Holy Sh*t They're NAKED in Here!

I must be odd (no don't answer that) I don't like looking in peoples eyes altho it's supposed to be a sign of lying or something ... but it worries me for some reason and I'd rather look away or sort of unfocus so I don't have to see them
Someone isn't trying hard enough then.


I've missed your planet-sized self-confidence, hat boy.

It is International Orgasm Day. Maybe we should have a contest.

I must be odd (no don't answer that) I don't like looking in peoples eyes altho it's supposed to be a sign of lying or something ... but it worries me for some reason and I'd rather look away or sort of unfocus so I don't have to see them

It's really difficult for people to look each other in the eye. And it's a particularly intimate thing, and a real challenge, to do so when one or the other of you is coming. It's a good goal, but not something that is easy to do the first time you try.

I must be odd (no don't answer that) I don't like looking in peoples eyes altho it's supposed to be a sign of lying or something ... but it worries me for some reason and I'd rather look away or sort of unfocus so I don't have to see them

Not that odd. I'm the same way. People automatically think it has something to do with dishonesty, but for me that's not the case. Two words.....intimacy issues. Looking someone in the eye is one of the most intimate and vulnerable things you can do. It's the same theory attributed to why a hooker will give a blow job, but not kiss on the mouth. It's the eye contact. It's personal.
The scenario might be different, but the concept is the same.

There is something extremely vulnerable about looking someone in the eye, like they can see right through you, flaws and all. It's a lot harder to be emotionally naked than it is to be physically naked.
Not that odd. I'm the same way. People automatically think it has something to do with dishonesty, but for me that's not the case. Two words.....intimacy issues. Looking someone in the eye is one of the most intimate and vulnerable things you can do. It's the same theory attributed to why a hooker will give a blow job, but not kiss on the mouth. It's the eye contact. It's personal.
The scenario might be different, but the concept is the same.

There is something extremely vulnerable about looking someone in the eye, like they can see right through you, flaws and all. It's a lot harder to be emotionally naked than it is to be physically naked.

Tsk I got booted in the middle of posting now I got to type it all again ! I hide behind my glasses lol I don't like kissing on the mouth either unless I am really aroused altho Ron says I have the softest lips of anyone he has ever met
Tsk I got booted in the middle of posting now I got to type it all again ! I hide behind my glasses lol I don't like kissing on the mouth either unless I am really aroused altho Ron says I have the softest lips of anyone he has ever met
I love kissing. Can do it either way, but prefer eyes closed, now that I think about it.

Um, yeah......we're intimately challenged. :eek: Gotta be a support group for that somewhere.

Just to be clear, you know I wasn't calling you a hooker, right? :cattail:
Not that odd. I'm the same way. People automatically think it has something to do with dishonesty, but for me that's not the case. Two words.....intimacy issues. Looking someone in the eye is one of the most intimate and vulnerable things you can do. It's the same theory attributed to why a hooker will give a blow job, but not kiss on the mouth. It's the eye contact. It's personal.
The scenario might be different, but the concept is the same.

There is something extremely vulnerable about looking someone in the eye, like they can see right through you, flaws and all. It's a lot harder to be emotionally naked than it is to be physically naked.

I'll play with someone I barely know. A little bit of conversation is usually enough for me to decide if I'm willing to tie or top, but I have to trust someone to have sex, and REALLY trust them to kiss beyond a light peck on the mouth.
I love kissing. Can do it either way, but prefer eyes closed, now that I think about it.

Um, yeah......we're intimately challenged. :eek: Gotta be a support group for that somewhere.

Just to be clear, you know I wasn't calling you a hooker, right? :cattail:

Your support group starts right here in this board, as far as I'm concerned.

Nope, not a hooker. I think of her more as a sacred slut. Heart of gold, that sort of thing.

And y'know, one reason I don't look everybody in the eye all the time is because I don't want all their information, not just because I don't want them to have mine. It's a boundary thing.

But ideally, once you're, well y'know, actually fucking someone, there may be reason to trust them at least a little. I think the whole thing points up that there are things even more intimate than sex, and perhaps even more powerful in terms of personal revelation.

Combine the two, and you've got the path to Nirvana, at least in some schools of thought.

I love kissing. Can do it either way, but prefer eyes closed, now that I think about it.

Um, yeah......we're intimately challenged. :eek: Gotta be a support group for that somewhere.

Just to be clear, you know I wasn't calling you a hooker, right? :cattail:

Roflllll didn't think you were though I did think omg I got hooker tendencies!

Your support group starts right here in this board, as far as I'm concerned.

Nope, not a hooker. I think of her more as a sacred slut. Heart of gold, that sort of thing.

And y'know, one reason I don't look everybody in the eye all the time is because I don't want all their information, not just because I don't want them to have mine. It's a boundary thing.

But ideally, once you're, well y'know, actually fucking someone, there may be reason to trust them at least a little. I think the whole thing points up that there are things even more intimate than sex, and perhaps even more powerful in terms of personal revelation.

Combine the two, and you've got the path to Nirvana, at least in some schools of thought.


I don't trust anyone not anymore I got shit on from a very great height for trusting someone and nooooo one gets that close again .... even Ron says that he feels shut out sometimes there are parts of me that are a closed shop to everyone
I've missed your planet-sized self-confidence, hat boy.

It is International Orgasm Day. Maybe we should have a contest.

It's really difficult for people to look each other in the eye. And it's a particularly intimate thing, and a real challenge, to do so when one or the other of you is coming. It's a good goal, but not something that is easy to do the first time you try.


For me, I love to watch. I can think of nothing more beautiful in the entire world than watching my lover come. Sometimes she smiles in the middle, just a tiny little one, knowing that I am watching, and knowing how much it turns me on.
Roflllll didn't think you were though I did think omg I got hooker tendencies!

I don't trust anyone not anymore I got shit on from a very great height for trusting someone and nooooo one gets that close again .... even Ron says that he feels shut out sometimes there are parts of me that are a closed shop to everyone

We don't use the Trust thing around our tribe. It's too big, too general.

One thing we use, though is a specific set of questions that are a lot easier to grasp and deal with: Do you trust my a) skills, or knowledge, my b) intentions, and my c) affection for you, or my basic wish to see you happy?

Trust is a tough word, and I've always felt like it should be broken down a bit.

I've missed your planet-sized self-confidence, hat boy.

It is International Orgasm Day. Maybe we should have a contest.

And by the way, since it IS National Orgasm Day, and this IS, after all, Literotica, I'm going to put THIS up here. It is an orgasm. You don't have to watch. Heh heh heh

It's really difficult for people to look each other in the eye. And it's a particularly intimate thing, and a real challenge, to do so when one or the other of you is coming. It's a good goal, but not something that is easy to do the first time you try.


For me, I love to watch. I can think of nothing more beautiful in the entire world than watching my lover come. Sometimes she smiles in the middle, just a tiny little one, knowing that I am watching, and knowing how much it turns me on.
I'll play with someone I barely know. A little bit of conversation is usually enough for me to decide if I'm willing to tie or top, but I have to trust someone to have sex, and REALLY trust them to kiss beyond a light peck on the mouth.
See how funny it is, where sex and kissing fall in the pecking order? Kissing can be way more intimate than sex.
So with tying being something you're passionate about, how do you rank it? It seems like you can do it with a fair amount of distance between you and your subject, though that doesn't work for you in sex. Is it more like an artistic thing for you?

But ideally, once you're, well y'know, actually fucking someone, there may be reason to trust them at least a little. I think the whole thing points up that there are things even more intimate than sex, and perhaps even more powerful in terms of personal revelation.

I don't trust anyone not anymore I got shit on from a very great height for trusting someone and nooooo one gets that close again .... even Ron says that he feels shut out sometimes there are parts of me that are a closed shop to everyone
Trust comes in tiers with me. There are some that are closer than others, but even the person that is closest to me, never has all of me. There's always something reserved that they can't reach.
Roflllll didn't think you were though I did think omg I got hooker tendencies!
LOL. Don't worry. Bj's started a support group for us: Gold Hearted Sacred Sluts w/ Trust Issues. I'll bring the coffee cake for our first meeting. ;)
And y'know, one reason I don't look everybody in the eye all the time is because I don't want all their information, not just because I don't want them to have mine. It's a boundary thing.


Is that something you ever get used to? Being able to pick up on someone's history like that? I'd be unsettled by it, to say the least. I guess gifts fall into the right hands.
See how funny it is, where sex and kissing fall in the pecking order? Kissing can be way more intimate than sex.
So with tying being something you're passionate about, how do you rank it? It seems like you can do it with a fair amount of distance between you and your subject, though that doesn't work for you in sex. Is it more like an artistic thing for you?

Tying, trustwise, is mutable, and ranks in various places. With ropework itse;f being so varied, I can do a basic tie on someone I barely know and it can be artistic and/or just fun. I can also do something more intricate and passionate on someone I've a basic level of trust with, and have it be artistic and erotic. A really trusted bottom will get more passion, intimacy, and intricacy, and passion and eroticism might eclipse artwork. With viv and MIS, I've done actively dangerous things, taking hours, and were so intimate that I would not do it even in semi-private settings such as a play party. That is love, ownership, and high eroticism. I won't even share photos from those sessions with close friends, and you know much I like to share photos.

If you want some examples, PM me and I will go over some of the photos in my thread as examples.

Trust comes in tiers with me. There are some that are closer than others, but even the person that is closest to me, never has all of me. There's always something reserved that they can't reach.

I do not operate this way. With viv and MIS, there is nothing in me that they cannot reach, and I expect the same of them. If I get the feeling that there is not full commitment on their part, I will not commit fully on mine. And without full commitment, much of what I do cannot happen. I won't do the really erotic edgeplay with just anyone.
Is that something you ever get used to? Being able to pick up on someone's history like that? I'd be unsettled by it, to say the least. I guess gifts fall into the right hands.

I actually believe that everyone does that to one degree or another. It's kinda like musical talent; everyone's born with at least a little bit of some kind of ability. Some have higher levels than others, and there are ways to hone abilities, just like learning music. There's really nothing "super" natural about it. I mean, test it out - look deeply into someone's eyes and you'll get all sorts of information about them, on some very deep levels.

I dunno about the right hands, although we should all be trying to use our superpowers for good and stuff. Most of the people I know who are the true Mozarts of those kinds of abilities are pretty uncomfortable with them, and generally wish they could shut it off. But for the implied compliment, I thank you.

I'm no Mozart. I'm just Salieri.

I dunno about the right hands, although we should all be trying to use our superpowers for good and stuff. Most of the people I know who are the true Mozarts of those kinds of abilities are pretty uncomfortable with them, and generally wish they could shut it off. But for the implied compliment, I thank you.

I'm no Mozart. I'm just Salieri.


I am SO very glad that I am not more sensitive than I am. I already curse it at times, and occassionally wish that I wasn't able to understand people as well as I do. There are times that I just don't want to know what is going through some minds. They can be crawly, dark, damp places, and I don't want that knowledge.

And goodness knows that I'm manipulative enough as is. Being any more aware would make it that much easier. *shudder*
I actually believe that everyone does that to one degree or another. It's kinda like musical talent; everyone's born with at least a little bit of some kind of ability. Some have higher levels than others, and there are ways to hone abilities, just like learning music. There's really nothing "super" natural about it. I mean, test it out - look deeply into someone's eyes and you'll get all sorts of information about them, on some very deep levels.

I dunno about the right hands, although we should all be trying to use our superpowers for good and stuff. Most of the people I know who are the true Mozarts of those kinds of abilities are pretty uncomfortable with them, and generally wish they could shut it off. But for the implied compliment, I thank you.

I'm no Mozart. I'm just Salieri.


I read people pretty well, and am a good judge of character. It isn't on any particularly deep level though. I'll have encounters where I meet someone and we instantly click, because I got a good vibe from them. I've also had the opposite, where I was instantly disturbed by someone I didn't even know, but couldn't put my finger on why. I just always attribute it to intuition.
And goodness knows that I'm manipulative enough as is. Being any more aware would make it that much easier. *shuldder*

Step away from the dark side. :p

But seriously, this is exactly what I mean by "the rght hands".
A truly twisted mother fucker would take that and run with it.
You're not that bad. Part devil, part angel. Accept it.
A good friend of mine has a nickname for my ego - Jupiter.
Um, I don't want to be Professor Bringdown here, Mr. H., but you do know that Jupiter is a gas giant, don't you?

Lotta mass, though. Lotta mass.

Oh. Shit. You're probably thinking this:


Damn. Sorry, man. Honest mistake.

Science major. All I can say. ;)
Um, I don't want to be Professor Bringdown here, Mr. H., but you do know that Jupiter is a gas giant, don't you?

Lotta mass, though. Lotta mass.

Oh. Shit. You're probably thinking this:


Damn. Sorry, man. Honest mistake.

Science major. All I can say. ;)

I think he is kinda Zeus-like. Although I can't see him pretending to me animals as a means of seduction.

Homburg The Swan--nope doesn't work.
Step away from the dark side. :p

But seriously, this is exactly what I mean by "the rght hands".
A truly twisted mother fucker would take that and run with it.
You're not that bad. Part devil, part angel. Accept it.

The dark side sings a siren song, and I have more than a bit of it in me. I am not one that always trusts myself, and I question my motivations very often.

Unfortunately, the devil-side is the one that has more fun, and gets way more play...


Um, I don't want to be Professor Bringdown here, Mr. H., but you do know that Jupiter is a gas giant, don't you?

Lotta mass, though. Lotta mass.

Oh. Shit. You're probably thinking this:

*snip image*

Damn. Sorry, man. Honest mistake.

Science major. All I can say. ;)

Nope, very definitely meant the planet. She had more detail as to why she chose a gas giant. It was a pretty good run, to be honest. I laughed solidly.

Part of having a prodigious ego for me is being aware of said ego, and working hard to keep it in check. This is why I am the first to joke on myself, and use self-deprecating humour quite a lot. I've had people ask me why I tell stories that embarrass me, or paint someone else in the good light and me in not so good. Simply put, enough people tell Homburg stories that I don' tneed to add to the puffery. I'd rather paint a picture that emphasises the warts if only because then I can point to that behaviour to undercut my stupendous ego.


I think he is kinda Zeus-like. Although I can't see him pretending to me animals as a means of seduction.

Homburg The Swan--nope doesn't work.

Homburg the Tiger.
Homburg the Great Bear.
Homburg the Bull.

I can do the animal thing.
I think he is kinda Zeus-like. Although I can't see him pretending to me animals as a means of seduction.

Homburg The Swan--nope doesn't work.
The Golden Shower is probably out too, though I know nothing about his financial situation. I think that's more a Donald Trump line.

Now that white bull thing for Homburg? I could see that.

Though that picture may be wrong. It isn't clear the bull is top.