I miss the fitness threads and the fitness Doms!

Alton Brown looks ill, IMO. He is gaunt lately.

I do his daily.

Not his 3 times a week. Maybe one time a week for avocado, or yogurt. Pasta is a more of a monthly thing for me. Alcohol is nearly never. But I do have one small square of 85% cocoa a night.

I very rarely eat fast food. When I do it tends to be subway or pizza. I'm a big fan of pizza and don't have it nearly often enough.

As of this week I'm entirely off of soda (tapered off, switched to coffee with no sugar) but I'm having a few ounces of sparkling water a day. I've never been into diet anything, rarely canned soup, I prefer to make my own. Almost never eat processed meals or frozen dinners.

If you call some raisin bread and coffee breakfast I do that every day.


This is what Alton Brown followed to lose weight:

- Fruits
- Whole Grains
- Leafy Greens
- Nuts
- Carrots
- Green Tea

3 times a week
- Oily Fish
- Yogurt
- Broccoli
- Sweet Potato
- Avocado

Once a week
- Red meat
- Pasta
- Dessert
- Alcohol

- Fast Food
- Soda
- Processed meals/frozen dinners
- Canned soup
- “Diet” anything

PLUS: Eat breakfast every day, no exceptions.
I actually kinda relate. I'm in a martial art class and I was singled out to demonstrate our new move. I was aggressively grabbed up REALLY CLOSE and a (plastic) gun pressed to my throat. Definitely a flash of arousal, although it went away rather quickly. Well until I started running the drill with a friend 9_9 then it kind of ebbed to and fro for a bit before dissipating.

Yes, it was just like that, but it just totally threw me. This is why I run solo! :eek:
I ran a 5K this morning :D not very fast. My time was about 33 minutes. BUT the race manages to be almost entirely uphill (despite being on a loop) so I started slow and got tired right away. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with myself!
I ran a 5K this morning :D not very fast. My time was about 33 minutes. BUT the race manages to be almost entirely uphill (despite being on a loop) so I started slow and got tired right away. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with myself!

That is awesome! Congratulations! :)
I ran a 5K this morning :D not very fast. My time was about 33 minutes. BUT the race manages to be almost entirely uphill (despite being on a loop) so I started slow and got tired right away. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with myself!

You should be. Completing your first 5K is always a worthy accomplishment.
I ran 3.25 miles *without stopping* [!!!] this morning. Me. The one who doesn't run. And the only reason I stopped was because I felt the beginnings of a strained somethingorother, and didn't want to hurt myself.

The 40th birthday is in 14 days.
The first ever 5k is 3 days later.

I just keep thinking holy shit, I'm actually going to do this...
I looked at myself in the mirror this morning when I was getting changed for pump class, then decided to weigh myself for the first time in ages.

69.5kg (153lbs) :nana: I am 1.73metres tall (5'8") and used to weigh 76.4kg (168lbs).

I have dropped 2 waist sizes (I'm now an Australian size 12). My top half is bigger (14-16) but I've always been broad shouldered and working out has built muscle there :eek: My tummy is a lot flatter, I have a waist and a butt now, and I don't have tuck shop arms :D
I looked at myself in the mirror this morning when I was getting changed for pump class, then decided to weigh myself for the first time in ages.

69.5kg (153lbs) :nana: I am 1.73metres tall (5'8") and used to weigh 76.4kg (168lbs).

I have dropped 2 waist sizes (I'm now an Australian size 12). My top half is bigger (14-16) but I've always been broad shouldered and working out has built muscle there :eek: My tummy is a lot flatter, I have a waist and a butt now, and I don't have tuck shop arms :D

That is so awesome! Do you think it happened gradually? How closely do you watch what you eat? I know you're a hardcore workout woman - just curious how much you think is diet v. exercise for you.

I ran 3.25 miles *without stopping* [!!!] this morning. Me. The one who doesn't run. And the only reason I stopped was because I felt the beginnings of a strained somethingorother, and didn't want to hurt myself.

The 40th birthday is in 14 days.
The first ever 5k is 3 days later.

I just keep thinking holy shit, I'm actually going to do this...

Also awesome! There have been times in my life when I dreaded running but these days I absolutely crave it. I totally go into some sort of a zen runner mode. ;)
Also awesome! There have been times in my life when I dreaded running but these days I absolutely crave it. I totally go into some sort of a zen runner mode. ;)

The highbrow part of me wants to describe it as some zen runner thing, but in reality - sex and running are the only things that quiet my mind. And given that The Man™ is an hour's drive, and the lake [where I run] is 10 minutes... I find myself running a lot. ;)
8-day business trip to the other side of the world starts tomorrow. They have put me in a very swanky hotel with a properly equipped gym in it. I have convinced myself that there's no room in my suitcase for my gym kit and shoes, and no room in my schedule for workouts and extra showers :eek: And anyway, by the time I'm over my jetlag, it'll be time to come home again. :eek:
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That is so awesome! Do you think it happened gradually? How closely do you watch what you eat? I know you're a hardcore workout woman - just curious how much you think is diet v. exercise for you.

I think much of it is due to exercise, although I don't eat much fast food these days. I eat red meat about 5 times a week, roasted or grilled, as is fish and chicken (and I DO eat the skin of the chicken!).

I usually eat frozen mixed veges and potato cooked in the microwave, with a little margarine and no salt. Bread is a multi grain. I don't deny myself anything - if I want ice cream or chocolate I will have it, but in moderation :)

I figure I can have what I want, as long as I keep the exercise up! :D I have been going to the gym regularly since August 2006, 2-3 times a week. I do weights, bodycombat, boxing and spin now and again. I really hate running, and would rather do a group fitness class than work out alone.
I think I looked better naked when I was 20 lbs heavier :(

About 10 years ago I was at my all time highest weight. My children were babies, I was in the midst of postpartum depression and I had left a career I loved to be a SAHM.

When I saw the number on the scale I decided I had to do something. I went to the doctor for the depression. I decided to go back to work and was thrilled when the first hospital I had applied to gave me a job. Just every other weekend but it was the self-esteem boost I needed plus I was not ready to leave my children in daycare. I loved being a sahm and will never regret it.

I then tried Atkins diet--twice. Lost a l bit both times but it didn't last. After the military moved us once again and I had gotten the family resettled and myself another parttime job I decided to try again. I lost 75lbs on Slim Fast and committed daily exercise. Some how I couldn't reach my goal..I was stuck 5 lbs over it.

Over the next few year I gained back 25 of those lbs. And then a few more. SO I decided enough was enough and tried again. My dominant and I made up a fun contest with weigh-ins every couple of weeks. I loved winning. But life got complicated and that game got put on hold. I had lost about 20 lbs that I was keeping off.

During a yearly physical lab results showed I was hypothyroid. My doctor told me based on my symptoms of constipation, weak nails, difficulty losing weight among other things that I had probably been hypothyroid for years but it was just now enough to show up on lab work.

So I went on very low dose Synthroid and within a few months I reached my 1st goal and then my dream goal that I never thought I would really see.

I'm still not skinny. I am a size 10 or 12. But I can wear skirts and dresses and skinny jeans and look really good.

The problem is that I'm sagging a bit. I had a tummy tuck after I had lost the initial 75 lbs 5 or so years ago. At the time my plastic surgeon said I would need to come back if I lost more to "round off the edges". My scar is still very visible.
I don't have much of an ass anymore. But I have some creases of skin. I don't want to go back for surgery.

I am not sure if exercise to bulk up my butt would help that?

I am also continuing to lose weight. I have a reasonably healthy diet, I exercise to keep healthy but I don't really want to lose anymore.

I look better then ever with my clothes on..but with them off? Not so much. Plus I'm getting older.

Do I go back to eating ice cream? :) (just kidding)

This whole long story comes down to a request for idea to build muscles to fill out my lose skin a bit without having to have surgery again. The loose skin is not extreme, It took me years to lose the weight that I did, but it makes a difference to me when I look in the bathroom mirror.

Thanks for listening to my life story :)
does anyone have any suggests for stretching my hamstrings out beyond the usual static exercises? Mine are SUPER tight (as in, the stretch if I just sit against a wall with my legs extended) and I'd like to work on at least getting them to "normal".
does anyone have any suggests for stretching my hamstrings out beyond the usual static exercises? Mine are SUPER tight (as in, the stretch if I just sit against a wall with my legs extended) and I'd like to work on at least getting them to "normal".

Mate do this:

as you bend forward (from the waist) you will find a point where you naturally do not bend any further. Don't fight this. Gently breate in and as you breath out you will probably find that you will bend incrementally further. To deepen the position if you feel you can, maybe try lifting your toes up. Again, doesnt matter if you do not actually lift your toes because the action will intensify the stretch further. To come out of the position, slowly roll your back up one vertibrae at a time until you are standing. I would suggest that the legs are a touch too far apart in the picture but go with whats 'comfortable' Hope this helps.

As for me, I am a sports monster. I am currently training for an Ironman triathlon on 2013. I do c.14hrs/week of cardio and physical preparation. When I set out to beging training for this last September I promised myself that I would give this 100% which is why I listen to the fort minor before I train and the trans formers theme song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H0JDomv8ac) after - joke ;) . But yes, like I said In doing this I decided that it requires 100% dedication and commitment. Kind of a killer because I have a full time job and am studying for a degree on a full time basis so I struggle to fit it all in (pahahaha - inuendo) but that's whats required and I have always wonderred what it would be like to be a professional athlete and whether I have what it takes. (sounds massively big headed but hey ho) Whether I have what it takes and what it feels like, time will tell when I complete the triathlon in 2013.
I was hoping for something besides static stretches, but thank you. They just haven't done a lot for me in the past. I think part of it is that I'm SO tight that I just can't physically stretch the muscles much with a static stretch. So it feels like I make really slow progress despite the fact I can feel it stretching when I'm doing it so it's just....frustrating. I was hoping people would have some ideas I can incorporate in with static stretches to help the process along :)
Do you warm up warm down? I find that that makes a big difference for me. Sorry if it seems kind of patronising but a lot of people underestimate it.

Another thing that I find helps is Yoga, although pilates etc should be just as beneficial. Although that can be pretty static too the 'poses' are often done in a sequence which might be helpful to you. I do not know but these things help me :)
I do warm up and down :) I've tried Yoga but I usually feel pretty foolish :p It does help a bit, though. I just don't have time to go to a class, and I'm not good enough to do it properly on my own either. Thank you for your suggestions, though :)
I was hoping for something besides static stretches, but thank you. They just haven't done a lot for me in the past. I think part of it is that I'm SO tight that I just can't physically stretch the muscles much with a static stretch. So it feels like I make really slow progress despite the fact I can feel it stretching when I'm doing it so it's just....frustrating. I was hoping people would have some ideas I can incorporate in with static stretches to help the process along :)

Look into some dynamic stretches. Too busy to research for you right now, but here's an example of a dynamic stretching routine for running:

does anyone have any suggests for stretching my hamstrings out beyond the usual static exercises? Mine are SUPER tight (as in, the stretch if I just sit against a wall with my legs extended) and I'd like to work on at least getting them to "normal".

Have you tried [URL="http://www.livestrong.com/article/155933-dynamic-stretches-for-the-hamstring/"]Dynamic Stretches?[/URL] For me personally, doing a little bit of both types of stretches is more beneficial than just using one of them. I hope it helps.
I was hoping for something besides static stretches, but thank you. They just haven't done a lot for me in the past. I think part of it is that I'm SO tight that I just can't physically stretch the muscles much with a static stretch. So it feels like I make really slow progress despite the fact I can feel it stretching when I'm doing it so it's just....frustrating. I was hoping people would have some ideas I can incorporate in with static stretches to help the process along :)

I hate stretching. Hate.Hate.Hate. I've also been fighting the yoga bandwagon for... 10 years now? But I finally had to acknowledge the tightness of the bad sort was going to result in pain of the wrong sort, and a few weeks ago I started doing Yoga Stretches for Runners. I can stand to do 5 minutes at the beginning of a run, and 5 minutes after, and I'm feeling slightly more bendy than I was a few weeks ago...