
They're both saying "don't ask" because they don't have a clue! I invented the 8:10 minutes rule, and I won't reveal the reason until I take over the world! :evil laughter:

Yeah as in I wanted 10 minutes and you and Homie said no and then you and I screamed like fishwives while he winced, until we agreed on 8:10. You mean like that????

I thought it was supposed to be 8:17. I wuz robbed! And Homer, our challenge was the Philly face-off, lol.
What is the significance of 8:10? (don't want to go back and read all about it)

I do know the significance of 8:20
sp, are you around? Do you know the significance of 8:20? :D
Yeah Lauren

what is the significance already? stop prancing around here with your gun and say it....
I'm getting all excited!


Hey you two!

stop that shooting! (running through to the saloon, dodging bullets)
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(pa-ching, pa-ching, pa-ching, pa-ching.) <- the sound of ma spurs

Now, hold on there! This ain't no shoot'em up parlor! We gots a real serious-like gunfight a-gonna happen in a couple hours, an' it needs a little respect!

Now, then if'n ya'll'd like to mosey over to the saloon fer a spell and get nice and toasty, I'm sure a barmaid or two'll keep ya happy til then.

Now, GIT! 'N don't come back 'til the little hand is on the eight and the big hand is on the twelve.

(pa-ching, pa-ching, pa-ching, pa-ching...)
Flame thrower, heck. Ain't nothin' better'n a shot a whiskey to steady the hands and a well-balanced colt .45!

- Judo
Well, it's down to the wire. My next post will be the challenge for our two shootists. I'll try to get it as close to eight PST as possible (all computer-thingies aside).

If Drake and Cordelia will step into the street, I'll get this little bake-off a-goin'.

- Deputy Judo
This is it!

In whatever form or structure you care to employ to the best effect, write the following poetic challenge.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Gunfight #1:

The Last Ticks of High Noon

Alone in the midday heat, the sweat has its own special stench as it wafts into your mind. Facing you down Main Street while the whole town holds it's breath is the meanest, nastiest gunfighter ever to lose to you at poker. Shivers rack your body as the count begins. Will you be able to grip the gun? Will you be able to cock the trigger? Or will you freeze and die in a pool of blood?

Your challenge is to describe the seconds leading up to the first explosive shot.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Best of luck to you two cowpokes. You have one hour. Complete your work by 9PM PST.

Judges - judge their work as best you can. The winner should be the one who best, in your opinion, meets the challenge. Have your remarks and decision posted here by tomorrow night at 9pm PST.

Thanks, everybody, for your participation.

- Deputy Judo
Hmm, excellent.

Now ... live writing. Where to start.

I think for a period piece, a structured form would be better. I'll be back in a moment when I've picked one :)


back. It looks like cowboy poetry is heavy on simple rhyming schemes and dialogue style. I can do that :)


the D

Gather close, and be real still.
Let me tell'ya 'bout my fight
with Cordelia Bill,
back in twenty oh three
on Literotica Hill.

There we was, boots, dust, hats, guns
the folk all watchin' with glee --
't'was them, they'd have the runs!
But the older folk know,
someone loves daughters and sons.

It was Ted that caused it all
dirty cheatin' rowdy Ted
drop'd an Ace, caused a brawl
made it look I was bad,
and now I'm takin' the fall.

A tumbleweed blows on by
(listen close now) BANG. bang.
a door slams shut nearby.
Someone's sayin' out loud:
"It was really all a lie."

But when your honours at stake
no-one listens or stops,
even for a mistake.
But we did, and that's why
you're here at Rowdy Ted's wake.

That's it, I'm done. :D


the D
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Damn! A stray bullet quicker than haiku just whizzed by me!

Someone check out the stables and see if Cordelia is hiding out.
I hope Cords has heard the challenge. She only has 45 minutes to go. lol@Eve.

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Don't pay any attention to this. Think of it as a stray bullet!
(couldn't resist tempatation once again. :))

Accused of an ace up my sleeve,
I tried to walk away
but whiskey and loses
make an ornery cuss
even more down dirty
snake belly low

A fly buzzes in slow motion -
wings stirring air
that suffocates.

Another second slips away;
another drop from my forehead
absorbed in the dust.

School marm counted to ten
and said, "Johnny, you're trying my patience."
Took forever to reach that last number
and whack me with a ruler.

I can't hear the man outside the mercantile.
Did he say three? Four? Five?
Is that my Becky,
face pressed to the glass,
window-shopping for black?

Who is that gaunt man,
with measuring tape,
sizing up the air in my direction?

Shouts and memories explode!
Are they cheering me on?
I smell mama's apple pie.
Shoo fly!

It screams toward me -
a rising sun on the rampage.
I was just swatting, mister -
didn't draw my gun.

The ace up my sleeve
hits the ground before I do.