How about I task you?

And all this for your divintiy.....

I am deliciously amused that you think I am such vacant soul of which you cleverly outwit. And the amazing talent you show with your reading and rententive omnipotence. :D That I should give over to you the absolute tilte of "Lord and Master". Um, sorry. I'm not that far gone, nor do I think it possible for you to earn such a title. I don't think you have truly earned any title.

Besieged? For that kind of description, I would would have gone from this thread a long time ago! Shaking in fear! But I have seen little cause to fear here. Much less, grow mildly squeemish. One minute I am the false prophet, next the unwarranted martyr, then the beaten puppy dog. Having trouble deciding? Or even coming up with a consensus? How fastidiously you mount you compounding litany of scorn. Switching from one pariah to the next. I know that you giggle so brightly after you post. But then, what goes when you are so melodiously alone?

I will admit, your doggedness has been formidable. But you wordsmithing has been conservative and entrenched. Lacking the neccessary skill to really mark you indignation. It smacks of denial and misguided loyalties. I am happy to be here. Not because I love to mark myself as "genius", but because it proves that friends like you, could never be trusted. No real imagination.

Slap each others backs and laugh infinitely at each others perceived comedy. But then remember, as easily as you have come at me..., how soon might it be you? Could you trust those others? No, I know that any answer that I give you means that you must uphold your reputation and (impugned) honor. And you once again take a slovenly dig at me. But take heart in this much at least. I find no scar's to mark what you do here. :D But it is a delightful way to spend my time learning how to deal with such! :D :D :D

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well, I will say this for you TMV, you have remarkable thick skin, and that is not meant as any type of insult.

and that thick skin? It is an asset to anyone who writes poetry, no matter what they write. sometimes I wish mine was a wee bit thicker...

It's not thick......

ghost_girl said:
well, I will say this for you TMV, you have remarkable thick skin, and that is not meant as any type of insult.

and that thick skin? It is an asset to anyone who writes poetry, no matter what they write. sometimes I wish mine was a wee bit thicker...



My skin isn't thick, I just have been through things they don't understand. Worst of all, they don't want to, happily ignorant of the demon they paint me as.

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TMV said:
I am deliciously amused that you think I am such vacant soul of which you cleverly outwit. And the amazing talent you show with your reading and rententive omnipotence. :D That I should give over to you the absolute tilte of "Lord and Master". Um, sorry. I'm not that far gone, nor do I think it possible for you to earn such a title. I don't think you have truly earned any title.

Besieged? For that kind of description, I would would have gone from this thread a long time ago! Shaking in fear! But I have seen little cause to fear here. Much less, grow mildly squeemish. One minute I am the false prophet, next the unwarranted martyr, then the beaten puppy dog. Having trouble deciding? Or even coming up with a consensus? How fastidiously you mount you compounding litany of scorn. Switching from one pariah to the next. I know that you giggle so brightly after you post. But then, what goes when you are so melodiously alone?

I will admit, your doggedness has been formidable. But you wordsmithing has been conservative and entrenched. Lacking the neccessary skill to really mark you indignation. It smacks of denial and misguided loyalties. I am happy to be here. Not because I love to mark myself as "genius", but because it proves that friends like you, could never be trusted. No real imagination.

Slap each others backs and laugh infinitely at each others perceived comedy. But then remember, as easily as you have come at me..., how soon might it be you? Could you trust those others? No, I know that any answer that I give you means that you must uphold your reputation and (impugned) honor. And you once again take a slovenly dig at me. But take heart in this much at least. I find no scar's to mark what you do here. :D But it is a delightful way to spend my time learning how to deal with such! :D :D :D
Oh do stop! You're too kind, really. We're all just assholes seeking a portal for our shit TMV, and odd as it may seem to you, you're more than welcome to the hole beside me and the Wish Book pages, too. Don't touch the Men's undergarment pages, though, please. I neeeeeed them.
champagne1982 said:
Oh do stop! You're too kind, really. We're all just assholes seeking a portal for our shit TMV, and odd as it may seem to you, you're more than welcome to the hole beside me and the Wish Book pages, too. Don't touch the Men's undergarment pages, though, please. I neeeeeed them.

Overmuch??? Who's the martyr now? Do I piss on you too much? Sorry, I don't see the need. I would think that maybe something stripped a thread there. Coughed a goober there, eh? I was going to pass through tonight, I'm having a pretty mellow weekend..., But I will say that I was concerned over what you spoke of. As well, if your hole were ever half as bad as you imagine it, I could live there as well there as I do here. What's worse, if what you offer is a place for your shit..., a little late. The planet is covered in it. And it seems that poetry has suffered you intent as well.

TMV said:
Overmuch??? Who's the martyr now? Do I piss on you too much? Sorry, I don't see the need. I would think that maybe something stripped a thread there. Coughed a goober there, eh? I was going to pass through tonight, I'm having a pretty mellow weekend..., But I will say that I was concerned over what you spoke of. As well, if your hole were ever half as bad as you imagine it, I could live there as well there as I do here. What's worse, if what you offer is a place for your shit..., a little late. The planet is covered in it. And it seems that poetry has suffered you intent as well.
I can fetch some Pepto Bismol (TM) for you. You seem to be suffering a bit of verbal diarrhea. Honestly, do you lose your sense of humour when you come to this site, or did you ever have one?
I think it is for other ailments

It's nice that you have that Pepto..., I know it'll come in quite handy! :D But then i'm here because it is where you are! And it seems that you have quite the offensive vocabulary as well!

If I had a neccessary sense of humor here..., it would only give you some other dirivative to call me. Besides, the lack of such, seems to fit the environment quite well. As I have seen such a poor exhibition of dim humor here so far. But it doesn't make much matter one way or the other, as I am quite happy to be working this thread in any and directions, through which I might improve my social skills against those that show some......., indignant sufferage of the mediocre of their medium!
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TMV said:
It's nice that you have that Pepto..., I know it'll come in quite handy! :D But then i'm here because it is where you are! And it seems that you have quite the offensive vocabulary as well! <snip>
Are you fan or stalker?
champagne1982 said:
I can fetch some Pepto Bismol (TM) for you. You seem to be suffering a bit of verbal diarrhea. Honestly, do you lose your sense of humour when you come to this site, or did you ever have one?

Look at what she is saying as constructive criticism, TMV. Logorrhea is fine, as long as you have a sense of humor (Don't confuse a sense of humor with being amused by your own superciliousness; believe me, you make very few friends by being an arrogant prick who laughs down at everyone). Case in point, Larry David's character in Curb Your Enthusiasm: like you, he's paranoid and has a big mouth, but he is also funny, warm and endearing; he's never vicious. Your writing is terribly mean-spirited. You can't justify this.

Unless you're here only to be mean. If that's the case, then fuck off.
TMV said:
Overmuch??? Who's the martyr now? Do I piss on you too much? Sorry, I don't see the need. I would think that maybe something stripped a thread there. Coughed a goober there, eh? I was going to pass through tonight, I'm having a pretty mellow weekend..., But I will say that I was concerned over what you spoke of. As well, if your hole were ever half as bad as you imagine it, I could live there as well there as I do here. What's worse, if what you offer is a place for your shit..., a little late. The planet is covered in it. And it seems that poetry has suffered you intent as well.

Hey, Too Much Vitriol, here's the deal:

Try to recognize the moments when someone is actually attempting to be friendly. I know, it's so rare that you may not recognize it anymore, but I'll just point out that that was one of those times, and you responded with idiotic poison.

Surprised? Not at all. But once in a while I like to offer yet another chance at a clue, just in case that coconut's finally ripe enough to fall...

If you just take a peek over your left shoulder, you might see the Hand of God, poised to give you a nice firm slap upside the head. Try to redeem yourself before you have to go through that.

unpredictablebijou said:
Hey, Too Much Vitriol, here's the deal:

Try to recognize the moments when someone is actually attempting to be friendly. I know, it's so rare that you may not recognize it anymore, but I'll just point out that that was one of those times, and you responded with idiotic poison.

Surprised? Not at all. But once in a while I like to offer yet another chance at a clue, just in case that coconut's finally ripe enough to fall...

If you just take a peek over your left shoulder, you might see the Hand of God, poised to give you a nice firm slap upside the head. Try to redeem yourself before you have to go through that.


Maybe he should change his name to NEV. Not Enough Valium.

Sorry. I see you're trying to be nice and all but it's too late for me. God has slapped me upside the head already. Repeatedly.

Anyway TMV/NEV/MTV already hates me because I shuddered at his lack of apostrophizing..or misuse thereof...or whatever it was.

Also it's hard to take seriously anyone who uses Jar Jar Binks as his avatar.
Angeline said:
Maybe he should change his name to NEV. Not Enough Valium.

Sorry. I see you're trying to be nice and all but it's too late for me. God has slapped me upside the head already. Repeatedly.

Anyway TMV/NEV/MTV already hates me because I shuddered at his lack of apostrophizing..or misuse thereof...or whatever it was.

Also it's hard to take seriously anyone who uses Jar Jar Binks as his avatar.

So true. And I still haven't let go of the whole apostrophe thing either, make no mistake.

Maybe not Rod McKuen. Maybe, like, Emily Dickinson if she were alive today and an overweight emo goth girl of 15. And taking several forms of antidepressants, antipsychotics and prescription laxatives.

Just brainstorming.

unpredictablebijou said:
So true. And I still haven't let go of the whole apostrophe thing either, make no mistake.

Maybe not Rod McKuen. Maybe, like, Emily Dickinson if she were alive today and an overweight emo goth girl of 15. And taking several forms of antidepressants, antipsychotics and prescription laxatives.

Just brainstorming.


Rod MCKuem is here, I'm convinced, under an alias. He keeps changing it though. emo goth Emily Dickinson deserted us for the GB, sometimes she's on the SRP forum. My 15 year old daughter tells me though that "emo" is out. She now uses "gangster," as in "Mom, was I a really gangster baby or what?" Well no, not really. But sometimes she was a regular little Edward G. Robinson.
Votriolic Mesmer Viper

Whoosh..., just can't stop the "Mirror" tact eh? I have been on the short here for such a very long time. What you call and act of innocence is usually often taken as an assault by real people. And every time you try and play niave. No takers here! Maybe it your own visual conceptions that confuse you? But I can't change that. That is a personal appraisal that needs to come into effect. And you still pop on my apostrophe's, like your own posting is absolute perfection. Blind to your own positions and fault's. "Can't make one if you don't confess it." eh?

And always infecting me with your personal opinions about my "vitriol"??? I guess your so good with your comments, that you wear a halo, every day that you post! You really believe that you are so innocent? I couldn't believe it if I might! How many times must you repeat your lackluster skills? Almost like clockwork anymore! You keep coming on like you're put upon..., and yet you keep coming back for more! Like the "Bad Boy's" mmm?

I have this clue..., and I think it might have merit! I believe that you have a mild case of split-personalities! Because you can't even produce a concise instance. Everything you throw at me is just innuendo and cut little phrases to prove your point with as little veracity as possible!

"Oh he's so stupid, ego-maniacal, brutish and evasive!" Went over your head? Of course..., you have to have a nemisis to verify your own self-importance to mankind. And so I have come to assist and you are soooo eager to advance. Fan or stalker..., man, is that all that's left of the human race? Or is that the sum of your defense? Mussolini's army could grate their cheese on that!

I simply am the fella that thought he might have something above and beyond the conservative definition of poetry. And then he came into a fire storm..., something that is common in his life. And rather cut and run, stood fast to defend against the established concepts of the common good, when it comes to poetry. I'm guessing that since you keep coming back..., you like the contest yourself.
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Originally Posted by translation
No matter how many ways people say to him:

"dude, we're all just fumbling around poetry here, and it's supposed to be fun... chill"

... he's going to take it as an attack and attack back (to beg for more attacks).
manipulatrix said:
That's what my babelfish translator got.

Beg? I don't beg! but I do think that a fishing expedition. Poor bait.
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TMV said:
Whoosh..., just can't stop the "Mirror" tact eh? I have been on the short here for such a very long time. What you call and act of innocence is usually often taken as an assault by real people. And every time you try and play niave. No takers here! Maybe it your own visual conceptions that confuse you? But I can't change that. That is a personal appraisal that needs to come into effect. And you still pop on my apostrophe's, like your own posting is absolute perfection. Blind to your own positions and fault's. "Can't make one if you don't confess it." eh?

And always infecting me with your personal opinions about my "vitriol"??? I guess your so good with your comments, that you wear a halo, every day that you post! You really believe that you are so innocent? I couldn't believe it if I might! How many times must you repeat your lackluster skills? Almost like clockwork anymore! You keep coming on like you're put upon..., and yet you keep coming back for more! Like the "Bad Boy's" mmm?

I have this clue..., and I think it might have merit! I believe that you have a mild case of split-personalities! Because you can't even produce a concise instance. Everything you throw at me is just innuendo and cut little phrases to prove your point with as little veracity as possible!

"Oh he's so stupid, ego-maniacal, brutish and evasive!" Went over your head? Of course..., you have to have a nemisis to verify your own self-importance to mankind. And so I have come to assist and you are soooo eager to advance. Fan or stalker..., man, is that all that's left of the human race? Or is that the sum of your defense? Mussolini's army could grate their cheese on that!

I simply am the fella that thought he might have something above and beyond the conservative definition of poetry. And then he came into a fire storm..., something that is common in his life. And rather cut and run, stood fast to defend against the established concepts of the common good, when it comes to poetry. I'm guessing that since you keep coming back..., you like the contest yourself. (edited to remove the hotlink in this post)
Are you writing to me or to all of the individuals who have commented on your replies to my postings? I keep coming back because you, in your insistance that I have damaged your innocent presence on this forum, have continually painted me as something less (perhaps more?) than I truly am. I have no ulterior motivation to communicate with you, apart from trying to end my contact with you on somewhat of a positive note. You keep going on and on about my ego and you still haven't explained why you are harbouring such intent interest in me.

I can see, by your comment "stood fast to defend against the established concepts of the common good, when it comes to poetry." that you have absolutely no concept of intelligent intercourse on what you perceive as the common good. I mean, honestly, what in hell are you on about?
TMV said:
And you still pop on my apostrophe's, like your own posting is absolute perfection. Blind to your own positions and fault's. "Can't make one if you don't confess it." eh?


I'm guessing that since you keep coming back..., you like the contest yourself.

It is, in fact, time that I confess.

MVT, I am desperately in love with you. I love your horrible punctuation, your positively incomprehensible sentence structure, your death-defying grammatical constructions. Every time you pluralize something with an apostrophe I positively cream my jeans. Every time you say something like

Mussolini's army could grate their cheese on that!


indignant sufferage of the mediocre of their medium!

or (be still my loins)

I am deliciously amused that you think I am such vacant soul of which you cleverly outwit. And the amazing talent you show with your reading and rententive omnipotence. That I should give over to you the absolute tilte of "Lord and Master".

it just makes me want to smear warm acorn squash on myself and dance madly to the strains of Duran Duran's Girls on Film . I hang, my psychotic and inexplicable darling, on your every surreal word. I will hunt you down, as one of my trolls has said to me. I will find you and i will camp outside your house with a bullhorn, a lime-green tutu and a pair of pet ferrets and proclaim my adoration at all hours.

On a more serious note, since you have issued a sort of a challenge, please, edit my posts for correctness. i stand accused, and present my evidence. With the exception of my general refusal to capitalize my name and the singular personal pronoun (i am a Rastafarian and it's against my religion to do so) i offer my grievous errors for your perusal. 500 of my posts are available to you with a single click of the mouse. Go for it. Cast that lovely stone and shatter my double-glazed home.

That way I'll have an excuse to move in with you...

waiting... with binoculars and a vat of tapioca pudding...

unpredictablebijou said:
Mussolini's army could grate their cheese on that!
Whatever one might say of Mussolini, at least one must admit he made the cheese rind on time. :cool:
MTVM said:
Whatever one might say of Mussolini, at least one must admit he made the cheese rind on time. :cool:

*** giggling insanely ***

Hey you regal Fool. Nice to be back amongst the hoi how d'ya say polloi.
