
Augh! Important Change in Date!

Okay, first off MY BAD!!!

As it turns out, I have to be at a meeting this coming Wednesday night (January 15th at 7:30pm).

So, I would like to re-schedule the first gunfight.
Sorry, I don't anyone else would like to be the first deputy on the first one, otherwise I'd hand off.

Is THURSDAY, JANUARY 16TH AT 8PM PST okay as a substituted date?

I'm so sorry, but life intervenes and I have to be elsewhere on the original date.

* * *


(Oh, and Elda. Yes, sluts are a good judge of many things, just not when to stop). hee-hee-hee...

As far as the time question goes. Originally, I was hoping that the two participants would write their poems live (meaning, in the Lit "Post Reply" interface) and do it in about an hour. Forms will not be required, not length. The judging criteria is simply: Did the poem work best for describing the subject matter?

The subject matter will be posted at the start of the Gunfight.

The judges are the ones who have 24 hours, not the participants. Still scared, Cordelia?

* * *

So far, we have had:


Deputy: Judo

Poet #1) The Drake
Poet #2) Cordelia

Judge #1) Lauren.Hynde
Judge #2) Elda Furry
Judge #3) ???

If anyone would like to drop out due to the change in date, just late us know here in the thread.

Sorry, again!
- Judo

An hour? Okay. I can handle that.

Is the "Post Reply" interface this thingie I am currently typing in?

The new date is actually better for me. And as I am in Pacific Standard time, the time is fine as well.

Still scared, but resolved,

For want of a better word, yes, this is the interface to participate with.

Both you and Drake will be encourage to post while completing. You know, post then edit, post and edit, etc.

I think that would be fun because others can see your approach and refinements (well, if there are any). lol.

- Judo
JUDO, I can judge if no one else is willing. I don't think I'm the most qualified, but if no one else is will, I'll do it.

As long as the gunfighters don't shoot at me. My kevlar is mothy.
JUDO said:
For want of a better word, yes, this is the interface to participate with.

Both you and Drake will be encourage to post while completing. You know, post then edit, post and edit, etc.

I think that would be fun because others can see your approach and refinements (well, if there are any). lol.

- Judo

That's fine with me, as is the new date


the D
Re: Augh! Important Change in Date!

Cool, Kdog. Now we're ready to go and full up! See you all next Thursday.


Deputy: Judo

Poet #1) The Drake
Poet #2) Cordelia

Judge #1) Lauren.Hynde
Judge #2) Elda Furry
Judge #3) Karmadog

- Judo
Re: Opi's Booth

MyOpinion said:
Crayons, get your crayons here! One box - one buck!

I'll have two boxes of black, one box of midnight blue and a box of whup-ass-red, thank you.

Quack :D

the D

Re: Re: Re: Opi's Booth

MyOpinion said:
Of course, D, you realize you can only use them if there is a draw!:rolleyes:
Oh, you were setting us up for that one. LOL
Re: Re: Re: Opi's Booth

MyOpinion said:
We have Dead Ash Black or New Moon Black
New Moon Black sounds magical, I'll take that.

We have a Midnight Blue but it is a Full Moon Blue, is that ok?
A bit light, but it'll balance the new moon black well I guess. Okay.

And whup-Ass-Red, umm, let me see here, umm... nope, no whup ass red but we have Candy Apple Red or Fresh Cut Red, which would you prefer?

Eh ... I'll just go with the black and blue then.

Of course, D, you realize you can only use them if there is a draw!:rolleyes:

It's a gun fight ... doesn't it start with a "Draw!"



the D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Opi's Booth

MyOpinion said:
:rolleyes: Who, Me?

By the way, Eve, Opi has multicolored chalk too! 8 Rainbow colors, great for playgrounds and sidewalks!

Got any of the glow in the dark stuff?


the D
-------- TONIGHT!!! --------

----- GUNFIGHT #1 -----

The Daring Drake

--- versus ---

Cunning Cordelia


The challenge will be issued at 8PM PST.
The two contestants will slap leather
and have one hour to deliver!

The tumbleweeds will be stained with splatters of ink.

The decision will come tomorrow night -- Friday 8pm.

Good luck!

- Judo
Taking advantage of the mayhem...

*Free drinks at the saloon tonight!

1/2 price at the cathouse after the gunfight! Discounted pussy! :cattail: (We have white pussy, black pussy, and tabby. What did you think I was talking about?)

*With a purchase of one of Elda's new poetry books: Sluts Suck at Sonnets.
Meanwhile...back at the ranch

Just last night I had the pleasure of running into Lauren and Angeline online in the chat room (woohoo!). The topic turned to this here thread and the gunfights, at which the suggestion was made that the gunfights should be held in the chat room, to help simulate the whole stand off thingy. Anyways, no sooner was the suggestion made than the challenge came after it. So, with Lauren as our Deputy (moderator) me and Angeline grabbed up our six shooters and went at it. I don't have a copy of Angeline's response (sure someone can pester her for her to post it), but have mine here.

Time: 8:10 (don't ask)
Subject: Atom

The final vote was a draw... I came in on time, Angeline was a minute late or so. But, her's was the better poem (go figga).

So, as we await to see who's left standing here, I offer last nights corpses for review. Well, mine anways:

A space between never seen
time kept in place by laws
often too complexe to believe
motion making matter moving
(in theories leaving us too weary
Colliding nothing into something.)

I didn't actually submit the last two lines in time, the last line didn't come to me for about a minute too late. But, it's what I was aiming for so there you have it.

Now that I have found a suitable skin to slip into (and my six shooter) I'm ready to judge. What? Judges don't get to shoot? What? There's no real shooting? Judo!
Atom Poem

Ok so I took an extra minute to write mine! So what?! lol

I do not necessarily think my poem was better. Homer's poem was quite good for 8.10 minutes (don't ask).

Tiny matter lives silent
Caught like a mote in the
Eye of science that cannot
See a ball so small but filled
With subatomic stuff the
Neutrons dancing on the
Axis of their planes to attract
Or rebuff other matter

It doesn’t matter anyway
What you see or not or
If some tiny bit of almost
Unreality is there or not
To be held in your hand it
Still exists enough to boil
Water, bring me to a stand
And maybe crash the world
Apart at its command.
They're both saying "don't ask" because they don't have a clue! I invented the 8:10 minutes rule, and I won't reveal the reason until I take over the world! :evil laughter:
Who you callin a sissy, m'am?

I suppose you got spurs that jingle jangle jingle?