Happy Thanksgiving!

WickedEve said:
black sheep, dark banana, murky monkey, it's all the same.

opaque orangutans , brackish baboons, cloudy capuchins, gloomy gorillas

darkmaas said:
Recipe for darkbaanaana:

1 large (or two small if less than 6". Size matters.)
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup cheap whiskey (rye or bourbon) for the baanaana
26 oz single malt for the chef and any hangers-on around the kitchen.

First catch your dancing baanaana. Pull off the skinny legs and arms. This will wipe the silly grin from his skin. Gently tease him from his yellow skin. You will now have something longer than it is wide. This is a good time for a wee taste of the single malt and a few phallus jokes.

Roast in a 300° oven basting with the maple sugar every few minutes. Alternate bastings with another dram of single malt and lewder jokes. If there are men pesent more single malt and suggestive phallic reminders as the baanaana get progressively more flaccid and wrinkles under the heat.

Continue until the baanaana is a dark golden brown or thge single malt runs out.

Remove from the oven and drizzle with the cheap whiskey and light.

Cut and serve immediately to any left standing in the kitchen.



now that's cooking
darkmaas said:
Recipe for darkbaanaana:

Cut and serve immediately to any left standing in the kitchen.


Oh, please. At this point, let's just serve it whole.
WickedEve said:
Oh, please. At this point, let's just serve it whole.

such gluttony
I'm picturing you with maple syrup running down your chiny chin chin
darkmaas said:
Recipe for darkbaanaana:

1 large (or two small if less than 6". Size matters.)
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup cheap whiskey (rye or bourbon) for the baanaana
26 oz single malt for the chef and any hangers-on around the kitchen.

First catch your dancing baanaana. Pull off the skinny legs and arms. This will wipe the silly grin from his skin. Gently tease him from his yellow skin. You will now have something longer than it is wide. This is a good time for a wee taste of the single malt and a few phallus jokes.

Roast in a 300° oven basting with the maple sugar every few minutes. Alternate bastings with another dram of single malt and lewder jokes. If there are men present- more single malt and suggestive phallic reminders as the baanaana gets progressively more flaccid and wrinkles under the heat.

Continue until the baanaana is a dark golden brown or the single malt runs out.

Remove from the oven and drizzle with the cheap whiskey and light.

Cut and serve immediately to any left standing in the kitchen.



Forget the baanaanaa. I just saw Stephen King in Wal-Mart!
Tathagata said:
buying a bag of lime, two shovels,and a clown mask??

Lol. I told my son and the first thing he asked me is "what was he buying?" He was alone and the only thing I noticed--aside from the fact that he is very tall--is that he had an Ennteman's pie in his basket. Really. Stephen King buys Ennteman's at Wal-Mart. :D
Angeline said:
Lol. I told my son and the first thing he asked me is "what was he buying?" He was alone and the only thing I noticed--aside from the fact that he is very tall--is that he had an Ennteman's pie in his basket. Really. Stephen King buys Ennteman's at Wal-Mart. :D

Tathagata said:
especially in maine

Oh yes. And it was mobbed. And Christmas music was playing. And it's snowing outside. That'll be it for me and Wal Mart for another six months. :cool:
Angeline said:
Oh yes. And it was mobbed. And Christmas music was playing. And it's snowing outside. That'll be it for me and Wal Mart for another six months. :cool:

yeah we got a dusting here too
i sent a note to a friend of mine describing the song we always sung at a certain machine shop where i used to work if it snowed on a friday

i realized i always sing it in my head when it snows

I'm a silly bastard
Sara Crewe said:
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends...even the silly bastards.

every time i eat a particularly juicy turkey thigh I think of you....

i know you were expecting a sausage stuffing joke...but that's beneath me now

which reminds me of you also

but I digress

happy whatever the fuck you do on Thanksgiving day in Canada to you too sweet pea
Tathagata said:
every time i eat a particularly juicy turkey thigh I think of you....

i know you were expecting a sausage stuffing joke...but that's beneath me now

which reminds me of you also

but I digress

happy whatever the fuck you do on Thanksgiving day in Canada to you too sweet pea

Doesn't hurt when its beneath you?

It's called Thursday here.

Thanksgiving happens in October because once upon a time before global warming it was cold here in Canada in October. Now it's balmy. The snow birds are all confused and just keep driving their RVs in circles.
Sara Crewe said:
Doesn't hurt when its beneath you?

It's called Thursday here.

Thanksgiving happens in October because once upon a time before global warming it was cold here in Canada in October. Now it's balmy. The snow birds are all confused and just keep driving their RVs in circles.

only aesthetically

didn't Anne Murray sing some ear mauling song about " snow birds?"

balmy, doesn't that mean daft as well?

I thought it was always a tad balmy in Canada but that's John Candys fault
Tathagata said:
only aesthetically

didn't Anne Murray sing some ear mauling song about " snow birds?"

balmy, doesn't that mean daft as well?

I thought it was always a tad balmy in Canada but that's John Candys fault

Hm. Is it at least a sadistic kinda aesthetic pain?

Nice to know this entire country is easily encapsulated for you by a washed up folk singer and a dead comic. :p

We would know that balmy could mean crazy but we would just call you crazy.
Sara Crewe said:
It's called Thursday here.
That's odd. That's what we call it too.

I would have thought you guys would say "Thoursday" or something.
I knew that if I opened a bottle in the kitchen I would soon have no place to swing a turkey. Even the ever elusive Miss Crewe ... and there's Angeline dragging poor Mr. King by his ..er ... what is that yellow thingy in your hand?

And what pray tell is an Ennteman?