Haiku U

grandest ambitions

arrest the mediocre

must be
john galt
Eighty-Sixed by David B. Feinberg

AIDS epidemic,
through the eyes of one gay man.
Lots of sarcasm.
Story of O: Pauline Réage

Here she is: O, penned,
prodded, flayed. She finds this nice.
Stephen likes the end.
Mrs Dalloway -Virginia Woolf

clarissa fusses,
party, party, party,
inside people's minds

[-thanks for this thread :)]
myrna minkoff rocks
in a world gone mad each day
who here be the dunce
man confronts nature

a boat
the sea
the fish

parable of will
The English Patient ~ Michael Ondaatje

Illicit affair
Canuck cares for Crispie Count
World War Two ends. Fin.
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Fried Green Tomatoes ~ Fannie Flagg

Secret recipe, gourmet ribs
Whistle Stop Café
Mustard Seed Garden ~ translated by Mai-mai Sze

Rice paper and ink
Practice, practice, practice, tao
Finally, bamboo.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Shepard questing for
fortune. Finding wisdom then
a woman, riches.
lying in a heap
thirty feet of good trout stream
brautigan was drugs
Ariel ~Sylvia Plath

Daddy's girl she's not
suicidal poster girl
40 of her best
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clutching_calliope said:
Not a book to read.
Four pencils, two pages later:
Six, how I hate you.

this is fucking great
Sudoku, love or hate it
try it with a pen
The Dark Tower series~Stephen King

An epic journey
dark saga of life and death
over and over
Finnegans Wake: James Joyce

River. Ladder. Sleep.
Neologisms. More puns.
The start's at the end.
Angels and Demons: Dan Brown

Fly Langdon to CERN.
Guy missing eye. Bomb stuff gone.
Vatican—bye, bye.
Casino Royale: Ian Fleming

My testicles hurt.
I'll take a card. Look, I win!
Vesper's hot, but odd.
Macbeth: William Shakespeare

Hey, let's kill the king!
Fuck this conscience thing. Kill more.

.......Weird. The forest moved.