Have you heard about voter fraud lately?

Wrong account. Not talking to you. Where'd the other guy go? So you had your convention already? :)
You're talking on a bulletin board service. Which means you're talking to everyone. Don't know which other guy you're talking about. And I'm having my convention tomorrow. Smoking a slab of ribs, drinking beer, and getting ready for Chiefs season.
You're talking on a bulletin board service. Which means you're talking to everyone. Don't know which other guy you're talking about. And I'm having my convention tomorrow. Smoking a slab of ribs, drinking beer, and getting ready for Chiefs season.
Put your money on the Bears. Trust me. :)
I don't plan to vote for a "Guy."

So there is no way my "Guy" will win...unless the Republicans come to their senses and dump Trump. (one down, one to go!)
Did you vote for a guy in the primary? What happened there? I hear he is practically brain dead. :)
Oh, a name caller. How quaint? :)
Point of order; that was descriptive, not name calling.

Name calling is what Trump and his cultists do every single day. // Is that name calling, referring to people who wear diapers, ear pads and buy autographed Bibles just to honor a low IQ con-man 'cultists'? You decide.