I Trust My Magic 8-Ball!

monster666.....Skip anything in the Connecticut Valley!......only kidding! try the CT suburb.....NYC!! carpe diem!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ooo..the Moanstuh sounds a bit testy tonight!

monster666 said:
Well, ya like beer, ale or malt liquor?

Oh, honey. That so wasn't what I had in mind...
CT suburb, eh?

Hmmm...the Sherlock Holmes part of my brain, is hot on the trail! She has only 5 posts as i write, i've only seen 2, but i deduce she is a tall, pale red head, possibly from the Connecticut area, who has recently been to Canada and who has an attitude! (she is a redhead after all)

Screen name "joi"... what can we make of this? She has a male companion who carries the remote control for her "butterfly"(apparently some sort of deviant sexual appliance) so she's likely to be submissive and hetero. (at least sometimes) Therefore we can ignore the spelling as a clue, i believe. (not a "joi boi" type necessarily)

Quotes Latin very nicely... i dunno Monster. i'd say forget the party...cherchez la femme!

(no, Monster, put my aunt's pen back on the bureau... it means "seek the woman". That's it! Good Monster! Fetch her to the lab!)

(classic echoey maniacal laughter... mwahahahahaaah, etc.
<sigh>My imitators have taking all the fun out of this)
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Why is it that the Switchy men seem to go after the new girls on the block?

I suspect y'all of fear--fear of being dominant with an established chickadee. Are you lookin' for someone to train, or are you afraid to take on a Switchy woman who just might flip ya mid-stream?
En garde!

Ok Skye... this forum ain't big enough for both of us! So ya think y'can flip while *I* got a grip?

i'm not sure if you're gettin' too big for yer britches or if you just wear'em that tight on purpose.

So! Since this forum ain't big enough, we'll just have to squeeze a little closer together. Oooo.

::i'm just beginning to get comfortable when my eye catches a fleeting glimpse of red hair two blocks away.

My head jerks to follow the flash of color, Risia rises to a kneeling position, pinning my testicles to the shag carpet...still i manage to moan "Quick! Monster! FETCH!!"

That's the last thing i remember.::

marvelous deductive reasoning!...could use your skills in my professional field...NOOOOOOOOOO don't take me to the LAB!
thrilled to get the heck out of it!!
Re: J'accuse!

RisiaSkye said:
Why is it that the Switchy men seem to go after the new girls on the block?

I suspect y'all of fear--fear of being dominant with an established chickadee. Are you lookin' for someone to train, or are you afraid to take on a Switchy woman who just might flip ya mid-stream?

Heh. I fear only appearing foolish in public, madame..

And the sight of anything which can be labeled "Arthrpoda". Bugs and bug-like things (like lobsters and crabs and eewww... Spiders...) squick me so bad I can barely even think around them.

Besides, I was under the impression you're in a relationship, so I was respectin' that.... I'm an old-fashioned gennelmun, I am....
Re: J'accuse!

RisiaSkye said:
Why is it that the Switchy men seem to go after the new girls on the block?

Am I really a new girl on the block? ::peeks self-consciously at her post count, compares it to Risia's, pouts:: Aww shucks. I think I have post-envy...although if it gets me the shameless attention of such self-satisfied switches, hell, consider me the girl next door! o)

Scorpions do it for me, Spectre--I found one in my cats' litterbox once. That and getting all dolled up in a really hot little number and then realizing I don't have a matching shade of lipstick.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ooo..the Moanstuh sounds a bit testy tonight!

No, huh? Well, I really didn't think so. ::wink::

RisiaSkye said:

Oh, honey. That so wasn't what I had in mind...
Re: CT suburb, eh?

Sheeeit. Monster do this, monster do that. Why is it always up to the monster? Damn butler never does anything. And never so much as a cookie when my task is done.

DRxBlue said:

(no, Monster, put my aunt's pen back on the bureau... it means "seek the woman". That's it! Good Monster! Fetch her to the lab!)
Re: En garde!

And while Blue is still in a coma, Monster dutifully fetches Risia to the lab. He shackles her to Dr. Blue's brain-switching machine, puts the cap on her head as he had been trained, and considers bringing some ammonia to Dr. Blue to awaken him. But Monster is distracted with Risia's gaze. Through that gaze Monster is suddenly aware that although Risia is rendered physically helpless, she was still well armed with charm and wit. She stares into his beast eyes and whisperes "put that other cap on".

Monster, not knowing why, complies. "Now throw the switch."

Again monster complies, and feels an incredible moment of clarity that vanishes as quickly as it came. Soon, he is watching himself turn the switch off. Monster comes to Monster and gags him, and Monster disappears from the room and wonders where he is going.

How odd. Monster realizes he now has nice boobies. He wants to fondle his newfound boobies, but he's all shackled up. What's going on? Time passes as Monster gets a headache from straining his neck to look down his shirt.

Suddenly Monster is aware of Dr. Blue standing in the archway of his lab/dungeon, and through his foggy gaze, he emits a vibe that Monster finds most uncomfortable. And then Dr. Blue addresses the Monster.. "RisiaSkye... "

Oh shit. Monster hears no more. He realizes his predicament. Monster is in trouble now. Because of the gag, Monster can't even tell Dr. Blue he has a headache.

DRxBlue said:
My head jerks to follow the flash of color, Risia rises to a kneeling position, pinning my testicles to the shag carpet...still i manage to moan "Quick! Monster! FETCH!!"

That's the last thing i remember.::
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Shag carpet! i must explain...

i didn't mean to imply that you would have that cut loop pile stuff on your floor, Risia. Forgive me if i gave that impression.

i referred to MY shag carpet. (in the Austin Powers sense, a carpet for "shagging")

i carry it with me everywhere, and i did say i was "getting comfortable", which means that obviously i would have installed "Scooby Doo It". (i thought it an amusing name for my old "shaggy")

i must admit, you really got me there. Crushing a guy's testicles is definitely not your standard sub behavior. i gripped, you flipped.

i'm so glad we're over that little contretemps, maybe you'd be willing to discuss our detente again, won't you make yourself comfortable...

Hey, it's that redheaded girl again!

<damned Monster's gone on strike again...(grmble)>

Excuse me! JOI! Am i correct in assuming that your professional field involves the use of a LAB?!


<transmission interrupted>

returning to the thread: the Magic 8 Ball says: absolutely yes

Yep, the lab is a "home" for this sweet,charming,unassuming, quiet,demure redhead......Ducking as the bolt of light zips downward from the sky....:eek:
(shaking my magic 8 ball)....

Q: Are Blue, monster, and SpectreT 3 of the funniest and bestest men on Lit??

A: Without a doubt

luv you guys!!!
Monster sure puts the irony back in my blood!

i especially liked the part where he gives himself a headache trying to scope out his newly acquired boobies, then when he realizes my wicked sexual designs he find that with a gag in your mouth you can't even say, "Not tonight,Blue. I have a headache."

i wonder where Risia went wearing that powerful monster body? Probably down to the Halls of Academia to give some old fuddy-duddy a few lessons on BDSM before de Sade.

You know, i was saying to my girlfriend just the other day, "You know? i'll bet monsters are iiinnteresting people" ...my, my the places you must go and the people you must meet. There we go! Now let's dip our paddies into the water.

Oops...who set my remote for the Cartoon Channel?

So, joi! Is your last name, like, de Vivre? sorry..hehe

What i've been trying to say is welcome to Lit! You really should find the "New Faces" thread and tell us a little about you.

i'm sure i haven't even scratched the surface, and if i did, a Crayola of the nearest color can make that scratch disappear in seconds!

Gee! i must like you or something, i'm acting all crazy here.
He's "acting"? Really convincing "act"! ...so ...he's gonna stop now?

i'm going to stop now. Yeah, right!
Blue, monster, and the now-missing T: You guys are so much fun. I love you guys. :rose:
Ha ha - I got your BRAAAAAAAaaaaaain!

::to the tune of na na na-naaaaa na::

RisiaSkye said:
Blue, monster, and the now-missing T: You guys are so much fun. I love you guys. :rose:
RisiaSkye said:
Blue, monster, and the now-missing T: You guys are so much fun. I love you guys. :rose:

Who's missing?

No one's needed my lip since.... well..... nevermind....
Dear T...

i hope you don't mind, i needed to find a new place to park this little .GIF file...

Apparently Angelfire and Tripod have "brakes" to make it impossible to link onto images from my OWN SITE! (well, a guess it IS a free service) but why should they complain about a cute little thing like THIS?
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Gee T...you gonna owe me a spanking!

i went and hijacked your thread so long ago, but i'll make it up to you. Here's another GIF animation you might find more interesting.

i certainly did, i got to be the cameraman, as well as the animator.

good lord. in public? you pervs!:D

i never knew such people hung out here!

your turn to flash us now blue!