
Re: Ooooooh JUDO

Angeline said:
did you get your superhero outfit at Superhero Girl AVs R Us, like me? (The Poetry Girl costume was half off; apparently few find the ability to leap over mediocre language in a single bound compelling.)


Half off? No, mine just comes that way. I dig the "P" girl outfit. What's that coming out of your forehead -- struggling for a metaphor?

Half Off

JUDO said:

Half off? No, mine just comes that way. I dig the "P" girl outfit. What's that coming out of your forehead -- struggling for a metaphor?

When you put it that way, it's actually more than half off eh? More like two-thirds or three-quarters.

And that thing coming out of my forehead is one of my superpowers; there's a thesaurus in there.
Cordelia? Any chance of you challenging the D for a rematch? The first one was a bit frustrating.

If Judo wants to Moderate again, put me down as a judge. It's a little early in the game for me to challenge anyone, but this is fun!
I agree. This was a lot of fun. I was also thinking that maybe something like a drag race theme would be inspiring. Anyway, Cordelia needs to dust off her six shooter!
okay okay! I'll do it.

I want you all to know I still feel awful about forgetting.

I'll take the rematch if I am still welcome here.

(But I have a job interview next week!! yay!)


I'm up for it. I'll have a look at what times would suit me and will post back.


the D
Cords and Duck -

Get back to me with a start time for the race and we'll get this turbo-charged, dual-hemi, flat track washed and heated for the BIG RACE!

:holding up green flag:

- Judo