Holding poems up to the light, then beating them senseless.

Red! <throws arms around yas for a big hug>

You're a wise ass! <grins> Thanks for the read! I like these interview thingies. Fun! And it was good to hear a bit more of WE before she left for good.

Lookin forward to the next one. =P Don't hold anything back. LoL

Re: Drat that hussy!

Well, it seems like this thread has been dumped in my lap. Thanks a lot, Kat Purrs, you wanton hussy, you-- you owe me for this one. At least a blow job!

Anyway, that means I'm also stuck with the next interview. So I'll pick a fine poet who's been around Lit. a long time, WriterDom. (You know there'll be one or two questions about politics!) Then it will pass on to him to pick the next interview subject, and so on.

I'll get you for this, you evil woman, KP!

Awwwww REDsieSweetieHoneyBabySugarPie,

I'll admit it was a sneaky, underhanded deed for sure! And one fully deserving punishment, not reward! Besides...by the looks of your av, someone's beat me to it, and I do hate sloppy seconds. :p

Merlot kisses

WriterDom has so many good poems that it's tough to choose just one. However, I did manage to pick this one,

"Merlot Kisses":

Merlot kisses
shared so intimately
an insatiable hunger for touch
taste, smell and sight
too long apart
x'ing the days like convicts
our sentence this blight of distance
and weave of lives kept apart

but now, tonight, I hold my dream
smelling of lavender, nutmeg, and sex
each kiss draws her nearer to ecstasy
my hands free her slowly
a button here, a zipper there
leaving her half shrouded
half clothed as hands free her breasts
releasing them from silk bondage

her faced flushed
as if remnants of virginity remain
she squirms close
and moans as fingers mold
to heat of flooded cotton
slip between fabric and skin
and bury deep into her clutching core

white lace slides down and cast aside
biting kisses suck their way
to simmering sex now throbbing
she cries out at first touch
of flicking tongue tracing softest lips
to hidden pleasure now exposed
by her finger holding her flower apart

I strain against the rhythm
her hips cast against the rough sea
with my wicked nimble tongue as the oar
guiding her through the storm's passion
incessantly it spanks against fiery nerves
drawing her ever closer to blissful agony
flooding my face with her pleasure

Suck on that for a while, folks. I'll be back later with a critique, and then finally, will subject WD to the third degree-- heh, heh.
About MK

A very nice tasteful erotic poem. WriterDom seems intent on playing against his usual theme of dominant male/submissive female here. For instance, his hands release her breasts from "silk bondage" (i.e., her blouse): hardly the type of bondage one normally thinks of. There is a certain innocence about his lady love, with her "remnants of virginity." Also, he is actually playing the submissive role here, performing cunnilingus on her. The irony and apparent contradictions come to a climax (no pun intended, heh heh) in the last stanza. His tongue "spanks" against her nerves-- the kind of "spanking" most women thoroughly enjoy! Her "blissful agony" seems far more blissful than agonizing. Finally, the oar/tongue, sea/vagina metaphor works well and plays against the idea of the "old man in the boat."

Speaking of boats, RW, I thought you'd let this one sink to the bottom of the ocean. So glad to see you back and salvaging the thread!

- Judo
Surfer girl

Thanks, Judo. I notice you're doing a great job keeping the new poems thread going, too.
Merlot Kisses

Good choice, REDhot. Writer Dom painted a very steamy scene here and one which I enjoy reading over and over again. Whew!
I need to get my sea-legs!

Now, about that interview..... This ought to be interesting, to say the least! You mentioned politics being a possible subject. Aren't you two on opposite sides of that proverbial political fence? ooooh, this could get veddy intuhdesting! But schtoopid! <weg>

And then, as you mentioned before, once he has been grilled to proper "doneness", WD will have the honor of choosing a poet and tossing him or her, as the case may be, on the bar-bee.

Let the games begin!

And Red, if this is what it takes, get over here and "drop 'em".
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to keep this thread alive.


Thanks, KP-- I appreciate the offer, however unenthusiastic. I did ask WriterDom one question about politics, but it was relatively uncontroversial. Right now, I'm awaiting his responses.
Interview with WriterDom

1. You present yourself as being heavily involved in the BDSM lifestyle as a dominant male-- as your name indicates. Yet I've noticed that in both your poems and your stories, you (or your narrator, at least) express a lot of tenderness and affection for your female "slave." Isn't BDSM mainly just mind games and kinky role playing to make sex more exciting?

I think BDSM has its own energy outside of sex. There are posers, both tops and bottoms, who dabble in the lifestyle just to get sex. There are couples who live very vanilla lives that may occasionally role play to make sex more exciting. But for the majority of people, I don't think exciting sex is what draws them to power exchange. Sex was no less or more exciting to me before I discovered bdsm.

Doms can't be tender and affectionate to their subs? How else would you reward the gift of submission? I prefer to write romantic poetry rather than bdsm poetry. It does create some confusion in readers since many of them only know Hollywood's version of a Dom which is a tattooed covered biker type that has 10 bodies of abducted women buried behind his shack.

My stories are all pretty old. I had a specific target audience in mind when I wrote them. More of an introduction to bdsm for women who might develop an interest. If I do write another story, it will have more of a Dom's voice rather than the sub's view.

2. You've also expressed strongly conservative political views on Lit.'s General Board. What would you say are the main factors which have caused you to form such views?

Well, I do express some conservative views only because the board is overwhelmingly liberal. I have some liberal views myself. And have voted for a few democrats. (Don't tell anyone.) In many ways, I can identify with libertarians but I do see them, outside of a few social issues, as being further to the right than republicans.

What I do believe is that the truth lies in the middle, and the best system is a two party system. If either all the conservatives or all the liberals were to drop dead tomorrow, either way we'd be fucked. That is why countries fail who form under the principles of Marxism-Leninism. One party rule leads to misery, poverty, and a starving oppressed population.

3. Do you agree or disagree with my take on "Merlot Kisses"? Why? Do you have anything to add to it?

I rarely ever read anything I've written once it's done unless I have a reason to do more rewriting. I did read your comments. They seemed like nice comments so I guess I should agree with them.

4. What writers have influenced you the most?

I did things a little backwards. I gained an appreciation of poetry through writing it before I really cared about reading any. The most influential was another poet that I met through our shared poetry in the first year I started. Unfortunately she was married, so we never made it past the writing stage. Once I began to read more, I got into Kahlil Gibran, Pablo Neruda, Emily Dickinson, Erica Jong, James Dickey, and others. There are a few native American poets that I like, but I can't remember their names right now.

5. Why do you write?

Writing poetry to me is very much at times like a spiritual communion. I enjoy the process. And if I can make someone smile, or look at something in a new light, than that's pretty cool too.
Last edited:

Good interview, RW & WD. I picture the two of you sitting in the back seat of a cab, doing this. You know, sort've like one of those Taxi cab confessions thingies?

You'd be perfect at it, RW.

- Judo
Thanks, JUDO

Actually, I went over to WD's house. He was busily torturing his slave wench while I interviewed him. He did show her some consideration, however. After he was finished torturing her, he asked her if she wanted a cappucino or a latte. Quite the gentleman!
Redwave and WriterDom

Thanks, both of you for the interview. It was short but, oh, so sweet! Speaking of sweet...

WD - This was good p.r. for the bdsm scene. It was nice to learn a bit about it through your eyes - the soft side of it that isn't the stereotypical vision of those NOT in the know. And I'll admit, I have been accused of being naive about the subject but they were wrong!!!

btw, did she choose the cappucino or latte?

What? What's so funny? Who me naive? LOL. ( RW is sooo bad! )

Redwanker - Judo is right! I told you you were a natural at this interview stuff!

WD - Will you do the honors and conduct the next interview, please? btw...are you enjoying the matted and framed print of my av? It looked great in the photo in the BDSM thread!

Kat~ :rose:

Good interview! So who are you going to do next?

I'm not going to do anyone next-- lol. I've passed the torch on to WriterDom. It's up to him to pick the next victim. In fact, you wicked woman, you were supposed to interview someone after I "did" you, but you dropped out and left me holding the bag. Naughty, naughty! Bend over my knees-- I'm going to have to spank you!

Spank me! (oops, that slipped out) :D

Redwave, I would like to try to interview someone. Since this thread moves so slowly, would it be okay if I also do an interview? Maybe a little one while we wait for WriterDom's? (This way RedWhine will shut up about me not doing an interview... oops that slipped out.)

Slipping out . . . or in

Well, WE, it seems there's a lot slipping out of you these days, but what is slipping in? (Heh, heh.) Feel free to do an interview whenever you wish, although it probably won't stop me from whining anyway. And about that spanking . . .

WD, looking forward to seeing who you choose for an interview.
Holding these up to the light, then beat them senseless...

Hi, guys...

I don't know if this is the right place to do it, but i need to know... Ever since i posted these poems 2 weeks ago, they've been soaring in the top list (i think they're 1st and 3rd now, been 1st and 2nd for a while) but i just can't understand it!

First of all, I'm portuguese; english is not my first language and I don't have that firm a grasp on it... Secondly, I never wrote any poems! Never even read that much poetry. I am strickly a prose person. Wrote them on a spur of the moment thing, to bear witness to a special moment in my life. My friends here in Lit say they're good but, come on, they're my friends, what else would they say? So, help me: hold my poems up to the light, then beat them senseless. Let me know if there's any point in pursuing this...

And, I'd like to apologize to daughter and karmadog beforehand for having shitty titles (sorry, guys, I'm still new and will learn eventually)

"Kate": http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=45179

"Solely": http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=45178

thank you!
Mr. Scarlet

Frankly, Red, I don't give a damn. (I just wanted to say that... lol)

I have an interview set up with smithpeter. He agreed to it, with such excitement. He said, "Well, ok."

Now I have to choose a poem. Right, Red? I have to pick just one? He has so many that I feel like a deprived (depraved?) housewife in a dildo shop. I want them all!

Anyway, stay tuned for the big smithpeter interview.
Eve to the rescue

Well, you don't have to pick just one, Eve, you can do more than one. In fact, you could do several. You could even do all of them, insatiably, until you were limp and exhausted . . . poems of smithpeter's, that is.

One question I would like to ask SP is: if someone were to take one of his poems, bend it sideways, turn it inside out, disintegrate its molecular structure, and then rotate it in fourth-dimensional space, would it still read the same?

I can't wait to read the interview.
Excuse me, this seat is reserved for me. :rose:
Can't wait to read the interview. :)
Re: Eve to the rescue

One question I would like to ask SP is: if someone were to take one of his poems, bend it sideways, turn it inside out, disintegrate its molecular structure, and then rotate it in fourth-dimensional space, would it still read the same?

REDWAVE, I can answer that now.
It depends.
smithpeters wonderland

Wicked, grill him but it will do no good. smithpeter writes in emotional ellipses out of necessity, in his poetry we travel the same patterns of his creative impulses. There is always a central main theme. Everything else is emotional/philosophical tangents and spirals, his out of body examinations and what ifs. This is where he often examines the theme and his relationship to them. Most often with a melancholy flavor. His unique style can be summed up in the analogy of a scientist placing something under the microscope the higher the magnification the more he sees of himself. In the spirals you will find layered meaning and insight into his persona the core of his feelings and the intent to imprint the poem with the flavor of them. Grill him but I’m afraid you will find the same thing that Alice found of her guide the “Cheshire Cat.” By the end of the interview you will have only the beret of sp fading slowly away. And the only thing left will be the damn rabbit.

I’m late, I’m late! I’ll start making the popcorn.

Laurens Poem "Kate"

Hey Lauren! How's it goin' kid?! :D Nice to see your posts!

But I don't see anyone giving your poems the thrashing of a lifetime! Well, I'm going to take a shot at giving it a shot! One poem at a time, though...

First of all, you speak English better than I do, and English is both my first AND second language, so that's pretty impressive. Second, the poems are so good, any criticism is more like nit-picking than actually saying "Lauren, you've got a real problem here..."

Okay, let's rock!

"Kate" by L.H.

"I was alone as you came in
With your cool and gracious walk
And your pure and perceptive gaze.
You brought with you your joy,
Your earnest and cheerful laugh
And you made my nights fly by.
You sent my solitude away
And filled an empty space in my heart
With your strong, sweet presence
And the glimpse of Heaven in your eyes. "
*Just great. I like "cool and gracious" and "pure and perceptive." very atmospheric. I also like that there is no mention of physical apperance, which makes it really heartfelt that you're talking about their inner beauty.

"Finding at my disposal
The eloquence sprung from love
Within easy reach my hand"
*I'm assuming this means the ability to write to her honestly about how you feel.

"I’ve shown you the fountain of bliss
And proven that all that matters in my life"
*The reader doesn't get to hear about the way you've already shown and proven. I think it would be cool to say something like "I want to show, and prove", because almost everyone can relate to wanting to show their love, but not all of us are lucky enough to have the opportunity to show the one we really love how we feel. (At least I haven't!)

"But sweating on strange mattresses,
Panting on musky back seats
Was taking me nowhere fast."
*Of course, an excellent and truthful line, as well as being unexpected and orginally put.

"Had I been a composer,
I would laud you
With the fondest hymn of all.
Had I been an art critic,
I would tell the world
That you are God’s masterpiece."
*These are my favorite lines. They break my heart each time.

"But I am only a common girl"
*I would remove gender specific terms, but that's only my opinion. It would help to make it more universal. I'm a guy, and I could easily see myself presenting someone with this poem quoted in a letter or card or something, and that's the only line that would seem a little out of place. Also, I'm sure the subject of the poem doesn't think the writer is "common" at all, so that "common" be a little too self-effacing, even though I totally understand how one feels ordinary around someone that they think is extraordinarily special.

"Keep me warm,
Keep me warm,
Let your fire envelop me
Until the end of the night.
Keep me warm,
Keep me warm,
Don’t let the cold air in.
Wrap your loving arms tight around me,
Don’t ever let me fly away."
*What can I say? Normally I don't like too much repitition of the same lines, but it fits perfectly and naturally here, ending the poem with a flourish and in a different but matching style.

Well done!!!

See, Lauren? Somebody has to really look hard to find any problems of any kind. It's a great poem! I'll attempt to review the next one very soon!

:cool: See ya!!!