Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

"Yeahhh!" Toby purred. "You got one somewhere in the house? We're about to violate the hell out of it. Well... I guess we'll be putting hell into it."

He snorted at his own dumb joke and rolled off Henry to free him, excited to have a partner in crime that felt more like an equal than Gerry did, even if he still preferred to be with an older man. He missed calling someone 'Daddy'.

"Have you ever actually been in a church? I haven't. I wonder how many places we can leave bodily fluids in a church before we get caught."

He stood up in front of one of Henry's tall mirrors and admired himself from the front and back, as well as from the side as his cock started to lift again. He wondered if getting a priest to fuck a boy was like shooting fish in a barrel or if there were actually some that didn't do that and genuinely tried to be good and holy. Having the latter would be a lot more fun and rewarding.

"I wanna be fucked over... what do you call that thing at the front of a church? Pulpit? Yeah, I wanna be bent over one of those. I wanna cum and swear really loud and see how it echoes. Do you think we'd get arrested for shit like that?"
”Bent over a pulpit?”

Henry stood alongside as Toby admired himself in the mirror.

”Maybe you mean an altar. I mean you could be bent over a pulpit I guess, if you climbed up that fucking high.”

Henry gently flicked Toby’s cock as it lifted towards the horizontal.

”Let’s go to the library and find that bible so we can take some hot shots for the chaplain. Do you think he’s got a favourite verse? Do unto others before they fuck you up the ass?“

Henry led Toby by the hand into the darkened hallway. The house was quiet as they padded naked down the stairs. Arm in arm they found themselves in a high-ceilinged room which smelled of leather. Henry let go of Toby, then rolled a wheeled ladder along the wall.

”The family bible?” he mused, climbing the ladder and shaking his ass in the moonlight. “No one has opened it for years so they won’t notice a little extra moisture.”

Henry selected a large dusty book, then holding it tight to his chest, climbed back down.

”On the floor? The table? Where do you want to christen my family heirloom?”
"Yeah, I don't think I even know what an altar is," Toby snorted, "but I'll sure as hell violate one."

He restrained his giggles as Henry pulled him through the dark, silent house, not wanting to wake up the lady of the house, even though the odds were that she was liquored up enough that very little would wake her at this point.

"Of course you have a big fancy library," he sighed as he looked around the room and breathed in the smell of old books - leather, warmth, subtle sweetness. It bore little resemblance to the school library, with its sterile rows of plastic-covered books in dewey decimal order, propped up by cheap metal bookends, smelling of dust, ancient linoleum, and stress. There was even a rolling ladder here, like in old movies. For a few moments, he forgot the heady thrill of being bad and wondered what it would have been like if he could have grown up in a house like this. Maybe he'd have actually learned to enjoy reading.

His attention was grabbed by Henry's ass as he went up the ladder. He was nice to look at, Toby could admit. Without one of his ostentatious outfits on, and with the dim light muting the brightly colored hair, Henry could have been just about anyone. They were two beautiful naked boys, looking for trouble. There was so much ahead of them to find.

The bible surprised him. A family bible? An heirloom? It definitely looked old, and like it had been precious to someone at some point. It almost made him reconsider, but it didn't take him long to conclude that this was even better than a crisp brand new bible that no one ever cared about.

"Let's start with the table," Toby decided.

He reached out and flipped the book open roughly to the middle and leaned close, squinting in the dim moonlight to find something to read. He snickered when one verse caught his eye.

"Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord," he giggled, glancing up to find Henry's eyes as he started to stroke himself. "Well, I think God wants us to do this!"
Henry watched Toby open the book and flick the ages over. He recalled the last time he'd seen the bible open, an older cousin checking through it, holding it up by the spine and letting the pages swing freely. Grandpa used to hide money in the bible, his cousin had said, but none fell out that day. Afterwards Henry remembered wondering if he should check all the old books in the library for hidden money.

Toby laughed. "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."

What were the chances, Henry thought, what were the chances....

Toby was stroking himself again. Vigorously. How the fuck did the kid get hard so often? And cum like a horse? Henry hated to admit it to himself, let alone anyone else, that he was sore and spent after the day with Toby and Miguel, and before that in the woods performing for Charlotte. It was depressing to think that even he had a limit, a reservoir he imagined, that contained only so much cum and once empty might not fill again until tomorrow.

"God wants us to do this," Toby said.

Henry stepped up to the table where Toby had opened the bible.

"You gonna climb up?" he asked. "Or spurt from there?"
Toby grinned and hopped up onto the table, perching on his hands and knees. It reminded him of getting fucked on Gerry's desk. Henry didn't look like he was ready to fuck, but Toby was happy even just to have an audience.

"You wanna put a lamp on or something? You need to get pictures, right?"

The boy knelt over the open book and stroked himself enthusiastically, breathing raggedly as he smirked at what he was about to do. After so many orgasms today, he would need some time and effort to achieve another, but it let plenty of opportunities for photo ops.

"Here, snap this one," he urged Henry, raising the bible carefully in his upturned hands to let his hard cock, with a little bead of moisture gathering at the tip, lie flat along the book's crease while he pulled a comically pious expression for the camera.

As he resumed his vigorous stroking, he turned himself around so his backside was facing Henry.

"Do you wanna fuck me?" he offered between heavy breaths. "Do you wanna eat my ass? I love a tongue up my ass..."
Henry turned on a lamp on the opposite side of the room, switching off the light on his phone. Toby‘s writhing body threw crazy shadows across the books and high up the drapes. Henry turned back, snapping his friend as he posed his hard cock in the vee of the open bible.

Do I wanna fuck….Henry mused over Toby’s invitation. He was spent and sore. And Toby knew, hence the suggestion Henry eat ass. Toby knew….too much for some inexperienced new kid from the wrong side of town. Henry couldn’t help but be intrigued. What the fuck made this kid tick? Sure he fucked like a boy whore, but everything about Toby that wasn’t overtly physically sexual told Henry his friend wanted love. And from boring old Gerry Metzler to boot. How the fuck did that make any sense when there was a world of men and cocks and fucking ahead of him. Ahead of them both. Even if Gerry was the one, he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Henry vowed to make sure Toby saw something of the world before returning to Gerry.

”Nice pic,” he said. “One for the chaplain. How about I caption it ‘forgive me father for I have sinned?’”

Henry sent the photo, and then the one of them kissing in bed to Charlotte, captioned ‘sweet dreams’. Then he stepped up behind where Toby was waving his backside.

”You like tongue? Then relax for me. I want to see your rosebud winking at me.”

Up close, Toby was gloriously smooth and neat, only the lightest down covering his firm ass and in his crack. As he asked, Henry watched his friend tense his asshole and then relax, the neatly puckered star opening before his eyes like a flower blooming. He sniffed deeply, then leaning forward, stretched his tongue out until it docked with Toby’s anus, the tip gently probing the orifice at first before he plunged it full length into the warm, musky cavity.
Toby shivered as he awaited the first contact of Henry's warm, wet tongue. That first touch made him moan, and Henry's tongue immediately reaching way up inside him made him cry out, almost like weeping. Oh, how he'd missed this kind of contact - delicious, warm, slick goodness, soft yet muscular and insistent, entering him, tasting him, making him feel so wanted and desired.

"Fuck yes, fuuuck yes," Toby groaned, propping himself up with one arm while his other remained beneath him, tugging eagerly at his throbbing cock. Precum began to flow. He was trembling with pleasure.

"Fuck, you're good at that!" he panted. "Fuck... I... I'm dripping on it already. Dripping..."

He pressed his ass back, as if he could get Henry's tongue deeper into him, as if that tongue could be longer, thicker, and reach all the way through him.
Dripping on the bible, Henry thought as he spread Toby’s butt cheeks with his hands and stretched his tongue into his friend’s ass. Dripping on the fucking bible….this is when I wish I had a twelve inch tongue, he thought, and could go deep, so deep, so….

”I watched a sort of horror porn vid once,” he half whispered into Toby’s ass when he came up briefly for air. Henry paused, examining the neat little hole with his fingers, enjoying the way Toby flinched and arched. “This beautiful blonde twink demon was fucking guys with his tongue but it was feet long. So long that it would stick it up their ass and then out their mouth and then fuck the next guy. Like a tongue fucking version of Centipede, yeah?”

With his fingers still penetrating Toby, Henry leaned back down and pushed his tongue into the ass alongside, twisting and probing, flicking like a lizard.

”Can you fucking imagine that,” he said coming up for air again. “Ass to mouth, but from the inside.”

Henry sat back and reached for his phone.

”I’ve got an idea for a little vid to send Uncle Gerry. I’ll film me finger fucking your ass and then in one take push my fingers into your mouth and you suck and smile. We‘re gonna hear Gerry fucking Metzler‘s screaming orgasm from here.”
Toby moaned and quivered when Henry described the porn. His imagination grabbed hold of the concept, and he could almost feel the other boy's tongue snaking all the way through him, tickling at the back of his throat.

"Oh my... fucking god..." he groaned, jerking his overused cock all the harder. "I'm totally imagining it!"

He whimpered when Henry's warm tongue left his ass, but the idea for the video soon had him practically purring.

"Do it," he agreed. "And maybe, if I can manage it, I'll cum all over the bible right at the end, and you can get that on the vid."

A shiver tickled through Toby's body as the video began. It was his first time being filmed with his actual consent, and he found it immediately exciting. The increased noises of pleasure he made once he felt Henry's fingers entering him weren't a result of him deliberately hamming it up for the camera - his enjoyment was genuine.
Toby was doing all the right things for Henry: moaning, jerking himself off, waving his tight tush. He spat into his palm and then onto Toby's asshole, before working his fingers back inside his friend, slowly but firmly, one, then two, then three.

"OK with that, Tobes?" he asked. "That's only three fingers but I don't have small hands, yeah?"

He pushed a little harder and deeper just to make the point. There was enough light to film so Henry held his phone out with his free hand, catching how Toby's ass opened up nicely while he slid his fingers in and out, watching the greasy ass juice gradually build up until his fingers glistened. And when he decided he was greased enough he withdrew his fingers and walked them purposefully along Toby's back until he reached the boy's neck, all the while keeping his phone trained on the scene.

"OK, Tobes, time to open wide."
"Uughhh, it's good," Toby groaned as Henry pushed three fingers as far in as he could get them. It was painful - impossible to avoid, considering how aggressively he'd been railed in the past few days by multiple men - but by now the aftereffects had settled down enough not to spoil his enjoyment. He was growing accustomed to pain being an essential component of the sexual experience. It wouldn't seem quite right without it.

Breathing heavily, he shivered as he felt Henry's damp, warm fingers slide up his back. He was still stroking himself, dripping more and more, making a mess of the open bible beneath him. Just the idea of making even more of a mess of the holy book was exciting him further.

He opened wide, like an obedient tot, and received Henry's messy fingers that had just been up his ass. He closed his lips around them, licking, sucking, slurping, poking his tongue between them to get every atom of his own juices. He almost forgot he was being filmed - he was in the moment and enjoying himself immensely.

So immensely that he was soon approaching the point of no return. He moaned around Henry's fingers, growled, and pumped his fist rapidly, splattering a small but respectable mess of cum across the delicate pages of the bible.

He had just enough time to look up at the camera with a positively devilish grin before a low, tense voice sounded from the doorway:

"Madre de Dios!"
Henry was concentrating on catching all of Toby's discharge onto the bible when Miguel's voice boomed into the room. 'Mother of God'! At the top of his voice. In the middle of the night. Fucking Christ!

With all the resolve he could muster, Henry stayed focused, willing Toby not to be spooked by the intrusion.

"Great," Henry said, lowering his phone. "In the can." He turned to the door. Miguel was standing there rather than bursting in. The Mexican was naked, six feet of tautly toned brawn. Beautiful, Henry mused. Beautiful and aroused, the semi-hard cock swinging between his muscled thighs.

Henry placed a hand on Toby's back, hoping his friend would get the message and stay in place. No need to turn and face Miguel.

"What do you want, pool boy?"

It was unnecessarily provocative, although Henry was never sure how much Miguel actually understood. He almost said 'chico de la piscina' just to rub it in, but then Miguel would have learned how well Henry spoke Spanish, and probably assaulted him.

"La Biblia. El libro sagrado!"

Miguel advanced a couple of steps into the room, his face as hard as his cock now. Henry understood every word. Did Toby?

"He's talking about what you're doing to the bible," Henry said. "The stupid moron is happy to stick his cock in our mouths, but cum on the bible? Upsets his god. Or the mother of his god apparently. You wanna stay or go?"
Toby froze in place, panting, as Henry briefly spoke with the infuriated Miguel. His expression shifted from shock to something sly and conspiratorial. He swung his ass back and forth teasingly, knowing it was in full view of the Mexican man. He knew he was asking for trouble, but he couldn't resist.

Maybe Miguel couldn't either.

"Why would I wanna go?" he giggled. "I'm having so much fun. What's he need to be so bent out of shape for? It's not even his bible. It's your family's. And this is your library. And I was invited."

He glanced back over his shoulder, smirking.

"What do you think he'll do, Henry? Rub my nose in my mess, like I was a dog? Maybe spank me? He's lucky he got here before I pissed all over it."
“Why would I wanna go?”

Henry watched as Toby waggled his ass at Miguel, pretty much inviting the big Mexican to take whatever he wanted.

”Jesus, Toby,“ Henry whispered, “he’s gonna fucking split you in two.”

Miguel just stood in the door, but when Henry looked round this time, his mother‘s fuckbuddy was stroking his cock, long, slow and hard, eyes fixed on the two teens.

”You are bad boys, OK?” Miguel stepped across the room. “Very bad boys who God will punish.”

Miguel reached the table and ignoring Henry as usual, placed a hand on Toby’s ass while stroking himself with the other.

”God wants me to punish your faggot ass, little guy,” he said.

Henry stepped back and watched. Toby seemed fine with what was about to happen. A hate fuck was one thing, but divine vengeance? He didn’t know whether to stay or go hide. But his phone buzzing caught his attention.

”Outside you little fuck!”

The chaplain. Responding to the pic Henry had texted. Outside? At this time of night? What to do?
Very bad boys who God will punish.

Toby just smiled at Henry's concern, perhaps a trifle smugly, hoping to impress the other boy with the fucking he was capable of taking. He edged himself backward so he could get his feet anchored on the floor and his ass well in line with Miguel's cock. Now his face was hovering over the defiled bible, and he was free to admire his work while he waited for the Mexican man to follow through on his threat. He was ready for a big, hard cock.

"Just look what a bad, bad boy I am - look what I did!" he taunted. "You'd better punish me, quick, before I think of more bad things to do. Show me the wrath of God."

Miguel did not hesitate, and that first thrust of his steel hard cock brought a loud grunt out of Toby, and the whole table shuddered. The boy gritted his teeth, but he was smiling through it, amazingly. Smiling.

After the glorious tongue fucking he'd been treated to by Henry, Toby was so much more ready to take a punishment than he had been on previous occasions. He felt prepped and lubed, and that he'd invited this rather than having it forced on him, all of which made him feel anything but a victim. He'd been thinking about Miguel's cock all evening, and it was as if he'd made his fantasy come true.

"Ohhh fuck," Toby moaned, clawing at the table's smooth surface as his toes pressed against the carpet below. "Ohh my fucking god - I'm learning my lesson! Yeah, give it to me...."

Whatever was going on with Henry, Toby could hardly have been aware - nothing existed right now but Miguel's long, fat cock up his ass.
"Show me the wrath of god..."

Distracted as he was by the chaplain's text, Henry was startled by Toby. He was asking Miguel to fuck him. Hard. Was that a good idea? Miguel was big and crazy and obviously upset at what they were doing to the bible. And now the fucking chaplain was outside in the middle of the night. Jesus Christ! Even as Henry turned towards the door Miguel thrust his cock without ceremony inside Toby's ass, making Toby grunt and the table shudder. Henry wanted to watch, but he didn't want the chaplain causing a fuss outside. He left the room, Toby's frantic moans echoing down the hall behind him.

The chaplain was hovering outside the front door when Henry opened it. Henry ushered him inside and closed the door behind him.

"What the fuck are you playing at, Henry?"

The chaplain was drunk or high or both.

"Shut the fuck up, Gabriel," Henry said. For an instant he thought about putting the chaplain in the drawing room, but it was too close to the stairs and the sound would travel. And the sound of Miguel fucking Toby was seeping down the hall to where they were standing. Henry watched as the chaplain went to reply, but then heard the moans coming from elsewhere.

"What the fuck...?"

There seemed little option but to take the chaplain into the library. He pushed the chaplain along the hall, the moaning and swearing in Spanish getting louder.

"In there..."

When Henry and the chaplain entered the library, closing the door behind them, they were greeted by the sight of Miguel on the table, his naked butt perched high while he mounted Toby, who was bucking beneath him. Miguel was giving no quarter, pounding Toby with all his strength, his cock ramming hard into the teen for its full length, Miguel's outsized balls slapping Toby's ass then swinging back into space. Below the Mexican Henry could see Toby doing his best to stay on his knees, but each hefty buck was causing him to struggle. And beneath Toby, the family bible was rapidly tearing to shreds.

"Miguel," Henry said as if he was making polite introductions. "Our Mexican pool boy."

Neither Miguel nor Toby seemed to hear anything, although the chaplain was transfixed.

"Gabriel Dance," Henry said to no one in particular. "The school chaplain."

'Muchacho' Miguel was saying. 'Cono muchaho!'

"Boy pussy, I think," Henry said.

But the chaplain wasn't listening. Gabriel Dance kicked off his shoes, undid his trousers, then his underwear and climbed unsteadily onto the table facing Toby and Miguel.

"La boca," the chaplain said, holding his cock, already hard towards Toby's face. "His mouth...mi boca."

"Who knew everyone spoke such good fucking Spanish?" Henry said, hoping the table would hold out.
Toby was practically drooling, being fucked into oblivion by a well hung Mexican who clearly craved cono muchacho more than he'd realized. The sodden pages of the bible were tearing loose. He scrunched them in his fists as he took the onslaught of the rampant cock.

Out of nowhere, the chaplain from school was climbing up onto the table in front of him. Was he dreaming?

Laughing senselessly between moans, Toby just rolled with it. Equally senselessly, he grabbed a handful of cum-soaked pages and slapped them against Gabriel's chest. The thin scraps of gooey paper stuck to the man's skin like papier mâché.

"The word of the lord!" he snickered before his sassy mouth was filled with warm, salty flesh. The two men aggressively spit roasted the boy, who was losing strength by this point, a sex doll held up by two sets of bruisingly determined hands. He whimpered, groaned and choked, a few tears rolling down his cheeks in response to the ramming against the back of his throat, but the steady dripping from his cock below was there to reassure Henry he was all in.
Henry watched as the chaplain climbed onto the table and stuck his cock into Toby's mouth. And watched as Toby laughed and sucked and made the most of what was happening to him. Pushing the cum-soaked pages of the bible against Gabriel's chest was a nice touch, he thought. The man of the church clothed in the soiled pages of his holy book. They were all going to hell.

Henry was hard, wrestling with being left out, yet enjoying the scenery. He didn't really want to be fucked by Miguel. Even for Henry there was something about the thought of his mother's lover's cock inside him which raised questions he could neither annunciate nor answer. Better just to suck Miguel off if it was politic to do so, or just watch. The Mexican was big, his cock plunging into Toby and the kid being thrown about like a dog toy. A dog toy....Henry liked that image, that idea...thrown about like a dog toy. His cock lifted and pointed at the table.

And then his phone pinged. Charlotte. Crazy mixed up Charlotte lying awake somewhere not far away, reading his text, seeing the photo of the two boys, then texting him back.

'Lovebirds,' she wrote. Then 'can't w8 4 2mrO.'

Henry texted back. 'Me 2.' And a heart.

Would Charlotte like a pic of Toby being spit roasted? Or even a short vid? Henry lifted his phone and started filming, just in case.
Toby had eased into a sort of trance, allowing the two men to assail him from both ends, becoming a passive vessel for whatever horny, shameful, vengeful, or other feelings they had to work out. He wanted to be this toy - it didn't matter right now what their motives were, so long as he was full of cock.

Yes, he wanted more. Sure, he would have preferred love and romance, but were they real? Even if they were, could he afford to have any real expectation of them? He was gutter trash. He wasn't meant for anything good or wholesome. Maybe he really was just meant to be some cheap cocksucker, like that asshole boyfriend of his mom's had suggested. He remembered how disgusting that guy had made him feel. One of many factors that made him realize he couldn't live in that apartment anymore.

It was almost laughable in retrospect. If the same thing had happened now, he probably would have just gone ahead and sucked the guy's cock, or even offered up his ass. He couldn't deny being a whore now, so he might as well lean into it. Try to have fun. Try. Because if he wasn't having fun, what was he?

The chaplain came suddenly, with a pathetic whimper, and Toby let the man's cum fill his mouth, swallowing some and letting the rest dribble down his chin as he spat out Gabriel's cock. The chaplain sagged down to one side, as if ready to go to sleep right there on the table in the middle of the Mertons' library. Toby swung his head aside, breath heaving, as he looked for Henry. He was surprised to find the other boy filming with his phone. Immediately, he smiled smugly and licked some of the mess off his lips. Miguel was still railing him, now and then growling or muttering Spanish curses. Toby nodded his chin toward Henry's hard cock.

"C'mon - lemme help you with that," he panted. "I need more cock."
The chaplain came in Toby's mouth. Henry watched as the cum dribbled down Toby's chin. The kid spat, spraying cum everywhere. The bible, torn and wrecked, was pretty much soaked. Destroyed as if by some devilish handiwork. 'The devil made me do it', Henry imagined jokily telling his mother in the morning, not that she'd care. It was Miguel who seemed the religious one in the household. And maybe Martha. She went to church on Sundays, and Henry never thought why until now.

When Henry looked up from his phone Toby was nodding at him.

"I need more cock," he said. Henry was hard. As usual, he thought. Maybe I'm priapic. It was Henry's new favorite word. He was thinking up ways to popularize it, fit it into conversations, print a Tshirt perhaps. 'Priapic and proud'. Ha! Except the word alone might be enough to get into trouble. An appropriate symbol or image or logo would be a bridge too far in this town. And pretty much any town he'd been to. Except San Diego maybe? San fucking Diego....Henry daydreamed again....who doesn't need more cock?

Henry smiled. "So you need more cock, you fucking little faggot whore." He said it out loud, looking first at the chaplain who'd spreadeagled himself half naked in one of the good leather chairs, and had shut his eyes. It will wipe off, Henry thought. And then at Miguel, but the big Mexican seemed preoccupied with trying to split Toby in two. Henry stepped up to where he could whisper in Toby's ear.

"The way Miguel is pounding you more cock seems the last thing you need."

He reached out a finger, wiped up the chaplain's cum from Toby's chin and fed it into his friend's mouth before finishing it off in his own mouth.

"More cock in the mouth or the ass, Tobes? You choose."
The table was still bucking and wobbling from the force of Miguel's vigorous, almost savage fucking. Drool mixed with cum dripped from Toby's chin. His eyes were glazed over, in full fucktoy mode. He didn't look like he had the capacity to make a decision of any kind.

Cocks. More cocks. How many cocks could he get in one session? When they went away, he and Henry, to San Diego.... So many willing cocks. He imagined the whole city was one big gay orgy. Could he get more than he'd had in the principal's office? And it would be better this time, since he'd be doing it for fun, and not for spite, or because he'd stopped caring what happened to him. He'd be doing it for his own gratification, and there was power in that. Power and pleasure and freedom. And money. Henry's money. Maybe his dad's money. Maybe his dad's cock. A real sugar daddy. Fuck.

Toby growled and grunted at the force of Miguel's railing. The man was truly determined to bring God's wrath upon him, so much so that he couldn't imagine another fuck tonight. He'd have to take Henry's cock down his throat, and was happy to do so.

He smacked his lips to indicate what he meant, and soon he was once more full at both ends, and feeling on top of the world.
Henry laughed when Toby smacked his lips. His friend's need and desire were unmistakable. Cock in mouth. Henry wasn't disappointed as he climbed onto the table and knelt opposite Miguel. Double anal might have been nice. Henry had given and received it, but it was a sex act he wanted to explore further. There was time, of course. Plenty of time. He was only eighteen. Nearly nineteen. Fuck, he thought, realizing he would be nineteen during the college weekend. Birthdays had never meant much in the Merton family, except to Henry when he turned eighteen and...well, everything became legal, everywhere, with anyone.

Toby enfolded his mouth once more around Henry's cock, which wasn't quite hard enough for Henry's liking, but then he'd abused it all day and his cock was ready for a rest. Miguel opened his eyes a little as if to acknowledge Henry's joining him in spit roasting Toby, then grunted and shut them again. The Mexican's bucking and pounding was hard to balance against, but Henry struck up a gentle rhythm, his hands either side of Toby's face. For a straight 'man of god' Miguel sure made the most of a gay ass fuck Henry mused. Punishment. God's punishment, if it made Miguel feel better, Henry guessed. And Toby didn't seem to mind, but he'd be sore in the morning.
Toby suckled on Henry to his heart's content, blissfully comparing the taste of the boy to the others he'd sucked as he rode the high of violating the Mertons' family bible and their library just like he'd violated Gerry's desk, his marriage bed, and the principal's office. He felt like a little devil, and whatever punishment Miguel meant to give him, it wouldn't be enough.

The man's firm hand smacked his tender ass cheek soundly, as if to emphasize this wasn't supposed to be fun. Toby squealed around Henry's cock and made a little whimpering noise just for good measure.

Yes, Miguel, I'm a bad little devil and learning my lesson... please don't hurt me, Pool Daddy...

He let Henry's cock choke away the giggle that tempted him, and Miguel seemed spurred on by the guttural noises of his gagging. He played it up deliberately for the Mexican man, and he could hear and feel him getting near the edge.

A few more whimpers, a few more chokes, and Miguel grunted, slammed into Toby one last time, and shuddered with the release of his cum way up inside the boy's battered passage.
Henry almost daydreamed as he realized Miguel had cum inside Toby. The Mexican grunted then punched his cock deep inside the teen's ass. Henry felt the pulse all the way through Toby's body and along his own cock. It was late, still dark, but morning was close. The chaplain dozed on a chair against the wall, naked from the waist down, his flaccid cock lolling lifelessly between his spread legs. Henry felt Toby pause for a moment, letting his cock rest on the tongue as Miguel, hands tight against Toby's hips, milked the last of his cum into the little guy's rectum. Then the bigger man slid backwards and climbed down from the table, his still hard cock swinging and glistening under the lights.

Toby must be tired, Henry thought. Tired and sore. His friend resumed sucking on Henry's cock, although Henry wasn't sure he had anything left in reserve. The sucking was soothing, like being stroked or patted after a long day. He withdrew until just the tip of his cock sat on Toby's lips. The other boy looked up, making eye contact but giving nothing away. Henry smiled and placed a hand gently against Toby's cheek.

"I need to piss," he said, "Not here. Not in the library."

When he looked round Miguel was gone. Without a word. Back to his mother, he thought. Would she know he'd been fucking? Would she smell them on her lover? Young men's mouths and asses and cum. Was it a turn on for her? Henry shivered. Better not to think about it. Fucking a woman. Charlotte maybe? Nup. He'd watched lots of straight porn. And bi porn. And some really crazy mixed up non-binary stuff. It didn't do much for him. Unlike gay porn. Unlike this. He slid his cock slowly back into Toby's mouth. He wasn't going to cum again. Tired and full of piss.

"You wanna cum piss with me?"
Toby's ass was smarting in the wake of the punishment he'd just taken, and he knew he'd be walking funny tomorrow. But now, left here with Henry, he was totally focused. He could tell the boy wasn't anywhere near cumming, but he wasn't going to be the one to quit first.

The tender touch was unexpected. And then those four words he loved to hear - I need to piss.

"Fuck yeah," he panted, easing his aching body down off the table with a few pained grunts, and taking a moment to find his feet again. "Whew... that Miguel sure can fuck."

Before stepping away, Toby gathered up the ragged, soggy remains of the old bible and shuffled over to where the chaplain had settled himself, practically comatose. He slipped the thing into the man's lap and snorted.

"Oh, Gabriel - look what you've done!" he playfully scolded.

This done, he limped awkwardly back to Henry's side and gave his back a friendly slap. "Okay. Piss time. Where are we going? Back to the pool?"