I Trust My Magic 8-Ball!

RisiaSkye said:

I let them beat me at chess. It tricks them into letting their guard down. ;)
Lousy as I am at chess, and having read your posts quite avidly for quite some time, this would make me immediately suspicious...... thoughts like Okay, what just happened? What's she trying to pull? Maybe I should tell her that just talking to her is stoking my ego more than enough... Hm... maybe she was just distracted....

And around and around such thoughts would go.

But that's just me. :D
I really do need glasses....

I thought you were saying "I Let them beat me chest"

While I wasn't really sure exactly what that meant, it still made a lot of sense to me. That would work.

RisiaSkye said:

I let them beat me at chess. It tricks them into letting their guard down. ;)
SpectreT said:
Lousy as I am at chess, and having read your posts quite avidly for quite some time, this would make me immediately suspicious...... thoughts like Okay, what just happened? What's she trying to pull? Maybe I should tell her that just talking to her is stoking my ego more than enough... Hm... maybe she was just distracted....

And around and around such thoughts would go.

But that's just me. :D
And, in the ensuing confusion, I wrest you away from SierraMoon. See, you're getting it now... ;)

And, monster: I loves ya, babe, but you're not beating my chest. Not unless you figure out how to get back into my body and do it in a masturbatory way. :D

Great story, btw.
RisiaSkye said:

I let them beat me at chess. It tricks them into letting their guard down. ;)
hmmm, i wouldn't have to "let" them beat me.... i can't play chess... at all, so i'm an easy target guys!! hehe

Hmm, is the real Risia, (in monster's body) still running around with that erection?? shouldn't be letting that go to waste, hon.. :p

i agree with Risia, monster, great story... and quite a shock to see my name included in it!! 1 question tho... maybe i just really enjoy "bushes"... is that such a bad thing?? :D
WillowPuss said:

Allowing them to skunk you occasionally also works
as does losing by a gammon.

(The trick is ... not looking as if you are playing to lose!)

I heard an interview on NPR once witha woman who is a professional poker player in Las Vegas. She said her secret to success was that she intentionally did something incredibly stupid about once every ten hands, purposefuly losing. She could then win hand after hand, but the men she was playing with would only remember the stupid mistake and refuse to take her seriously, so she could bluff them successfully all night long.
I believe it. When I was 19, I was traveling with my girlfriend to her school in New Jersey. She was driving my car because I had worked a late shift and needed some rest before I could drive safely. Before I put my head back for some much needed sleep, I warned her that more than likely she'd have to watch the speedo, otherwise she'd end up going much faster than she thought.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, she was shaking me "Wake up. I think I am getting a ticket."

I looked up to see flashing red lights reflecting in the instrument panel and a speedo reading 95 MPH. I tell her to pull over, and she does.

She was a beautiful woman with an ample chest, which was adjusted well before the cop came to the car window. Before he could ask for license and registration, she turned on the water works, and started blubbering something about not having any money and she was just a poor college student and how her father would kill her if he knew and omg, those poor starving kids in Ethiopia. Everything, she threw the entire book at him; and it was shameless. She had this shit down to an artform.

He finally had the opportunity to ask for her driver's license and reg, and asked if it was her car, and she said it was not, he left for his cruiser and took a few minutes to write up a ticket. When he came back, he handed her a $100.00 ticket for unsafe tires on my car, and her name was nowhere on the ticket! He just said something to the effect of "Have a nice day and take it easy."

She dabbed her eyes, put on a shit eating grin, handed me my ticket, and took off at 80 mph. And my tires were not unsafe.

CarolineOh said:

I heard an interview on NPR once witha woman who is a professional poker player in Las Vegas. She said her secret to success was that she intentionally did something incredibly stupid about once every ten hands, purposefuly losing. She could then win hand after hand, but the men she was playing with would only remember the stupid mistake and refuse to take her seriously, so she could bluff them successfully all night long.
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