I am outraged!!!

pointless is correct

"age of consent is sixteen according to the federal government, and that's my personal limit, though not because of the law.

i've met a few sixteen year old's who are essentially adults (though still a little naive), i have never met anyone younger than that that i could hold a conversation with.

but i'm a bit of a libertarian. i also believe in legalized drugs, dropping the drinking age significantly, dropping any kind of governmental restrictions on my freedom to own guns, etc"

Certainly age is an issue to be considered, however the Olsen twins are subject to a variety of public exposure ... the thoughts of no one can be censored. May I suggest that if the Olsen twins were "ugly" they wouldn't be on TV ? They are on TV and popular because they are "cute" little teens. How many pedophiles are watching ....? That they are used in an erotic story is most certainly 'allowable' esp. since the author had stated they were 18 (!), not just 16, which is the 'legal' age as 'pointless' noted.

They are on TV and popular because they are "cute" little teens. How many pedophiles are watching ....?

Yes, I agree, I am sure many watch it. However, the tv show is 'G' rated, porn is not. That's the difference.

I realise that these people are going to get their jollies one way or other, but that's why I have to ask:

Why would anyone want to willingly and knowlingly pander to the perversions of these pedophiles?

I am usually able to see both sides of an argument, but on this one, sorry I just can't bend.

it's just fantasy. nothing more. i would be last person to actually try to sleep with a 16 year old or 17 year old or any teenager, but i do remember being back in high school, all the cute girls there, all the sick, little fantasies developed during those frustrating days. that dark, little part of me wants an outlet, and fictional stories are that outlet.

anyone under 21 isn't worth my time. all they want from you is your ability to buy beer or cigarettes. i don't even bother with them anymore, and i haven't since a couple months after turning 21.

all i want is stories to remind me of high school, that's it.

cheerleaders, girls soccer players, cute punk chicks and hippies. of course, i can get my kicks from stories with slightly older chicks, too. it's all fine by me. it's just my opinion and that is all it is.
Damn I thought this was over. LOL.

Look I wrote the story for numerous reasons and first and foremost it had nothing to do with pedophilia. I cannot stand anything pedophile like or resembling. I didn't see that side of it when I bumped their ages up. It never occurred to Me that way.

Seemingly this thread has shed a lot of light on the subject so I am going to reveal why I did this so that no one thinks I am a devious pedophile pervert. Just a devious pervert.

First of all in many areas of the U.S. there is a radio talk show called Lex and Terry in the morning. They have a countdown to when the girls will be eighteen. As of the time I am posting this is the time on their counter 462:23:32:45. 462 days, 23 hours and 32 minutes and 45 seconds. I know that many people see them as the cute little girls. While others see them as bombshell hopefulls and pray that eventually they will have their own E! True Story someday depicting their depraved acts of sex and drugs.

I did it for fun, thinking that in the future the weird twists the pure twins may take. Who knows they could pose for playboy. What I am getting at is in less than a year and a half they will be legal and may choose to shed their image and become naughty. Then will everyone think of them as the sweet little girls from full house yes, will their images be tarnished if they should do so? Again Yes.

OK not sure where that all came from. Look I think we are beating a dead horse at least with My story. Let's find a new one to jump on. LOL.

There was a good point made though that if it offends don't read it. But in this instance for the sake of this site I stand by Laurel's decision and I agree with her 100%. She explained all of this in detail to Me via pm and I don't want to even border on a grey area with this. If it's questionable pull it. Better safe and have a site, than have to pay a lawyer and get into legal trouble and have this site monitored story by story if it even stayed open.

That's My stand and I think this is silly now.
I was posting the last one as you did Pointless and I have to agree partially that would have been a reason. I don't want anything to do with anyone as young as these two are now but when they are eighteen most guys wouldn't mind a shot at them. Let's see they are perky, cute, TWINS, and that about sums that up. Let them play nasty little school girls when they turn 18 and that will satisfy the majority of men awaiting their 18th birthday.

I guess it is a way to remember fondly nights at a drive in. Or just parking out on "lover's lane". Memories we occasionally look back on now during a masterbatory moment or even perhaps while having sex with a so. That first girl or guy each of us groped, depending on your sexual orientation and gender. The first time you made it to second base. I mean come on, do we have to tailor our memories now also so that it only contains age consenting adults?

That's a bit out of the realm of this subject but I liked your point. I almost wish I hadn't written this piece, simply because it has been drawn way out of context and everything.

I would have been happy to go and talk to Laurel if only the feedback person had said "Hey look, this is disturbing, and you might get us in trouble and here's why....." I would have immediately pm'd Laurel and alerted her and not brought this all out into the public realm. But so much for hindsight.
Heck, I've always figured that the twins would wind up as the subject of a special Playboy pictorial one day ...

As for the HP stories, I did stumble across one that gave me a head-scratching pause. It was stated that the story was set in the main characters' final year at Hogwarts, so they were 18. Problem with that is, if I remember the books right, Hogwarts is a 7-year program and 1st years are 11, so 7th years would only be 17. And then the story involved Ginny, who's a year younger than the main characters. So she'd only be 16.

Will that do, Master V., for a new one to pick on? ;)

Will that do, Master V., for a new one to pick on?

Oops did I say pick on? LOL. I meant let's find a new story to um.... critique, (and then destroy and get banned from lit.).

Hehe just having fun. I do plan on watching and making sure no other stories slip through like this though because if they do I will have to alert Laurel and the author. I just won't be outraged, I will be saddened by their lack of attention to threads and distastful decisions.

God sometimes I am so full of shit. Like right now. I had just hoped the focus would slide away from these stories had been pulled.

Heck, I've always figured that the twins would wind up as the subject of a special Playboy pictorial one day ...

I am sorta hoping they do. Nuff said.
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the_bragis said:
Yes, I agree, I am sure many watch it. However, the tv show is 'G' rated, porn is not. That's the difference.

I realise that these people are going to get their jollies one way or other, but that's why I have to ask:

Why would anyone want to willingly and knowlingly pander to the perversions of these pedophiles?

I am usually able to see both sides of an argument, but on this one, sorry I just can't bend.


A pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to children, not minors. children are pre-pubescent and minors are under legal age. While it would be illegal for an adult to have sexual relations with anyone in either group, it is not entirely unnatural or sick to have a fantasy about someone who is obviously well into adolecence. I don't think writing a story about a teenager, wheather aged or not is pandering to pedophilia.

Secondly, I am 28 years old, and partly becuase of my hight, get mistaken for a teenager all the time. Would you say that if I went on a date with an adult male that I would automaticly be pandering to the perversions of a pedophile? Are all the men I've dated or slept with in my life pedophiles?
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Hello sweetnpetite,

You raise some interesting points, however, as I said before I just can't bend on this one, so we may have to agree to disagree on the subject of kiddy porn.

I think as much as anything, the notion of a child or minor's innocents being taken before their time, and particularly by an adult, is what I find so repugnant. I don't want to see it, or read about it.

You at 28, looking years younger (lucky you), and dating men your own age, of course I don't have a problem with that. A sweet little 16 year old dating a much older man; well whether I'm right or wrong, I see that as being different

Master Vassago,

Just for the record, I don't believe for an instant you're a pedophile.

As I told you in private, but I don't mind repeating it in public - I don't agree with your reasoning, but I do admire your cool headed attitude and the understanding you have shown towards others in this matter.

Have a great day now, :)

Alex. (fem)
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Thank you Alex,:rose:

I try and lead My life by My title. I am a Master and should act as one. Keeping a cool head and blowing off steam where and when it is appropriate.

I would also like to thank all of you that have responded via pm or here on the thread in support or in opposition. I think that shows some positive note that everyone at least has an interest in this.

Pedophile No. Pervert, Yes. Never claimed otherwise lol.

I have to agree well with an exception because I was 19 going on twenty when I was dating My now wife who was 16 at the time. It had nothing to do with sex. It was simply because she was beautiful inside and out and damn near the most intelligent woman I know. So in real life I see the lighter side of age difference. But here I see the threat it posed to the site as well as in some people's mind. So I will wait until legal age of consent and then have fun with it. Besides Spiderman needs a break he has another movie in the works and his sexual explorations have to be taking a toll on him lol.

Thanks to all and have a good week.
So much for anyone paying attention to this thread. Avril Lavigne is only 17 and yet there is a story posted about her. And it popped up on the tenth of this month. Now why is no one outraged at this?
Master_Vassago said:

So much for anyone paying attention to this thread. Avril Lavigne is only 17 and yet there is a story posted about her. And it popped up on the tenth of this month. Now why is no one outraged at this?

Again, I never singled you out on purpose or anything. Your stories about the Olsen twins were the first I discovered "like" this.

Hell, I've notified Laurel about a 17 year old member at Lit. Just a few days ago their name popped up on Lit's birthday list. So, the kid registered here at 16.

I've also notified her about a very graphic and detailed "story idea" ( :rolleyes: ) of a 12 year old child watching his mother fuck 12 to 14 year old children that supposidly "came from a real life experience".

To the best of my knowledge, the child member and the "story idea" are still around... *sigh*
LOL Yes you did single Me out look at the first post here. No other name was mentioned. But that is over and done with My point is there was another underage story after this whole discussion and yet it failed to catch anyone else's attention.
Quoting myself for your benefit:

I never singled you out on purpose or anything. Your stories about the Olsen twins were the first I discovered "like" this.

And, just a reminder... I have notified Laurel about many various things on this site involving minors. (Hell, that's how I got the Mod job in Personals in the first place. I kept busting children trying to post on her site.)

So I hadn't checked the Celebs category in a few days. Sue me. :rolleyes:

Over time, with the help of others (I cannot do it alone), mentionings of minors in sexual situations at Lit will be gone.
Master_Vassago has two stories (one of which is even in the "Tops" listing) that has MINOR CHILDREN in it!!! They are in the Celeb section and are about Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen who are 16 year olds!!

Singled out yes. On purpose yes. See it could have just been stated you found a story or stories that involved minors that had their age altered. So you see, I guess we are both slightly correct here. There now I feel justified.

It really wasn't as big a deal as made about it either. As I stated before if your feedback hadn't been derogatory and you had just let Me know I would have gladly contacted Laurel quickly and without all the unnecessary posting.

I think I am reasonable enough. I wouldn't want anything to endanger this site or Laurel. Nor would I have knowingly broken this rule. Don't bother responding because I doubt I will post on this thread again.
And, just a reminder... I have notified Laurel about many various things on this site involving minors. (Hell, that's how I got the Mod job in Personals in the first place. I kept busting children trying to post on her site.)

Apples and oranges comparison here.
Because I CAN.
Avril Lavigne is 18. Her birthday was 9-27-84.

I'm kind of ashamed that I know that.
Thanks KM, I caught that mistake a day late. I searched three or four links to her and they all stated her age as 17. Then the next day I went to a few more and found her DOB. I already corrected My error and let the wise one know I made a boo boo.

I'd have sworn I just heard she was 17 on the radio too. But I stand corrected. I never posted that here because I didn't see the point but I did let Laurel know.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, well I felt like a total boob. :D

But thanks for pointing that out you know the date I found said 10/27/84. See others even fanclubs screw up.

Anyway thanks KM for the correction. Although I find something appealing about Avril I can't even come up with a fathomable approach to work her into a story.
BlessedBe said:

Master_Vassago has two stories (one of which is even in the "Tops" listing) that has MINOR CHILDREN in it!!! They are in the Celeb section and are about Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen who are 16 year olds!!

I can't believe people voted his "chapter two" story about minors into the "Tops"!!!

There are many things that people can become offended by. "sex w/ a minor" is concidered both morally and LEGALLY wrong, true (and I do not condone it), but so is rape, and so is incest (more legally wrong if w/ a minor, but still concidered by the majority to be morally, no matter what ages the participants). Those story lines are quite often posted here. In the story that you bring up criticism of, the twins are aged to be adults. Now, how is writing a story w/ that twist, any more different or wrong than writing ANY story about a famous person?? or writing a story of someone being raped?? ect... They are all fictitious stories. They are all unreal. They are all using literary license to play w/ facts. They have the standard "this is not real... did not happen" ect statement. The lit board did pass it, or you would never have seen the story to start w/. And, as this is a country of freedoms, you DO have the right to NOT read the story if it offends you.

Just my opinions, just as your statement was your opinion. As the old saying goes, however, "opinions are like assholes, everyone has 1" :)
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BlessedBe said:
The Olsen twins were around 2 years old when Full House began. During the course of the show, NONE of the girls hit 18. (I am fairly sure.) Of course, Candice Cameron is older than 18 now, but I don't think DJ Tanner ever was.

But you are assuming that the characters are frozen in time from when the show aired and the story writer is asuming that they continued to exist, and grow.

What if someone wrote a story about a real person like Shirly Temple. We all think of her as a little girl, but she's an old woman now. She did movies as a young ladie, and had a life after "The Good Ship Lollypop" Sure some people wouldn't be able to make the mental shift, but that doesnt attomaticly make the author or the readers a bunch of pedophiles.

What about Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, she was 7 or 8 in the book, and 17 in the movie. If hollywood could change her age, why couldn't an erotic author. Also, the great thing about writing is that it can take place in any time period. What about sci-fi, that takes place 20 years into the futer with characters who are 30 years old? Isn't this *really* just a way to get around the "underage rule?":heavy sarcasm here:
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age in stories

First off let me state I do not believe for one minute M.V. intended this as a story about childrfen being taken advantage of in any way. HE went out of his way to indicate they were of age. Second Been there so I know how it feels to get a story pulled I wrote one called Mirror. It was the story of a family mirror sent from Ireland after death to the oldest daughter. SHe sits in the rocker in her room once it is in posiition and remembers from her earliest childhood to the present.
She is a young child and mentions discovering herself, and how good it felt without a lot of specifics. SHe goes off to boarding school and discovers girls play together and tells her cousin when she returns she will show her. so on. I won a contest award and then had it pulled off the club due to age. I was upset, livid unhappy anyone would think I would take advantage of a child and more I was hurt it was a great story and it had been damaged by the idiocy of people seeing things where they were not. I guess I have to liken it to the commercial getting flack at the moment. The guy is a cook for a sub shop He is so set on making a new sandwich he sees nothing else including his dead pet bird in a cage. The anticruelty people for animals are sueing to take it off the air. Give me a break. The world has bigger problems. WHen they pulled my story on one club I wrote the other two places it was published and advised them to take it down to avoid trouble.
The world is a silly place with silly people. The people who get hostile over stuff like this need to get a life and a few problems to complicate it. I also agree it should have been handled privately and not in the public forum. Everyone is entitle to an opinion. I find the idea of women and animal sex abhorent but I would not ever keep somone from reading or writing it. I just wouldn't read it. Had those children been two or three which happens in real life I bet it would have never made it on the boards to begin with so enough already. The man is an excellent writer and the story met the criteria for stories that can be printed enough said and hugs to you M.V. for your tolerance of the whole thing
I would just like to say thank you for seeing My side as well Ladies. It was an honest attempt at a hot story idea. And believe it or not but it kicked ass in the scores. LOL. I suppose that is what got attention drawn to it in the first place. Not that I really care at this point it is like beating a dead horse.

I already attempted to make peace and I believe since this whole thread every story I have posted has gotten a score of one. That stopped happening for a while up until a few days after this whole ordeal started. Oh well it's a good thing I write for fun and everything and I'm not the type to go mud slinging or retaliating. So if the person who is one bombing all My stories reads this, HA. I don't really care because you know what if 9 other people love My story and vote for it your pitiful little one or two or even three won't knock Me away from at least having an H.