Hello From My Englishness

Don't pass Go. Don't collect £200... :(

I didn't know you were in the UK either! It does feel more and more isolated. Borders shut. Not allowed into other countries. Unclean *rings bell*

(Not that bell ;))

I would NEVER have thought of that bell. You obviously meant the end of the penis. I'm not naive!

... :)

There's rumour that this can continue until Easter too. It's quite an intense prospect. I'm a little nervous for the future. Are you?

As you said, I hope everyone is holding up. Mental health is so damn important right now.
I think everyone is a little nervous. And yes, mental health is SO important.

Hope everyone has someone to talk to, or there is always here!
Be safe out there, all of you...especially those in southeast England.
Minimal improvements here in Chicago, but still very serious.
Went from 2 to 3 then 24 hours later to 4. My town has the lowest infections in the county but we are surrounded by places that have 4 times higher rates.

Haven’t been out much anyway in the last 8 or 9 months anyway, so this is no different.
Take care EVERYONE, regardless of Tier, if you need to talk remember Lit is socially distanced and there's always someone around.
Totally agree Polranny, stay safe, hang in there until vaccine and there's always social life here.
I bet everyone here can find a great way to enjoy the holiday period even with COVID difficulties.

Board games, Christmas movies, gluttonous meals, phone calls, ALCOHOL ...

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas (early, because I might otherwise forget)!
Christmas Eve Eve!!!

happy Wednesday....

Hope you have a good one, Wand3rlust! If you get play Mrs. Santa ... jus' sayin'

As for the rest of you: I wish you all the best for a peaceful festive period. It's a very weird one, but we can still come together (no, not like that, dirty pervs) and raise a glass to good health.
Merry Christmas and/or happy holidays to all of you lovely pervs. I hope that you and yours all find some joy in the season. :heart:
...and to you Angelica....

Best laid plans were shot to Buggery but a quiet & relaxing day was had in my kennel x

Glad you had a good one, you old dog in a manger!
Mine was a bit strange but the name of the game is survival and it was both different and fun.
Keep well EVERYONE
A Belated Merry Christmas from over here, hope everyone had a good day (strange as it probably was)

Hope you're all safe and well. Enjoy lounging around recovering on Boxing Day.
Looks like a fun place. Not British but have an affinity for it and have spent some time there. Actually just came here because the OP has some great comments on another thread and her profile pic is intriguing. Belated Happy Christmas (Merry Christmas for us Yanks) and Happy New Year! Hope you'll have me.
Looks like a fun place. Not British but have an affinity for it and have spent some time there. Actually just came here because the OP has some great comments on another thread and her profile pic is intriguing. Belated Happy Christmas (Merry Christmas for us Yanks) and Happy New Year! Hope you'll have me.

Welcome to the thread. We’ve been a bit quiet lately, most likely due to holidays and lockdowns.
Looks like a fun place. Not British but have an affinity for it and have spent some time there. Actually just came here because the OP has some great comments on another thread and her profile pic is intriguing. Belated Happy Christmas (Merry Christmas for us Yanks) and Happy New Year! Hope you'll have me.

Welcome to the English/British thread: home to Brexit, Mad Cow Disease, SARS-CoV-2, Mr Bean, and the crumpet!

Hope everyone has some kind of NYE plans tonight ... even if it's banging on the windows, wishing to be let out!
Welcome to the thread. We’ve been a bit quiet lately, most likely due to holidays and lockdowns.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I can understand the impact of the holidays on the thread, but the lockdown has actually increased my fundamental on Lit! :)
Welcome to the English/British thread: home to Brexit, Mad Cow Disease, SARS-CoV-2, Mr Bean, and the crumpet!

Hope everyone has some kind of NYE plans tonight ... even if it's banging on the windows, wishing to be let out!

Thanks! Yes, spending NYE in quarantine, LOL. Happy New Year!!!
I'm doing well with my addictions thank you very much.

A very happy new year to one an all.

Personally I'll be raising a free glass of something very expensive. 😉
Saw the New Year in quietly but raring to go in '21. Keep safe and keep posting everyone.
First day of the New Year and Dr. Who is back this evening. Captain Jack to the rescue.
Happy New Year everyone - sun shining today in London, well sort of... thinking of going for a walk with the dog...

can I really be bothered?....
Good morning

Hello everyone. I live in Leeds but work in London’s dns stay there most of the week.

Would be good to chat to other people from London