How many of you actually reply to the feedback you get?

One thing I've been noticing lately is that I tend to get e-mail claiming to be from a femail, but w/ a male name on the address. (ie TomCollins@hotmail

Tom Collins is a mixed drink, maybe that's where it comes from.

Just a thought

Wicked-N-Erotic said:
Tom Collins is a mixed drink, maybe that's where it comes from.

Just a thought


Well, Tom Collins can do what he likes, but I'll have a large Wicked 'n' Erotic, please, with all the trimmings!
:p :p :nana:
Gus Aspar said:
Well, Tom Collins can do what he likes, but I'll have a large Wicked 'n' Erotic, please, with all the trimmings!
:p :p :nana:

on the rocks or straight up?
on the rocks or straight up?

I'll take it however Wicked 'n' Erotic is serving it, thanks!

:p :kiss: :devil: :kiss: :p
Re: Of Course I reply to feedback

sweet T said:
I am such a virgin here! I olny have one story so far and I always reply to my feedback. It amazes me to see 11,000 + reads and so little feedback... I am always polite in responding.. Usually the feedback comes from someone else who has been reunited with an old love and the feelings are much the same as my own.. and much to my suprise it gained me a little H. I also explain how much voting and feedback mean to authors..sometimes I wonder if it is a good story.. because of the few feedbacks....

Same here...I have one story that shows over 2,000 clicks but only 29 votes. To be considered for a contest you have to have 50 votes, if I'm correct. How does one get the feedback and the votes? Granted all the stories I've submitted thus far have been non-erotic, but the lack of feedback makes me leery of submitting the erotic story I've just finished. I mean, how do you get people to actually respond and vote on the stories? I'm willing to beg :devil:
kiwiwolf said:
And how do you handle it? Do you have a form thank you email or do you sit and write personal thank yous to every person who took the time to send you their thoughts on your work?

Then there are the ones who insist on replying to your thank you to their original email. What do you do there?

I currently have 89 emails sitting in my inbox from Lit readers. My fingers are rapidly developing typists cramp and I'm going cross eyed from staring at the screen.

What do you folks do?

I get a lot of mail. Twenty or thirty is an average day, more when I post something new. This isn't bragging, I have no idea why I get so much. Hell, I don't have that many readers, not like some of you do. I mainly average seven or eight thousand hits on a story or chapter, but sometimes it seems like every single one of those people has emailed me at some time or another. It's incredibly flattering, but at the same time completely overwhelming.

So no, I have to admit, I don't answer all of it. I maybe respond to about half of it though it really makes me feel guilty to admit that. I save them all though and promise myself that someday I'll get better, but at this point all that translates to is an inbox that's a lot like Dirk Gently's refridgerator; most of the time I'm afraid to open the damn thing.

edited for spelling
Last edited:
Re: Re: How many of you actually reply to the feedback you get?

jfinn said:
I get a lot of mail. Twenty or thirty is an average
Dear Jayne,
Good grief, what's your secret? DurtGurl doesn't get that many when she offers every responder a name in the hat for the drawing for the monthly blow job.

snooper said:
Oh, please, no! Never use a vendor-provided address book for anything. The most common way viruses are spread is by sending themselves to everyone in the recipient's address book.

I totally agree. Also, on some address books if you send everybody on your list a copy of say a fwd email or a funny joke etc? The header of the email contains everyone's email address
in the address book.
Some of us are selective about who gets or knows our email addresses.

I like my privacy.
I'm afraid that I don't reply at all...

I got a death threat shortly after submitting my first story here, and it was in my feedback e-mail. So unfortunately I don't reply to any of my feedback.

Dirty Slut
Re: I'm afraid that I don't reply at all...

Dirty Slut said:
I got a death threat shortly after submitting my first story here, and it was in my feedback e-mail. So unfortunately I don't reply to any of my feedback.

Dirty Slut

I try and respond to all non-anonymous, non-hatemail feedback. But I have to admit that the one negative, hateful feedback I have received (from someone who used to hang out in this forum) I didn't respond to directly.

Re: Re: Re: How many of you actually reply to the feedback you get?

MathGirl said:
Dear Jayne,
Good grief, what's your secret? DurtGurl doesn't get that many when she offers every responder a name in the hat for the drawing for the monthly blow job.

Having seen her av, I'm guessing that a blow job from that mouth probably isn't exactly an incentive to write.

Wicked-N-Erotic said:
Tom Collins is a mixed drink, maybe that's where it comes from.

Just a thought


Oh, I just used tom collins as an example. I thought it was cute:)

snooper said:
Oh, please, no! Never use a vendor-provided address book for anything. The most common way viruses are spread is by sending themselves to everyone in the recipient's address book.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this. (I'm not overly tech-savy) The virus just mails itself out?

Also, to protect privacy, I put everyones address in the Bcc line, and put my own address in the To line, that way the addresses don't show up on the recipeints copy.
Re: Re: Re: Re: How many of you actually reply to the feedback you get?

Originally posted by jfinn Having seen her av, I'm guessing that a blow job from that mouth probably isn't exactly an incentive to write.
Dear Jayne,
You really think so? DG and I have often wondered if something ..... more alluring might be in order. Maybe we'll consult a photographer who specializes in camoflage. Thank you for the suggestion.
HOw to get feedback

The best way to get feedback is to ask for it. Ask on your bio page, ask at the bottom of each story. "I hope you enjoyed the story, please remember to vote and send feedback. I'd love to hear what you think!" or something to that effect. I've also found that having a picture posted will get you more hits and sometimes more feedback. People find your story in different ways, some go to author index and then check out the authors with pics. (My bf does this sometimes) Just having a grafic (I used to have a stylized rose) will pique there attention. Yes, I will do anything for attention!!! Give feedback, include a link to your work. Ask for feedback on the boards, (post it next to your link on your sigline) Participate in Critique and Discussion boards. Some of this was advice I was given, and some of it I just found out 'the hard way' but it works pretty well for me. Also, I think females tend to get more feedback than males overall. It might help to say something provocative on the boards, that makes people curious about you. that happens sometimes too. I hop that helps.

PS- I searched for dirtgurl on author index but couldn't find her. What do I do now?
Re: HOw to get feedback

sweetnpetite said:
The best way to get feedback is to ask for it. Ask on your bio page, ask at the bottom of each story. "I hope you enjoyed the story, please remember to vote and send feedback. I'd love to hear what you think!" or something to that effect. I've also found that having a picture posted will get you more hits and sometimes more feedback. People find your story in different ways, some go to author index and then check out the authors with pics. (My bf does this sometimes) Just having a grafic (I used to have a stylized rose) will pique there attention. Yes, I will do anything for attention!!! Give feedback, include a link to your work. Ask for feedback on the boards, (post it next to your link on your sigline) Participate in Critique and Discussion boards. Some of this was advice I was given, and some of it I just found out 'the hard way' but it works pretty well for me. Also, I think females tend to get more feedback than males overall. It might help to say something provocative on the boards, that makes people curious about you. that happens sometimes too. I hop that helps.

PS- I searched for dirtgurl on author index but couldn't find her. What do I do now?

Thanks for the advice. *wanders off to switch a few things around*
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many of you actually reply to the feedback you get?

MathGirl said:
Dear Jayne,
You really think so? DG and I have often wondered if something ..... more alluring might be in order. Maybe we'll consult a photographer who specializes in camoflage. Thank you for the suggestion.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many of you actually reply to the feedback you get?

jfinn said:
Dear Jayne,
Yes, there is that. Last time I saw teeth like that, they belonged to a winner at Santa Anita.
Ps. I will admit two things about DG: She isn't really a blonde, and she's undergone a nose job. You should have seen that honker before!
Well, I can finally reply to this thread. I'm new. I've had one story posted - today it's been 24 hours. I've had over 5700 readers, 91 votes and when I got home from work, I found 18 very nice emails!! I will reply to those that left an email address because I'm so glad they took the time to write! It's incentive to submit another one!!
Looks like another one of my stories got posted today...

My mailbox is once again full of feedback. I'd really love to write back to them, but it might be that the one who originally threatened me is amongst them, and I can't afford to dismiss a death threat.

I have only posted 2 stories at lit both of them had quite a bit of response. I was all too happy to write a personal response to each that left an address even the couple of not polite responses. Infact one individual has kept in contact now for almost 2 months
1 story I nixed because of the content was more than I want people to think of me.

2 more are about to be completed and I will be just as pleased to know what people think. I spend a lot more time chatting and writeing the story. Why would I not take the time to thank a comment from a stranger who read it?
I love to get feedback and for the most part its been very encouraging, apart from 2 (both anonymous ofcourse). The first held me morally responisble for men that choose to rape. Well, I couldnt respond to that one. The second I received this morning from 'Laura & Lisa', sent anonymously :D . While I'm truly flattered that they found my story realistic enough to address the feedback to the characters themselves, I dont think a little spanking constitutes real hardcore sadism.

If someone has taken the time to read one of my stories and send feedback, then it's the least I can do to respond. :)