I finially tried this 'bdsm' stuff and dotn want to do ti anymore....

Ebonyfire said:
Don't thank me. I might be wrong. This forum may be going the way of the GB and Playground for all I know.

No, it isn't and won't.

If you feel a thread is more appropriate somewhere else, pm me. I will review it and use my best judgment.

I have this nifty little tool that lets me move threads that are off topic or even posts that are off topic.

We have a forum that is focussed on BDSM, even when we are all feeling frivolous.

And that is how it should stay. Now, that does not mean some "off topic" stuff is not going to land here or even be allowed to stay, but it does preclude us becoming a melting pot of random posting.

If we all post and agree and kiss up to one another, teh forum would be very boring and probably fizzle into nothingness in no time. If I want someone to agree with me all the time, I will just talk to myself!


No, this thread has been tense, at times, but by no means a flame war or harsh and ugly debate as can be seen elsewhere.

Again, you guys rock, oldies, newbies and lurkers!

WynEternal said:
AnelizeDarkEyes, thank you.

MissTaken, great advice. I bow to your knowledge.

:) :rose:

No bowing, dear!

A) I am submissive.

B) I could be wrong.

C) We don't stand on formality here.

D) I am submissive.

Ebonyfire said:
Don't thank me. I might be wrong. This forum may be going the way of the GB and Playground for all I know.

Oh please Gods no :(
MissTaken said:
No bowing, dear!

A) I am submissive.

B) I could be wrong.

C) We don't stand on formality here.

D) I am submissive.


She's more submissive than you
No, really ;)
Re: Re: Re: Ahem,

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
My final words on this subject. She asked to be corrected if she was wrong. I corrected her. I don't recall seeing any caps in my post. Hence, I was not yelling. Accusatory? I don't think so. She was making assumptions. I was always warned by people with far more wisdom than I about the dangers of that particular mistake. Pehaps YOU should take it to heart as well.

i wasn't saying you were accusing anyone...i said Eb did. *smiles sweetly*

also...does that mean accusatory is actually a word...i wasn't sure.

Ebonyfire said:
That is your opinion, which you are entitled to, and I disagree with it.

The whole purpose of this forum to share accurate information, not cater to assumptions.

yeah...share accurate information...since when is chewing someone out for an innocent comment considered sharing information of ANY kind? Yeah, you gave the guy some good advice...but you weren't too nice about it.

and as for everyone else...i know i'm being bitchy about some of this but i have good reason to...someone had to otherwise what'd be left to talk about.

note: I'm still off my meds...*evil laughter* i might bite...hard.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ahem,

Bondagebunni said:
also...does that mean accusatory is actually a word...i wasn't sure.

Main Entry: ac·cu·sa·to·ry
Pronunciation: &-'kyü-z&-"tOr-E, -"tor-
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
: containing or expressing accusation : ACCUSING
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ahem,

James G 5 said:
Main Entry: ac·cu·sa·to·ry
Pronunciation: &-'kyü-z&-"tOr-E, -"tor-
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
: containing or expressing accusation : ACCUSING

woohoo! i used the right word! hell yeah!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ahem,

Bondagebunni said:
i wasn't saying you were accusing anyone...i said Eb did. *smiles sweetly*

also...does that mean accusatory is actually a word...i wasn't sure.

yeah...share accurate information...since when is chewing someone out for an innocent comment considered sharing information of ANY kind? Yeah, you gave the guy some good advice...but you weren't too nice about it.

and as for everyone else...i know i'm being bitchy about some of this but i have good reason to...someone had to otherwise what'd be left to talk about.

note: I'm still off my meds...*evil laughter* i might bite...hard.

Whatever floats your boat. You seem to want to pick fights with people. Go for it. I do not care. I am done with you and your tantrum. I will no longer play with you. It is a bore.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ahem,

Bondagebunni said:
Yeah, you gave the guy some good advice...but you weren't too nice about it.

P. S. I am not here to be nice. I am here to be truthful. Sometimes the truth hurts. As you well know.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ahem,

Ebonyfire said:
Whatever floats your boat. You seem to want to pick fights with people. Go for it. I do not care. I am done with you and your tantrum. I will no longer play with you. It is a bore.

i don't pick fights with people, i pick fights with you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ahem,

Bondagebunni said:
i don't pick fights with people, i pick fights with you.

Not anymore. You bore me. It always amuses me when little girl subbies pick fights with Dommes. I am not interested in your games so you are now on my ignore list. Grow up.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ahem,

Ebonyfire said:
Not anymore. You bore me. It always amuses me when little girl subbies pick fights with Dommes. I am not interested in your games so you are now on my ignore list. Grow up.

damn...ooh hey! i'm on an ignore list! i feel accomplished...well..my job is done...i'll shut up now ^_^
TheCyberPoet said:
[Watches all the bickering and just sits back, amused as always]

Hello CyberPoet ~ I think you summed it up quite well. :)