Help from an artist

Once again....."Aye, it must be powerful language if you canna make oout what the heel it's goin' on aboot!"- T.P

Oooooh, vaginal farts!! <big grin> I've done those! They were fun :D and comical at the time! As was farting on my boyfriend's penis... He was behind me and we had been, you know... and I just let it out, unforewarned! At first it was a tad embarrassing, but it was more funny than anything and we just howled!!

Thanks for the definitions!! I am fascinated.

I read your profile Rhino, and I'm impressed :)
And, then I went in on your website. You are very good.
I really like the drawings of your babies! They are beautiful.
I was stunned by the drawing of your father. Very touching. I like the delicateness of the drawing. It speaks of the delicate stage of life at that point. I just sat here and stared at it for a while.
I have a photo of my dad at that stage, but I don't think I could sit there and draw him at that point. .. Don't think I could handle it. My dad was in ICU for a month when he passed and he was hooked up to a lot of different things - maybe that makes the difference too... seeing him like that.

Flowering lotus :rose:
Hi Rhino,

You are welcome.

Yes, it is sad. I fear that time, myself. It sounds like you are very close to your mother. :) I was afraid of my father dying for several years prior. I'm primary caregiver for my mother, and now I'm finding that fear raising its head again. She isn't close to dying, on the surface, at least, but strokes run in her family and she has had a few TIA's. She is rather frail and cannot walk w/o assistance and has a bit of dementia now and then. At other times, she is clear as a bell. Everytime I leave her [retirement]apartment, I tell her I love her. She doesn't know this part, but I also grimace and hold my breath; I just can't bear the thought of being without her. I also have to say that I never thought I would feel this way about her... we had a not-so-good growing up time.

We hold hands a lot too. Mostly when she walks, but the sentiment is still felt. It is a nice thing you are doing. I know it is also hard when the siblings live elsewhere and you are [are you?] the one taking responsibility.

Job well done.
Hard and sad!

Flowering Lotus
I just posted the story this question pertained to. It's titled Football Widow Ch 4. I want to thank everyone who gave advice comments or ideas again.

