I will never understand...

Black Tulip said:

All students deserve a C.
Big mouths get an F.
Bringing flowers and candy gets you an A.

Man, you really didn't pay attention did you? ;)
Huh? Who wasn't paying attention? Attention to what? I wasn't asleep, honest.


Fifty years ago, my elementary school education prepared me for exactly what I'm doing today . . . looking through windows. ;)
I got some very kind feedback on this story from a number of the AH regs. (Thank you again :kiss: ) Black Tulip brought up an interesting point concerning this story. There are very negative comments about the affair in Iraq. Although the comments were meant only as background to the emotional status the main character a number of people have taken them as my personal position even though that was not my intention. I chose to use the "Iraqi Freedom" only because it is something that the reader would know about and connect with.

As I said before, I would not expect the average Lit reader to be too happy about a "Sexless, Girly" story anyway. What I've noticed since I've been tracking the votes since yesterday afternoon is that there are few 2', 3's and 4's, but there are many 1's and 5's.

Note to Laurel: I'm not mad. I understand the disparity between emotional reactions to this story because of the above issues. :kiss:

This actually brings up some very interesting thoughts about laying out a story to create either positive or negative responses.

Still Laughing :D
Jenny :kiss::kiss:
No offense Laurel...

Jenny _S said:
I got some very kind feedback on this story from a number of the AH regs. (Thank you again :kiss: ) Black Tulip brought up an interesting point concerning this story. There are very negative comments about the affair in Iraq. Although the comments were meant only as background to the emotional status the main character a number of people have taken them as my personal position even though that was not my intention. I chose to use the "Iraqi Freedom" only because it is something that the reader would know about and connect with.

As I said before, I would not expect the average Lit reader to be too happy about a "Sexless, Girly" story anyway. What I've noticed since I've been tracking the votes since yesterday afternoon is that there are few 2', 3's and 4's, but there are many 1's and 5's.

Note to Laurel: I'm not mad. I understand the disparity between emotional reactions to this story because of the above issues. :kiss:

This actually brings up some very interesting thoughts about laying out a story to create either positive or negative responses.

Still Laughing :D
Jenny :kiss::kiss:


The truth is, the voting system here at lit is pretty useless. After all, a 5 is cut to the quick with a 1 because of the averaging system here those two votes equal a 3.0. Add another 5 and you still only have a score of 3.666666666. A radical jump upwards but not enough to give you a red H, right? And so it goes throughout the process. To me, no one deserves a 1 vote. I mean just for submitting their work they've earned a 2, or 3. And no story is ever a perfect 5 either, or it would be in print, and making money. By allowing the general public to vote though, you get every radical thought process on the planet, and all of their quirks as well. If it were me in charge, I'd elliminate a 5 with every 1 vote equally. By counting all the 1 votes, and elliminating them with an equal number of 5 votes you'd have a more realistic voting average for every story. If there are more 1's than 5's then you leave what's left of the 1's in there. You see if there are more 1's than 5's then there will also be a lot more 2, and 3 votes also. If there are more 5's than 1's there will be far more 4 votes as well. And why? Because the stories deserved them. I'm sure the computer could be made to do this, but I'm also equally sure that it will never happen here.

Now Laurel does a fantastic job of weeding out the double, triple, and so forth fan, or snert dippers, but there's absolutely no excuse for the heavy handed, and very sly members of literotica who vote 1's just out of spite for whatever personal reasons, or agendas that they have. And don't be naive, people are people. So to my way of thinking if the vote is meant for the general public, then Literotica writers shouldn't be allowed to vote on any of the stories in these contests at all, right?.... So that any member who has submited a story is automatically put on a list, or whatever for not being allowed to vote on stories by the computer. This could be done by the computer on a monthly basis, or after the voting is over for a contest so that if they didn't write a story during the next contest period they'd be allowed to vote during that time.

Hey, people are people no matter how they act on the boards, or in real life they are biased by their own predjudices of their own minds about thier own story's worth. In the privacy of our own minds, only we know how we will vote, no matter what we say to others. And it only takes a few like minded individuals to sway the voting average on any story.

In fact to be honest, I am suspicious of those who say they back out of a story without voting. Okay, maybe some do, but maybe they don't. After all if they opened the story of a competitor on purpose why wouldn't they vote knowing full well that this story is in competion with their own story. And even if the story is better than theirs they could easily crush it with just one 1 vote. As I said, people are people, and just because we like someone doesn't mean that they AREN'T full of bull, does it? After all, all we know about each other here is what we see here, and as I've come to realize saddly enough, that can be easily manipulated too.

Is there any perfect voting system? No, but like I said, this one could be tweaked a little bit to make it more accurate.


PS: Yes, I know I'm going to hear all of those silly, sappy "Well! I'd never's!" And also be endlessly lectured by those who just want to bury this reply so that fewer people will take notice of it, and really think about it. But hey, people are people, right?
Personally, I'm glad to see a thread bitching about voting. We hadn't had one for about a month, and it was making me nervous.
Dear MG,

3 to 5 days normally. Depending on rain up to a week. Except for Holiday Stories. Those are approved the same day.

Yeahhhhhhhhh Laurel :)
Mathgirl, I'm not starting a new thread, but I was getting the DT's by not seeing the subject brought up recently.

So, nothing's perfect.

And because of the large number of story submittals, single digit (one significant figure) scoring on this site takes three significant figures to establish the necessary separation when posting the "differences" between similarly scored stories.

I believe a lot of time (too much) is spent by authors fretting about the accuracy of vote reporting, like 4.85 vs. 4.55 when, in fact, this result is practically a "5" in either case (Excellent!); or if it's 4.15 vs. 4.44, the result, again, in either case, is practically a "4" (Good). Remember, the reader that cast the vote only had the benefit of one significant figure in mind (a 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1). So when votes are tallied and reported as 4.87 or 4.25 or 2.64, the majority of the readers were really thinking simply 5, 4, or 3, respectively.

We should too--we should mentally "round" scores to that single digit score and think no more about it. Accuracy can't be added to a single digit scoring system, even though it looks like that is what is happening when the averages are reported. Reporting an average of 4.3333 doesn't mean anything more here, on Lit, than a 4.33, or better still, than approximately 4. And it doesn't get much better than that!

Lit could just as well just "round" a story's voting to the nearest significant figure (just a "5" or a "4", etc.) and show the results that way. But they show the results of the calculations to aid in the numerical sorting in the listingss by revealing the calculated averages, but that's all they are--calculations. For the average writer/contributor here, two decimal accuracy is really not that important. It can't be. The calculated results, if they were reported scientifically, have--at best--single digit accuracy.

With that said, and beyond the numbers and math, I still happen to be a fan of Lit's 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 subjective system (Best, Good, Average, Poor, Failing/Awful): a very familiar hierarchy we've known since school. It's simple and easy to use for one very important human element that insures interaction with this site (and the hit rate): our readers.
I'm very sorry, Mr. Rumple Foreskin

But it appears that even though I entered this contest somewhat early on, with the incredible proliferation of 1's I feel myself a shoe-in for the last place award. :D
What are competitors.

I read about writers having "competitors" on this site. What is the competition for. I write stories, post them, and sometimes look to see how they are being received. I read stories by other writers and sometimes I vote, but it is an honest vote. If I have a story that is rated aroung 4.8, I feel good about it because I now people are enjoying it. The lowest ranking I have is about 3.8, which isn't all that bad. I suppose I am competing with myself, to see how much I can improve, but that has nothing to do with any other writers.

The competition currently under discussion is the Holiday-5th Anniversary writing contest. In the text on the Lit Home page, you'll find a link to the contest rules. Both there, and on the Story Index page, you'll find links to a list of all the contest entries.

Check it out. If you have any questions, send me a PM.

Rumple Foreskin
Rumple Foreskin said:
[BIf you have any questions, send me a PM.[/B]
Hey, Rumpzilla, if I have any questions, can I send you a PM, or do I need a special invite?

curious Perdita :rolleyes:
Re: I'm very sorry, Mr. Rumple Foreskin

Jenny _S said:
But it appears that even though I entered this contest somewhat early on, with the incredible proliferation of 1's I feel myself a shoe-in for the last place award. :D

My story was one-d a lot in the past two days. I'm in the running too. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :p
Re: Re: I'm very sorry, Mr. Rumple Foreskin

damppanties said:
My story was one-d a lot in the past two days. I'm in the running too. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :p

This is one of the reasons that I refuse to enter the special contests here at lit. Why bother, the damn thing is rigged, and I don't mean by Laurel either. Want to make it fair? Everybody go and 1 vote all of the stories that have a red H to them just before the contest is over with. LOL That'll make it fair.


Okay, so I'm being a bitch. Sorry, but I've got the cramps something awful this month.
We really all owe Laurel an applause. Twice yesterday she cleaned out the spurious votes on my story. To me this means two things. First she is trying hard to make the contest fair. And for that, Laurel, a grand heartfelt "THANK YOU".

Second it is the same individuals doing this over and over again. Why? Got me. It seems to me there is a lot more important productive things to do than attempting to trash these stories.

I've read Damppanties story. In no way does that deserve a one vote. In fact, I've read all of the stories and voted on all the stories entered in the contest. None of them deserve to be trashed in this way.
Does any story here deserve a one vote? Just submitting would get a two from me. AND feedback!

Back to the trashing. Me thinks the trolls have gotten smarter. Now they're giving 2 votes. :( I don't think the 2 votes get cleaned out, so the story is hurt a little even though not as much as a one would hurt it.

Another thing. Have your other stories' ratings gone down or is it just me? I lost two of my Hs since the contest started - i.e. this past week. :(
Originally posted by ProofreadManx Mathgirl, I'm not starting a new thread, but I was getting the DT's by not seeing the subject brought up recently. I believe a lot of time (too much) is spent by authors fretting about the accuracy of vote reporting, like 4.85 vs. 4.55
Dear PM,
Several months ago, I did a statistical analysis of voting on this site and posted the results here. I'm sure it was widely ignored, and deservedly so.

The results, in essence, inticated that there actually is NO valid difference betwen a vote of 4.55 and 4.85. I think that's more or less what you're saying.

damppanties said:

Another thing. Have your other stories' ratings gone down or is it just me? I lost two of my Hs since the contest started - i.e. this past week. :(

Yes DP. I had and "H" on a story that barely was a 4.50 with only 12 votes. Been like that for months. Yesterday it dropped to a 4.47.

The trolls are having lots of fun.

But... I don't agree about them getting smarter. Laurel seems to be cleaning out all double posts including 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s. Not just 1s.

I think the whole thing is rather sad really.
perdita said:
Hey, Rumpzilla, if I have any questions, can I send you a PM, or do I need a special invite?

curious Perdita :rolleyes:

You can PM me anytime, anyplace, for anything.

MathGirl said:
Dear PM,
Several months ago, I did a statistical analysis of voting on this site and posted the results here. I'm sure it was widely ignored, and deservedly so.

The results, in essence, inticated that there actually is NO valid difference betwen a vote of 4.55 and 4.85. I think that's more or less what you're saying.


Dear MathGirl,

Yes, that is more or less what I was saying. Sorry, I missed your thread on the subject, MG. Glad to know there was someone else that looked at this subject seriously.

Fantasizing about normal curves and standard deviations, I'm off six-sigma-perving for MG's posts on the matter.

Manxy :D
ProofreadManx said:
[B Glad to know there was someone else that looked at this subject seriously. [/B]
Dear Tailless cat,
In case you can't find it, I posed a hypothetical voting pattern for two different stories. The votes were very similar to the pattern of my own stories.

Using both a Chi-square analysis and Student's t-test, I found that the probability of the two scores being equal was >0.10. Probably about 0.15.

Given the small sample and limited range of voting possibilities, votes here don't really mean much unless you're comparing a story with, for example, a 2.5 average and one with a 4.5 average.

Standardly deviant,