Guns for everyone. Guns for all.

Hey don't knock it! 😉 Personally if I was to be drawn to a female celebrity it'd be Scarlett Johanson, not really a celebrity as like many she doesn't go out of her way courting attention, and sctuslly has talent - unlike most reality TV 'stars' and I use that word advisedly.

If I had to name the likes of Kim Kardashian after a celestial body it'd be a black hole - a void where nothing escapes: light, time, hope!

Actually, you've accurately described not only the inside of Kim Kardashian's pussy but also the inside of her head.

Most people don't know that Scarlett Johansson is...a man. It's true. I heard it on Roller Derby.
As I read the postings here, I see a common theme. The postings take an event as an isolated happening. The criminal who breaks into your car and steals a $500 radio also does $500 worth of damage to your car. The net gain of the theft, to the thief is $50. The $50 supports the thief for one day and the next night, it's another car. Sooner or later, it's the death of a citizen, during a car break in.
The solution is simple: education. You hire a man who collects what's owed (I used to do that.) The thief is sentenced to continuation high school. The thief doesn't go to class/doesn't pass the required subjects. I beat the thief bed enough that it gets the thief's attention. I then go back and get the thief up, the next morning and it's back to school. Very quickly, the thief gets a job, instead of breaking into cars. When the thief gets the urge to break into another car, the thief remembers the beating.
(But wait, the thief and his buddies gang up and attack the guy who collects what's owed. This last is covered in the book, "I Punched King Kong." Then, the dearly beloved go out and work the streets, to pay the fee. They don't hire wimps to collect what's owed.)
As I read the postings here, I see a common theme. The postings take an event as an isolated happening. The criminal who breaks into your car and steals a $500 radio also does $500 worth of damage to your car. The net gain of the theft, to the thief is $50. The $50 supports the thief for one day and the next night, it's another car. Sooner or later, it's the death of a citizen, during a car break in.
The solution is simple: education. You hire a man who collects what's owed (I used to do that.) The thief is sentenced to continuation high school. The thief doesn't go to class/doesn't pass the required subjects. I beat the thief bed enough that it gets the thief's attention. I then go back and get the thief up, the next morning and it's back to school. Very quickly, the thief gets a job, instead of breaking into cars. When the thief gets the urge to break into another car, the thief remembers the beating.
(But wait, the thief and his buddies gang up and attack the guy who collects what's owed. This last is covered in the book, "I Punched King Kong." Then, the dearly beloved go out and work the streets, to pay the fee. They don't hire wimps to collect what's owed.)

The problem is that there's no motivation for them to get an education or to get a job when they can earn more on the streets.

The problem starts at home with the mother who's had children since she was a child herself. The problem is with the father not present. The problem is that our government doesn't give minorities the same opportunities that you and I have.

I've been to black neighborhood schools. They don't even have the same books that we have. They don't have any school supplies. Those in the 7th grade are reading from old, torn, 3rd grade books. Everyone has turned their backs, thrown up their hands, and given up on the black communities.

They stick them in projects and ghettos hoping that they'll kill one another. It's a proven statistic that blacks kill blacks. Seemingly it's been a better plan to allow them to have drugs and guns than to have them have books and jobs. Only, now, that plan from the 50's and 60's didn't work and is here to bite us in the ass.

The only time the media puts focus on the horror is when a black man kills a white man, rapes a white woman, and/or a white police officer shoots a black man. Other than that, no one gives a shit.
I'm sure there are lots of men who would love to hang onto Kim Kardashian's big tits while fucking her from behind. Only, there has to be more to life and something better than just sex, guns, and rock 'n roll.

Would those tits be the pre or post -surgery (beats me; what IS she famous for?)

But don't you have firearms licences ?
I spent some of my younger years residing in an abandoned building, in an almost all Negro neighbourhood.
Most of the Negroes couldn't earn more working the streets, the pimps or drug dealers could.
I was a force for education in the neighbourhood where I spent some of my younger years. "You mess wi' Whi' Boy, he kill you."
Yes, a lot of the no hope Negroes killed each other. I eased that problem. I did make a living of sorts, jackrolling drunks behind the bars on Vermont. (You start to solve the problem of alcohol abuse in your area and the scumbags try to stop you. The scumbags didn't try too hard, as my work with a .357 magnum was legend in the area.)
When I couldn't get learning at Manual Arts High School, I took to stealing books from the library and learned on my own. (I always returned the books and the librarians even began to leave me reading lists.)
Fuck the schools! Fuck the scumbags! A man makes it on his own.

The problem is that there's no motivation for them to get an education or to get a job when they can earn more on the streets.

The problem starts at home with the mother who's had children since she was a child herself. The problem is with the father not present. The problem is that our government doesn't give minorities the same opportunities that you and I have.

I've been to black neighborhood schools. They don't even have the same books that we have. They don't have any school supplies. Those in the 7th grade are reading from old, torn, 3rd grade books. Everyone has turned their backs, thrown up their hands, and given up on the black communities.

They stick them in projects and ghettos hoping that they'll kill one another. It's a proven statistic that blacks kill blacks. Seemingly it's been a better plan to allow them to have drugs and guns than to have them have books and jobs. Only, now, that plan from the 50's and 60's didn't work and is here to bite us in the ass.

The only time the media puts focus on the horror is when a black man kills a white man, rapes a white woman, and/or a white police officer shoots a black man. Other than that, no one gives a shit.
I spent some of my younger years residing in an abandoned building, in an almost all Negro neighbourhood.
Most of the Negroes couldn't earn more working the streets, the pimps or drug dealers could.
I was a force for education in the neighbourhood where I spent some of my younger years. "You mess wi' Whi' Boy, he kill you."
Yes, a lot of the no hope Negroes killed each other. I eased that problem. I did make a living of sorts, jackrolling drunks behind the bars on Vermont. (You start to solve the problem of alcohol abuse in your area and the scumbags try to stop you. The scumbags didn't try too hard, as my work with a .357 magnum was legend in the area.)
When I couldn't get learning at Manual Arts High School, I took to stealing books from the library and learned on my own. (I always returned the books and the librarians even began to leave me reading lists.)
Fuck the schools! Fuck the scumbags! A man makes it on his own.

Matt Damon? Is that you?

For a quarter in late fees, you've earned a Harvard education reading all the books that the library has to offer.
only time the media puts focus on the horror is when a black man kills a white man, rapes a white woman, and/or a white police officer shoots a black man. Other than that, no one gives a shit.

Ah the old white fart's paranoid ravings. It's a fact more black women are taped by black men than black men are rapists.

Sadly there is a lot of crime in the western world committed by blacks and other minorities. Sadly because also most non white people are poorer than white people. The racism may be more subtle, but it still exists.

Please also don't assume that "other than that, no one gives a shit [sic]

Not true. Many people do. We don't need an elitist and racist status quo reinforcing right wing media to inform us.

As someone once said "If I want the news I'll go outside, I'll talk to people, not turn on the TV."
Ah the old white fart's paranoid ravings. It's a fact more black women are taped by black men than black men are rapists.

Sadly there is a lot of crime in the western world committed by blacks and other minorities. Sadly because also most non white people are poorer than white people. The racism may be more subtle, but it still exists.

Please also don't assume that "other than that, no one gives a shit [sic]

Not true. Many people do. We don't need an elitist and racist status quo reinforcing right wing media to inform us.

As someone once said "If I want the news I'll go outside, I'll talk to people, not turn on the TV."

Taped? Is that something they do in the United Kingdom? I never heard of a woman being taped. I mean, I heard of bondage of course but that's usually with ropes or scarves.

"Honey? Have you seen the tape?"

"You son is taping your daughter to the wall after stripping her naked again."

Wow! Now I have something new to write about.

"Hey, shut your pie hole before I tape you."

"That's not how a daughter should talk to her mother."

"That's it! You're getting taped?"

"Don't. Please don't. The last time you taped me was like a Brazilian wax job when you removed the tape."
Taped? Is that something they do in the United Kingdom? I never heard of a woman being taped. I mean, I heard of bondage of course but that's usually with ropes or scarves.

"Honey? Have you seen the tape?"

"You son is taping your daughter to the wall after stripping her naked again."

Wow! Now I have something new to write about.

"Hey, shut your pie hole before I tape you."

"That's not how a daughter should talk to her mother."

"That's it! You're getting taped?"

"Don't. Please don't. The last time you taped me was like a Brazilian wax job when you removed the tape."

Lol. Wow! How much fun can someone have with a typo.

Actually auto incorrect on my phone.

I also wouldn't know what's big in the UK having lived in the US for most of my life.
Lol. Wow! How much fun can someone have with a typo.

Actually auto incorrect on my phone.

I also wouldn't know what's big in the UK having lived in the US for most of my life.

Oh, sorry. I didn't know that it was a typo. I have to go. I have to cancel all of the tape I just ordered from Amazon before they ship it.
Unfortunately, if the poor find themselves in a place to rule the rich, pity the poor. If you think it's bad now, wait until the rich, powerful, and influential think that they're in jeopardy of losing everything.

Then, and only then, will you truly see a mad, mad, mad world where the rich come down on those poor, unfortunates who they deem as unappreciative.

"Please Sir. May I have a little more?"

"Off with his head!"

We had that in England in the 18th and early 19th Centuries. The rich and powerful were afraid that the poor would attack them and steal everything they had.

They had the terrible object lesson of the Terror following the French Revolution.

What they did was make many thefts of property punishable by death, or for minor offences, transportation for life.

The result? Many juries would not convict if the mandatory sentence was death, even if the evidence of the defendant's guilt was overwhelming.
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IA term used too loosely, where are our heroes? What happened to our champions? Now that President Kennedy is assassinated and Bruce Jenner is...a woman, who can we look up to?

I don't really do heroes, but Bruce Jenner is more "heroic" now than this time last year. Winning Olympic medals takes hard work and dedication, but coming out as trans in the public eye, THAT takes courage. Quite likely saved some lives.

(And while I don't have much interest in Kanye or the Kardashians, they scored some "decent human being" points in my eyes for how they reacted to that development.)
I don't really do heroes, but Bruce Jenner is more "heroic" now than this time last year. Winning Olympic medals takes hard work and dedication, but coming out as trans in the public eye, THAT takes courage. Quite likely saved some lives.

(And while I don't have much interest in Kanye or the Kardashians, they scored some "decent human being" points in my eyes for how they reacted to that development.)

Hmm, I don't see Kanye or the Kardashians being "decent human beings" unless...there's lots of money at the end of their altruistic rainbow.

"C'mon. Let's all hold hands and sing. Somewhere over the rainbow..."
I know this will go against the grain with a lot of people, but imagine a world where even the police do not carry guns on a regular basis.
I know this will go against the grain with a lot of people, but imagine a world where even the police do not carry guns on a regular basis.

"Here! Here!"

I wrote an essay, Second Amendment Gun Rights are Wrong. Even though the essay was well written and humorous, the message was ill received. I received 66 comments, most of which were negative. My essay earned a score of 1.86 (lol). Gun owners wanted to make a point.

I received angry e-mails and even death threats over that essay (lol), even though much of it was funny.

There's a strong gun lobby in America because of the damn NRA. The NRA and gun manufacturers are directly responsible for killing our children. American will always have guns because there's big money in it. Guns are big business.

I suggest that they make a law that everyone should own a gun but, along with what Chris Rock has said publically, bullets should cost $5,000. If a bullet cost $5,000, people would think before pulling the trigger.

"I ain't shooting him. He's not worth $5,000. I'll just pistol whip him and beat him senseless with my gun."
I know this will go against the grain with a lot of people, but imagine a world where even the police do not carry guns on a regular basis.

That is the situation in the UK. Most police do not carry weapons and have to be classed as 'armed' if they are carrying a Taser.

They can call on 'Armed Response Units' if needed but they take time to arrive.
I know this will go against the grain with a lot of people, but imagine a world where even the police do not carry guns on a regular basis.

Maybe when we get to the place that Star Trek was filmed and everyone just has stunners.

Until then, I will rely on MY skill and 9mm, cause calling the police is a waste of time until it's all over.
Maybe when we get to the place that Star Trek was filmed and everyone just has stunners.

Until then, I will rely on MY skill and 9mm, cause calling the police is a waste of time until it's all over.

My God, can you imagine all of the sexy fun we could have if everyone carried a stun gun?

"Holy shit, how did he get someone like her? Damn, look at the body on that broad."

"He used a stun gun on her. He stunned her. Then, when she was helplessly motionless, he stripped her naked and had his wicked, sexual way with her. Then, when she started coming out of it, he stunned her again and had all of his friends have their wicked, sexual way with her."

"Wow! And what did she do to him?"

"When he didn't realize she was coming out of it again, she stunned him and stripped him naked."

"Why would she strip him naked when she already had sex with not only him but all of his friends."

"She took his naked ass to the nursing home. One hundred elderly women had their wicked, sexual way with his naked body. I heard he's engaged to an 80-year-old woman."
That is the situation in the UK. Most police do not carry weapons and have to be classed as 'armed' if they are carrying a Taser.

They can call on 'Armed Response Units' if needed but they take time to arrive.

Similarly in Iceland:

...the police department has already apologized to the family of the man who died [the only police shooting since 1944 when Iceland became a nation] — though not necessarily because they did anything wrong. "I think it's respectful," Arnorsdottir says, "because no one wants to take another person's life. "
All of our television channels, cable TV, newspapers, and magazines are own by 7, white, Jewish, elderly billionaires.

Fixed that for you.

As usual, your original post was rambling and unclear, but I think you're saying you're against gun ownership. Or maybe you're for it.

Anyway, I live in Arizona where open carry is legal and fairly common. I don't own a gun, but my girlfriend does and she carries it everywhere she goes.

I'm nearly 50 years old and I've never seen a gun pulled in anger, so I don't really worry about that.

I do agree with the saying that "An armed society is a polite society."

Around here the majority of gun deaths are at the hands of the police, usually a case of suicide by cop.
I suggest that they make a law that everyone should own a gun but, along with what Chris Rock has said publically, bullets should cost $5,000. If a bullet cost $5,000, people would think before pulling the trigger.

"I ain't shooting him. He's not worth $5,000. I'll just pistol whip him and beat him senseless with my gun." [/SIZE]

The day that bullets (I presume that he really meant rounds, not just bullets) go to $5,000 each, I'll start an ammunition factory and get rich selling .45 rounds for $5 each, then .38 rounds for $5 each, then .22 rounds for $2.50 each, etc.

I suggest that they make a law that everyone should own a gun but, along with what Chris Rock has said publically, bullets should cost $5,000. If a bullet cost $5,000, people would think before pulling the trigger.

"I ain't shooting him. He's not worth $5,000. I'll just pistol whip him and beat him senseless with my gun."

Pat Paulsen ran for president (1968, Smothers Brothers Show) on a similar plank. His idea was not to ban guns, but instead to ban bullets.

He said hunters wouldn't object as they claimed the thrill of the hunt was stalking the game, not killing it. "Imagine the thrill they'd get from stalking a grizzly with an unloaded rifle."
The day that bullets (I presume that he really meant rounds, not just bullets) go to $5,000 each, I'll start an ammunition factory and get rich selling .45 rounds for $5 each, then .38 rounds for $5 each, then .22 rounds for $2.50 each, etc.

I think he meant that they would all have to cost that much. Like an ammo tax of $4995 on that .45 round.

That would be fine with me. The revenue could go to paying for all the damage caused by gun fondlers and ammosexuals, both the gun manufacturers' biggest civilian customers.

That is the situation in the UK. Most police do not carry weapons and have to be classed as 'armed' if they are carrying a Taser.

They can call on 'Armed Response Units' if needed but they take time to arrive.

Actually they arrive very quickly slog with paramedics, hostage negotiators, psychologists and the like.

Most incidents are resolved without a shot being fired.