Haiku U

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: Ludwig Wittgenstein

I know everything.
You won't understand it, though.
I'll be silent now.
Tzara said:
Hey, let's kill the king!
Fuck this conscience thing. Kill more.

.......Weird. The forest moved.

ahhhhh! go check out the Submission Calls and send this in!
Kushiels Dart~ Jacqueline Carey

A true masochist
divinely ordained by her
god of chastisement
Franny and Zooey: J.D. Salinger

Franny prays a lot.
It's odd. Could she be pregnant?
Zooey takes a bath.
The Scarlet Letter: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Hester wears an "A".
Not her grade. Her husband's pissed.
Arthur dies. From stress?
Julius Caesar: William Shakespeare

Caesar's good, but bad.
We kill him, then let Mark talk.
Oops! That wasn't smart!
Titus Andronicus: William Shakespeare

She's dead. He's dead. Hell,
at end, everybody's dead.

It's a violent play.
The Moon and Sixpence

strickland chooses art
painting breasts in tahiti
dies a poor leper
The Chosen-Chaim Potok

Jew be or not Jew
be Jew be Jew Daddio
asks questions. Who knows?
My Name is Asher Lev--Chaim Potok

The crucifiction.
Mother drawn to the window.
Life imitates art.
clutching_calliope said:
Very nice, Angeline. Makes me want to read it. :rose:

Thanks, CC. It's a wonderful novel. I recommend it highly.

And this is a great thread. I've really enjoyed reading it. :rose:
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Ender: hated Third.
Little do they know you will
become Xenocide.