I wish....

I wish for a million dollars and a day off. Since that won't happen,
I wish that I will have someone to keep me warm tonight.

Jester- don't you hate when wishes come true- the end result is the pits!
I wish everyone would leave me the fuck alone and let me do whatever i want... (Except Sinful_Whispers, your posts are greatly enjoyed and i am glad you PM'd me.)

:D *smiles as I read this* Thank you dahlin' Tis always nice to be appreciated which you already know and that I'm thee exception to the rule!

*dances about* :kiss:
I wish I could breathe better through my nose.

I wish communication via the internet wasn't so cryptic.

I wish I could just be myself without having to worry.
MissDragonfly, Please don't worry. We love you as you are! I'll try not to be too cryptic, but ya never can tell how it reads from the other end. Can't help with your nose...
I wish I did not have the sniffles.
I wish I did not have to work and cancel my fishing trip this weekend.

I did get one wish from yesterday- today it is sunny and 50 degrees!
I wish the power would come back on.

I wish the cold weather would go somewhere else until it does. :rolleyes:
I wish to report that my wish is granted, yet again. I have electricity!!!!!

I also wish school would be in session tomorrow.
I wish he would come home and give me good news from the doctor.
I wish I wouldn't waste so much time, thought and energy on things - only to have them turn out to have been a complete waste. (sigh)
Ok so I'm having one of those days when I have a lot of wishes. If you have some of your own please feel free.

I wish that we could have one day a year or so that is a "I'm a nymph" day. When all of the people who really just love sex and all its wonders can just admit it to the world. Then you'd know who really enjoyed it and who didn't without being afraid in public to express yourself.

or to even ask for sex. i hate people who beat around the bush, or make me feel as if i have to to keep from offending some people's silly sensibilities.
I wish for a fresh start somewhere else so I can be the person I am today. As one of my favorite songs says "The old me is dead and gone away". I wish I weren't so far away........