How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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@ Scuttle - As much as I would love to in my mind, I know I'd never hit her. I don't hit people out of anger, even if they deserve it. You have to ask me to hit you, and even then, I kinda struggle with it. So unless she tries to physically beat on him in my presence...she's going to get a pass on my knuckles to her face, sadly...

But you're sweet for the idea :p
I'm bored out of my mind!

If anyone else feels the same, let me know. We can chat about stupid things and pass the time.
...a little make that, extremely frustrated...and rather cross with myself.

...not looking forward to the amount of work I now have to do over the next few days. :(
Feeling SO incredibly frustrated. Made bread and it did not rise hardly at all. It tastes fine now but I know it will turn hard as a rock tomorrow... Argh. Argh argh argh. could be because I'm a trained I've been abused since I was 6...maybe now I just like it :p

The last few days have been busy so by the time I do find myself with some time to relax, I also find myself falling asleep. Hopefully, by the weekend, things will let up on me.
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