Halgrim's Tower (PM to join)

Tyann kept hugging Emmeline. Tears were dripping from her eyes as the enormity of her situation began to sink in. Yes, she was being kept here forever. She would grow old here, still cooking the meals for the other prisoners. Her life was over, and a new, bleak life was beginning for her. The death penalty would probably have been kinder, but his orders were to hide her away.

His voice was softer now. "Emmeline is dead. Mourn her, and then your life as a kitchen slave will begin. But Emmeline the noble lady is as dead as if she had been hanged. Now this is all that remains."

He loosened his hug and gently pushed her down onto the bed. "Now sleep, and wait for the healer. I will have your slave dress delivered here later today. Put it on, and say farewell to your former life."

He stood up and looked at her, now lying on her back, her upper body uncovered. The thought of having her forever did excite him, but he was not about to take advantage of that right now.

With a final pat on the belly, he left and went to make arrangements for the healer to see her, and for another slave to sew her one of the rough dresses of linen that were the uniform for slaves here. He wondered what she would be like as a slave - some got used to it immediately, but most took some time and punishment to adjust. And some got downright rebellious. It even took the torture chamber to break some of them.

The healer arrived, and he led the old woman to the right cell door, then positioned himself outside, curiously waiting for any sounds from inside. Old Mara was good, but she was not gentle. When she worked on torture victims, the screams sometimes sounded like they were down in the torture chamber again. But, to her credit, they recovered very quickly, and that was what mattered to him.


Thom smiled. Finally, she was revealing the woman under the slave. Even her tears made him happy, in an odd way - she did have feelings! There was a girl here, hidden behind obedient smiles and happy compliance. She could feel pain and sadness, after all. She had just been taught to accept it as her natural fate. That was at once terrible and probably the only thing that kept her sane... or at least stable.

As much as he wanted to stay with her, he had his duty to do. It was not like she was going anywhere, was she? She would be there the next day, too. And all the days to come, for ten long years.

"You are done here for today. Go to the slave quarters, and sleep well."

He opened the torture chamber and escorted her up the many steps to the first floor. As they walked, he was lost in thought. About Emmeline. About LaVonda. Two beautiful women who could not have been more different. Emmeline had been broken by this place, while LaVonda was so broken already that she was actually happy here.

In the slave quarters, Thom was all business again, careful not to let his feelings slip in front of the slaves. He curtly gestured for her to sit on her place on the straw, then lifted her dress and fitted the shackle around her pale, slender ankle. He locked it and snuck a hidden goodnight kiss on the cheek, hopefully without the other slaves noticing.

He then proceeded to chain up the other slaves in the same manner and opened the door for the kitchen people with their large kettle of slop which they now ladled out into wooden bowls which they handed to the chained captives. As the sounds of greedy eating filled the room, he cast one last glance over his shoulder at LaVonda and shut the door behind him.

His own place was one level hgher, in the guard dormitory. Here, too, dinner was being served, though it was, thankfully, a little better than what they had just served the slaves.
Emmeline laid down as he directed. She was relieved as all he did was touch her stomach. There was comfort in the idea that he had no desire to take her body. He seemed intent on breaking down her mind.

She did not wish to mourn Emmeline, the daughter of Lord Glenfeld. She had no desire to simply be a slave. His tone, so definitive angered her and Emmeline vowed she would not simply give in.

The door opened again and the healer arrived. She was not gentle and Emmeline cried out as the woman worked. At one point she was smacked, the healer wanting her to shut up and stop distracting her from her work. when it was done Emmeline's hands were bandaged in a way that made them even more useless than they had been. "I cannot function like this."

"Not my problem girl."

"No, you must fix this. Can you not simply wrap the thumbs, let me have my other fingers."

A backhand sent her to her side on the bed. "Do not question me." The healer left the room.

Emmeline laid on the bed. Anger and hurt grew inside of her. She needed to get out of this place.
He returned a little later to personally bring her the slave gown that had been sewn for her. That was not something he normally did for prisoners, but he wanted to see if the healer had done good work, and if she would be ready for the kitchens soon. It had nothing to do with his growing fascination with this young, vulnerable noblewoman. Nothing at all.

He opened the cell door to find her with her hands thickly wrapped in bandages and a fresh red mark on her cheek. So she had mouthed off to Mara. Not a smart decision at all. He gently put the clothes on the stool and softly gripped the thick packages of cloth that would serve as her hands for some time.

"I warned you that our healer is not very gentle. You should have just let her do her work. But I understand. You are new. You still think you have rights; it is a slow process, getting used to this. What she did to you is nothing to the ways I have to make you into a slave. But you will see - as the years drag on, you will slowly forget the person who died. You will always have been a slave, and the crying will stop when you have embraced that. I especially warn you against some of my guards. You probably think I am harsh, since I mashed your thumbs and all. But at least I only punish when you deserve it. Some of my men are...less discriminating."
Emmeline was pouting but she was clearly angry as he took her bandaged hands.

"If you do not agree with the way the guards behave then stop them. Are you not in charge?" Her tone was haughty, the spark of her noble upbringing coming through.

"I will die like this." She tried to pull her hands from his grasp. "I cannot eat, I cannot do anything. Your healer has left me to die." She was too angry to catch her tongue. The scared part of her knew she should be quiet, that perhaps if she was meek he would keep being at least gentle with her but she was in pain and she was upset. There was no stopping that storm in this moment.
"You are done here for today. Go to the slave quarters, and sleep well."

LaVonda nodded and thanked him with a bow and then after she rose she surprised him with a simple kiss to the cheek before she went to the door waiting for her escort back to the sleeping room.

LaVonda was surprised and pleased that it was Master Thom that took her back to the slave quarters. He was very different from the other guards but hid these emotions from others. LaVonda understood the consequences of being the oddball, for example the story of Christ. He was different from most Jews and later crucified.

LaVonda waited as her shackle was placed above her ankle. LaVonda merely smiled receiving the gift of a kiss.

LaVonda took the bowl she was given and squatted down to eat her meal. It was poorly made and some bites were raw. She ate what she could and left the rest. Since she didnt finish another snatched her bowl and greedily devoured the rest, even locking the gravy from the bowl.

LaVonda wondered if she could become a kitchen slave with honors. If she could she would grow vegetables to replace the overcooked bits of potato and roots. Maybe even see to a sow and feed it well to become a feast to everyone in the dungeon.
It was an unlikely dream to come true but it helped her feel less angry at her life here in the mostly dark.
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Tyann chuckled. "But of course I am in charge. Why stop them from having a little fun? You are here to be punished, and they are hard-working veterans who deserve a break. Most of them served under me. They have been through some of the most horrifying fighting you can imagine. Now, they work here, and it is a tough life for them. And then there are you prisoners. You do not matter anymore, while they do. Making them happy is all you are good for now, so be grateful you get to do that."

He had another long look at her wrapped-up hands. "You have a point about your hands, though. I will arrange to have you fed and cleaned every day while we wait for you to be ready."

Her whole manner spoke of the haughty lady, not the meek slave. He sighed. It would be a long, painful learning for her. "Poor Emmeline, still inside that slave. I could have you whipped for speaking to me like that, but I know how hard it is for you to forget that you ever had hopes or dreams, and accept that this will be your tomb."


The kiss LaVonda had given Thom made him grin like an idiot. Not only because he had been kissed by a pretty girl - it was the first thing she had done entirely of her own will. It spoke of the woman inside her, and of the fear she probably had to fight just to surprise him with this simple gesture.

The next day, he did something he had never done before. As he approached the torture chamber, he could already hear the screaming. It was in use! He had never seen it in use! His fear of what he would see fought his urge to see LaVonda. After a long hesitation, he unlocked the heavy wooden door, opened it a little and slipped through, locking it after himself.

The screams outside had been unbearable. Now that he was inside, they were also deafening. A young man was suffering on the rack, two of the other guards clearly having the time of their lives stretching and taunting him. He quickly averted his eyes and scanned the room for the slave. There she was, as far away from the hellish scene as possible, cleaning the floor. He nodded towards the torturer, then made his way to her.
When morning came several of the slaves complained of belly aches and a few ran fevers. When someone came for them LaVonda asked for green grass that grows by water to make a tea for the ones crying. The guards refused her request and forces everyone up and out the door. LaVonda was lead downstairs and gave no further thoughts to the others but she knew what was wrong. They suffered from food poisoning and LaVonda wouldn't be surprised if many didnt come back to the sleeping room.

When she reached the torture chamber there was an good deal of work waiting for her. She cleaned the whipping post twice and washed down some shackles and polished a few of the dangerous stools.

Now she was in a corner scrubbing the floor where a prisoner had vomited. The other guards left her alone after hearing about the slaves in the laundry areas coming down I'll. They didnt want to catch whatever was going around even though LaVonda had told them what the slaves suffered from.

LaVonda wasn't paying much attention to individuals as much as she was to the place of their punishment
She would have to clean the rack and scrub the floor near the cage where someone pissed themselves in fear as they were suppose to be the next victim for the rack.
He knelt down next to LaVonda and pretended to inspect her work. Suddenly, he shouted, loud enough to be heard over the constant screaming: "That's it, slave! You are coming with me to the dark cells."

After a quick glance to see if the torturers noticed him - no problem, they were having too much fun, it seemed - he bent down to her and said: "No, you aren't. Just pretend you are and follow me out."

He hoped she would soon do so. Every second he had to stay in this place listening to inhuman screams and begging for mercy - let alone crude comments about the poor sufferer's penis - was one second too many. The dark cells were not particularly comfortable, of course, but they would provide some privacy for the two of them.

How did she do this? Just crouching here, utterly calm, and just cleaning while the worst pain this side of hell was being inflicted on someone? Then it occurred to him that this was probably not the first time she had been that close to someone shrieking in agony. And, unless he contrived some way to make a miracle happen for her, it would certainly not be the last. Well, that was something for another day. For now, he had to get her out of there and talk to her somewhere more quiet.
Emmeline glared but bit the inside of her cheek to keep quiet. She wanted to yell and rail at him but he had threatened to have her whipped. He called this place her tomb.

She shook her head a little. "No, I will not let this place kill me." It was said softly through clenched teeth. Her mind was in turmoil. She wanted to fight to push back and find a way out of here. She wanted to yell and scream but knew it was hopeless. But she didn't want it to be hopeless. She also knew that she was powerless.

That seemed to make everything worse. How could she fight if they were so determined to crush her?

Emmeline looked at her hands. He had said he would have someone come to help her. Begrudgingly, she thanked him.
LaVonda notices a shadow covering her hands and looks up.
"Good morning Master Thom."

LaVonda jumped when he started shouting.

"That's it, slave! You are coming with me to the dark cells."

LaVonda blinked and wondered what she did wrong? Had she missed cleaning up a mess? Quickly tears began to well at the corner of her eyes

"No, you aren't. Just pretend you are and follow me out."

LaVonda bowed her head as tears began to tumble down her cheeks. "Yes Master."

LaVonda followed Thom from the chamber and into another hall. When Thom went towards the dark cells she thought that he brought her to clean them.

"Master Thom you should have suggested I bring a bucket so I can clean these cells." LaVonda muttered as she stepped inside. .

LaVonda peeked up at Thom's face and again she notices his strange shading of his eyes. It reminder her of times at the orphanage when the sisters would bring out a whip and punish someone for looking 'lustfully' at another orphan.

LaVonda touched Thom's arm gently. "Master what troubles you? Your eyes look in pain, what can I do to ease your heart?"
Tyann acknowledged her thanks with a nod. "Slaves may not be people, but they are equipment, and I take good care of my equipment." - a hint of remorse flashed across his face, since his equipment was, after all, the reason her hands were wrapped up in the first place - "Your life here does not have to be miserable. Do good work, obey and I will value you. Misbehave, and I have more than enough tools to straighten you out."

"Now stand up and let me help you put on your slave clothes. You do not have to sit around naked anymore."

He lifted the dark brown robe of rough linen off the stool and held it up invitingly, waiting for her to comply.

What care Emmeline got from him! Normally, slaves, no matter how badly injured, had to clothe themselves, and feed themselves, or find someone else to do it for them, or starve. What he felt for her was not mere pity, and he was quite sure her beauty, enchanting as it was, had not bewitched him. There was another reason she stood out from all the other prisoners and slaves here. For the moment, he was content not to think too much about it and simply find as many excuses to be with her as possible.


The fear that flashed across LaVonda's face when Thom shouted his line brought a pang of guilt to him, even though he had immediately followed it up by a reassurance. And it confirmed that she did know fear and pain - she had just been twisted into believing she could never show them. He had been foolish to believe she was truly happy - she was human! She longed for the same things everyone else longed for, even if showing it had been beaten out of her.

He chuckled softly when her first instinct upon entering the pitch black hole that was the dark cell was to ask if she should clean it. She really was always on duty, wasn't she?

His insides softened when she asked him about his troubles so gently. So sweet, so caring - stuck in this cold, unfeeling place! The thought made more tears come to his eyes.

"Yes, LaVonda. This place, they make you clean...the torture chamber...I hate it. Every time I hear the screaming from it, my heart breaks. Yes, the screams are from criminals of the worst kind, from murderers, robbers, rapists. Making them confess is necessary... but I hate the way some of these people seem to enjoy it. Does it not bother you at all?"
"Yes, LaVonda. This place, they make you clean...the torture chamber...I hate it. Every time I hear the screaming from it, my heart breaks. Yes, the screams are from criminals of the worst kind, from murderers, robbers, rapists. Making them confess is necessary... but I hate the way some of these people seem to enjoy it. Does it not bother you at all?"

LaVonda gulped and then she revealed her softer side. "Master Thom, it pains my heart to see you on the verge of breaking. My task takes away the screams that caused my back to stiffen. I wish I could take their place sometimes.for I know the pain they go thru under the whip and cage. Today they do not taunt me and stay their hand from adding to my work and I am grateful. "

LaVonda could see he was losing composure and that wasn't good. "Would Master Thom trust me?"

He did give her a skeptical look and she expected he would. Then he gave a nod. "There is a stone to your left that you can sit upon."

LaVonda watched as he sat there. Now she moved behind him and put her hands at his shoulders. With fingers over the shoulder and thumb to his back she began to rub the muscles, firmly pressing and rubbing his skin until she felt the muscles relax. Then she presses her palms to the side of his head and rubbed small circles using her fingers to make the skin move in small circles.

LaVonda felt Thom tense when she moved her hands at the back if his neck and rubbed upwards at the base of his skull. LaVonda then moved her hands to his back. She was rubbing a little more firmly and placed her thumbs at his spine and continued to massage the shoulder blades and downwards.

At one point she put her arm under his armpit and turned his body, once twice, *POP*. LaVonda switched sides and did the same thing, Turn, turn, turn *POP*

Now his upper body was aligned. LaVonda proceeds to work his back placing her thumbs along the spine and kneading the sides of the center with the rest of her hand.. rub and squeeze and massage the muscles.

LaVonda did this for almost thirty minutes and then pressed her forearm into the spine and lifted her body forcing him to rise and then a series of crackling noises rose from his body. She had realigned his spine and any pain he might have felt disappeared.

Then she leaned forward and gave a kiss to his left shoulder. "I pray you feel better now Master Thom. Do not feel.bad for the ones that must suffer for their crimes. For some use those feelings to bring suffering to others. You have no reason to feel guilt for doing your duty to the King. "

LaVonda waited for his signal to let her know she did help him. If she didn't she knew he had the right to punish her no matter how harshly that would be.
Emmeline was so confused by this man. He was nothing like others. He had streaks of cruelty and looked at those around him like things yet he seemed to care about helping her learn to adjust to this life. It left her conflicted. She wanted to hate him yet also needed his help.

"Now stand up and let me help you put on your slave clothes. You do not have to sit around naked anymore."

The movement was awkward but she managed to get herself up from her prone position to stand before him. She was cold, nipples hard and she covered her chest with her bandaged hands.
Before he could even say anything, LaVonda was all over him, her hands, surprisingly small and tender for someone used to the hard slave life, pressing and pushing his body in many places. Always relentless, but always kind. She was good! He fell into deep relaxation and forgot for a moment that they were in a low, smelly dark cell. On and on she went, accompanied by Thom's deep, contented moan and encouraging grunts.

And then she realigned his spine. He only helped her a little bit. What strength she had in her small body! She managed to lift him up as far as the low ceiling allowed, and when he came down, he did feel so much less tense that he was almost tempted to fall asleep right then and there.

Her soft reassurance brought more tears to his eyes, but he managed to smile through them, to let her know that, yes, she was helping. He wondered how many of her owners had only seen her as a tool, never experienced the sweet, caring girl underneath.

"Has anyone ever told you how sweet you are? Or have they only ordered you around - slave this, slave that?" He stroked her hair. "You are right, this is your punishment, and you will have to accept it. But to think that you will be stuck down here for ten years... The other guards will mistreat you, they will use you as their toy. I know, no one has yet broken your spirit, but they might. And breaking such a spirit would be a crime."

He pulled her closer, arms around her back. "I can not do much for you. Even now, they are wondering what we are doing together. You can imagine, of course, what they will guess. It's what I will tell them later, so don't be surprised if they think I fucked you in there. I can not protect you, and there is not much I can do to help you without causing suspicion."

He sighed and relaxed his grip a little bit. "What I can and will do is remind you that you are more than a toy. Never forget that. The other guards will try to make you forget. To them, you already are just there to be used. But, no matter what they do to you, don't forget that you are special, at least to me." He kissed her on the top of her head.

He wanted to say more to her. He wanted to tell her of the love for her that had grown in him. But he held back. It felt so silly, declaring his love for someone he had only met days before. Was it love, really? Or was it only what he told himself because he had been enchanted by her sweet young charms? He decided to wait a little to sort out his feelings.

Still... he reached out for her hands and grasped them tightly. "What do you say, I pretend to fuck you in here until they are done using the torture chamber? I want to spare you listening to the screams, at least for today. You will listen to so many screams... but, at least today, I want you to stay in here and spare yourself the nightmares."
"Has anyone ever told you how sweet you are? Or have they only ordered you around - slave this, slave that?"

"Once," LaVonda replied.

"You are right, this is your punishment, and you will have to accept it. But to think that you will be stuck down here for ten years...

LaVonda has an idea where his mind was taking him. He regrets his hand in her circumstances.

The other guards will mistreat you, they will use you as their toy. I know, no one has yet broken your spirit, but they might. And breaking such a spirit would be a crime."

LaVonda smiled meekly

"I can not do much for you. Even now, they are wondering what we are doing together. You can imagine, of course, what they will guess. It's what I will tell them later, so don't be surprised if they think I fucked you in there. I can not protect you, and there is not much I can do to help you without causing suspicion."

"To be honest Master Thom, I did wonder if that was why you chose me. " LaVonda confessed

"What I can and will do is remind you that you are more than a toy. Never forget that. The other guards will try to make you forget. To them, you already are just there to be used. But, no matter what they do to you, don't forget that you are special, at least to me."

LaVonda blushed from his kindness and gentle kiss. She did wonder what he tasted like but refrained from saying anything overly vulgar. However she did notice the way he looked at her.

Master Thom is developing a fondness for me. That must be the reason he seeks me out. I wonder who I resemble or act like from his past, that would explain his manners. LaVonda thought to herself.

"What do you say, I pretend to fuck you in here until they are done using the torture chamber? I want to spare you listening to the screams, at least for today. You will listen to so many screams... but, at least today, I want you to stay in here and spare yourself the nightmares"

LaVonda blinked then asked "how does one pretend? Master Thom what joy would you get if it is just pretend?"
Whatever he was feeling for her was more than lust. Love? It was hard to tell under this screaming hurricane of desire to hold her, to see her naked, to explore every little bit of her body. Right there, right in the cramped cells with just enough room to lie down on top of each other. It all melted away from the look in her eyes, from the expression on her face, from her soft voice.

Thom blushed so brightly it was almost visible in the pitch darkness. Was she really suggesting what he thought she was suggesting? His heart pounded from joy, anticipation... fear. A beautiful girl had just suggested he fuck her. Or had she? An almighty feeling seized him and slapped him until he had no choice but to decide she had.

With an inquiring look at her face, he put his hands on her shoulders and leaned over to kiss her on the lips. This was the test, he decided. If she returned the kiss, there could be no doubt he had not misunderstood her....

She tasted tender and girlish, but with a hint of the roughness she had gotten from her many years as a slave. A small, sensual mouth with a nimble tongue... it gave him even more ideas.

Now convinced she wanted it, he sat (bent over, for the stone ceiling forced him to stoop) and slowly removed his clothes. His shirt fell, revealing a thin, fit torso with some tanning on the arms and neck. He removed his trousers and his loincloth, sat there naked, in anticipation, mouth dry and eager for her to follow his example.

What would she look like in ecstasy? Was she going to be as adorable and alluring then? Silly boy - of course she was going to be! He had just found the perfect woman in the oddest of places, and she was as eager for him as he was for her - at least he hoped so. But his excitement left no room for doubt, no room to even see anything but her.

It was so dark in this place, even with the light trickling in through the half-open door. He would have to feel her naked body more than see it. His hands knew - the shaking in them showed they could not wait to try. His desire to have her naked fought with his desire to draw this heavenly moment out as long as he could.
LaVonda saw thru his emotional rollercoaster but made no remark to cause him regret or heartache.

LaVonda waited for an order or something to replace the silence that built between them and then his touch sent ripples of excitement along her core. The kiss was gentle but building and automatically LaVonda moved her arm around his neck and kissed him passionately. Her own tongue exploring his mouth as she pressed herself into his chest.

LaVonda.saw him stripping off his clothing and she reached over and tugged at the tether from her slave dress The garment fell to the floor and she was there in front of him in all her naked glory. LaVonda reached out to him to draw herself into his arms

"Master Thom, I must confess a truth." LaVonda gulped hard as she took his hand and placed it upon her breast. "Twas not long ago I lost my baby.. my breast still gives milk."

Now she drops her head feeling ashamed of herself for not saying this before not even to the Master Jailor who fed upon her breasts a few nights ago.
He gasped a little in pleasant shock at just how passionate her embrace was. She was throwing her arms around him as if he was a rock she was clinging to in a stormy sea. And maybe he was...

Pity overcame him when she told him about losing her baby... had she told anyone about that? Probably not, or they would not have cared, at least. But her warm embrace pushed his dark thoughts away and he sank into her arms, shivering as their bodies touched.

He kissed her on the left breast as his hands held her butt and gave it a firm, loving squeeze. Did he dare? Yes, he did. With a quick movement, he opened his mouth and moved his lips further down her breast, until it almost disappeared in his mouth. He felt them wobble slightly, smooth and springy as they touched his eager mouth. Then his tongue came in, drawing circles around her nipple, tightening in a spiral until they touched the tip. A tiny squirt hit the roof of his mouth. It tasted smooth and fatty, and he savored the drop as it ran down his throat.
LaVonda was pleased that her revelation didn't matter or if it did it was a.new aspect to enjoy

His mouth on her breast felt wonderful and she squirmed, closing her eyes and making soft coos of enjoyment. She could feel that squeezing sensation that was to heal her womb so she could have children later in life.

La.Vonda curled to Thom and brought her mound to grind against his crotch. She felt on.cloud nine and needed more.
"Master touches me so deep pray this slut is pleasing Master Thom with all her heart. "
He wanted to stop her from calling herself a slut... but he had his mouth full of her breast, so he just continued to suck on her sweet little breast and caressed her cheek. He hoped she got this message. That she was not a slut. Not to him. But, yes, she was pleasing him.

The grinding of her mound against his erect penis made him groan and shake with lust, and he slowly slid inside her to fulfill her wish. She immediately tightened, and gushed a flood over him. Meanwhile, his lips slid up, closed around her nipple, began suckling her like a baby, drinking her milk. It was as if he was drinking her with every gulp... sweet, smooth, the taste of this beautiful girl who was now becoming one with him.
LaVonda tilted her face to rub his hand with her cheek.

Their bodies became hungry and his.cock slides in her cunt with ease. Now LaVonda began grinding in swiveling her body to his. This way she was fucking him as much as she could without causing him any discomfort.

LaVonda came twice as he continued suckling. While in the throes of her orgams she strokes Thom's hair and neck.

When the flashing silver lines abated LaVonda bounces her body up to his. Then she asks, "Does Master Thom want to flood me within or service you so your fire goes down my rhroat?"
The fire of pleasure within him was too strong, shook him with flaming fists... unable to speak in response, he came within her, moaning, trembling. For a moment, he forgot everything around him, then he woke up again. He was breathing heavily, his mouth was full of...oh, yes... he lifted his head a little to let her breast slide out. It was wet all over, and he vaguely remembered biting into it in his lustful tremor. Far too dark in here to see, so he used his lips instead, feeling for bite marks, letting the tip of his tongue explore the smooth surface. A few deep bumps... oh no. He had. Had he hurt her? But then again, it somehow felt almost exciting to have left his marks...
LaVonda was panting heavily beneath Thom as her chest trembled from the deep pleasure they shared. She drifted several times between euphoria and napping.

LaVonda gazed into his eyes and smiled, softly caressing his left face cheek. LaVonda realized she gave him four strong orgasms and wondered if she would be able to walk when they returned to the torture room.

LaVonda pondered for a.moment how.much of his jism would drip from her freshly fucked cunt as she walks back to her duties and if the other guards would sample her as well. That was a bothersome thought and she quickly shook her head to chase off those regretful thoughts.

She kisses his head and strokes his hair. "Thank you Master."
Strangely, "master" did not bother him as much as "slut". It made him feel oddly proud. It was the first time he had been master of anything or anyone, so why not start with the world's prettiest girl?

He pulled out and turned onto his back, bringing her around so she was now lying on top of him. Her light weight felt comforting on his bare skin, like a warm, loving blanket. Thom remained that way for a long time, running his hands along her back before finally settling them on her butt, cupped around her shapely buttocks, lightly squeezing them.

"Thank you, LaVonda. I must go back to my duty now. And you to yours. And don't let those bastards grind you down. When they try to make you feel bad, remember that, at least to me, you are special."

He gave her a final kiss on the lips before standing up (well, sitting up - the ceiling prevented anything more).
"Thank you, LaVonda. I must go back to my duty now. And you to yours. And don't let those bastards grind you down. When they try to make you feel bad, remember that, at least to me, you are special."

LaVonda knew Thom spoke the truth and slowly rose from his body. She sighed for a moment then paused to lower to her knees and proceeded to clean his cock before helping him back into his clothes.

Then she went with him back to the torture chamber. She made no noises of crying or whimpers from pain. LaVonda only collected fresh water and brush and went to the whipping post to clean the floor of urine and the base as well as the cuffs of blood.

She paid no extra attention to Thom's departure
Only her usual diligence to cleaning thoroughly of all the devices that was or might have been used on the other prisoners of the Tower.

It was hours later when LaVonda was returned to the slave quarters for sleep. However her escort touched her roughly and left bruises on her face and legs.

The only time she cried was after she passed out on her straw mmat. That was when her body truly ached.