Happy Easter! Trump Attempts To Recite "The Lord's Prayer"

You say that as though Biden had nothing to do with the issues in Israel and Ukraine.
Biden didn't.
While Trump was in office, Russia didn't dare attack Ukraine because they knew he would fire back and it would be not good. It's funny that Russia was not willing to do what they're willing to do now under Biden, but you want to say Trump is Russia's puppet... When Russia clearly was quite scared of Trump.
Putin was building up forces all along the border with Ukraine for four years, including in Belarus. Putin was banking on Trump being re-elected. When Trump lost Putin had two choices, Attack, or withdraw. Putin chose to attack. That is what occurred. Agree or not, it doesn't really matter, since Russia did invade.

Now what is your stance on the invasion? Regardless of Biden or Trump, Russia signed an agreement to protect Ukraine, in exchange for Ukraine turning over it's nuclear weapons. The US also agreed to protect Ukraine,and signed the same agreement. So far Ukraine has been fucked by both countries.
As far as Israel goes,
Netanyahu got re-elected, and as he has voiced in the past, he is acting on killing off Hamas, be damned who gets in the way. Nothing Biden, or Trump said or did would have prevented this. Hamas attacked and that gave Bebe all he needed...
"While Trump was in office, Russia didn't dare attack Ukraine because they knew he would fire back and it would be not good. "

Dam yer dum.

Putty's plan was to move into Ukraine during Donny II, knowing full well Donny would not assist Ukraine and do everything possible to thwart NATOs response. When Joe won, Putty had to move things up before Ukraine had a chance to prepare better. Or so he thought. His foolishness has cost Russia 500,000 troops, most of their armor (inclduing WWII armor that had to be pulled out of storage) and a good portion of his Black Sea fleet .... to a country that had no navy to speak of.
Then give me the media source you will accept a citation from. I've now asked four fucking times Fisher, that is not Fuzzy logic, it's you dancing around.
I've given you media sources. You don't like them. The epoch times. Worldview weekend. To certain degrees, Even though I don't like their obsession with Trump on the other side, newsmax actually starts covering headlines that your side refuses to cover. I appreciate the headlines. I don't appreciate how much they make it about Trump. To some degree the Wall Street journal, though they have compromised with the left in order to stay not canceled in recent years. There are books written by scholars who are brilliant who cover these subjects. But you mock these authors and you don't want to hear those either. When I say Tomas Sowell, you don't want to deal with that. When I say Larry Elder, You don't want to hear him. When I say Candice Owens you don't want to hear her. When I say any conservative source, you don't want to hear it. When I give any actual neutral source, you don't want to hear that. So I can't give you sources because every source I give you you are going to screen bloody murder about. Because all you listen to is the propaganda coming out of the leftist and globalists who are controlling and pulling the strings on the world governments now. Your sources that you listen to not only are so openly socialist that they don't even hide it anymore, they are controlled by the United Nations by the council on foreign relations by various socialist and communist Nations that are the ones who control the boards on these committees and organizations. But you have the audacity to sit there and attack my sources. You are such a hypocrite. I bet you support the United Nations. Yet the One of the number one voices in the United Nations is communist China. You know that country that is oppressing their people and killing Christians and other citizens who don't go along with the government narrative. So please stop your hypocrisy. It's just exhausting.
For someone who claims not to be MAGA fanatic you sure have the talking points down pat
These aren't MAGA talking points. There are those that are MAGA who will cite these facts. Because they are facts. They're easily proven to be facts. The only ones who don't want to see the facts is you on the left. The rest of the country can see it. My loyalty is not to a party or to a group or to an organization. My loyalty is to truth. If that group that you hate happens to be speaking truth on the subject, I am going to align myself with them. Just like when the left is making a point that is valid, And sometimes you do, I align myself with you and take heat from them. Because my loyalty isn't to either side.
Oh I was hoping you would bring that up... For some reason your side seems to think requiring IDs to vote is making it harder to vote. As though people who are of color somehow can't get IDs. That's racist already. If you buy liquor you have to have an ID. If you buy cigarettes you have to have an ID. If you buy a movie that is rated r on DVD... Okay that dates me but whatever... You have to have an ID. If you buy certain medication you have to have an ID, even if it's over-the-counter medication. But for some reason your side has decided that having to have an ID to prove you are who you say you are when you vote and do the thing that literally affects the direction of the country, That's making it harder to vote. And then you say that people of color somehow have less a chance or opportunity or ability to get an ID than people who are not of color. That is racist, stupid and bigoted on its face. Someone who is black or Hispanic or white or Asian or any other ethnicity, if they are an American citizen, can get an ID and vote very easily. For crying out loud they can get a driver's license. Are you saying it's harder for blacks to get a driver's license than whites? That's racist. Please do not try to say that the black man or black woman cannot get an ID without the white man's help. Your party is really jacked up. Level of racism inherent in what you believe is absolutely repulsive. That's why so many blacks are leaving.
Oh good then. You’re focused on IDs. I guess all the other measures y’all are taking to make it harder slipped your mind, like wanting to restrict mail in voting, significantly shorten early voting, trying to have one day voting, not allowing people to pass out water and snacks to people in line, shortening voting hours, not voters to arrive via busses that collect them, and maybe a few more that I’ve missed.
. The epoch times.
Zero results on epoch times Media Bias: Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as numerous failed fact checks.

Worldview weekend.
  • No results from worldview weekend
  • Overall, we rate Worldview Weekend Far-Right Biased and a tinfoil hat conspiracy and quackery level pseudoscience website based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and numerous false or unproven claims.
, newsmax :https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/trump-newsmax-election-rally-today-b2501832.html

Media bias
  • We rate Newsmax Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as well as numerous failed fact checks.
Ok two of your sources report back nothing, the third Newsmax reporter stated Trump lied.
Biden didn't.

Putin was building up forces all along the border with Ukraine for four years, including in Belarus. Putin was banking on Trump being re-elected. When Trump lost Putin had two choices, Attack, or withdraw. Putin chose to attack. That is what occurred. Agree or not, it doesn't really matter, since Russia did invade.

Now what is your stance on the invasion? Regardless of Biden or Trump, Russia signed an agreement to protect Ukraine, in exchange for Ukraine turning over it's nuclear weapons. The US also agreed to protect Ukraine,and signed the same agreement. So far Ukraine has been fucked by both countries.

Netanyahu got re-elected, and as he has voiced in the past, he is acting on killing off Hamas, be damned who gets in the way. Nothing Biden, or Trump said or did would have prevented this. Hamas attacked and that gave Bebe all he needed...
I'm going to avoid the comet underneath me because they don't seem to understand that you don't name call when you're having a debate. But to answer your question... While your premise that Russia would have attacked regardless is incredibly wrong, I will answer your question and your comment about my stance on Russia and the invasion there. And Israel.

Both governments, Russian and Ukrainian, are incredibly corrupt. Our tax dollars have gone to pay for some very corrupt funding in the Ukraine. And this idea that your side mocks that funds are movable is not a illegitimate argument. If you were to give me $20 to go buy groceries and I go buy those groceries for that $20 but then take $20 for my own wallet to go buy drugs... Would you give me more money? Of course you wouldn't, because you're not crazy. So regardless of whether I spent the $20 you gave me on what you intended it for, that doesn't change the fact that I abused your help. This has happened with Ukraine for a long time now. Because it has, And because I consider both sides to be corrupt and dangerous, I frankly wish we would simply get out of it. Let the bad guys beat each other up. When two bad guys are beating each other up, you don't come to the aid of the nicer bad guy. I thought we learned that lesson back when we were doing the nation building crap that led to the conflicts in Iraq and other places.

As for Israel, Hamas, And the so-called nation of Palestine (Read some real history on that and you start finding out that Palestine really was populated shortly after world war I by Muslims that were not wanted in any other part of the Arab Nations. They were nomads that got landed in that part of the world in order to try to keep the Jews out... It's the true story of Lawrence of Arabia and it's pretty ugly) has always been an enemy to freedom and to Israel. They have been trying to wipe Israel out for a very long time. Hamas has needed destroyed completely for a very long time. The so-called Nation of Palestine as well as the West Bank, has needed to be reclaimed by Israel for a very long time. So I fully support anything that Israel does in the process as long as they are not intentionally targeting civilians. If Hamas puts civilians in the way or the other terrorist organizations that run the West Bank put civilians in the way, especially when Israel has been projecting over and over again that we are about to bomb this area and if you are not a combatant get out, then Israel's not responsible for those deaths Hamas is. And those who choose to stay because of some ideology that makes them a martyr, their death is on them.

That's my stance on it. That's where I will always stand. And that's why I support the decisions that the conservatives have made regarding this.
Zero results on epoch times Media Bias: Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as numerous failed fact checks.

  • No results from worldview weekend
  • Overall, we rate Worldview Weekend Far-Right Biased and a tinfoil hat conspiracy and quackery level pseudoscience website based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and numerous false or unproven claims.
, newsmax :https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/trump-newsmax-election-rally-today-b2501832.html

Media bias
  • We rate Newsmax Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as well as numerous failed fact checks.
Ok two of your sources report back nothing, the third Newsmax reporter stated Trump lied.
That source that you're quoting, Media bias, Is itself a very left leaning organization. Please go to an organization that doesn't have a left-leaning bent. Oh that's right you can't. All of your legacy media and so-called mainstream media has become leftist and socialist. It's why people are stopping listening to them. It's interesting that it's the conservative and independent news sources that are the fastest growing news sources in the country. Your other news sources are struggling to stay afloat. Their viewership is dropping and it's dropping fast. Good luck with that.
I'm going to avoid the comet underneath me because they don't seem to understand that you don't name call when you're having a debate. But to answer your question... While your premise that Russia would have attacked regardless is incredibly wrong,
NO it is not wrong, Russia invaded in 2014 already...Damn you're dumb.

Both governments, Russian and Ukrainian, are incredibly corrupt.
Which has nothing to do with Russia invading...
Our tax dollars have gone to pay for some very corrupt funding in the Ukraine. And this idea that your side mocks that funds are movable is not a illegitimate argument. If you were to give me $20 to go buy groceries and I go buy those groceries for that $20 but then take $20 for my own wallet to go buy drugs... Would you give me more money? Of course you wouldn't, because you're not crazy. So regardless of whether I spent the $20 you gave me on what you intended it for, that doesn't change the fact that I abused your help. This has happened with Ukraine for a long time now. Because it has, And because I consider both sides to be corrupt and dangerous, I frankly wish we would simply get out of it. Let the bad guys beat each other up. When two bad guys are beating each other up, you don't come to the aid of the nicer bad guy. I thought we learned that lesson back when we were doing the nation building crap that led to the conflicts in Iraq and other places.
The above it totally irrelevent to Russia invading. Russia didn't invade because of US politics.
As for Israel, Hamas, And the so-called nation of Palestine (Read some real history on that and you start finding out that Palestine really was populated shortly after world war I by Muslims that were not wanted in any other part of the Arab Nations. They were nomads that got landed in that part of the world in order to try to keep the Jews out... It's the true story of Lawrence of Arabia and it's pretty ugly) has always been an enemy to freedom and to Israel. They have been trying to wipe Israel out for a very long time. Hamas has needed destroyed completely for a very long time. The so-called Nation of Palestine as well as the West Bank, has needed to be reclaimed by Israel for a very long time. So I fully support anything that Israel does in the process as long as they are not intentionally targeting civilians. If Hamas puts civilians in the way or the other terrorist organizations that run the West Bank put civilians in the way, especially when Israel has been projecting over and over again that we are about to bomb this area and if you are not a combatant get out, then Israel's not responsible for those deaths Hamas is. And those who choose to stay because of some ideology that makes them a martyr, their death is on them.
I've post on it many times, right back to 1915 when this round of wars over the "holy land"were started by the British. Don't try and lecture me on this subject, there's a whole other thread on it. My comments are there. Perhaps go read them.

Bebe is on record saying he wanted to destroy Hamas. This is his move, and nothing Trump nor Biden would have prevent him after the Oct raid by Hamas.
That's my stance on it. That's where I will always stand. And that's why I support the decisions that the conservatives have made regarding this.
Yes your stance is wrong. The conservatives have supported Ukraine, so obviously you don't stand with them.
These aren't MAGA talking points. There are those that are MAGA who will cite these facts. Because they are facts. They're easily proven to be facts. The only ones who don't want to see the facts is you on the left. The rest of the country can see it. My loyalty is not to a party or to a group or to an organization. My loyalty is to truth. If that group that you hate happens to be speaking truth on the subject, I am going to align myself with them. Just like when the left is making a point that is valid, And sometimes you do, I align myself with you and take heat from them. Because my loyalty isn't to either side.
I dunno man. Seems to me at best you preach facts without context and at the other end use misinformation and spin. I mean, the fact that you dismiss WAPO, actually a high credibility site, as extreme left or something, and trot out the Epoch Times and Newsmax, low credibility sites, as a beacons of truth actually says a lot about your own credibility.
That source that you're quoting, Media bias,
I used Media bias, for all three to keep it consistent. You want me to use another source of media bias, name it.

Here is there link to the Washington post from the same source, tell me if you agree or disagree....

  • Overall, we rate The Washington Post as Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that moderately favor the left. Due to a few failed fact checks, they earn a Mostly Factual rating.
In the end, one out of three of your sources agreed that Trump lies. The other two stayed the hell away from commenting. What I find comical Fisher is the pretzels you will turn yourself into trying to deny that fact.
Oh good then. You’re focused on IDs. I guess all the other measures y’all are taking to make it harder slipped your mind, like wanting to restrict mail in voting, significantly shorten early voting, trying to have one day voting, not allowing people to pass out water and snacks to people in line, shortening voting hours, not voters to arrive via busses that collect them, and maybe a few more that I’ve missed.
Mail-In voting is the easiest way to commit voter fraud. In fact, it has been used for voter fraud for quite some time now. That's why there needs to be restrictions on it. Doesn't restrict minorities. That requires accountability for everybody. To say accountability for everybody equals restrictions for minorities, That's racist.

One day voting... That's actually an awesome Idea. To have one day, fact make it a national holiday, in which everybody can go vote. You know like the founders intended in the Constitution. The Constitution makes no allowances for early voting. Because they understood that gaps can lead to fraud. And the fraud hasn't just happened on the left or the right. Slides have been guilty. The worst case on record actually was Republicans back in The bad old days of Chicago and New York. So early voting is actually a problem. And once again it leaves a lot of room for voter fraud. To say that minorities are somehow less able to show up on voting day, as though they're too stupid or two handicapped to do so, again, that is racist. Whether or not you like the idea, that's one thing. A different debate. But to say that it is restricting minorities is a blatantly racist thing to say.

As for the rest, once again, this is the tools that have been used for voter fraud and other problems. And if you don't like that this has been happening, stop the voter fraud. Then maybe you should. I don't know. Stop cheating. But to say once again that this is specifically targeting minorities, this is simply not true. Say that A person of color can't get in a car and drive to the voting booth. That they can't carpool there. That somehow they can't bring their own snacks if they know they're going to wait in line. That somehow they are just too stupid and too dumb to go and vote properly because that is the way the laws are in that state, regardless of what you feel about those laws, Is expressly racist. Stop making everything about skin color. That is the tactic and the ploy from your side that is constantly used in order to shut down debate. I am perfectly willing to have the discussions and debates about what should and shouldn't happen with voter laws. It's actually a very interesting debate in a modern era where things have shifted and there are a lot of questions. And how do you deal with things and so on and so forth. To say it's about skin color and ethnicity, as you racists put it, race, Is to become disingenuous and to try to shut down debate by using a term that will render the other side voiceless.
Victim of leftwing propaganda. Only one Dixiecrat left the Democrat Party, Strom Thurman.
Once again, you say something that supports your opponent's argument and you don't even know it. Drink!

Bigger government always leads to more regulation leads to less business and higher costs. That's basic economics 101.
No, it's more like what someone who slept through Econ 101 or never took it at all thinks, because it made so much sense when Rush or Sean explained it.
The only reason you can point to that trajectory starting under Obama, Is because literally the day after Trump was elected, before his inauguration, You can actually go back and look at this, businesses started investing in their businesses again.
Not true, and you could go back and look at it yourself. Trouble is, due to confirmation bias, you'd probably see it even though it's not there.
In the interviews with the owners they openly stated it was because Trump was elected.
In the interviews with the sources you use? I have no doubt!
Government and business does not mix. Ever. Anywhere in the world.
Tell me you've never been out of the USA without saying so.
You say that as though Biden had nothing to do with the issues in Israel and Ukraine. While Trump was in office, Russia didn't dare attack Ukraine because they knew he would fire back and it would be not good.
No, they were waiting for Trump to get re-elected and make good on his plans to pull the US out of NATO.

That source that you're quoting, Media bias, Is itself a very left leaning organization. Please go to an organization that doesn't have a left-leaning bent.
If you've got some evidence that Media Bias has problems with factual accuracy the way your sources do, I'll be happy to look at it and consider it. Here's the catch: that you don't like their point of view does not in and of itself count for anything at all. The issue is, do they get the facts right? You have offered no evidence that they don't, whereas we have provided that with respect to the sources you've been citing.
Oh that's right you can't. All of your legacy media and so-called mainstream media has become leftist and socialist.
Just as the left has overused "racist" and "cultural appropriation" until the words scarcely have any meaning anymore, so has the right with "socialist" and "leftist". Just say you don't trust them because you don't like what they report. I'll let you in on a secret: we're not big fans of theirs either, for similar reasons. I don't expect you to believe that, but it's true.
NO it is not wrong, Russia invaded in 2014 already...Damn you're dumb.

Which has nothing to do with Russia invading...

The above it totally irrelevent to Russia invading. Russia didn't invade because of US politics.

I've post on it many times, right back to 1915 when this round of wars over the "holy land"were started by the British. Don't try and lecture me on this subject, there's a whole other thread on it. My comments are there. Perhaps go read them.

Bebe is on record saying he wanted to destroy Hamas. This is his move, and nothing Trump nor Biden would have prevent him after the Oct raid by Hamas.

Yes your stance is wrong. The conservatives have supported Ukraine, so obviously you don't stand with them.
Conservatives for a long time did support the ukrainians... Until we started seeing where the money was going. Once we realized how corrupt it was, More of us have now said that we are done with it. I don't want my tax dollars going to a government that is shifting funds in order to pay for corruption. If you want them to go there, raise a fund and start sending money on your own. In fact, that's probably how it should be done. Instead of our federal government going to support these things, And I'd be willing to even say Israel with their wars as well, take the government out of the equation. Stop taking those tax dollars away from individuals. Then let individuals make their choice as to where they want their money to go. Make it easy for individuals to send their dollars to whatever cause they want, including a support for those who are under attack. And that way we have... Oh freedom. That's a novel concept. But again, I know that I am not in the mainstream on that, because conservatism to some degree has shifted to the left along with the rest of the world. Those of us who hold what I do, we haven't really moved from our initial stance, The entire world just shifted and we didn't move with it. The slow drift to the left has made anybody that is traditionally on the right look extreme. But we didn't move and it wasn't extreme and it isn't. In fact, the further left you go, the more extreme you actually are. If you want the technical term, it's the hegalian dialect. You move something, One direction or the other, usually the left, By proposing a point and a counterpoint, The point never was The point or the counterpoint, point was the compromise in the middle that moves it and then you start all over again. But that's another discussion. Suffice it to say that I'm sick of the compromise with anybody who's claiming to be conservative or Republican. That's why I don't trust either party. I vote conscience not party.
Mail-In voting is the easiest way to commit voter fraud. In fact, it has been used for voter fraud for quite some time now. That's why there needs to be restrictions on it. Doesn't restrict minorities. That requires accountability for everybody. To say accountability for everybody equals restrictions for minorities, That's racist.

One day voting... That's actually an awesome Idea. To have one day, fact make it a national holiday, in which everybody can go vote. You know like the founders intended in the Constitution. The Constitution makes no allowances for early voting. Because they understood that gaps can lead to fraud. And the fraud hasn't just happened on the left or the right. Slides have been guilty. The worst case on record actually was Republicans back in The bad old days of Chicago and New York. So early voting is actually a problem. And once again it leaves a lot of room for voter fraud. To say that minorities are somehow less able to show up on voting day, as though they're too stupid or two handicapped to do so, again, that is racist. Whether or not you like the idea, that's one thing. A different debate. But to say that it is restricting minorities is a blatantly racist thing to say.

As for the rest, once again, this is the tools that have been used for voter fraud and other problems. And if you don't like that this has been happening, stop the voter fraud. Then maybe you should. I don't know. Stop cheating. But to say once again that this is specifically targeting minorities, this is simply not true. Say that A person of color can't get in a car and drive to the voting booth. That they can't carpool there. That somehow they can't bring their own snacks if they know they're going to wait in line. That somehow they are just too stupid and too dumb to go and vote properly because that is the way the laws are in that state, regardless of what you feel about those laws, Is expressly racist. Stop making everything about skin color. That is the tactic and the ploy from your side that is constantly used in order to shut down debate. I am perfectly willing to have the discussions and debates about what should and shouldn't happen with voter laws. It's actually a very interesting debate in a modern era where things have shifted and there are a lot of questions. And how do you deal with things and so on and so forth. To say it's about skin color and ethnicity, as you racists put it, race, Is to become disingenuous and to try to shut down debate by using a term that will render the other side voiceless.
There simply isn’t widespread voter fraud. Period. Your side is trying to solve a problem that isn’t there, while the real goal is to lessen voter turnout. Why, because at because as Mitch McConnell said, “The more people that vote, the more republicans lose.” I’ll put down as squarely on the MAGA side.
Conservatives for a long time did support the ukrainians... Until we started seeing where the money was going. Once we realized how corrupt it was, More of us have now said that we are done with it
Those dollars were part of a deal, the US gives money and arms, and Ukraine doesn't attack Russian oil infrastructure. The dumbfucks in the House screwed the pooch on that, and now you can blame them, not Biden for the crude oil spike, since Ukraine has resumed attacks on it.

Maybe learn the full picture, and you would be a little happier on how your tax dollars are being spent.

BTW I buy one drone a month for Ukraine, since I don't think countries should be invaded by their neighbours....
Once again, you say something that supports your opponent's argument and you don't even know it. Drink!

No, it's more like what someone who slept through Econ 101 or never took it at all thinks, because it made so much sense when Rush or Sean explained it.

Not true, and you could go back and look at it yourself. Trouble is, due to confirmation bias, you'd probably see it even though it's not there.

In the interviews with the sources you use? I have no doubt!

Tell me you've never been out of the USA without saying so.

No, they were waiting for Trump to get re-elected and make good on his plans to pull the US out of NATO.

If you've got some evidence that Media Bias has problems with factual accuracy the way your sources do, I'll be happy to look at it and consider it. Here's the catch: that you don't like their point of view does not in and of itself count for anything at all. The issue is, do they get the facts right? You have offered no evidence that they don't, whereas we have provided that with respect to the sources you've been citing.

Just as the left has overused "racist" and "cultural appropriation" until the words scarcely have any meaning anymore, so has the right with "socialist" and "leftist". Just say you don't trust them because you don't like what they report. I'll let you in on a secret: we're not big fans of theirs either, for similar reasons. I don't expect you to believe that, but it's true.
I'm not even addressing most of this because it's pointless and you can't hear past your deafness caused by your liberal ear plugs anyway... But I will address two. One, we should be pulling out of NATO. And the United Nations. And the council on foreign relations. Those are the most corrupt agencies in the world. The NATO forces are actually notorious for abusing and raping and pillaging in the nations they go to. When they go to help often, those voices will use their power to abuse their position. Because in many nations those forces that are being given... From very bad countries. Same thing with the United Nations forces. So yes we need to pull out of NATO. That has become very corrupt. Anything that is a globalist organization United States should be pulling out completely and kicking their headquarters out of our country. Unfortunately not too many on either side. Have the balls to say it. I'm tired of our money going to support socialism and Marxism on a global scale.

Which leads me to the second one. It's not overused if it's true. Your side has embraced a globalist, Marxism and socialism. That's just fundamentally true. Unfortunately, your side also owns all the media sources that are considered mainstream and therefore you bury the storyline. Your side owns the school systems and so you brainwashed children into accepting socialism as normal and good, And not really having a big issue with Marxism and communism. So our side does use those words loudly and often. We are screaming warning. We are about to head off a cliff, well actually we have already headed off the cliff and we are falling fast, And no one wants to pay attention on your side. Because you have your social agenda to push. Because you have your communist Marxist socialist agenda to push. It's like saying that a person who keeps screaming get out of the way a train is coming. Get out of the way a train is coming. Get out of the way the train is coming... Like saying that that person is just overusing a phrase. Except if the train is coming and a person is standing in the way it's not overusing it. It's desperately warning. That's the truth. And that's what our side has been warning about. Unfortunately, our side has also been duped into accepting measures of globalism and thus have really compromised to the point of communitarianism. That's why I don't trust Republicans either.
There simply isn’t widespread voter fraud. Period. Your side is trying to solve a problem that isn’t there, while the real goal is to lessen voter turnout. Why, because at because as Mitch McConnell said, “The more people that vote, the more republicans lose.” I’ll put down as squarely on the MAGA side.
There is in fact widespread voter fraud. I happen to be in Wisconsin where in Madison and Milwaukee it happened badly. It has happened both in the governor races and in the presidential races. And I am not going to get into all the ways that happened here because that is a very long discussion. But the reason why you can say there's not evidence of widespread voter fraud is because the media refused to report on it and local governments that were controlled by liberals refused to investigate it. The conservatives in those regions actually did the investigations and showed the widespread voter fraud and The Liberals in that area and those regions buried the story. So there's plenty of evidence for widespread voter fraud. There's very little reporting on it. There's a difference.
I'm not even addressing most of this because it's pointless and you can't hear past your deafness caused by your liberal ear plugs anyway... But I will address two. One, we should be pulling out of NATO. And the United Nations. And the council on foreign relations. Those are the most corrupt agencies in the world. The NATO forces are actually notorious for abusing and raping and pillaging in the nations they go to. When they go to help often, those voices will use their power to abuse their position. Because in many nations those forces that are being given... From very bad countries. Same thing with the United Nations forces. So yes we need to pull out of NATO. That has become very corrupt. Anything that is a globalist organization United States should be pulling out completely and kicking their headquarters out of our country. Unfortunately not too many on either side. Have the balls to say it. I'm tired of our money going to support socialism and Marxism on a global scale.
Even if I agreed with any of the above, I note that you do not dispute my point in any way: Putin didn't hold back from attacking Ukraine while Trump was president because he was afraid of Trump, he did it because he was hoping Trump would pull us out of NATO. It doesn't matter whether you want us out of NATO or not.

Which leads me to the second one. It's not overused if it's true. Your side has embraced a globalist, Marxism and socialism. That's just fundamentally true.
What is "fundamentally true" is that people like you have been saying that for a hundred years about anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun. You probably don't even really know the true definition of "socialism", nor have you ever studied Marx. You just know those words scare people into voting the way you want.
Unfortunately, your side also owns all the media sources that are considered mainstream and therefore you bury the storyline.
I wish! But it just ain't so. Again, it only looks that way to you.
Your side owns the school systems and so you brainwashed children into accepting socialism as normal and good,
Nope. That's another one the likes of you have been saying again and again and again, without being able to point to anything to support that.
I never knew the Lord's prayer has wide sweeping integrations with other topics.
Those dollars were part of a deal, the US gives money and arms, and Ukraine doesn't attack Russian oil infrastructure. The dumbfucks in the House screwed the pooch on that, and now you can blame them, not Biden for the crude oil spike, since Ukraine has resumed attacks on it.

Maybe learn the full picture, and you would be a little happier on how your tax dollars are being spent.

BTW I buy one drone a month for Ukraine, since I don't think countries should be invaded by their neighbours....
Yet under Trump we were almost at a point of energy, Independence and actually were producing all kinds of oil. Because we didn't shut down pipelines and drilling sites. We followed the philosophy then for those years of drill baby drill. And we were doing great. There's tons and tons. There's a whole bunch of oil for us to take and use without destroying natural resources. But this administration stopped that. We shouldn't need to worry about whether or not Russian oil production places are blown up. We shouldn't be dependent on Russia at all for anything. So no I'm not happy with the way those dollars are spent. I want American dollars spent on American production of oil and crude and gas and diesel and all kinds of other sources... Including electric and solar by the way and nuclear. It's not an either/Or it's a both/and.

And hey I'm glad you spend your money the way you want to spend it. No, I would be curious as to how much research you do about how Ukraine spends their dollars that are offset by your dollars in their own government. I personally would rather buy the homeless guy a meal myself and then help him get a job, than give him money to go buy a burger and then him use his own money to buy alcohol. And I'm not saying homeless people will automatically do that. I'm giving an example. But hey you are using your money the way you choose to use it. And I bet if the government stopped taking the money that they're taking and tax dollars from you, at least to the level they do, You would have more money to spend on the things you care most about. I have no doubt you put your money where your mouth is. Good job for you. You aren't all talk. And I support your freedom to spend that money where you want to, even if I don't agree with the spending. Let's just keep the government out of it.
There is in fact widespread voter fraud. I happen to be in Wisconsin where in Madison and Milwaukee it happened badly.
Proof please....
It has happened both in the governor races and in the presidential races. And I am not going to get into all the ways that happened here because that is a very long discussion.
No it's not really a long explanation. All you have to do is come up with some evidence. Trust me brighter minds than you have tried and failed.
But the reason why you can say there's not evidence of widespread voter fraud is because the media refused to report on it and local governments that were controlled by liberals refused to investigate it.
The conservatives in those regions actually did the investigations and showed widespread voter fraud and the Liberals in that area and those regions buried the story.So there's pleanty of evidence for widespread voter fraud. There's very little reporting on it. There's a difference.
lol,so you're claiming the courts haven't acted because it wasn't reported on? Election fraud is a criminal charge. Courts act, so I'm sure you can show us the court cases, since those are publicly accessible records, irregardless of if the cases made the news.....
For someone who claims not to be MAGA fanatic you sure have the talking points down pat
Roger that. This is one of the techniques of Trumpers. They pretend to be something other than diehard Trumpers. Their ability to blatantly lie about everything helps them with this.