the underwear. In truth, it thrilled him, but not for the reasons most teen boys would be thrilled to get access to a girl's underwear. It had nothing to do with her or her girly bits. It was partly the simple abstract concept of being allowed private things, and partly a budding curiosity to experiment and show himself off in new and boundary-defying ways.

As soon as Charlotte had taken off down the stairs, he stripped naked and tossed the shorts and tee on her bed, going straight for the underwear drawer. In truth, he was looking forward to just having clean underwear on, even if they didn't fit right. He gingerly sorted through a number of curious garments until he found, to his surprise, something that looked almost like a petite set of boxer briefs. "Boy shorts" for girls - they even had the Y-front look, except there was no opening. It amused him, and he slipped them on immediately. They were too small, but still stretchy, so he was still able to get them on, and his cock and balls pushed out the front very obviously. He looked at himself in the mirror at all angles, swinging his ass back and forth and feeling pretty damn sexy.

After digging through all the other clothing options, he saw numerous possibilities, even considering trying on a dress, but he chickened out and instead chose what he assumed was a pajama top - a pale pink satin crop top with tiny, stringy straps. It was designed to be a loose fit so it didn't hug him tightly. It showed his midriff and he thought it was actually a nice complement to the underwear. He danced around in front of the mirror a little more, making sexy faces at himself. The outfit was definitely doing things to him. He'd never had anything satin-adjacent anywhere close to him before, and the smooth softness of it made him feel sexy.

Eager for Charlotte's return, he strode to the stairs and started descending, but he'd missed the sound of the car coming up the driveway. The key rattled in the front door lock just as he was halfway down the stairs, and he froze.

Shit - how would they explain this to Gerry?
Charlotte made her way downstairs to fetch the camera, wondering which of her outfits Toby would be wearing when she returned. There were so many to assess, try on, pose in before the mirror. She decided to give him a little space to get himself just right. While she waited she looked through the photographs from this morning. The more she gazed at Toby, the more Charlotte felt they had something. The artist and her muse. She didn't really have a name for it. Androgynous was about as close as she could get. He didn't look like a girl dressed in her scanties, but like a very vulnerable boy. In between. The clothes were girlish and Toby's figure was slight. Still masculine though, in a feminine way. However girlish the clothes looked, Toby's junk was still there, center stage, stretching the crotch because the cut and fit made no room for what he packed between his thighs. There must be a word for what she wanted to say.

Charlotte walked into the TV room where her father's laptop sat on the coffee table before the flatscreen. She opened it, turned it on, waited for it to boot and then googled 'androgynous'. So many images of young guys and girls who looked a lot like Toby, although by her assessment he was still the prettiest, the sexiest, the most alluring. It was something about how raw he looked. How bruised. Like he'd just been hurt the moment before she'd pressed the shutter. The images were immediate, almost as if he'd been camming. there was an angle, she thought. Maybe camming was mostly about sex. Like OnlyFans. But some people, even some of her student colleagues, cammed without fucking on screen. Simply made themselves available for whomever was watching to enjoy. Of course they were jerking off at the other end of the feed, but it wasn't like you actually had to be fucked on screen. You could, for sure, but it wasn't the only way to cam. I wonder if Toby would like camming, Charlotte thought.

And then she googled twink. Where had that word come from? Maybe Toby had used it. Image after image of shirtless youths appeared on the screen. All beautiful, all vulnerable, looking smoky eyed into the camera. Yeah...Toby was a twink.

And then she googled twink porn. Charlotte was no stranger to porn. Everyone watched it. To not watch it at college was somehow to announce to everyone you were Christian or frigid, or a frigid Christian. Now she saw image after image of guys like Toby fucking, jerking off, being penetrated every which way. Yet the faces and the bodies were still exactly like Toby. Toby and porn...a bridge too far maybe? Toby and porn....

She closed the images. Porn was moving way too quickly even assuming she and Toby ever got that far. And even if there was a fine line between art and erotica and porn. It was cocks in holes, she guessed, the difference. A cock was art. A hard cock, even one spraying semen, was erotica, but a hard cock spraying semen into or onto another guy was porn. Hmmm. It just looked so beautiful. So honest. So much more complete than just one person.

Her father's laptop. Fuck! Charlotte opened the history page ready to delete everything she'd viewed. But it was all porn, not just today. Yesterday as well. And the day before. Twink porn. Daddies and twinks. Gangbanging twinks. Twink orgies. Asian twinks. Black twinks. Latino twinks. I fucked my teacher. I fucked my stepfather. I fucked my football team. Fuck!

Had Toby been using her father's laptop to watch twink porn? Should she even ask? She'd looked at twink porn so why shouldn't Toby? And besides, she had asked him to dress in her clothes so she could take more erotic photographs. Who was she to judge?

And then she heard noises. Someone on the stairs. Someone at the door, turning the key. Toby and Daddy? Charlotte shut down the laptop and stepped into the hall.
Toby's heart thundered in his chest as the door opened. The clothes - maybe Charlotte could explain it somehow. Maybe it would be best to greet Gerry together. He could follow the girl's cues for now, and then explain more later if he could find a moment alone with Gerry. They would discuss how to handle Charlotte. It would be okay.

But it wasn't just Gerry who stepped in the door. Toby's posture went rigid, his eyes boring holes into Henry Merton. Henry, the skank who was trying to steal Gerry. Fucking Henry Merton. He wanted to claw the boy's eyes out.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he demanded.

Just as quickly, Toby's wild eyes switched to Gerry. What had Gerry done? What had happened between them while Toby wasn't at school? He kept hold of his anger to hold back the ache of worry and hurt roiling in his gut.

"What the fuck is he doing here?"
"What the fuck...?"

Gerry stepped into the hall to a tirade of abuse. Toby was loud and volatile, but this volume was another level. The boy was standing on the stairs dressed in...Gerry wasn't quite sure. A pajama top? Briefs, but way too tight. Girls briefs maybe. He hardly had time to take it all in when Charlotte stepped into the hall from the front room.

"What the fuck...?"



"Toby and I..."

"Hi, I'm Henry..."

"This is Henry," Gerry said. "I see you've met Toby."

Henry stepped forward and almost comically, shook Charlotte's hand. Gerry watched as his daughter's eyes took in what the second boy was wearing, glancing at Toby who seemed rooted to his spot on the stairs. What the fuck was the kid wearing?

"How's it going Tobes?" Henry said. "Just getting a ride home with teach and somehow we've stopped here. Nice place, Gerry."

Gerry turned to face Charlotte.

"I'm just home for a few days," she said in answer to the question he didn't ask.


"Yes please, Daddy."

"And Toby....?"

Gerry turned. Henry was standing at the bottom of the stairs, smiling up at Toby who's angry face was even sterner if that was possible. He didn't know whether Toby would strike out or turn and flee. Whether Henry and Toby had any particular backstory Gerry wasn't quite sure. Toby was a caged animal, fearing and hating just about everyone, and hating Gerry again from this moment. Henry was, well just Henry. A free spirit. Impervious to the roar of the crowd. Just did what he wanted at the time. He watched Henry reach out to Toby as if to take his hand or beckon him downstairs, but as Gerry surmised, Toby turned and fled.

"I better get this," Gerry said, following Toby upstairs.
Toby was in total disbelief. For Henry to be in this house at all was bad enough, but what was the kid doing reaching out to him as if they were friends? At best, they'd been total strangers to one another.

He left in disgust, only for Gerry to trail after him, obviously seeing the need to put out whatever fires he could. Good old Counsellor Metzler, fixing the kids' problems. Or at least making some weak attempt to talk his way out of his own problems. If anything, Gerry had become more of a troublemaker than Toby was when they'd first met.

He went into Gerry's room and plopped down on the bed, legs spread wide and leaning back on his hands. Get an eyeful, Metzler, because I might be out of here real soon if you're letting some other slut take my place.

"Before you ask, Charlotte told me I could wear anything of hers I wanted. She thinks I'm beautiful."

He almost added that they weren't fooling around, but why set the old man's mind at ease? He paused to stare at Gerry, wondering if he was jumping to conclusions about what might have happened between his daughter and his boycunt.

"I can't imagine you could possibly have a reasonable excuse for bringing that fuckboy into this house," he continued, his voice tight and tense, but with a definite tremble behind it. "You know I saw him jerking you off in the library. Are you just done with me now? Are you fucking him? I don't need you either, you know. I can go with Charlotte. She's nice to me."
Gerry closed the door behind them. Toby flung himself onto the bed, lying on his back, legs apart. The older man was captivated by the pose the boy adopted. Given the obvious rage, Gerry had expected Toby to turn on him, physically, punching and kicking. Yet here he was adopting an inferior position. Subordinate. Fuck! It was only one step away from rolling onto his stomach and offering up his ass.

"Quieten down, Toby," Gerry said, not moving any closer. The boys eyes flashed. "I have a job to do. Other boys to....counsel." He almost said 'look after'. "Henry...needed my help...a problem he's having. At school. With another teacher."

How much to tell? The two boys were different but in some respects they had a lot in common. It would be a good thing for Toby to have a friend. An ally. His own age. Even a fuckbuddy. It wasn't healthy for him just to fuck older men. If that was a counselor's way of looking at things, rather than just a pervert's.

"I'm not fucking Henry...." Not yet, Gerry might have added. What was it to Toby who he fucked? Maybe Toby was fucking Charlotte. What the fuck had they been doing in the house? And wearing her clothes. Even if they looked fabulous on the kid.

"And I'm glad you like Charlotte. You need friends closer to your own age. People you can relate to, share things with, have fun with."

Gerry had never thought of Charlotte as a friend for Toby. She simply hadn't been in the picture. But she was here now and obviously they were getting on. Like girlfriends maybe. He pictured Toby in other clothes of his daughter's, in make up, the two of them sharing, close together. The idea made him smile.

"I'm going downstairs now, Toby. I want you to stay here until you feel better and then come down too. Let's talk, eat, relax. Wear what you like. No judgement. No boundaries. You know, you look fabulous dressed like that."

For a moment, Gerry had to restrain himself from walking over and climbing onto the bed himself. He smiled again, turned, opened the door and walked out of the room.
Toby frowned intensely at him. He might get poor grades, but how much of an idiot did Gerry think he was? Of course he knew Gerry had other kids to counsel. They didn't all come home with him. They didn't all give him handjobs.

Or did they? Had Gerry always been a pervert who crossed lines with students and just portrayed himself otherwise.

You're supposed to be MY pervert...

If the situation had been different, Toby might have taken pleasure in how paternal the older man's response had been. Have friends your age. Stay here until you feel better. No judgement.

No boundaries, though? Really? Were there no lines anymore? That made everything totally meaningless, and robbed him of any sense of security. The relationship that had given him one thing to hold onto in life was now every bit as tenuous as Gerry and Andrea's relationship. A ludicrous fucking sham. Maybe he'd always known it would fall apart, but he'd hoped there would be more time.

The compliment on his appearance almost made him feel better, but he decided he couldn't be that easily bought. He rolled over to face the other way as Gerry left the room and pulled the man's pillow close to him, hugging it tightly and breathing in the scent of Daddy.

A few minutes later, with tears in his eyes, he got up and started flinging everything off the bed, throwing pillows and blankets around the room before pulling out all the drawers from the dresser and dumping their contents. He knew he was accomplishing nothing, but senseless destruction was an easy way to cope. He threw and kicked things around the room until he didn't feel like breaking down anymore, and then went to the mirror to stare at himself. He was a little sweaty, a little disheveled. He didn't care.

He'd be in this room until he dropped dead if he was supposed to wait until he felt okay, but he could at least will himself to numb over, and maybe that was good enough. He didn't have to give a fuck about Gerry. He could move on. Help Charlotte with her photography, and find some nice guy who liked his pictures. A good Daddy, who wouldn't treat him like he was disposable.

Of course, his time with Charlotte was limited too. She wouldn't be comfortable with her dad fucking him, would she? No girl could be that open-minded. In fact, he was tempted to go downstairs and just tell her right away rather than wait for the ticking time bomb that was Andrea to blow everything wide open and no doubt try to drive a wedge between her husband and daughter. But who would suffer more if he blabbed now - Charlotte or Gerry? He wanted to hurt Gerry, not her.

Clenching his jaw, Toby finally drifted downstairs, about twenty minutes after Gerry had left him alone. He found the trio sitting at the kitchen table, chatting away over a snack, as if nothing weird was happening. Going along with the charade, he stepped up to the table and placed himself directly between Gerry and Charlotte, turning his back to the man and facing Charlotte as he leaned against the table.

"How do I look? It feels nice."
Charlotte and Henry were chatting in the kitchen when Gerry went downstairs.

"I've made you a coffee," Charlotte said, pushing a cup towards her father. His daughter was trying to be extra nice, Gerry noted.

"Henry was just telling me about school and how much he enjoys drama and how all the students like you and think you're doing a good job."

Gerry looked at the boy who peered back through his electric blonde fringe with an uncharacteristic sheepishness.

"Henry is talking BS, Charlotte. Not about drama maybe, but about everything else."

They boy's eyes were downcast now.

"And he knows it."

Gerry sat down and reached for the coffee.

"Charlotte talks BS too, Henry," he said. "When she tells you that I do a good job, she means at transferring money to her account no questions asked."

She looked wounded.

"Henry wants to go to college and study drama, Daddy. I've been telling him what a good drama school they have where I go. And how Toby wants to go to."

That was news to Gerry. When did Toby express any interest in going to college?

"I know Henry is good at drama. He's so good he doesn't know when drama class ends and real life begins. Am I right, Henry?"

"Well, I've invited Henry to come visit me at college, Daddy, so I can show him around. And Toby. You can come together, yeah?"

Gerry saw Charlotte glance at Henry who looked up at her question and nodded automatically. These two were both trying to work their magic on each other. He could see that. It was really just a question of whose BS would outgun the other.

"Well, the colleges all have outreach programs. I'm sure if Henry and Toby want to investigate your college they'll find their stand at Exhibition Day at school."

Assuming either of the little fucks actually attend school on Exhibition Day, Gerry thought. He made a mental note to make sure they did, if only not to disappoint Charlotte.

"I've invited Henry to come back with me for a day or two," Charlotte said. "He's got a car so he can bring Toby. I can find billets for them in the dorm."

Gerry wasn't really surprised at how manipulative Charlotte was being, nor at how Henry appeared to be going along with it. As for Toby, it didn't make a lot of sense unless...the way he was dressed had something to do with it What had happened while he was out? But before he could formulate a reply, Toby flounced into the room, still dressed like he was attending a teengirl sleepover. The kid ignored Gerry and Henry, plonked his elbows heavily onto the table and turned to Charlotte.

"How do I look? It feels nice?" he asked.

"You look fabulous, Toby," she said, emphasizing the word 'fabulous' as if she was about to air kiss him on entering some trendy Manhattan soiree.

"Have you two been playing dress-ups while I've been away?" Gerry asked without thinking, immediately feeling Charlotte's wrathful gaze on him and only imagining what Toby's face was saying through the back of his head. Henry, on the other hand, leaned forward, wide eyed and all ears.
The hopeful, optimistic look on Toby's face at Charlotte's compliment crumpled as soon as Gerry spoke. He'd been so determined to harden himself but it took so little for the man to cut him deep. Maybe it was partly because he was being as much of an asshole to his own daughter as to him.

Immediately giving up his first instinct to ignore Gerry, he straightened and turned to face the man, not considering how much his current outfit might compromise his severe expression.

"Yeah, we're playing dress-up," he snapped in a biting, cynical tone. "Never mind the fact that I don't have any fucking clothes that are wearable, and the fact that I asked you for help with that. Let me guess - you've been too busy 'helping' Henry to bring me anything. You used to actually help me. At least Charlotte encourages me and is helping me find things I'm good at. What have you done for me lately?"

Without waiting for an answer, he turned to face Charlotte again.

"Is he always such a condescending asshole?"

Just as quickly, he shifted his cutting gaze to Henry, who seemed to be rather enjoying the drama.

"And you! What do you think you're accomplishing here? You think you've got Metzler wrapped around your little finger? Good fucking luck - he'll throw you under the bus at first opportunity and then gaslight the hell out of you. Have fun with that."
As soon as he spoke, Gerry regretted saying it. Saying anything. The tension in the room was off the scale. Toby simply ranted, spraying everyone. Henry seemed mildly amused, but Charlotte looked horrified. He still thought she had no idea what was going on, even as he could only guess what dress-ups they had been playing. Not that Charlotte was dressed unusually, and like Toby said, he didn't have any clean clothes.

"Is he always such a condescending asshole?" Toby asked Charlotte.

She looked at Gerry again, clearly unsure of how to reply.

"And you...." Henry's smile broadened a little as Toby attacked him, even if Henry was trying hard to control himself. Drama was Henry's forte, Gerry knew, and all he wanted now was to get Toby out of the room. But how? On his own seemed unlikely. Gerry could manhandle the kid out, but that would probably provoke an even more enraged response. And manhandling was hardly the professional counselor's approach. He needed to calm, to reason, to mediate, but looking at Toby, a strategy eluded him.

Charlotte was looking at him in that way she looked when Andrea lost her temper. He looked back. They had an unspoken code, father and daughter. Blink and glance. Take him into the yard, Gerry indicated. That way. The yard.

Charlotte understood.

"Hey Toby," she said, standing and placing her hands on the boy's shoulders. "Come with me. Out of here while Daddy and Henry talk. You tell me what's wrong and then...."

'And then what?' Gerry wondered. But he was pleased to see Charlotte steer Toby out the door into the yard, the kid's anger spending all his physical energy so he was unable to resist her firm guidance.

Gerry looked at Henry, grinning broadly now, his pretty smile breaking out across his smooth face.

"Under the bus, eh Gerry? Gaslight the hell out of me...."

Henry stood and walked around to the empty chair next to Gerry where he sat down, placing a hand on Gerry's arm.

"Tell me more, teach. What have you and little Toby been up to?"
Toby felt defeated as he was guided out of the room like he was a hysterical woman. Was Gerry going to be continually shutting him away behind closed doors until he was quiet and compliant? Was he being trained? Broken?

He took a deep breath of the outside air as they stepped into the backyard. It might have helped refresh him, but out here, all he could see was that shed where the cop had raped him while Gerry watched. Helped, even.

He'd thought at the time he could be okay with what happened, because he'd given himself over to Gerry so wholly, but thinking about it now was like ripping off a scab that had barely formed, a physical pain tearing through him. He dropped to his knees in the grass and hung his head, succumbing to quiet sobs. He felt Charlotte sit down carefully next to him, ready to listen. He wanted to tell her everything - every last thing her precious daddy had done, and everything he had failed to do. But he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

Still, something had to come out.

"I don't know if the world is full of assholes or if I'm just really, really stupid. Maybe both."

He sniffled and ran the back of his wrist across his wet face, having no idea how the combination of the girl's scanties he wore and the tears rolling down his cheeks had made him look prettier and more fragile than ever, but Charlotte would certainly not miss it.

"I had a boyfriend," he said softly. "He told me he loved me, and I loved him too, and he was so sweet to me and made me feel safe for like, the first time in my whole life. I just wanted to be with him. He made everything okay. But then... I saw him fooling around with another guy. And he wasn't even fucking sorry. He just got mad at me when I called him out on it, and he... hurt me. Maybe he was just bullshitting me and never really was my boyfriend. And I... I still feel like I want to be with him. I guess I really am an idiot."

He sniffled again and finally looked up to meet Charlotte's gaze.

"And your dad... your dad.... I don't wanna tell you he's a bad guy. I guess he probably helps a lot of people. I just feel like he's really not been putting any effort to help me beyond letting me sleep in that back room. And yesterday... when I was... hurt... I think he could have stopped it. And he didn't. I don't think he even tried. He knew it was happening. He knew it and he let it happen and he hardly even said anything to me. Why won't he help me?"
Charlotte listened to Toby's long sad speech. A boyfriend who hurt him and her Daddy who couldn't make it right? Poor Toby. Mixing up his personal life and Daddy's role as school counselor. She guessed that's what happens when you're sad and hurt and not thinking straight.

"Yeah, the world is full of assholes," she said, reaching out and pulling Toby close. "It's a tough lesson, but the sooner we learn it and move on, the sooner we can hold our heads high. I want you to be happy, Toby. I want you to love life and look forward to the future. Wonderful things will happen to you. I know. You'll meet wonderful people and be happy."

She hesitated. I sound like a Hallmark card, she thought, as Toby sniffled against her.

But Daddy knew what was happening to Toby. Everything? And how? Did it happen at school? Or at home and Daddy was on duty? She wanted to ask and she didn't want to upset Toby any more, all at the same time.

"Let's just sit here quietly for a bit and enjoy the fresh air," she said, "and then we can make plans. Forget about your shitty boyfriend. And if Daddy can't fix it, no one can. I'm sure he did his best. Just sometimes life is telling you to move on, I guess."

Charlotte felt Toby flinch and held him tighter.

Gerry could see Charlotte and Toby sitting together outside and wondered what they were talking about. He wanted to intervene, to separate them, or to tell Charlotte it was all lies. Except he wasn't sure if those words would even cross his lips or if he'd choke.

"What have you and little Toby been up to?"

Henry's hand burned into Gerry's arm. He could smell the boy, his scent, his sweat, his dyed hair. Gerry wanted to lean down and run his nose across the boy's bare shoulder where it cut across his view of the garden.

"Henry," he said...slowly...waiting for the words to take shape in his mind. Any words. "There are things going on here....which won't be helped by you intervening...or showing an interest...or..."

Gerry turned his head. Henry's pretty face was inches away. 'Go on. Tell me more,' the boy's expression said.

"...or trying to be part of. If you want to be friends with Toby or Charlotte, then let it be on their terms, yours and their terms. I'm her father and your school guidance counselor and that's how it should be."

Henry pulled back.

"Fuck it Gerry. You say that like nothing's happened. I know you're fucking Toby. Is that what school guidance counselors do? And I'm fucking Gabriel and...."

Gerry watched the words form in the boy's head this time.

"...and the janitor...and..."

The older man bit his tongue to make sure he didn't speak first.

"...and...I'll fuck you...and Toby...and Charlotte...and anyone I like, Gerry. I like fucking, OK? OK?"

Henry sounded strident now, demanding Gerry's agreement.

"Go ahead," he said. "You're eighteen, Henry. Fuck anyone you like. I'm not sure Charlotte really likes boys and Toby...well, he's a handful and I'm not sure you have much in common. But if you want to fuck for me....well, Henry you're a beautiful boy and I'm a sad twisted old man. I'm not sure fucking would be good for either of us, not now, not ever maybe. Let's wait and see."

Gerry stood, patted Henry on the shoulder, and stepped into the garden.
Toby leaned on Charlotte's shoulder, trying to calm his embarrassing fit of emotion. Her kindness was as hard to swallow as the horrible thought of moving on. Move on from his 'boyfriend'? Move on from his counsellor? They were one and the same. That one little inconvenient fact that Charlotte didn't yet know, but inevitably would find out.

Move on. Move out, he supposed. He'd have to. Out of Gerry's house. No more sleeping on that comfy bed. No more pancakes. No more wild piss parties. No more sitting in Daddy's lap. The thought of all this brought him a deep and terrible sense of grief. It was worse than losing his actual mom - at least he'd never had much in the way of positive expectations of her.

"It's so hard to move on," he whispered, sniffling. After a few more moments, he sat back, trying to extricate himself from Charlotte and wipe his face. "God, I hate being this way. I'm just scared. I don't know what's next, or how I'll get by. I can't keep staying here at your dad's house, but I have nowhere to go. Would you really help me find somewhere to stay? I mean... I don't have a dime to my name. I don't even have a phone. I don't know what I could do for money, but if you think there are things I can do...?"

He bit his lip and a moment later, noticed movement at the edge of his vision and turned sharply to find Gerry approaching. Apparently he wasn't in there fucking Henry. Probably only because his daughter was here. Toby pursed his lips, not sure how to handle Gerry anymore. Part of him needed answers. Truth. The rest of him just wanted to be comforted, even if it was with lies.

"Your daughter thinks you must have done your best to help me," he said hoarsely, fixing his probing eyes on the man. "Maybe I've been unfair to you. Is it true? Did you really do your best to stop me from being hurt?"

His gaze cut pointedly toward the shed for a moment before returning to Gerry.
Charlotte was shocked to hear Toby confronting her father. Of course he did his best, she thought. That’s what he does. His job. His best. But she knew the kid was hurting and when you’re that low you’re going to strike out at whoever is close. She done it herself. Everyone had. But what to do now?

Gerry stood still, as if not moving might tame the savage beast. He watched as Toby fixed eyes on him, then looked at the shed and back. The fucking shed. The policeman. The monster. What the fuck had Toby expected him to do? And then the shame at thinking that. Stop the man from raping him. What else? Jesus, what a mess.

Charlotte had fixed her gaze on him too. It was her ‘go back inside look’. Gerry permitted himself the faintest smile of recognition and turned back to where Henry was standing against the full height windows, watching the show.

Charlotte wrapped her arms tight around Toby and held him. There was nothing to say which silence couldn’t say better. She watched her father return to the house and Henry staring back. Suddenly it all made sense. Henry was the boyfriend who’d hurt Toby. Why else had Daddy brought him here? To patch things up, of course. To make it right. Young love and all that. Daddy was a genius. And Charlotte was sure it would work. Slowly and painfully maybe. But Toby and Henry were both here which was a good start.

”I‘ll stop you from being hurt, Toby,” she said softly. I understand you, she thought, and what Daddy has started, I’ll finish and bring you and a Henry back together.
So the old man was clamming up, avoiding responsibility like always. Refusing to be called out. Hiding from confrontation. More and more Toby was learning who Gerry Metzler really was - a pathetic, spineless coward who was happy to take advantage and spout as much bullshit as it took to get him what he wanted, but at the slightest hint of challenge, just disappeared into the ether. With all he was getting out of trying to pry some integrity out of the old man, Toby might as well have been trying to grab hold of a ghost.

The boy let Charlotte hold onto him for a while, taking comfort where he could get it. Stop him from being hurt? It was a lie, of course, or at least an inexcusably naive example of overconfidence, but at least it was something he wanted to hear. The girl might not be the hero he wanted, but being willing and actually giving a fuck put her head and shoulders above most people. He'd just have to keep his head above water and ride this wave while it lasted.

"I wish you could," he mumbled against her shoulder. "It's nice that you want to. I just... I just wish he would even say sorry."

He realized immediately that Charlotte probably wouldn't have known whether he was talking about Gerry or the mysterious unnamed boyfriend. It didn't matter.

Toby finally lifted his head and looked toward the windows, seeing the outline of Henry there, still spying on him. He stared thoughtfully back at the boy who stared at him, trying to come to terms with the fact that the little asshole was probably Gerry's new boycunt. He'd just have to accept it, and find a way not to let it destroy him.

"I need to toughen up," he mumbled. "I just... I just need to toughen up. I never used to fall apart like this. I guess having feelings for someone pulled out all sorts of shit, and I don't know how to put it all back in."
“I need to toughen up…..” Toby said into Charlotte’s ear. Still holding him, she sensed him raising his head as if looking back at the house. Was Henry still standing in the window? Were they locking eyes, staring at each other, boyfriend and boyfriend, exes longing for what they had and might have been?

”You‘re only eighteen, Toby,” Charlotte said, trying to sound older than her twenty one years. “Your whole life ahead you. Boyfriends. Lovers. Fun and fucking and good times. Toughen up if you want, but you know what people really like? Vulnerability. Softness. Like you looked in the photos I took.”

The photos. Should she suggest taking some more? Now? To distract him? Or build him up? And Henry? Should she show him the photos, maybe not now, but sometime? Charlotte already knew that she wanted to photograph Henry too. And Toby and Henry together. Beautiful, adorable, sexy photographs of two beautiful boys. Immodest photos. Intimate photos. Cock and ass photos. Cum photos. Photos of them fucking…..

She wanted to turn and see if Henry was still there, or ask Toby, but as Charlotte went to speak, thinking about the photos she might take of the two boys, the phlegm caught in her throat and she coughed, almost violently, jolting Toby and half throwing him off.

”Sorry,” she said. “I’ve ruined the moment now.”

He was leaning away from her a little, her arms stretched out across the gap between them. Toby stared back, looking deliciously downcast, she thought, a waif cast adrift on an uncaring human sea. Charlotte almost wanted to laugh, or cry, or hug and kiss him, not sexually. Protectively. This felt like having a younger brother, she guessed. Not that she’d ever had one. Or a new puppy. Yes, she remembered that. A new puppy, soft and vulnerable and happy to be loved to death.

”Hey,” she said. “Let’s go for a walk maybe. You could put on something a little more suitable for going outside and we could go down the park or the woods or the canal and just hang out….or maybe take some more photos.”
Fun and fucking and good times. Could it ever be that sweet and simple? And how could he avoid the pitfalls of being vulnerable when there was a whole world of men ready to take advantage? He might lean on Charlotte to help him make better choices in men, but how could he trust her judgment in that arena when she seemed to think Daddy hung the moon, and genuinely believed he did nothing but his best to help students?

Your daddy helped a whole roomful of perverts fuck and piss all over me yesterday, sweetheart, and then whored me out to a sadistic janitor to avoid getting himself into trouble. What a stand-up guy.

Fucking Gerry. Fuck. He needed some distance. Yeah... just a breather. He had to calm down and get his head straight.

"Not the canal," he blurted out, his heart skipping a beat as he remembered what he and Gerry had done down there.

Bet you don't know your darling Daddy likes it up the ass. He likes it dirty and he likes it aggressive.

"Anywhere but the canal. If there are woods where we can have some private time, yeah... more pictures, maybe. That might be... nice. I'll just throw something on over this. Yeah?"
"Anywhere but the canal...."

"OK," Charlotte said. "Not the canal. It's just as nice as the woods anyway. Yeah, throw something on and we'll get going."

She followed Toby into the house and waited while he went upstairs, suddenly wondering how many articles of clothing he actually had at her family home. And yet Toby was naked when she came home earlier because everything he had was dirty or bloody from the beating. And which room was he using upstairs. Sleeping in? It must be something new Daddy is doing, she decided, letting vulnerable kids sleep over. Although it was highly unusual. She recalled how her father wouldn't even allow himself to be alone in a car with a student. Once she had to go with him to take someone home in case something happened or was alleged to happen. And thinking about it, things seemed to be even stricter today, not laxer. Her father was trusted, that was true, so maybe it was OK. And Henry was here too, so two students meant that each was the other's alibi, she guessed.

Henry was standing by the door of the day room. She watched his eyes follow Toby as the smaller boy crossed the room. What was Henry thinking, she wondered. Was he hurting? Recovering?

"We're going for a walk in the woods," Charlotte said. "Or maybe I should let Toby tell you. Are you guys talking again?"


Henry turned, hands in the pockets of the low slung vinyl trousers he wore, pushing the waistline low over the mound of his cock. He had a beautiful torso, she thought, firm with a neat line of dark hair reaching up to his navel, exposed below the shirt where it didn't reach the trousers, and then visible through the mesh. Henry smiled at her, quizzically as if he didn't hear her or understand the question.

"Yeah," she said. "You and Toby. Talking again after...whatever happened between you. I mean...."

But what did she mean? Henry wasn't giving away any clues, much like Toby who spoke in riddles. She smiled at how much they had in common.

"Tobes and I are talking, I guess," Henry said. "I mean, he's cute and everything, but he's prickly as hell. He's a fucking effort to be honest. A drama queen. Like me..."

Henry laughed loudly and authentically. Charlotte laughed back as Toby stepped back into the room.
Unlike what Charlotte was thinking, when Toby went straight upstairs, he went back to her room. Nothing he had here, which wasn't more than two or three changes of clothes, was clean enough to wear, and Gerry's clothes would be way too big for him. Plus the asshole hadn't even offered. Charlotte had offered.

He went back through her drawers and closet and found a pair of dark blue stretchy pants - he wasn't sure if they were supposed to be pajamas, athletic wear, or just something meant to be worn around the house, but he could get them on. He paired these with a gray hoodie he found that must be oversized on her, possibly something from a short-lived grunge phase. It was soft and smelled nice - like fabric softener and something vaguely girly, more fruity than perfumey. It was calming.

Descending the stairs, he found Charlotte and Henry laughing together, and he immediately had the sense it was about him. He couldn't hide the half wounded, half embarrassed look that came over him, but he tried to push past it and set his jaw, and looked pointedly at Charlotte, ignoring Henry.

"Is this okay to borrow? And... and maybe if you could show me how to do laundry... I could have my stuff washed."

His cheeks burned. He could feel Henry's eyes on him, and resented that gaze. He didn't want to have to have Henry here to witness any of this. Probably everyone at Fillmore already knew he was the trashiest of white trash, but he didn't need this specific person witnessing how little he actually had. Would someone as showy with his own wardrobe as Henry was know that half of Toby's sorry excuse for a wardrobe was stuff taken from the nurse's office, donated to 'low income' kids?
Charlotte looked at Toby, the smile still on her face. He blinked back, looking wounded as if she and Henry had been talking about him. Which they had. But not negatively. Had they? No...well Henry had called Toby a drama queen. Maybe Toby had heard that. But a drama queen like Henry. That was what they'd been saying when Toby walked in. We are all drama queens, she thought.

"Hey man, you look great," Henry said before Charlotte could speak.

"Is this okay to borrow?" Toby said, ignoring Henry.

"Yeah...great..." Charlotte echoed. "Of course they're okay to borrow."

She wondered when she had last worn the blue stretchy pants and the gray hoodie. So much stuff. I really must sort my stuff out, she thought. Toby can help...

An why did he resent Henry so? Charlotte could see it in Toby's eyes. She wasn't sure if it went so far as hatred. Toby had that look around Henry and even her father which was not so much hatred as suspicion. Or maybe anticipation of disaster. This was some damaged kid, she thought. No wonder Daddy has taken him under his wing.

"Toby and I are going for a walk," Charlotte said, just stopping herself from inviting Henry along. If she was going to get these two lovebirds back together, there was a lot more work to do, The last thing she wanted was to chase Toby away. Not when she wanted him around, to work with, to get to know to share her little brother.

"So we'll see you when we get back, Henry," she said, "if you're still here."

As she pushed Toby towards the front door, she winked at Henry just to make sure he knew she wasn't kicking him out.
Toby looked back thoughtfully at Henry as they stepped out, his insides twisting as he wondered what would happen in the house now. Would they go up to Gerry's room - fuck in Gerry's bed? Would they be fucking on the floor right there in the entrance for he and Charlotte to find when they came back, just as Andrea had walked in on him and Gerry having a threesome with Dr. Phetmang? And in some way, would it be Toby's fault? Had he sown something he'd soon have to reap?

The boy was downcast as they walked through the neighborhood, in the direction of the woods he hadn't even known were there. He wrapped his arms around himself, self-soothing, for the first few minutes of the journey, and then pressed his sleeve-covered fists to his nose and mouth, inhaling the nice clean scent of Charlotte's shirt, finding comfort in it. It smelled good because it was hers - she was the source of the goodness. For the first time, he wondered if it was possible that he could be into a girl.

He was fond of her, that was true. Maybe he could love her, if he was capable of it. But could he imagine fucking her? Not so much. Maybe would have to be satisfied that he was gay, and see Charlotte as more of a friend. A sister, maybe? It seemed a little weird. Maybe there wasn't a word for the way he felt about her.

Finally, he moved a little closer to the girl and hooked his arm around hers, clinging to her. A moment later, he realized that this might make it look like they were boyfriend and girlfriend, and that wasn't fair to Charlotte. Embarrassed at himself, he quickly let her go.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm just... well... I dunno. Just... thanks for being nice to me. I feel like I'm losing my mind, and you're the only one helping. So... I wanna help you with anything I can. Just... whatever you want me to do, I'll do it."
Gerry watched through the curtains as Toby left the house with Charlotte. He couldn't explain how he felt, but hiding like this made him feel better. They turned left and headed down the street. He wondered how they felt about each other. Toby and Charlotte were only separated in age by three or four years, but their worlds of experience couldn't be more different. Could the things which attracted him to Toby also attract Charlotte? It didn't make any sense. What was attraction anyway? And last time Charlotte had come home she'd brought a girlfriend whom Andrea decreed wasn't platonic. But you could like girls and boys at the same time. Gerry fantasized about fucking the senior girls just like the senior boys. Maybe they all did. All the teachers. It was normal. Wasn't it? Gerry ran his hand down his shirtfront to his cock. He was hard.

"Hey teach..."

Henry was alongside Gerry, standing up close to the front window. The boy didn't finish his sentence. Gerry remained silent, wanting the boy to do something, anything, take the lead, touch him, kiss him. Henry was like that. Precocious. Proactive. An alpha.

The boy placed his hand on Gerry's shoulder.

"Hey teach..."

Gerry drew in a deep breath and swallowed. He wanted to fuck Henry. Lay down on the carpet in the front room and fuck him, stick his cock into the boy, feel him, stretch him, test him, make him gasp and laugh and squirm and swoon. Or Henry do it to him. Yes. Henry fucking him. Fucking his teacher. He was bigger than Toby. His cock too. He'd watched it closely on the video where Henry fucked the chaplain. Big and thick and long. And Henry knew what he was doing.

Gerry felt Henry's hand on his cock.

"Don't be silly," Charlotte said, grabbing at Toby's hand and holding it tight. "We can hold hands. Like girlfriend and boyfriend. friends. It's nice to hold hands."

She skipped, swinging their locked hands up between them, waving them both high in the air.

"And you don't have to thank me for being nice. It's nice, yeah, but it's friendship. It's what happy people do. And Toby, you know what? You are going to help me a lot."

Two blocks down the woods came right into the suburb, a long tendril of green which touched the street, opening out into trails and clearings which curved round and back in a confusing maze. Charlotte and Toby turned onto the trail and walked into the sweet smelling undergrowth.

"I've brought my camera," she said. "You're gonna help me take some more photos. Yeah? Outdoor stuff. Just us two. I want you to do whatever comes naturally. I know a place..."

She led him off the path and through a short thicket, bending below vines, until they arrived in a clearing hidden from the trail. You could still hear the sounds of the town, and birdsong, a jet flying over, but no people.

"So, what do you think of this place, Toby? Private, yeah?"

Charlotte opened the bag she was carrying and fetched out the camera.

"So while I'm getting ready, why don't you have a think about how you want to pose. Over by that tree, yeah?" she said, pointing. "Where the sun is slanting in."

She watched him walk away from her. What a shame we don't have a window pane to play with, she thought. Or another person. Like Henry....
Toby stepped silently into the clearing, gazing up at the treetops and the dappled sunlight that filtered through. It was such a polar opposite from the environment he'd come from that it doesn't seem real.

"I like it," he said softly. "Like... something from a story. Or a dream."

He turned a few slow circles while she got her camera ready, and soon he was slipping off his pants and hoodie, draping them over a rock. He even removed his shoes and socks, getting accustomed to the feeling of soft, cool grass beneath his bare feet. He stepped over to the tree she'd indicated and seemed to almost startle as he entered a beam of sunlight. For a moment, he looked like a slutty little cherub, but reflexively he turned his face away from the source of the light. He felt exposed.

The boy ended up leaning against the tree with his back to the sun and the camera, popping his cute little butt out, which was perfectly cradled by the silky underwear. He looked back over his shoulder, his hair sliding down to partly shadow his face.

"Does this look... okay?"
Gerry looked into Henry's eyes. The boy was as tall as he was. Much taller than Toby. 'Mansize' came into his head, whatever that meant. 'Equals' maybe. When Henry fucked him, Gerry guessed, there would be no power imbalance, no directing events. Just fucking and being fucked, two men together.

Henry smiled, a slight nod, the edges of his mouth twitching with anticipation. The older man leaned in and kissed him, the boy's hand still on his cock, but gripping tighter now through the fabric of Gerry's pants. Henry's mouth was smooth and soft. For all the hair on the boy's chest, Gerry wondered if he was shaving or how often. The kiss was long and slow, not at all how he remembered kissing Toby, all fevered and anxious. He felt Henry's tongue on the inside of his mouth and sucked back. The boy's hand was inside his pants now, searching for the zipper, then another hand, his cock was out now. Gerry felt it swing upwards, tipping Henry's leg. It would leave a stain of precum. Instantly the boy disengaged and knelt, breathing hard against his teacher's swollen organ, then taking it in his mouth as slowly as their first kiss, sucking and swallowing until Gerry was completely inside. It was slow, but it was thorough, a deep throating without preparation. Henry was good, Gerry thought. Experienced.

The teacher placed his hands on the back of the boy's head and pulled him close until he could feel Henry's face against his torso.

"Does this look...okay?"

Charlotte smiled. "You're so funny, Toby. It looks fabulous. You look fabulous. You've no idea, have you?"

She held the camera to her face, bobbing and kneeling, moving around the tree. Toby propped himself against the trunk and stuck his ass out. The ripe curve of his buttocks caught the slanting sun, the light dabbling and flashing across her underwear over his smooth white skin.

"Just hold like that," she said, "for a moment while the sun is just right. And turn your head away from me."

Charlotte waited while he readjusted. She liked the way his hair fell onto his neck, almost pointing down the line of neat knobs which was his backbone, the bumps petering out just where the shadow of his butt crack peeked above the low waistline of the girl's panties he wore. They were much too tight, she thought, but just right, stretching across his ass cheeks flawlessly, without folds or pinches, as if they'd been fitted expertly.

"Now, turn your head slowly. To the left like before so that your hair falls across your eye. No smiling. Sullen. Serious. Like you don't want your new girlfriend filming you in her panties for the whole world to see."

She hoped Toby would get the joke. He turned his head towards her, the camera clicking, his lower face slowly coming into view, then the tight pink lips, the pert nose, a hint of smoky eye peeking from under his hair.

"Hold it," she said. "Perfect. Now back to the tree and this time hands on hips, with your cock pushed out just like you've been showing me your ass. But no smiling..."