Illinois bans sales and possession of semi-automatic firearms

He didn't call me out. He posted a comment that didn't have anything to do with what I posted, which is quite typical of the old curmudgeon suffering from Biden Syndrome.

I am rarely wrong. You on the other hand are a completely different story.
So funny you think you are rarely wrong. Sedition? None eh?

Illinois Judge Issues Second Block on ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban​

By Caden Pearson
February 4, 2023Updated: February 4, 2023

An Illinois judge issued a second temporary restraining order on Thursday against a ban on so-called “assault weapons” and magazines that hold more than 12 rounds.

The lawsuit (pdf), filed by 1,690 plaintiffs against Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-Ill.) in January, argued that the Protect Illinois Communities Act (HB 5471) violated multiple clauses in the Illinois Constitution, including the single subject rule, three readings clause, due process clause, and equal protection clause.

White County Resident Circuit Judge T. Scott Webb dismissed the first three allegations but ruled in favor of the plaintiffs on the fourth claim, the violation of the equal protection clause. Webb noted that since there is no legislative history for the court to review regarding how the legislature chose who to exempt from the ban, “this Court finds that the Act fails to meet the standard.”

“To this end, this Court finds that the Plaintiffs have established a protectable right and are likely to succeed on the merits,” he wrote in his ruling (pdf).
You mean that Chinese newspaper is your news source?
You mean that Chinese newspaper is your news source?
It's an anti-Communist newspaper founded by a Chinese man but headquartered in New York and has established offices in 35 countries. That aside the article contains a link to the .pdf file of the court's decision. So why don't you read that before you try and imply the article is false based on your personal racism?
The states that are passing these laws are basically engaging in "Attorney Full Employment Acts." Considering the scope of the Bruen decision there's no way in hell those laws are going to pass judicial muster, but by golly they keep trying. The ATF is getting its ass handed to it on multiple fronts as well. It appears that the days of blank check "Chevron Deference" are over.
The states that are passing these laws are basically engaging in "Attorney Full Employment Acts." Considering the scope of the Bruen decision there's no way in hell those laws are going to pass judicial muster, but by golly they keep trying. The ATF is getting its ass handed to it on multiple fronts as well. It appears that the days of blank check "Chevron Deference" are over.
These states defying the SCOTUS are going to be paying a lot of damages and attorney fees in federal courts
It is unenforceable nowadays, anyway, whatever one thinks of gun laws in the abstract. Personally, I don’t trust the existing regime with a monopoly on lethal force myself, corrupt and increasingly authoritarian as the government at all levels has become. Illiberal democracy, here we come. Also, when civilization collapses, everyone will wish that they still possessed such heavy ordnance.