How Do You View Yourself?

Are you super hard on yourself?

Wise Ladies & Gentlemen of Lit,

Usually I try not to be so serious here on Lit. After all, it's meant to be a fun place. However I am curious as to other people's struggles and views.

I really struggle with self-esteem and self-confidence. I thought they were the same until recently but apparently they are not. I really am not the best looking guy in the world. In fact, I make Shrek look like a handsome, ripped hunk from a steamy romantic movie. I really find it hard to look at photos of myself, to look in a mirror and to generally show my face anywhere unless my photo has been heavily edited with filters and using the best angle.

I know some people will say that everyone has had doubts at some point about their appearance but mine really is extreme to the point where I'd be happy to hide my face from people forever - however wearing a ski -mask to go shopping is frowned upon. My looks have impacted relationships too. I know of at least one person who kicked me to the side because of how I looked.

I'm curious as to how many Litsters out there feel the same way and how you have dealt with it. I'd welcome any tips except the "seek professional help" one. I have tried discussing this with professionals and nothing has ever helped, including CBT.

So please, even if it is short and sweet, any advice or any stories of what has happened may help.
I feel exactly the same way about myself as you do,I’m my own worst critic..
Black, professional, educated, Christian woman... that loves sex, masturbation and being addicted to porn and websites like this since college. Dreams of going to a sex club or porn theater one day to watch and be used by men. Also curious about scissoring a woman.
Black, professional, educated, Christian woman... that loves sex, masturbation and being addicted to porn and websites like this since college. Dreams of going to a sex club or porn theater one day to watch and be used by men. Also curious about scissoring a woman.
So sometimes I feel guilt and shame after cumming by masturbation
I wish you could overcome the guilt and shame… I hope it doesn’t affect the pleasure you feel!
Ok, I can’t hold back on this response, I hope you’ll all forgive me…

How I see myself? Using a mirror.
I grew up in a very broken home where emotional and physical abuse was normal. I grew up in a home where love was nonexistent. Now I live my life, working hard to be as loving, and as nurturing as I can be to my family and my friends. I’m thankful that I don’t look like my mother because I don’t know if I could stand to see her face every time I looked in the mirror. I’m thankful that I don’t look like my father whom I have never known.
That’s a very jokester sobering post you’ve shared. My childhood was pretty close with the exception being I knew my father. My mom was his forth wife. I squared away my shit with them before they passed on. It was freeing to ask them why , why did you make that decision in your life . Because as well as yours mine as a child was effected.

Dad’s answer was he was a Career military man , I won’t share the rest here. But it actually had merit as a logical reason.

Mom’s answer was , you look just that like that son of a bitch , I was consumed with hate. I’m sorry.

My closer was complete
My view of myself lately seems to be getting worse and worse, and I hope it’s just because I’m still adjusting to a change in depression and anxiety meds, but I am starting to feel… unappreciated and unwanted, to be honest. I hope it’s temporary.
I think that at some point, I've started to believe that somehow, I live in a world that doesn't see me and nothing I do matters to anyone but myself. To the rest of society, Ive no value.
You do have value, however, is that your own perceived view of yourself or what what you assume others think of you? Sometimes, many may not be able to stomach your form of honesty, however you are appreciated.
I'm a bit like @Nevyn_Black .
I view myself as the person at the party, alone in the kitchen, where all the booze is. I get to speak to people when they pop in for a fresh drink, but otherwise invisible to most.
It's very interesting to read about how others see themselves. I've been trying to see myself through the eyes of others.