In the Garden of Light and Shadow...

"I know you're there, Detective, you should come in. There's no need to stand in the hall like a voyeur. You have questions, I have answers, but they'll come at a price..."
What an incredible photograph. The lighting, the composition.. and, of course, the subject. All very sensual. Thank you for sharing.

"I know you're there, Detective, you should come in. There's no need to stand in the hall like a voyeur. You have questions, I have answers, but they'll come at a price..."
That should be a fun interrogation. ;)
Btw, they look absolutely mouth-watering!
I miss you is the saddest
Most beautiful love song ever heard. Vulnerability incarnate.
Heart laid bare.
- Kirk Diedrich

View attachment 2390174
Normally I'd try for a funny quip with a bit of innuendo but the overwhelming thought that came to mind is in this shot your breast looks magnificent and deeply alluring.

The pose and composition put it dead center, which magically draws the eye in and makes the mouth open in anticipation of what it wants to do next.

Room for two ???
I might be able to scoot over... maybe...
Normally I'd try for a funny quip with a bit of innuendo but the overwhelming thought that came to mind is in this shot your breast looks magnificent and deeply alluring.

The pose and composition put it dead center, which magically draws the eye in and makes the mouth open in anticipation of what it wants to do next.

What's this? What's this?! A post without quip, innuendo, or rhyme?! Are you feeling okay? Being held against your will and forced to type?! Two smiles for yes, one frown for no. I'll send help! 😲

Thanks, darlin'. It wasn't the photo I had planned to take but it worked out for the best. Sometimes failure leads to achievement.
What's this? What's this?! A post without quip, innuendo, or rhyme?! Are you feeling okay? Being held against your will and forced to type?! Two smiles for yes, one frown for no. I'll send help! 😲

Thanks, darlin'. It wasn't the photo I had planned to take but it worked out for the best. Sometimes failure leads to achievement.
I guess no one's ever mentioned to you before that older men sometimes have performance issues that keep us from living up to expectations. It will pass.

Not being held against my will but I'm sure MsI would love to tie me to the bed and snap a picture of two. Just ask her nicely. 😉 I mean 😦.

Failing up is how many people get ahead though I struggle to call that picture a failure. It was more like an unexpected surprise or a diamond in the rough. You like it a little rough, right?

I miss you is the saddest
Most beautiful love song ever heard. Vulnerability incarnate.
Heart laid bare.
- Kirk Diedrich

View attachment 2390174
It seems like that sad love song made you swoon, but I hope it’s not your swoon (🦢) song. Anything I can do to cheer you up - some cuddles?

Somehow it reminds me of a Hamilton Pool song, Shadowbox:
“A true companion is warm and tender when it’s cold outside.
I yearn for you; I know you yearn for me.
I burn for you; in turn you burn for me.”