If women thought like men...

BlackSnake said:
I really believe it's true.

Imagine a woman with the desire to rule the world. She grabs a guy from a group of men and hides his dong. Before his buddy can react, she has his pecker in her mouth. Two minutes and she is leading them over to a small group of men. She jumps the strongest of the man (Samaria strategy) and gets him off while working on the other men. A deer passes by and she points to it. What do you think will happen? How many of the men do you think will go hunting for the deer to bring it to her feet?
I know what this man would do. He would go see if he could find a sane woman somewhere else.

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BlackSnake said:
Remember, men use to jerk off at the sight of a woman's ankles.

And they don't still? Do you think KM is showing off her shoes? Hell, if I were alone right now............
Groucho Marx said, "If women really dressed to please men, the stores wouldn't sell much. Just an occasional sun visor."

I have never yet hung out with a man who cared a snap whether a woman carried a few extra pounds or made some designer's fortune. It's women who snipe at each other for not living up to the fashion magazine ideal. Most men do not have a clue what is in style, and do not like their women to look like adolescent boys with tits. She can dress from the thrift store and never throw her shadow over the cosmetics counter, and most men are happy just to be with her. They don't even check to see if she shaves her legs higher than her hemline.

Men who do notice such things are looking for a status symbol, and they can tell which chicken is the highest in the FEMALE pecking order. If I take special care with my outfit and grooming on any given day, it's to get on the good side of other women. If I want to get my hubby's attention, I take an entirely different tack.

Madame Manga said:
Groucho Marx said, "If women really dressed to please men, the stores wouldn't sell much. Just an occasional sun visor."

I have never yet hung out with a man who cared a snap whether a woman carried a few extra pounds or made some designer's fortune. It's women who snipe at each other for not living up to the fashion magazine ideal. Most men do not have a clue what is in style, and do not like their women to look like adolescent boys with tits. She can dress from the thrift store and never throw her shadow over the cosmetics counter, and most men are happy just to be with her. They don't even check to see if she shaves her legs higher than her hemline.

Men who do notice such things are looking for a status symbol, and they can tell which chicken is the highest in the FEMALE pecking order. If I take special care with my outfit and grooming on any given day, it's to get on the good side of other women. If I want to get my hubby's attention, I take an entirely different tack.


Why aren't women ruling the world? They clearly have the power.
OK, the Rude Dude's here now with his tuppence worth!

"If women thought like men":

They'd realise en-masse what exactly it is they have, as a power over us men, and use it to the advantage of all.

The world would be a much better place, and we'd all be happy 'cos we'd all get lots of what we like!

And if you don't get the more direct translation, please ask!

I think like a man, but unlike men I know when not to act like one.

Funny the comment I often hear is:

"Don't you ever think? You are such a man."
The_Fool said:
"Don't you ever think? You are such a man."
I've never heard that, Fool. I often need to tell a man to stop thinking.

perdita said:
I've never heard that, Fool. I often need to tell a man to stop thinking.


You reminded me of something I heard that a female comedian said. I can't remember how she set it up but I remember the line, "...cut off his penis, how would he ever think again?"
Hmmmmmmm, Interesting concept

Your question asks if more woen thought like men. My question would be if more people thought. Then the answer would be there would be far fewer problems in this here world.
However the questions still remains, if more women thought like men what would the result be? The result would be more spontaniouse sex, and fewer fake emotional outbursts. A man thinks with his prick, (Creat more children for the tribe.) and a women thinks with her emotions. (Protect the children so the tribe goes on.) Evolutionarily this has worked. (Look how many people there are in this world right now.) Maybe it's time to change the rules a bit, make it so both think with both emotions and sex. Wouldn't that be fun?

The_Fool said:
Funny the comment I often hear is:

"Don't you ever think? You are such a man."

"As Good As It Gets" was on TV the other night. A fawning female fan asks Jack Nicholson's character - a pulp fiction writer -

"How do you write women so well?"

Nicholson snarls, "I think of a man, and then I subtract reason and accountability."

Only Nicholson can get away with that and still leave me liking him.

shereads said:
"As Good As It Gets" was on TV the other night. A fawning female fan asks Jack Nicholson's character - a pulp fiction writer -

"How do you write women so well?"

Nicholson snarls, "I think of a man, and then I subtract reason and accountability."

Only Nicholson can get away with that and still leave me liking him.


I like Jack and that movie, but...... One of my relatives was very cruel to me while I was growing up. My mother called to tell me that he was in the hospital and it was a matter of time. The only thing that kept coming to mind is "...you're mean son-of-a-bitch. I'm glad you're dead! Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm glad you're dead!" (I'm kinda passive aggressive). The first Batman Movie.
shereads said:
"As Good As It Gets" was on TV the other night. A fawning female fan asks Jack Nicholson's character - a pulp fiction writer -

"How do you write women so well?"

Nicholson snarls, "I think of a man, and then I subtract reason and accountability."


On the flipside:

I could be a man. All I have to do is forget everything I know about common sence and decency.

sweetnpetite said:
On the flipside:

I could be a man. All I have to do is forget everything I know about common sence and decency.


Not every man is cut from that mold, sweetie
Theres quite a bit of faulty logic going on here. I lived with a man, we had sex all the time and I still had to take the garbage out. Men who are getting what they want don't automatically serve there women like goddesses. this is just something men want us to think.

Also I have a guy right now who wants sex less than I do and I've seen lots of women on lit with the same problem.

I do think like men in some ways, and especially enough to know bull when I see it. Also, when I thought like a man and decided I could be a 'player' too, it didn't work out particularly well for me in the end. Women don't think like men because women our not men. The consequenses of our actions are much different from yours.

Perhaps you mean to say that if woman understood how men think, they would know that you are all slaves to pussy and [if we acted more like men] would ruthlessly use it to our advantage. I could see that to be true. However, I don't think that the way to motivate you all would be to cator to your every sexual desire. Men are motivated by sex (and food) so if you just give it to them for nothing, they have no motivation.
BlackSnake said:

Not every man is cut from that mold, sweetie

You seem to have painted women with a fairly broad brush as well.

BlackSnake said:

It appears that women haven't a clue the power they will, so instead they fall victim to the fantasies of men; starving themselves, so their spins poke out their backs to look like a plastic toy; wearing shoes that are to tight, so their feet might look small; and walking around in the dead of winter wearing a mini dress (just seen it) to get the attention of a guy who only pretends to ignore her, because she is trying to get his attention.

If women thought like men they could look any way they wanted and still have men at their feet. Remember, men use to jerk off at the sight of a woman's ankles.
sweetnpetite said:
Men who are getting what they want don't automatically serve there women like goddesses.

Men who are getting what they want may not automatically serve their women like goddesses, but some men who get more than they expected sure know how to say thank you. :)


I see where you're coming from BlackSnake. :)
sweetnpetite said:

Perhaps you mean to say that if woman understood how men think, they would know that you are all slaves to pussy and [if we acted more like men] would ruthlessly use it to our advantage. I could see that to be true. However, I don't think that the way to motivate you all would be to cator to your every sexual desire. Men are motivated by sex (and food) so if you just give it to them for nothing, they have no motivation.

Sweetie, you got it on the head.

I've wanted to say to you for ages, and it goes hand in hand with the fact that the statement you make in your "Location" is outstandingly correct.

There was a quote once, and I can't remember who said it, but it was something along the lines of:

"To most satisfy a man, you only need two skills: be a Gourmet in the kitchen and a Whore in the bedroom!"

Certainly for my part, a woman who had those two attributes would be forgiveable for pretty much anything else!

In the ideal and very rude world of this dude of course!
sweetnpetite said:
You seem to have painted women with a fairly broad brush as well.

Yes I did, because unless she had some mishaps, she has what a men want.

Now, about you taking out the garbage. You showed him what you expected of him from the beginning. Don't think he will ever change from that. I'm thinking maybe that you let him know that you wanted him and not the other way around.