How about I task you?

TMV said:
Yes, pleasant as always. However I believe your assumptions of what you know, is as bloated as your sense of ego. Of course, that is my unauthorized opinion. Of no matter to you. I'm very sure that you have done so much to appease the great powers in your ambitions, and it would be so decotage to have someone come and, brush you off like a gnat. Oh, how brutish! But then I don't think of it in that fashion..., I find you lucid yet, distracted by too much of those other social concerns. The right place, the right time and the right people...., poor little peasant's. Just useless to you and not even worth a thought. Oh..., sorry. Over-dramatizing again, my bad.

Oh yes Pico, I am very twisted and ego-centric, diabolic in my deluded context. Come on, the worse one yet! Veiled back-hands are an illusion here. Find something of substance and propiety. If not, at least revolutionary. I am yet to be tasked. :D But at least my forced vacation has somehow changed some of my fortunes. Not as many gadflies here now. Peaceful.

And how might I fill my time? I think I might know..., but it is so slow here and I think I might actually have some thing of worth to contribute. But then Lauren sees it differently! :D


when you post, i never ever can tell what you mean or know what the fuck you're talking about.

carry on, though . . . i'm sure there's someone who does, even if it's only you.
Oh my lord......

A back-handed compliment. How deep and insightful. I am so overwhelmed by this intensity.

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manipulatrix said:
I'm going to call the above a poem.

Because I can.
And damn rightly so. I think you just won the thread.
Slough it off.......

Originally Posted by manipulatrix
I'm going to call the above a poem.

Because I can.

Liar said:
And damn rightly so. I think you just won the thread.

And this is your humor. A couple of self-satisfied, pendantist. This make me see the light..., or light it with a match.

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TMV said:
And this is your humor. A couple of self-satisfied, pendantist. This make me see the light..., or light it with a match.

Oh hey, I worship jewelry too! But I never knew there was an actual pendantist sect. Do they have any temples in Kansas?
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Heh, he, he.

So then, you have a Dorothy in your heart? A Toto in your voice? Heh, he he.

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Ah Peace at last!

Quite a change has taken place here. Very soothing. As I attempted to say before I was so rudely interrupted. Sometimes, you have to wreck the China Store just to make room for a reconstruction of the system and the placement of inventive structure's. And as such, there is always the intransigent intelligrot's. They just refuse to even consider that life may have other ideas when it comes to advance of human eveolution. All these great minds that give us all these great thought's, always wind up with the same deficiency. They think they have discovered an ever-lasting truth. And they have their proponents that reinforce those petty thought's. And enforce them. But it is pretty much a guarantee that at some point in the future..., someone will institute an even greater theorem.

Keeping that much in mind should in the least cause some caution in premature declarations. We are very young when it comes finding the truths of the universe, and very arrogant in our demands that we do know more than we should. Quite the childish attitude, even from an adult. You would think that adult's would try to understand the future before they go presuming from it.

Please explain to me, how it is that we would understand future thought when we can't even understand the past inclinations of our forefathers? Look at the speech patterns of the previous ages, and then explain how I might understand them, if I can't even think like them. If you can't understand the thought of your father..., you have no chance of understanding your prodgeny!

Throughout the ages, the thought's that have affected history in fits and starts. Have been considered abstract and mentally divergent. But then, only by those who have some stake in the continuation of the Status Quo. And as always, they have no choice to but to fall away at some point in time.

If the chance is taken on a new thought and brought to the fore, then there is the opportunity to study in a new form and research a new structure. Right now, I'm just glad the earth isn't flat. That means there is still a need to find a place to explore, and pioneer.

Has anyone thought about the history of resistance to new thoughts, inventions and structures? Has anyone ever investigated why so many people resist change? And then, how about an investigation into the fact that at some point in time, the new thought's always prevail?

How can anyone know that they might have something that will change things? It's easy, you face a lot of angry people who undoubtably, fear you. They fight like people possessed, like they will lose. And in the end, perseverance..., wins.

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TMV said:
Quite a change has taken place <clip>.............

</clip>................And in the end, perseverance..., wins.

TheRainMan said:
when you post, i never ever can tell what you mean or know what the fuck you're talking about.

carry on, though . . . i'm sure there's someone who does, even if it's only you.

What he said. Honestly.
TMV said:
Please explain to me, how it is that we would understand future thought when we can't even understand the past inclinations of our forefathers?
Olny those whom are intelligrots, not intransgient but indigant, think future thought s of forfathers. Think more thoghts than you can! Quite becomes you sole and future understand as past. :cathappy:
Again, delicious silence from the lumps....

It is so very nice that I have some much more room to work my thought's and feelings here. Almost like the times when I am in my mountain's and enjoying the synchronicity of the animals dashing between the pines. Somehow, there has always been peace among the stones, weeds and sky in the hill's. And that odd little silence when there is none. It's more like the soul finds a place of calming indulgence there. And it struts firmly down your the core of your being. Interesting how there's more to life then just the assault from the outside, by the violence of continual ambition. In a world, of social ambivilence.

Trite little Chihuahua's snipping at the air of your heel's. Never daring to intrude on the giant's flesh. Lest it be consumed by more than they might give decent fear to. As it is, there is no contract and there is no verbal agreement between one or the other, as to whether we will submit demurly to false aggression. Turn the corner before the twist of the concussion, and what it favors can be hard to understand, unless you at least spend some time to first pioneer.

Of course all too many will feign confusion, but it is the last defense mechanism left to them. The same that were confused when the same scholars that touted reversed their assertions that, "The world is flat". Or those same scholars that let a pair of bicycle engineer's show them, how they could fly. Dreamer's never stand in the earth. That's for the authorities to demand. But for some odd reason, it would seem that the Dreamer's know more about the earth, Then those very same who claim to stand firmly on the soil. Those level-headed tower's of advanced thinking. Who are always too far behind.

When we see the sunrise, or even dusk. Can you see the only the sky..., or beyond it? Where are your limit's? And are you really assured that the majority of the population, support your dogma? The same dogma that changes upon your every whim?

Angles, boxes, vision, tetriagonal-biseperative, macrosectional inspections. UNH?

Just maybe, there's more to the world than what we physically discern. Maybe we don't need to speak..., because the thought is already there. It just appeared one night in an inspiration. It's been going around in people's heads for decades until someone grabbed it. Maybe..., it's a thought born of the human spirit and race? Can you master the muscle to stop all those thought's? No, I didn't think so. You see, I'm not the only one here contemplating a change in poetry. It's time to evolve.

And you are?

Perfection demanding perfection. How delightfully obtuse you degenerates are.

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MTVM said:
Olny those whom are intelligrots, not intransgient but indigant, think future thought s of forfathers. Think more thoghts than you can! Quite becomes you sole and future understand as past. :cathappy:

isn't it " fourfathers?
Shadrak,Meshak,Abednego and Harpo?

the thinking is the thing
bye witch to trap a king
so gimme a cage
where dis hear bull can rage
and jill came timbale aft her
TMV said:
Perfection demanding perfection. How delightfully obtuse you degenerates are.

You know what they say about people who live in obtuse houses...

When people point out that you are using language conventions incorrectly it's not some kind of weird conspiracy or grammar vendetta. All languages have rules to facilitate communication. When you don't follow them, you change the meaning of your sentences and you end up making absolutely no sense at all.
TMV said:
Has anyone thought about the history of resistance to new thoughts, inventions and structures? Has anyone ever investigated why so many people resist change? And then, how about an investigation into the fact that at some point in time, the new thought's always prevail?

Max Weber, et al.
People all just suck, TMV. Welcome to the human race. Now go out and find someone who doesn't suck so bad...Or is it badly?...No matter, she/he/it is out there. Go find her/him/it, buy them dinner--flirt--kiss, yadda, yadda. I'm sure you're not nearly as odious as your writing makes you out to be. There is someone for everyone. God, once you crack open that shell of yours you'll find that there are, in fact, multiple someones for everyone. Don't ask me how that works. People are just sluts at heart, I guess. But don't worry about that for now. You're a young guy, you've got time to play the field. Go and play the fucking field. Talk to people you find appealing, you slut. You're not too good for them; you want what they want. Find a universe in someone else; quit being the dick who tries to reinvent mine. Believe me, you're not nearly charismatic enough to pull that off.
Sara Crewe said:
You know what they say about people who live in obtuse houses...

When people point out that you are using language conventions incorrectly it's not some kind of weird conspiracy or grammar vendetta. All languages have rules to facilitate communication. When you don't follow them, you change the meaning of your sentences and you end up making absolutely no sense at all.

Sara, I appreciate the effort, but I really think it's time we told MTV the truth.

There are no standard rules of grammar and spelling and punctuation.
We are making it up as we go along.

Everyone knows this but you, and we're very proud of you that you've begun to suspect us. It means our little wombat is growing up.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation conventions are invented by the "Rhyme and Meter Crew" (see the 30/30 support thread for details) in secret meetings just to fuck with you. You personally.

I have never condemned, but have rather frequently defended, people who make mistakes in language. I will ROUNDLY condemn anyone who defends a clear pattern of error as correct, as something they learned in school.

When people correct me, I fix the problem. Only just recently someone PM'd me about a heinous punctuation error in one of my 30/30 poems and I thanked him profusely and corrected it within 5 minutes. That's how we deal with being corrected. IF we want to be better writers, or taken seriously, or made anything but the butt of casual mockery. It's not the errors, dear. We all make them. It's your attitude you need to fix.

And seriously. Sara's calling Amnesty International about the apostrophes, and I'm going to take your exclamation points away until you learn to play with them properly. Unless, of course, you are a 13 year old girl. They're allowed to use as many as they want.

And the derelict deny.

And we continue this endeavor to seperate thought from thinking. Aye, how has this schooling betrayed you? And I find that this little, ha, ha toil, is the kit. Not the cistern. Go, try, hide, shudder, refuse the trial. NO..., I think I will do the contest as was written from the beginning. Amount of subjugation is sometimes the tally, task and triviality. Suggest that I am "king" or those who would beset me? Matters not..., because my crown is the one I built and nutured. #1 am I, in ways that leave me limping and bruised. I will bounce off the pavement, head and all, because prostration is the most that my adversaries fear.

And as i wander down the road of life, I found that the valley of fear is illusioned as the low ebb. But then I know the fear, is really being caught at the high pinnacle, knowing that one must step to the lowest ebb. My shield, my armor, my heart is here. Please take another thrust. Then we will see how darkly you bleed. I giggle when this is meant for others, somehow winds up those who sought justice. Generally the furious antic always misses it's mark. Because the "Mark", was waiting for something desperate.

I find the weather almost autumnal. A little chilly if you stand in the shade, but so robust when you stand in the sun. I love the smell of the waning weeds and the even sun. The tittering of the breeze at my skin. The little pulses that skims my neuron's. There are things in autumn that soothe more so than the sun and the sea. Summer overwhelms as does winter. But spring is a beginning of life, and autumn is the wisdom of experience. Talk to me of your good-byes, of your regrets. How about the way that you changed in the temper of your task's!

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TMV said:
And we continue this endeavor to seperate this little, ha, ha toil, is the contest. I am "king" because my crown is the one I nutured.

I find the weather almost autumnal. A little chilly if you stand in the shade, but so robust when you stand in the sun. I love the smell of the waning weeds and the even sun. The tittering of the breeze at my skin. The little pulses that skims my neuron's.
I am so sorry you neutered your crown. No wonder the breeze titters and the world has grown a little chilly. You do know that once you've been emasculated, it's not likely you'll ever get your balls back, don't you?
And the bite makes a scratch. :D

And that is your little piss whine for the week. Phone it in please, it might make some back-page story in some forgotten tabloid. And then you might be wistfully scuttled for a dim denunciation. Giggle-giggle-wittle..., and that makes me do what? No..., rolled right on by. I'm not really impressed with Vaudevillian semi-slights.

And then it becomes a rogue timmer and chance to tassle the pine cone. I could be a shade of this by rendering some oft-tinted point. But I find it so much more fun to seperate the thinker from the whimper. It causes you no questions to even try to phantom, the reason for your continued fury and skulking? It has no meter to wisp away your time on a futile, vehemence.

I won't ever give you what you want, need or imagine. Because there is this idea..., that I can never earn something from you that you bear a death grip on. Your intent and porous negative venom makes it quite clear your fear of me. One does not invest so much time and effort to deny another..., unless desperation drives them. Unless they imagine something that they might lose. So small a prize of which I abhore and will never covet. Especially if it causes such odious actions as I have seen splayed here.

If you want my ball's, then you must lose your pride. But then we know how you are twisted. You proudly show it with every post.

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TMV said:
And that is your liitle piss whine for the week. Phone it in please, it might make some back-page story in some forgotten tabloid. And then you might be wistfully scuttled for a dim denunciation. Giggle-giggle-wittle..., and that makes me do what? No..., rolled right on by. I'm not really impressed with Vaudevillian semi-slights.

And then it becomes a rogue timmer and chance to tassle the pine cone. I could be a shade of this by rendering some oft-tinted point. But I find it so much more fun to seperate the thinker from the whimper. It causes you no questions to even try to phantom, the reason for your continued fury and skulking? It has no meter to wisp away your time on a futile, vehemence.

I won't ever give you what you want, need or imagine. Because there is this idea..., that I can never earn something from you that you bear a death grip on. Your intent and porous negative venom makes it quite clear your fear of me. One does not invest so much time and effort to deny another..., unless desperation drives them. Unless they imagine something that they might lose. So small a prize of which I abhore and will never covet. Especially if it causes such odious actions as I have seen splayed here.

If you want my ball's, then you must lose your pride. But then we know how you are twisted. You proudly show it with every post.
Once you post in an open forum, you leave yourself open to ridicule and sometimes, quite possibly this would be outside your ken, but, as unlikely as it sounds, you could share a laugh at an innocent mispelling.

My venom is merely a response to the acid I see dripping off your fangs, maybe if you fold them back behind your lips, those of us in the viper pit would be less inclined to sheath our own in your unappetizing ass.

I don't want your balls, that would mean I'd have to take them from the women you have in your life. They already have them tightly gripped in their fists.

champagne1982 said:
I don't want your balls, that would mean I'd have to take them from the women you have in your life. They already have them tightly gripped in their fists.


That's ball's, darling. And fist's.