How To Keep Bannon Out Of jail

This from Kash Patel on the subject of J6 and the actions of Nancy Pelosi:

"I was serving as the chief of staff for the Department of Defense on Jan. 6, 2021, and it was my duty to ensure our laws and military chain of command were followed. The deployment of the National Guard requires presidential authorization, which Trump gave days before Jan. 6 in the Oval Office, where I was present. It also requires a request from local governing authorities, including D.C. Mayor Bowser and Capitol Police, who report to the speaker of the House.

It is worth noting that once the Capitol Police and Mayor Bowser finally made the lawful request for the National Guard, Trump’s Department of Defense implemented the fastest cold start of the National Guard since World War II.

For years, I have testified under oath, in the media, and everywhere in between that Pelosi and Bowser were responsible for not requesting the National Guard on Jan. 6 after President Trump constitutionally authorized deploying the guard. We submitted the best evidence — their own written refusals — to the partisan Jan. 6 Committee. They excluded them from the record despite agreeing to include the letter and timeline.

Now, footage of Pelosi shows she blamed herself for not doing more. Pelosi did more than just create the unlawful and unconstitutional Jan. 6 committee; she hid evidence directly relevant to a congressional investigation, lied to the world, and decided to spend Jan. 6 filming a movie of herself. The sheer conceit of it all is surpassed only by her evil desire to destroy a movement that seeks to demolish her brand of corruption."

The rest of his article is here:
1. Trump has never said that he blamed himself for anything in his life.
2. TheFederalist is pink slime journalism, not a source.
You said Congress is bound by the actions of previous Congress'. You are wrong. Congress routinely amends the laws and acts of previous sessions. The historical examples are too numerous to list here.
I did not say that.
Can you find an incident when Trump has blamed himself?

I look forward to your informed and educated update.
A simple search reveals:

"After his summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in February 2019 ended without a deal on denuclearization, Trump admitted, "Sometimes you have to walk, and this was just one of those times." He acknowledged that the summit did not achieve the desired outcome but emphasized his willingness to continue negotiations."

Time for you to take a nap or crack a good book of learning.
A simple search reveals:

"After his summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in February 2019 ended without a deal on denuclearization, Trump admitted, "Sometimes you have to walk, and this was just one of those times." He acknowledged that the summit did not achieve the desired outcome but emphasized his willingness to continue negotiations."

Time for you to take a nap or crack a good book of learning.
lol, that is not Trump blaming himself. He is blaming your reading comprehension sucks.
lol, that is not Trump blaming himself. He is blaming your reading comprehension sucks.
He is also acknowledging his failure in believing he could make a deal. Your rabid partisanship blinds you. Another example:

"In June 2018, amid widespread criticism of his administration's policy of separating migrant children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump signed an executive order to halt the practice. While defending the policy as a deterrent to illegal immigration, he also acknowledged the political fallout, stating, "I hate it. I hate to see separation of parents and children."

Here’s How GOP Leadership Can Keep Bannon Out of Jail… If They Want To.

House Republican leadership can use a little-known congressional mechanism to render the contempt of Congress charges against former Trump advisors Stephen K. Bannon and Peter Navarro moot. Speaker Mike Jonnson (R-LA) can use the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) to file an amicus brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit declaring that the Democrat-run January 6 Committee was improperly constituted and thus had no subpoena authority.

This argument was first advanced by Bannon’s lawyer, David Schoen, and expanded on by Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz in an appearance on Tim Pool this week.

“I believe the only way Steve Bannon does not go to jail is if there is a vote at an entity called the BLAG—the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group,” Gaetz said, adding: “It is made up of the Speaker of the House, the Majority Leader, the Majority Whip, the Minority Leader, and the Minority Whip. So the Republicans hold a three-two in this.”

“Bannon is going to petition for an en banc review of this determination to revoke his bail. When he does, I believe the BLAG should—and will—take a three to two vote for the House to seek to leave to file an amicus brief with the en banc court that the January 6 Committee was illegitimate,” the Flordia Republican added.

More here:

The question is, will it happen? There is some merit to the argument.

Yeah this could save Bannon from jail, but should they? There will be consequences namely setting this precedent. Are you prepared for a democrat run congress to use BLAG on someone Republicans think should be in jail for contempt of congress like hunter Biden.

Is Steve Bannon really worth that?
Yeah this could save Bannon from jail, but should they? There will be consequences namely setting this precedent. Are you prepared for a democrat run congress to use BLAG on someone Republicans think should be in jail for contempt of congress like hunter Biden.

Is Steve Bannon really worth that?
Will Merrick Garland go to jail like Bannon and Navarro?
Yeah this could save Bannon from jail, but should they? There will be consequences namely setting this precedent. Are you prepared for a democrat run congress to use BLAG on someone Republicans think should be in jail for contempt of congress like hunter Biden.

Is Steve Bannon really worth that?
It’s a bipartisan panel so it’s a nonstarter anyway
He is also acknowledging his failure in believing he could make a deal. Your rabid partisanship blinds you. Another example:

"In June 2018, amid widespread criticism of his administration's policy of separating migrant children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump signed an executive order to halt the practice. While defending the policy as a deterrent to illegal immigration, he also acknowledged the political fallout, stating, "I hate it. I hate to see separation of parents and children."
Defending the policy.

Not saying 'I shouldn't have done it, my bad.'

You suck at this.
You said Congress is bound by the actions of previous Congress'. You are wrong. Congress routinely amends the laws and acts of previous sessions. The historical examples are too numerous to list here.
They're bound by them until they make amends, Jack. You almost answered your own dumb post.
He is also acknowledging his failure in believing he could make a deal. Your rabid partisanship blinds you. Another example:

"In June 2018, amid widespread criticism of his administration's policy of separating migrant children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump signed an executive order to halt the practice. While defending the policy as a deterrent to illegal immigration, he also acknowledged the political fallout, stating, "I hate it. I hate to see separation of parents and children."
He failed to believe his own bullshit.

Keep'em coming, Jack!
He is also acknowledging his failure in believing he could make a deal.
No,he said "sometimes you have to walk away". That is not admitting any failure on his part. He then goes on to say he is still open to negotiations. That means he blamed the other side, not that it was his fault the negotiation's broke down.

Did you need to take remedial reading? If not,you should have.
He is also acknowledging his failure in believing he could make a deal. Your rabid partisanship blinds you.
Yeah, this is some revisionist nonsense right here. He told his followers that he could and would get deals done - left no doubt about it and with no room for failure. Also, that would be one long ass apology tour if he ever did choose to acknowledge deals and promises that never happened.
I don't believe it will happen is the point. That was the point of my question in post #1. But the facts of the matter are real.
Hmmm know what is real… your infatuation with your Daddy Vlady.

He like you get all wet with these posts??
This from Kash Patel on the subject of J6 and the actions of Nancy Pelosi:
That would be the same Kash Patel who has since created an NGO for funding conspiracy theorists about the 2020 election and January 6.

To be fair, Patel obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Hey may well be honestly unaware that the Speaker of the House has no authority to call in the national guard, or that Trump did not in fact give an authorization. He probably is, however, aware that Trump made a point of doing nothing for a few hours after the Capitol was breached.
That would be the same Kash Patel who has since created an NGO for funding conspiracy theorists about the 2020 election and January 6.

To be fair, Patel obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Hey may well be honestly unaware that the Speaker of the House has no authority to call in the national guard, or that Trump did not in fact give an authorization. He probably is, however, aware that Trump made a point of doing nothing for a few hours after the Capitol was breached.
It's both sad and predictable that desperate MAGATards grasp at such silliness. A butt-kissing politician tells a fringe Trump-propaganda fawn site that Trump is innocent, therefore it must be so.
To keep Bannon out of jail just have him committed to an insane asylum and while there do a complete frontal lobotomy on him.
That would be the same Kash Patel who has since created an NGO for funding conspiracy theorists about the 2020 election and January 6.

To be fair, Patel obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Hey may well be honestly unaware that the Speaker of the House has no authority to call in the national guard, or that Trump did not in fact give an authorization. He probably is, however, aware that Trump made a point of doing nothing for a few hours after the Capitol was breached.
You are uninformed, The President has no constitutional authority to police the legislative branch of government or its premises. Security on Capital Hill is the responsibility of the Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader. This is from an article written by Law Professor Jonathan Turley, a Democrat:

Pelosi to her Chief of Staff Terri McCullough:

“We have responsibility, Terri. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there. And we should have. This is ridiculous. You’re going to ask me in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached…that, should we call the Capitol Police? I mean the National Guard? Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?…They clearly didn’t know, and I take responsibility for not having them just prepared for more.”

"While Democrats and the media dismissed the issue and claims that Trump offered to supply the national guard, it was later confirmed that those offers were made to Congress and rejected. A report from Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton also found that Capitol police were told that they could not use critical riot materials and tactics in preparation for the Jan. 6th protests."

"Had Pelosi and others accepted National Guard support and installed fencing as was done at the White House, it is doubtful that the riot on January 6th would have occurred or any disruption would have been far more limited in scope. The fact that the J6 Committee downplayed this major factor in the riot further undermines how the investigation was framed by the Democratic leadership. Pelosi barred the GOP members selected for the committee, hand picking two anti-Trump Republican members."

The rest here:
That would be the same Kash Patel who has since created an NGO for funding conspiracy theorists about the 2020 election and January 6.
Check his background, he is the sharp knife in the drawer.:rolleyes:
You are uninformed, The President has no constitutional authority to police the legislative branch of government or its premises.
And yet later on in this very same post you say he offered to do just that. Hmm...
Security on Capital Hill is the responsibility of the Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader. This is from an article written by Law Professor Jonathan Turley, a Democrat:
We've beaten this one to death. There is a chain of command responsible for calling in the National Guard, and it does not involve the Speaker or any other sitting member of Congress.

"While Democrats and the media dismissed the issue and claims that Trump offered to supply the national guard, it was later confirmed that those offers were made to Congress and rejected.
Confirmed by whom? Newsmax? Besides, you said above Trump didn't even have the authority to do that.

A report from Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton also found that Capitol police were told that they could not use critical riot materials and tactics in preparation for the Jan. 6th protests."
And that is Pelosi's fault how, exactly?
Pelosi barred the GOP members selected for the committee, hand picking two anti-Trump Republican members."
No she didn't, she rejected two of the six Republican nominees. McCarthy could have nominated any other two members, but instead he chose to take his marbles and go home.

Check his background, he is the sharp knife in the drawer.:rolleyes:
I did check his background. I'm not one to talk shit about any university or college - you can get a decent education anywhere if you're really committed to learning, and you can also go to Yale and barely learn to read, like George W.M.D. Bush - but everything about Patel's educational background just screams "rich C student".