How Do You View Yourself?

We’re all our own harshest critics when it comes to physical appearance.
We all have our insecurities. We just need to realise that its mostly societal pressures around unrealistic standards of beauty and body image.

I try to remember two things when self criticism or doubt creeps in; There’s people out there, in the world, with disabilities and birth defects, that would love a fully functional body.

Secondly I remember a piece from Marcus Aurelius in meditations.
Paraphrasing here; Instead of worrying about the vanity of trying to be physically beautiful. Just be a beautiful person, by way of directing your actions with virtue…

Beauty comes from within, we’re all capable of being beautiful humans. We don’t control the chariot of flesh we’re born with, but we do control our actions and the way we treat people.
The Cinderella mirror I bought off Ebay. I think I’ve been taken. It doesn’t talk.
We’re all our own harshest critics when it comes to physical appearance.
We all have our insecurities. We just need to realise that its mostly societal pressures around unrealistic standards of beauty and body image.

I try to remember two things when self criticism or doubt creeps in; There’s people out there, in the world, with disabilities and birth defects, that would love a fully functional body.

Secondly I remember a piece from Marcus Aurelius in meditations.
Paraphrasing here; Instead of worrying about the vanity of trying to be physically beautiful. Just be a beautiful person, by way of directing your actions with virtue…

Beauty comes from within, we’re all capable of being beautiful humans. We don’t control the chariot of flesh we’re born with, but we do control our actions and the way we treat people.

That's a very, very well thought out way to look at things.
That's a very, very well thought out way to look at things.
I’m a logical thinker, in my younger years I’d get caught in the trap of overthinking. Another human condition that mostly doesn’t bring any joy.

Think positive, be outwardly kind and remember, you’re worthy mate! Cherish each moment you have on this rock and shine bright!
I’m a logical thinker, in my younger years I’d get caught in the trap of overthinking. Another human condition that mostly doesn’t bring any joy.

Think positive, be outwardly kind and remember, you’re worthy mate! Cherish each moment you have on this rock and shine bright!

I'm trying! Trying doubly hard. 🤣 Mind you, I'm doing better these days. Being kind to myself and trying to follow some of the other users ways.
I'm trying! Trying doubly hard. 🤣 Mind you, I'm doing better these days. Being kind to myself and trying to follow some of the other users ways.
Glad to hear it! Stay on that path mate, keep being gentle and kind to yourself.
Life is a journey and the destination is oblivion. Write yourself a happy story.
I’m definitely a shy extrovert. I definitely charge my batteries by interacting with others, but it takes a while for me to reach out and try to connect (yeah, even on here). I can nitpick my appearance and am harder on myself than others are thanks to some emotional abuse in my first marriage, but overall I’m happy with who I am and how I present myself.
I see myself as struggling in many ways. In the past 14 months I’ve started finally getting treated for anxiety and depression through medication as well as therapy — and as much as I like my therapist there is one big struggle I’m unwilling to talk to her about, which is part of my biggest struggle. This would be my marriage, which I feel is not good at this stage. My wife believes that I’m at fault for the state we are in, particularly the lack of sex, while I don’t feel attracted to her sexually anymore because of how she treats me (which includes berating and putting me down when she disagrees with my approach to anything, and she always does it where my kids can see and hear it happening). I can’t even talk to her about what is bothering me because every single fucking time I have tried she turns it around and blames me for feeling that way, so I end up feeling worse than before. She won’t actually listen to what I’m saying because she always thinks she knows what I’m going to say.

And the marriage is my fault in a way, when we met I didn’t want to have kids but she did, and I asked her for time to reconsider because I really liked her, and I should have just stood my ground on that and ended things then, because I suck as a parent, no matter how hard I try to be successful. I feel all I’m really contributing is buying groceries, making meals, doing laundry, cleaning, and driving kids to their activities. I’m not a husband or father, I’m Mr. French from Family Affair!

Unfortunately I lack the financial means right now to get a divorce and find a new place to live, so I just have to put up with all of it. This is why I find myself looking for sex outside our marriage, because I am in such desperate need to feel attractive and wanted and desired. And I know that’s just trying to justify the decision, but after ten years I decided I had to do something. Even that pursuit has been largely unsuccessful to be honest.

Even with work I feel like I’ve failed, I have changed jobs and careers as often as I’ve changed vehicles, I earned a BA in Education in two years but I can’t get a permanent teaching job, so I’m on my third year as a substitute teacher. At least I’m finally writing, mostly on my first book, but also some stories here on Lit (I hate to say it but I’ve had the most success in the last year with the stories published here!).

So that’s honestly how I view myself.
I used to be, until when I was 16. I was in a very bad car accident, that according to all laws of physics, I should have died in that car. Why I am still here is anyone's guess. So know I live my life to be Happy.
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