If you could get one of your stories made into a film, which one would it be?

My Erotic Horror story series 'Crazy Cornelius & the Magic Pills' set in 1998 would make for a great road/horror/dark comedy movie that travels through Sydney, various regional cities and towns in New South Wales and Canberra. But it is so politically incorrect that the chances of this would be close to absolute zero.
Cuckold Camp could be a TV show, each chapter an episode, or just about. Not sure how that adaptation would work, or how I would find a girl pretty enough to play Eleanor who would actually do it.
For me, the short answer is pretty much any of them. Again, in my case, the reason I write them is because it is what I would like to see in other forms of porn. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't write it. (Yeah, I don't really push myself as a writer. That's not why I do it.)

So call me narrow but there are common themes that run through all of my stories. They are all consentual. There are reasons why the characters have sex. I try to be sensual and erotic, not just sexual. I try to include the stimulation of all the senses, not just the description of what is happening (visual) and how it feels (touch).

Not a criticism of other writers that have far more breadth in their work but that's the reason why I would just love to see any of my stories made it a film.

OK. Maybe that wasn't a very short answer but here is the longer one....

Not all of my stories have a literary sense to them. They don't have enough of a structure to support an ongoing plot but there are a few that do or at least the initial premise could be expanded out. Those that might are:

After the Exes: A New Beginning
This may become a series. It is about a couple that meet again after many years and what it is like to begin a new relationship at a mature age.

The "Angel" series
The experiences of a couple at a very fancy resort.

Pussy House - 1972
Oh this one would be fun. It is a story about a young college fellow with all the immature attitudes about sex and women flavored by the setting of the early 70's.

Veronica's Story
This is a favorite of mine from a writing standpoint. It's about a stripper, dissillusioned by her work experiences, finds someone that she can open up too. This story might be the third act of the film but it would be fun to write what lead up to it.
Good enough to bump. Loved the comments so far, that's loaded up my 'read later' list for a while.

If I could ever finish it I'd rewrite Lisa and Polly as a screenplay, including elements from its spin-off, The Sculptor.

I know who I'd want to play Polly, just someone I know. She's not an actress, let alone a porn actress (so far as I know), but I wrote the story for her in the first place so the pay would just have to be good enough to persuade her.
A story I posted here Patent Pending https://literotica.com/s/patent-pending WAS made into a movie. I found out when the agent for the "amateur porn star" e-mailed me out of the blue asking if I was willing to write a sequel to the story so that they could film that as well. At NO point did this babe or her spokeshole offer me actual MONEY for my efforts. She was selling the films for forty bucks a pop. They also refused to provide me with a copy of the naked babe's film. I obtained a copy from a Gray market" source and damn if it doesn't repeat whole sections of my dialog and situations. The plot is a horny older scientist shrinks the sexy wife of his boss and holds her as a tiny hostage until the boss promises that the boss will break his current mercenary contract to ensure that the inventor gets nearly all the money from his patent. While he has her tiny and vulnerable, he does "things" to her. Naked porn star came up with a giant phallus. You get the idea. I talked to a lawyer who said, even though I had an excellent case, plagiarism cases are hard to prove and expensive to litigate and I probably would not get much if I won. I thought at least forcing them to give me a screen credit would have been nice. I still can't get over the audacity of asking for a gratis story that they intended to monetize. It really was "Amateur Hour" all the way around. Needless to say, I never wrote the sequel.
There are two I would love to see made into a movie.

1. Rivkah's Awakening - While this story is very sexy it also an extremely romantic love story. I have never seen a love story like this. It has a coming of age quality that I just adore.

2.. Mom's Hidden Box - This one I would like to be made because it combines my love of latex and incest (like a lot of my stories do). I have yet to see a video that combines these two fetishes and I think this is one of my hottest stories.