Hitting on men

Can you please tell me how to make a guy aware that are interested in him sexually?

Tell him
Ask him over for dinner, a drink, dessert
Let him know you are available (single, open, exploring, whatever)
Flirt heavily - touching, exposing some cleavage, suggestive talk
Grab his cock and whisper in his ear "this is mine!" :rolleyes:

good luck!
I wait for someone to come on to me. (and some lonely nights)
The times I have tried to come on I always end up sounding like a foreigner or escapee from the hospital LOL
What is this, the 1940s ? I'm bold enough to approach a guy, if I want to. It's what feminism is all about. Step out of your bubble, cutie.:)
There isn't a problem having guys hit on you - it's more that they are not necessary the guys you want. LOL It has nothing to do with feminism it has more to do with finding what I think may be a really good guy - just makes me nervous.
I'm a guy.
You're a woman.
Play with your hair.
Hold his gaze for 10 seconds.
Touch the back of his hand.
'Nuf said.
Welcome to the third millenium, ladies or is 'grrrl power' something just talked about?

How about just walking up to him and saying, "I don't normally do this [there's your escape clause], but I think you're really sexy. What are you doing for the rest the night?"

Boys are boys...
Hit On Them!

I agree with some of the previous male posters, I enjoy being hit on. I’m a younger guy and happily married for close to 10 years and would never act, but I always enjoy being hit on and appreciated. I will flirt a little and enjoy the conversation but beyond that nothing will happen. It does happen to me (being hit on) but not all that often. Enough times for it to not be a shock, but I wouldn’t call it a common occurrence. There are definitely men out there that enjoy a confident woman who knows what she wants and is willing to act to get it. For me that’s one of the sexiest women I’ve met, it’s the attitude and it’s fucking hot. I’ve noticed that being married as well as being a father hasn’t changed that women still will hit on me as I thought it would, in some cases it’s actually increased it and I’m not sure why.

- Irish