~~Haiku River~~


i can't believe you! : ) btw - now i know what you were talking about when you said 'illustrated' poem. get it. yeah, so i was told not to do that anymore and to get serious - if someone is willing to teach me, then i will listen.

no more playing around i have become the serious kitty (cat). i now sit serene in that sunshine, my eyes closed, soaking in the rays.

besides, playing seems to be how i hurt people, run them off... my claws are too sharp i suppose. those little pointy teeth probably hurt people too.

it is a sad thing to cut off a part of yourself, stifle the thought process, but then perhaps new doors will open to me? i will gain new, 'deeper' insight.

if i become a focused beam of light then i can burn things through a magnifying lense. but then that is a whole other type of hurt isn't it.

uh - sorry, i'm a bit in drift right now...

so, haiku?
Your images

are a pleasure and passion of any poet/ess...you have worked hard putting all this together for easy access..nicely done...ty...blue
Yes, I know this is not haiku

clutching_calliope said:
Coke Slurpee is out.
Settles for Pepsi instead.
“Same thing,” Liam says.
Bye, Ophelia!
You liked Pepsi. More sugar.
Ah! Sweets to the sweet!
tiger licks his paws
dog licks his balls in driveway
tail, have a Goodyear


for your unfounded accusations, nasty inferences.
start now, and I will go away :D
clutching_calliope said:
Undressed for winter.
Clothing of red, orange, green.
Emma’s bag of leaves.

the little princess of this household's name is Emma <grin (3 yrs old)
so I do; very much enjoy, reading your... light hearted, Haiku
Keystone Poet Haiku

vampiredust said:
I'm confused by all this pie throwing

can't we all just sit down
and write some poems
not boil each others words
until they are harder

than insects bullet casings?
or must we be seeds
still trapped under layers
of undeveloped ink ?
Now I want to throw
a whipped dream pie of words, smack
into poet's nose.

My Erotic Trail said:
don't hold your breath
you may turn shades of blue
or read, poetry; not war
only one way to get me to retire

It's real easy tail, or do you want me to deconstruct that thread between you and decayed angel, I can go back also. A consistent pattern emerges. It is easy to lie at first, becoming harder and harder as time goes on. Telling the truth is the converse, hard at first but easier as time goes on.

Now lets look at this. Here you advocate poetry, if anyone talks to you seriously about it that has a better understanding of it. You go to war, make inferences, accusations, How many time have you tossed the word pompous around, in the hopes of the gullible following you. Now you have someone that is going to war with you and you wish to talk "poetry". Go ahead. You have a rather pompous poem up in the PDC, go defend it. Go attack mine. Say anything you want, but I will be there if you start twisting words, there or anywhere.
Main Entry: pomp·ous
Pronunciation: 'päm-p&s
Function: adjective
1 : excessively elevated or ornate <pompous rhetoric>
2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : ARROGANT <a pompous politician>
3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp : MAGNIFICENT

I will also be there if you start assigning motives, we profiled you, I can almost call every move you make.

So surprise me, admit and apologise to Decayed Angel, you'll be a better man, and, surprise if you listen, a better poet.

A great prophet said:

You have seven holes in your head
six are pure receptors
one is a bi-valve
what is the proper proportion?

Or do you wish to join in the chatter of clams?

Like that? It cost me two beers.