I Trust My Magic 8-Ball!

Ya know....

Sooner or later the authorities are gonna get wise to what i'm doing here and start charging me for all the disk space and bandwidth.

i'll let Freya be my defense council. i think Laurel with let me of with a "slap". <lol>

What's THAT? Oh nothing...don't look here
i'd like to protest!

It seems that this Blue character (although he looks a rather pasty pink is only using this thread lately to stash images on Lit turf, so he can call them up later.

Why doesn't somebody TELL him that there's an easier way? Or at least YELL at him, so he'll be innspired to find an easier, simpler way.

This "stop-gap" solution is most unbecoming. harumph!
Re: i'd like to protest!

DRxBlue said:
It seems that this Blue character (although he looks a rather pasty pink is only using this thread lately to stash images on Lit turf, so he can call them up later.

Why doesn't somebody TELL him that there's an easier way? Or at least YELL at him, so he'll be innspired to find an easier, simpler way.

This "stop-gap" solution is most unbecoming. harumph!

Quit whining Bro and post some more pics!

Your Sis
That i will DO, my sweet sister!

Until i am apprehended, then i will be undoubtedly cruelly punished as an example for other who might abuse posting privileges.

At that time someone might describe how if i'd simply "bla bla blahed" i could have avoided my fate.

Maybe i should check "How to..." for instructions as to how you can legally add animated .GIF's or other illustrations to your signature line.

Hmmmm...that might work. The light eventually dawns, BUT it always waits all fuckin' NIGHT before it does so.

P.S. i am SO glad to see the return of the 'fro! Child of the 60's that i am "Hair" was something i always adored. Now hair AND the 60's are just day-glo memories. (and occasional flash-backs) *sigh*

But at least i DO remember!
Re: That i will DO, my sweet sister!

Apprehended? I don't think so. No one wants to know what you'll do when you hear the inevitable line, "Dr. Blue, you're surrounded. Come out!"

The possibilities are mind numbing, and seldom pleasant.

As far as your memory goes, congrats. I can't even get my wife to remember which way to put the toilet paper on the dispenser.

DRxBlue said:
Until i am apprehended, then i will be undoubtedly cruelly punished as an example for other who might abuse posting privileges.

At that time someone might describe how if i'd simply "bla bla blahed" i could have avoided my fate.

Maybe i should check "How to..." for instructions as to how you can legally add animated .GIF's or other illustrations to your signature line.

Hmmmm...that might work. The light eventually dawns, BUT it always waits all fuckin' NIGHT before it does so.

P.S. i am SO glad to see the return of the 'fro! Child of the 60's that i am "Hair" was something i always adored. Now hair AND the 60's are just day-glo memories. (and occasional flash-backs) *sigh*

But at least i DO remember!
Lovely pictures, Blue. I'm so happy that your visit went so well.

And Freya, you are truly very beautiful.

:kiss: to you both.

Eb, I love your av. I really like the Foxxy Cleopatra character, even if Beyonce does pale in comparison to the women referred to in her character name. I want to be reincarnated as Pam Grier in Foxy Brown. She's *still* my model for the sexy, tough woman that takes no shit from anybody.
RisiaSkye said:
Lovely pictures, Blue. I'm so happy that your visit went so well.

And Freya, you are truly very beautiful.

:kiss: to you both.

Eb, I love your av. I really like the Foxxy Cleopatra character, even if Beyonce does pale in comparison to the women referred to in her character name. I want to be reincarnated as Pam Grier in Foxy Brown. She's *still* my model for the sexy, tough woman that takes no shit from anybody.

Thanks! I agree! I LOVE Pam Grier!

Re: That i will DO, my sweet sister!

In the 60's Angela Davis had nothing on Me! I had a righteous 'fro as big as California! And I was just as Domme too, I just didn't know it!


DRxBlue said:
Until i am apprehended, then i will be undoubtedly cruelly punished as an example for other who might abuse posting privileges.

At that time someone might describe how if i'd simply "bla bla blahed" i could have avoided my fate.

Maybe i should check "How to..." for instructions as to how you can legally add animated .GIF's or other illustrations to your signature line.

Hmmmm...that might work. The light eventually dawns, BUT it always waits all fuckin' NIGHT before it does so.

P.S. i am SO glad to see the return of the 'fro! Child of the 60's that i am "Hair" was something i always adored. Now hair AND the 60's are just day-glo memories. (and occasional flash-backs) *sigh*

But at least i DO remember!
I do so love the new av, Ebony.

It just makes me think of you as sassy.

Is that okay for a sub to say to Domme?
Do the "Do" thing!

Did someone mention Angela D?

Ooo..i couldn't aven think about politics when she was on the TV screen. i'd have followed her most anywhere! (but just as a spectator)

Forgot clean about her when i found out that Rosie Greer had a sister. She's glorious to this very day!

Here's the way i remember Angela though.
Gosh Blue, I have been transported back to the 60's.

You post a photo of Angela Davis and it got me to thinking about how different our lives were then.
Yeah, it was...............different all right

To think that in those days, i was a freak, pushing the hair out of my head as fast as i could, but i would have been absolutely "freaked OUT" by most of you people.

Some things wouldn't have been much different though. i still would have been worshipping Ebonyfire. *sigh* i think i must have started in a previous lifetime.

It was cool, but i wouldn't go back. This little creature hadn't even been invented yet.

(shameless picture segue)
Freya is soo beautiful!

Blue I need you here to show me how to use this digital cam better and how to do those little animation things you do.
Angela Davis is a huge inspiration to me, so I guess I've never really thought about her hairstyle...since I have little chance of duplicating it. ;) She's part of the reason I went into academics, actually.

Then she wouldn't admit me to her program at UC Santa Cruz. *sigh* But, she did consult on one of my projects, so all is forgiven. :) I think of her like I think of Dorothy Allison--fucking fierce, in the best possible way.
Re: Re: En garde!


Still unable to make the connection between his headache and his constant gaze at his newfound boobs, Monster's eyes retreat steeply back down to his cleavage even as Dr. Blue, salivating like an extremely well hydrated St. Bernard, approaches.

Meanwhile, Risia's escape progresses as far as the parking lot when she realizes she has a Monster-sized full bladder. She recognizes Dr. Blue’s pink 1971 Ford Pinto (the original exploding model) right up front in the handicapped parking, and decides that since she can now pee standing up, it would be a gas to pee in his window. However, as she fondles her new monster dick, she quickly becomes erect and unable to urinate anywhere near where she is aiming, and fortunately for Dr. Blue, only manages to spray a bit on the door before blasting a few layers of bird poo off a fender and then the windshield. The bad news is that one of the irreplacable special order limited edition Pinto hubcaps is blasted off and sent to the next zip code along with some of the errant spray. With an empty bladder, it dawns on her that she is now very aroused and fully erect, and much more powerful than Dr. Blue, so why is she running? She has plans for Dr. Blue!

Risia arrives back to the lab just as Dr. Blue’s plucks off the g-string the beautiful amazon form before him had been wearing, having already exposed those ample breasts. Monster’s head is ready to explode from the contortions he has imposed on his neck during Dr. Blue’s deliberate, slow process. Dr. Blue has long since removed the ball gag to be sure Risia would not protest, but Monster was so dumbfounded - no - boobdumb, that he neglected to utter anything intelligible. Risia is now furious, and she quickly forgets the plans she had only moments before for Dr. Blue.

monster666 said:
And while Blue is still in a coma, Monster dutifully fetches Risia to the lab. He shackles her to Dr. Blue's brain-switching machine, puts the cap on her head as he had been trained, and considers bringing some ammonia to Dr. Blue to awaken him. But Monster is distracted with Risia's gaze. Through that gaze Monster is suddenly aware that although Risia is rendered physically helpless, she was still well armed with charm and wit. She stares into his beast eyes and whisperes "put that other cap on".

Monster, not knowing why, complies. "Now throw the switch."

Again monster complies, and feels an incredible moment of clarity that vanishes as quickly as it came. Soon, he is watching himself turn the switch off. Monster comes to Monster and gags him, and Monster disappears from the room and wonders where he is going.

How odd. Monster realizes he now has nice boobies. He wants to fondle his newfound boobies, but he's all shackled up. What's going on? Time passes as Monster gets a headache from straining his neck to look down his shirt.

Suddenly Monster is aware of Dr. Blue standing in the archway of his lab/dungeon, and through his foggy gaze, he emits a vibe that Monster finds most uncomfortable. And then Dr. Blue addresses the Monster.. "RisiaSkye... "

Oh shit. Monster hears no more. He realizes his predicament. Monster is in trouble now. Because of the gag, Monster can't even tell Dr. Blue he has a headache.

Scene: Establishing Shot: Dr. Blue's Lab, exterior. A large form, holding a hubcap in one hand and rubbing the back of its head with the other, closes in on the lab. Strange, freakish guardian beasts surge forard towards the figure, we can now tell for certain he's a man.

shift to: over Guardian Beasts' shoulders, looking down at the man. Our first good look at this guy shows that he's on the tall side of average, and stoutly built. His eyebrows threaten to become one over the bridge of his nose as he scowls through his goatee at the pair of them.

SpectreT: Back down, boys.... you don't need to get hurt. I just want to find the moron who whanged me in the back of the head with a 1971 Ford Pinto hubcap. 1971 was a good year; I was born in 1971, a lot of other good things came out of 1971, too. The Pinto wasn't one of them. For good American automotive engineering and craftsmanship, give me a Dodge Dart, any day of the week.

The guardian Beasts look at each other, shrug, and charge the intruder. A muted humming noise is heard, and SpectreT is now walking past the dumbfounded beasts, holding a simple, functional green lightsaber in his left hand. the right cradles the hubcap like a discus. A crackling hum, and the lightsaber blade is extinguished. The guardian beasts fall into four pieces each.

SpectreT: Told ya not to try and fuck with a Jedi on a mission, but would you two listen? Oh, noooo..... If you two had minds, I coulda put a whammy on ya and sent ya back to yer kennels.......Muttering, SpectreT enters the Lab, still carrying the damp hubcap. Damn thing smells like..... Naw, must just be old Ford smell.....
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Thank you, Caroline. I am back only because I've really missed so many good friends here, and wanted to say hello. A few of those good friends have convinced me to give Lit another try. DRxBlue helped put things in perspective with an analogy contained in a PM replying to an earlier one I sent him. Parts of his pearl read as follows:

Actually it's not so bad. It made me sick at first, but the worst has already happened and people actually didn't die from it.

It's a little like having a slaughterhouse built next to your favorite park. It stinks and offends, but when you can get great bacon for $.94/lb you get used to it.

C'mon back! There's still a lot of nice stuff that happens even to the beat of the cattle stunner and the chain sawz.

Nice to hear from ya, bro,

Now I've never met Dr. Blue, never heard his voice, and we've only passed PM's a couple of times, but the part of him he reveals here at Lit makes me want to slit our thumbs and mush 'em together for a short while. He's got class, that DRx Blue. He honors me when he calls me bro.

I'll see how it goes. If I can remain civil and not indulge my propensity to sling muck every time I think it's justified, then perhaps I can stay for a while. I love a row, so it's going to be an uphill battle. I will do my best not to become part of the ongoing fracus here. I've already got SpectreT rattling his lightsaber. I am going to have to do better.

CarolineOh said:
Welcome back Monster!:rose: :rose: :rose:

[edited because in my time away I still haven't learned to type worth a damn]
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Re: Ya know....

DRxBlue said:
Sooner or later the authorities are gonna get wise to what i'm doing here and start charging me for all the dick space and handwidth.

What's THAT? Oh nothing...don't look here

Sorry Blue,...M666 made me do it. Monster,...great to see you posting here again. I thought for a few days,...Blue was gonna go BONKERS for sure! :)
Re: Re: Ya know....

Thank you, Art.

Um, about Blue, he's a good guy, but word is that he's been bonkers for some time. Rumor has it he spends his summers at the funny farm. Trouble is this particular funny farm is a real working farm, there's wild turkeys nearby, and the tractor is always broken. His job is to fix the tractor. Being a musician, he has no clue what to do with an imact wrench, he just has this Tim Taylor attraction to it. He keeps trying to screw turkeys into things with it, and there's a reason he keeps astroglide in his toolbox, and it's not about the rusty kinda nuts on the tractor, if ya know what I mean. If I were you, I'd be careful about being ahead of him when he's sporting that impact wrench.

artful said:

Sorry Blue,...M666 made me do it. Monster,...great to see you posting here again. I thought for a few days,...Blue was gonna go BONKERS for sure! :)
Re: Re: Re: Ya know....

monster666 said:
Thank you, Art.

Um, about Blue, he's a good guy, but word is that he's been bonkers for some time. Rumor has it he spends his summers at the funny farm. Trouble is this particular funny farm is a real working farm, there's wild turkeys nearby, and the tractor is always broken. His job is to fix the tractor. Being a musician, he has no clue what to do with an imact wrench, he just has this Tim Taylor attraction to it. He keeps trying to screw turkeys into things with it, and there's a reason he keeps astroglide in his toolbox, and it's not about the rusty kinda nuts on the tractor, if ya know what I mean. If I were you, I'd be careful about being ahead of him when he's sporting that impact wrench.

Well,...I know whatcha mean THERE,...thanks for the warning,...but what REALLY scares me is that dick space and handwidth he has been referring to.
:D :D :D :D
monster, i'm SOOOOO glad that you decided to come back here, and give it another try.. you have been SO missed here (especially by me)!!!
by the way, i already let the proverbial cat out of the bag, and told everyone that i had a crush on you, and Blue.. so, no need to keep it secret anymore. hehe :p
if you need anything, i mean ANYTHING, you let me know, ok??
luv ya!!!