Happy Easter! Trump Attempts To Recite "The Lord's Prayer"

conservatives have always been the ones who have been anti-slavery pro-freedom and supported the minorities and the downtrodden and the outcast
holy hell

i'd laugh but my back hurts.

it's true, though, that conservatives nowadays are determined to believe this shite even as they hate on rainbows, 'support' p.o.c so long as they 'stay in their lane' (sports, entertainment/farm-work/battle fodder), want to force women to carry dangerous pregnancies and even deceased fetuses even if it endangers their own life, and vote for a man who incited the overthrow of democracy in America... a con-man, a liar, a thief, a sexual abuser/rapist, a faux christian and a whole slew of other things besides.
The fact that you cited Washington Post here tells me everything I need to know.
I cited the Washington post since others from the RWCJ also cite it. Want cites from other sources, name those source and I'll get you a citation from them. It's not difficult,since Trump lies on a daily basis. The guy is a compulsive liar, and has been for decades...
That is one of the most corrupt vile biased papers in the country. Only the New York Times could top them on their corruption and vile biasedness. So you just told me everything I needed to know about you. And by the way, Fox is a corrupted source. It has been ever since the kids took over. And all of these other global News sources are also corrupt because they are led by globalists and controlled by globalists. All of this is agenda driven news. That's why I don't trust it. It's all propaganda. You swallow the propaganda. Yes there are soldiers who are Americans who die overseas. I'm talking about absolute assassination by using the enemy to do it. Think in terms of David putting Bathshebas husband out there on the front lines then pulling the soldiers back. Hillary Clinton was involved in the assassination via militant Muslim mob that they knew was going to be there, of an ambassador who was exposing the gun running that The Obama administration was doing to terrorists in that region. They shut him up by killing him. That's what I was referencing. And it was one of the most disgraceful things that's ever happened in American history. And it is exactly why many of us who have served in the military and who care about this country and did our time in the old school military before it became a social experiment, many of us can't stand Obama can't stand Biden and cannot stand the Clintons. All of them are corrupt and horrible and absolutely the epitome of political corruption in graft. And our soldiers have paid the price for it. So if you don't know what you're talking about, and you don't, You might want to just start listening instead of watching your biased news sources and spewing their propaganda.
It's fucking comical, how all of a sudden the sources that were the gold standard changed, just because they changed how they cover stories on Trump.

Your dodging and ducking and weaving on this tells EVERYONE here how biased you are.....

Fuck off Fisher, you were chased out of here before, and sooner or later you'll be chased out again.
I didn't say I believe in a blonde hair blue-eyed Jesus. That is in fact what I don't accept. Jesus didn't look like most Muslims. He looks like a typical Jewish man of his time.
Which is pretty much how modern Muslims look today.....
He looked like a Jew because he was a Jew.
And Jews looked like pretty much everyone else who lived in the area then. Muslims didn't show up for a thousand years after Jesus...
Why in the world are you imposing your racism on to me.
Show me where I called you a racist? If you came to that conclusion over what I think you think Jesus looks like, that's on you....
And trying to say they are the words of a white supremacist or the words of a white nationalist or of a racist.
I never brought up that you are a white supremacist, that was Rob. However, if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and shits like a duck, one can assume it's a duck.
I'm paying less for gas now than I was when the Orangutan was stroking the Saudi's glowing ball.
I'm paying less for gas now than I was when the Orangutan was stroking the Saudi's glowing ball.
My gas price just went up through a another government tax increase, but I've got Hybrids and plug in Hybrids which cut my gas consumption by over 50%. So I won't care until it doubles the current price....
And leaving 'ic' off the end of a word doesn't really matter.

It's kind of a trivial thing to ballyhoo repeatedly over.
holy hell

i'd laugh but my back hurts.

it's true, though, that conservatives nowadays are determined to believe this shite even as they hate on rainbows, 'support' p.o.c so long as they 'stay in their lane' (sports, entertainment/farm-work/battle fodder), want to force women to carry dangerous pregnancies and even deceased fetuses even if it endangers their own life, and vote for a man who incited the overthrow of democracy in America... a con-man, a liar, a thief, a sexual abuser/rapist, a faux christian and a whole slew of other things besides.
Conservatives in fact don't hate on rainbows. They don't want sexuality of any kind pushed in schools and libraries, want such topics left to the parents, and hold the right to disagree with that behavior, as they would adultery, racism, or pride, without hating the person. They can separate a behavior from a person's identity as a person. In fact the regular phrase is hate sin, but love the sinner. But they hold the same values they have held, values that were once considered normal until the world got flipped on its head and demanded everyone who disagrees with them shut up or be canceled.

It's laughable that you say libs are the ones who support p.o.c., and conservatives hate them unless they stay on the farm. It was conservatives who hold the first on so many p.o.c. in political power, it's ubiquitous to list them. The Abolitionists were, in large part, white Christian conservatives. Conservatives were not bringing skin color up with Obama, it was Dems. Conservatives opposed him on policies, or at least the great majority did. It's conservatives who have supported Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Armstrong Williams, Larry Elder, Walter Williams,Jason L. Riley, Condoleezza Rice, Winsome Sears, John Edward James, Clarence Burgess Owens, James Golden, Candace Owens, James M. Evans.... the list goes on and on. Your side attacks them for leaving the Dem plantation. These are thinkers, politicians, teachers, philosophers, public speakers, and men and women of great influence. It's why your side hates them, why you use your most racist tropes against them. They terrify you because they blow up your racist, twisted narrative, and do so eloquently.

And yes, conservatives opposed abortion and abortion on demand. They believe that human life, all human life, is sacred, and therefore oppose the murder of innocents. That baby in the womb is a human life. A separate human life from its mother with its own DNA, gender, traits, and personality. We know this very well. That life can feel fear and love and pain very soon after conception. We know this very well. How dare you advocate for that baby's murder for the sake of convenience, or even the chance of another suffering a little to preserve his or her life. If you used the same language for an already birthed baby.... strike that. Your side also advocates partial birth murder. It's not "abortion". It's murder. Even the word fetus is Latin for little one, for baby. That's not oppression to oppose abortion. It's oppression to murder innocent babies in the womb .

As for the last statement, there is so much falsehood and propaganda in it I'm not even addressing it. You can keep believing NPR, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN, Fox, and the whole rest of the lying alphabet soup propaganda machine if you want to. I choose truth.
I cited the Washington post since others from the RWCJ also cite it. Want cites from other sources, name those source and I'll get you a citation from them. It's not difficult,since Trump lies on a daily basis. The guy is a compulsive liar, and has been for decades...

It's fucking comical, how all of a sudden the sources that were the gold standard changed, just because they changed how they cover stories on Trump.

Your dodging and ducking and weaving on this tells EVERYONE here how biased you are.....

Fuck off Fisher, you were chased out of here before, and sooner or later you'll be chased out again.
Again with this Fisher thing.. really don't know who the dude is. As for the rest, on the conservative side, we haven't trusted those sources for years. This is long before Trump. The Washington Post was corrupt before they even got to the point where they attacked and really slandered some of Nixon's side of things while at the same time covering for the DNC. The New York Times has been a liberal source for decades. It's out of New York. That should tell you everything. By the way, that's why I don't trust Trump's personal values. He's a New York Republican. They haven't been the gold standard for anything for a very long time. The only ones citing them as gold standard has been the Liberals. And once again we go back to you know a liberal is lying because they are moving their lips. I don't trust any paper who hasn't been caught in so many lies as the New York Times or the Washington Post. I don't trust any paper who has done so much cover-up for the Democrat party as the New York Times and the Washington Post. This isn't theory. The list of the cover-ups has been widely publicized. The list of the lies that they've been caught in has been widely publicized. They just keep getting a pass because they're liberal.
My gas price just went up through a another government tax increase, but I've got Hybrids and plug in Hybrids which cut my gas consumption by over 50%. So I won't care until it doubles the current price....
So because you have a hybrid you can afford the gas prices. Here's the reality. Most people can't afford hybrids. New cars are expensive. Most people have to deal with gas prices. And the only reason why the hybrid industry right now is holding strong as it is is because of government subsidies. I'm not saying I oppose hybrids. They're great cars. Saying they're expensive for the average consumer. If you can afford a hybrid then you are not the average consumer. Average consumer is living on the edge of poverty right now. Thank you, President Biden.
My gas price just went up through a another government tax increase, but I've got Hybrids and plug in Hybrids which cut my gas consumption by over 50%. So I won't care until it doubles the current price....
It dawns on me that I know know why your name is fuzzy... You are using fuzzy logic.
It's conservatives who have supported Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Armstrong Williams, Larry Elder, Walter Williams,Jason L. Riley, Condoleezza Rice, Winsome Sears, John Edward James, Clarence Burgess Owens, James Golden, Candace Owens, James M. Evans....

Among the nuttiest of the nutballs.
Again with this Fisher thing.. really don't know who the dude is.
When you have been banned in the past, it is best to never admit it...
As for the rest, on the conservative side, we haven't trusted those sources for years.
Bullshit. Everyone of those sources is bandied about daily in this forum.

Where are the source you want me to use on Trump's compulsive lying? You seem to find an excuse to claim bias on everyone I put forth.
Despite all the flak you throw up into the air, oil prices still aren't Biden's fault. Oil prices are determined by far vaster and more complex factors than whatever Biden is doing. Your attack on Biden for this is empty. (Besides which, gas prices have been coming down. Of course they won't reach levels of four years earlier. We were in a Covid crisis. No one was driving anywhere.) Try not to be such a shallow and partisan thinker (and runner at the mouth).
Despite all the flak you throw up into the air, oil prices still aren't Biden's fault. Oil prices are determined by far vaster and more complex factors than whatever Biden is doing. Your attack on Biden for this is empty. (Besides which, gas prices have been coming down. Of course they won't reach levels of four years earlier. We were in a Covid crisis. No one was driving anywhere.) Try not to be such a shallow and partisan thinker (and runner at the mouth).
Right now it's Israel and Ukraine being the main drivers of price increases.....I'll gladly pay a few bucks more at the pump as Ukraine keeps blowing up Russia's oil equipment. But that might stop, if Mike Johnson releases the money promised by the US to Ukraine to not blow up Russian oil facilities.....
Fuzzy logic is a thing, but it applies to the design of integrated circuits, another subject you know fuck all about.
It was a play on words. Don't get so pissy about it. I know that it's a legitimate thing in technology. It was a play on the words because of the fuzziness of your logic in politics and social arenas.... Never mind. Apparently you're not that bright. Next time I'll break it down. Barney style for you.
It was a play on words. Don't get so pissy about it. I know that it's a legitimate thing in technology. It was a play on the words because of the fuzziness of your logic in politics and social arenas.... Never mind. Apparently you're not that bright. Next time I'll break it down. Barney style for you.
Then give me the media source you will accept a citation from. I've now asked four fucking times Fisher, that is not Fuzzy logic, it's you dancing around.
Exactly. Other words, conservatives have always been the ones who have been anti-slavery pro-freedom and supported the minorities and the downtrodden and the outcast. It is your group, your party, the Democrats and the Liberals through policy or open action that have directly or indirectly oppressed minorities and the downtrodden and the outcast. It's why many people in the black community now are turning their back on the Democrat party and going to the Republicans. There is an exit in the black community from the Democrat party. There's a reason for that. You might want to do some research and some homework before you start attacking conservatives.
If that’s the case maybe your side shouldn’t be trying to make voting harder
Right now it's Israel and Ukraine being the main drivers of price increases.....I'll gladly pay a few bucks more at the pump as Ukraine keeps blowing up Russia's oil equipment. But that might stop, if Mike Johnson releases the money promised by the US to Ukraine to not blow up Russian oil facilities.....
You say that as though Biden had nothing to do with the issues in Israel and Ukraine. While Trump was in office, Russia didn't dare attack Ukraine because they knew he would fire back and it would be not good. It's funny that Russia was not willing to do what they're willing to do now under Biden, but you want to say Trump is Russia's puppet... When Russia clearly was quite scared of Trump. As far as Israel goes, we had peace treaties. Signed. Acted on. It was going fine with Israel, or at least better than it has been for decades, And then Biden came along and bollocks it all up. So even if you want to ignore the fact that Biden has cut off our oil production and fuel production, And has drained our emergency reserves that were supposed to be there for our military, And has blown up the economy and made it more expensive to produce anything... Even if you want to ignore that and say it's all about Ukraine and Israel, Even that is on Biden, at least in part. So you're really not helping your case here.
If that’s the case maybe your side shouldn’t be trying to make voting harder
Oh I was hoping you would bring that up... For some reason your side seems to think requiring IDs to vote is making it harder to vote. As though people who are of color somehow can't get IDs. That's racist already. If you buy liquor you have to have an ID. If you buy cigarettes you have to have an ID. If you buy a movie that is rated r on DVD... Okay that dates me but whatever... You have to have an ID. If you buy certain medication you have to have an ID, even if it's over-the-counter medication. But for some reason your side has decided that having to have an ID to prove you are who you say you are when you vote and do the thing that literally affects the direction of the country, That's making it harder to vote. And then you say that people of color somehow have less a chance or opportunity or ability to get an ID than people who are not of color. That is racist, stupid and bigoted on its face. Someone who is black or Hispanic or white or Asian or any other ethnicity, if they are an American citizen, can get an ID and vote very easily. For crying out loud they can get a driver's license. Are you saying it's harder for blacks to get a driver's license than whites? That's racist. Please do not try to say that the black man or black woman cannot get an ID without the white man's help. Your party is really jacked up. Level of racism inherent in what you believe is absolutely repulsive. That's why so many blacks are leaving.
You say that as though Biden had nothing to do with the issues in Israel and Ukraine. While Trump was in office, Russia didn't dare attack Ukraine because they knew he would fire back and it would be not good. It's funny that Russia was not willing to do what they're willing to do now under Biden, but you want to say Trump is Russia's puppet... When Russia clearly was quite scared of Trump. As far as Israel goes, we had peace treaties. Signed. Acted on. It was going fine with Israel, or at least better than it has been for decades, And then Biden came along and bollocks it all up. So even if you want to ignore the fact that Biden has cut off our oil production and fuel production, And has drained our emergency reserves that were supposed to be there for our military, And has blown up the economy and made it more expensive to produce anything... Even if you want to ignore that and say it's all about Ukraine and Israel, Even that is on Biden, at least in part. So you're really not helping your case here.
For someone who claims not to be MAGA fanatic you sure have the talking points down pat