How did you choose your avatar and username?

The avatar I see here in the forum is the letter S, pink on a burgundy background...
Now that's weird. I see the female head with red hair.
There've been other times someone has described their avatar and I see none at all. Weird.
I've updated my avatar since my original post. The second one generated too many offers for dates from guys thinking it was what I really looked like.
The current one is the MC from an epic fantasy novel I really need to work on. Kind of a reminder if you will.
That and the wings kind of make it obvious it's not really me, well so far anyway. :)
No specific reason for choosing this avatar except that I am a fan of fantasy and I love the Wheel of Time book series (not the garbage show though), so I just picked that symbol as my avatar. I mean, this is a forum for authors so it made sense to make it about a book. There are likely some more meaningful avatars for me but I can't be bothered changing it. it doesn't make any difference, really.
No specific reason for choosing this avatar except that I am a fan of fantasy and I love the Wheel of Time book series (not the garbage show though), so I just picked that symbol as my avatar. I mean, this is a forum for authors so it made sense to make it about a book. There are likely some more meaningful avatars for me but I can't be bothered changing it. it doesn't make any difference, really.
I've enjoyed the show but I've not read the books. They're on my list...
I've enjoyed the show but I've not read the books. They're on my list...
That's probably why you've enjoyed the show ;)
The plot and worldbuilding are spectacularly dumbed down, the characters are butchered, and of course, gender politics are inserted in a forceful and unnatural way, breaking the world and the characters completely. I mean, even the co-author of the last three books in the series has criticized many of the choices taken. And Sanderson doing that openly, and being who he is, is a huge sign of how bad the writing in the show has been.

Btw, the series is fantastic overall, but some of the books are really not easy to read. There is some truly poor pacing in some of them. And that's me being generous.
I chose my name from a line in the TV series Chuck. The avatar is just a random picture I found that I liked. It's not my normal avatar, but I wanted to distance this persona from the rest of those I use on social media or other sites.
Otto is my nickname, 26 is the number I had to slap on at the end to uniquely identify myself. And my avatar? Well, who doesn't like frog king?
I love roses and thought the close up was fitting. The nickname is just what I've been called all my life.
Would any of you folks listed below (and any others not listed, of course) like to share?
Sure, I’ll play along. Sofia is my first name, though I only use it on official documents. I have always been known by my middle name. LaFrench (the French) because I love visiting France.
My avatar is one of my husband’s favorite pieces of lingerie. Is that me, or is that a stock photo? I’ll never tell.
A Sean Connery line from the submarine movie " Hunt for the Red October " which I've seen like a dozen times 🤣 and an avatar that's me. Yes it's really me
The avatar is a gift from a friend on here named @fire_breeze . I rarely change it.

The name is a corruption of my crush at the time and I talking about names.
Would any of you folks listed below (and any others not listed, of course) like to share?
There's not some big history behind my username, and I haven't used it anywhere else, either: it's only as old as my Lit account, and was chosen the day I made the account. I wanted something catchy, a phrase related to erotica, but not anything completely obscene/x-rated either. I may have even tried some phrases before this one that were already taken, but in the end I adopted mildlyaroused... I think it's actually pretty classy.

As for the avatar, there wasn't much reason to my choice beyond the fact that I didn't want to be some faceless schmuck (no offence to avatarless people), and I love Nick Cave's music. I thought the Holy Bible was slightly ironic too, given the nature of the writing here. Plus he is hot in that picture!
Well lets see. robroy1968 was my sign on, whenever I went to a naughty place on the internet. It was also my email addy, for similar materials, now defunct. I used it here until I began writing and felt it sort of lacked any sort identity or style. So I changed it to my current moniker, which was close enough to the old one, so anyone who knew me on the forums would likely figure out the name change with ease. And it's got style, while maintaining anonymity. :) Rob is my real first name, but it is for about 3 million other guys in the U.S.

The avatar is from something my wife said to me. She was talking to a friend who is married to a big Viking looking fellow with a dad-bod. The woman lovingly called him her Teddy Bear Viking.

My wife called me the same one evening and I mentioned I'm not a very large imposing fellow, at 5'9". She said that I was still her her Teddy Bear Warrior because I have a great deal of military and law enforcement experience and training and the dad-bod. So when I was looking for an avatar for this place, I did a Google search and found my little teddy bear with the helmet.
I wanted my username to be completely anonymous and random so that nobody would ever associate it with the real me. So I turned on the radio, intending to use the first thing I heard. The song playing was ELP's "Karn Evil 9," so that's what I used. I did a search for a court jester image because I thought it went along with the carnival theme, and because I like injecting humor into most of my stories.
Sure! The first story I posted here was one I wrote for my wife. It's about an Indiana Jones type who finds a statuette of the Goddess of Love in an ancient temple. The statue comes to life and they have hot sex (of course). Later, when he's back in his hotel she reappears and they have all kinds of supernatural sex adventures.

As I said, I wrote it just for my wife, and the characters were essentially the two of us. But she encouraged me to publish it here, so I made an account. The trouble was finding a username. Everything with "Goddess Lover" and so on was taken. So in the end I decided to describe the narrator's state of mind at finding himself the lover of the Goddess of Love.

The story, and the other twenty in the series, have since been taken down on my request. They were fun to write (and to read to my wife), but because the characters were essentially my wife and myself I felt uncomfortable having them out there for the world to read.
And the avatar???? It catches my attention every time I see it.
And the avatar???? It catches my attention every time I see it.
I think I did a search for "surprised cat" or something (because of my name and because I like cats). This was one of the hits, on a "use these pics for free" website.

So nothing profound, but I think the yellow colour and the silver eyes stand out.
my username: i try to write, be it erotica or vanilla stuff, but i often end up staring at a blank page on my computer...eternally frustrated that the words don't flow.

my avatar: they're one my favorite pairs of panties and I liked how i look in the pic, which is rare for me.