In the Garden of Light and Shadow...

It must have been a long day for there not to be the slightest of wise rack! Go shower and topple into bed. Sleep well. 😘
Oh, there had been a wisecrack in my mind, but it would have spoiled the mood, so I just left it there. Astonishing self-control, huh?
Thanks for the concern; I’m somewhat rested and refreshed, but it’ll be another demanding day. I’ll stop back when I can.
Man eater?! Me?! I've never been called such a thing before. As for being in charge, well.. at times, I don't mind talking the shots, even if it's from the bottom. 😜
Not a man eater? Huh. Note to Self: JAF does not subscribe to oral reciprocity.

Funny, l read talking as taking and that changed the nuance of the entire second sentence. Note to Self: JAF talks shots from the bottom and doesn't take shots on the bottom.


"I know you're there, Detective, you should come in. There's no need to stand in the hall like a voyeur. You have questions, I have answers, but they'll come at a price..."

"I know you're there, Detective, you should come in. There's no need to stand in the hall like a voyeur. You have questions, I have answers, but they'll come at a price..."
The detectived paused. Then he said, "listen dollface, I'm willing to pay your price but it will take everything you've got. I'll ravage you until you're left tired and spent and then you'll still beg for more. And when we're done and you've given me what i want, you'll beg me to ravage you again until we fall asleep and dont wake up until the sun shines through and kisses you're lovely face..."

"I know you're there, Detective, you should come in. There's no need to stand in the hall like a voyeur. You have questions, I have answers, but they'll come at a price..."
"I like being a voyeur with my erection in my hand looking at your sexy exposed body. I'm curious, what's the price?"
A very sexy and erotic pic! :love:
Then I have everything you need
😆 Big talk with nothing to back it up...
The detectived paused. Then he said, "listen dollface, I'm willing to pay your price but it will take everything you've got. I'll ravage you until you're left tired and spent and then you'll still beg for more. And when we're done and you've given me what i want, you'll beg me to ravage you again until we fall asleep and dont wake up until the sun shines through and kisses you're lovely face..."

Where did I put my badge...
You forgot to buy a new one at the local party supply store.
I’ve got just the right key for that lock. 😏
This isn't quite the same scenario from Ghostbusters-- No gatekeeper or key master. Think more along the lines of a Detective and a Girl Friday gone bad.
"I like being a voyeur with my erection in my hand looking at your sexy exposed body. I'm curious, what's the price?"
A very sexy and erotic pic! :love:
There's no price, but you have the wrong door. You're looking for the girl next door. 😆
"I know you're there, Detective, you should come in. There's no need to stand in the hall like a voyeur. You have questions, I have answers, but they'll come at a price..."
Dames. In my experience they came in two kinds. The ones you like that don't like you and the ones that like you that you don't like. This one was something new. I'm not sure if I liked her or she liked me but it was clear she knew what she liked and what she wanted. I'm not worried about the price however I am worried about the pair of guns she's packing and clearly knows how to use. Then again, chasing cheating spouses around town gets old. Maybe it's time to become someone else's case.
Dames. In my experience they came in two kinds. The ones you like that don't like you and the ones that like you that you don't like. This one was something new. I'm not sure if I liked her or she liked me but it was clear she knew what she liked and what she wanted. I'm not worried about the price however I am worried about the pair of guns she's packing and clearly knows how to use. Then again, chasing cheating spouses around town gets old. Maybe it's time to become someone else's case.
Well, Dash it all, Hamlet - are you trying to call a Spade a Spade? Just because our hostess prefers blanc et noir imagery, it doesn’t mean you need to go down that noir Greenstreet as well. Impressive stylistic response, however, and nicely adapted to the matter(s) at [her] hand(s). Good to see that you’re not claiming to be a Magnum P.I., unlike some here with delusions of glandeur.

Okay, enough of the convoluted, obscure, mangled allusions. I’ll leave everyone in peace, although I’ll be back to see how you’ve groan.
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"I know you're there, Detective, you should come in. There's no need to stand in the hall like a voyeur. You have questions, I have answers, but they'll come at a price..."
And oh, @JustAnotherFlower this picture proves that you can please all of the peephole all of the time. It doesn’t take a sleuth to figure out your intentions.
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"I know you're there, Detective, you should come in. There's no need to stand in the hall like a voyeur. You have questions, I have answers, but they'll come at a price..."
"I have seen too much not to know that the impression of a woman may be more valuable than the conclusion of an analytical reasoner." SH my impression of you in this is strong, confident, and just downright sexy so name your price.
Dames. In my experience they came in two kinds. The ones you like that don't like you and the ones that like you that you don't like. This one was something new. I'm not sure if I liked her or she liked me but it was clear she knew what she liked and what she wanted. I'm not worried about the price however I am worried about the pair of guns she's packing and clearly knows how to use. Then again, chasing cheating spouses around town gets old. Maybe it's time to become someone else's case.
You're completely right, Detective. Let someone else hit the pavement searching for clues and snapping photos through window blinds. Come...
This Detective is prepared for a thorough interrogation.
Now, now, Detective, I'm not a suspect! I'm an informant with a strict tic for tac rule...
Well, Dash it all, Hamlet - are you trying to call a Spade a Spade? Just because our hostess prefers blanc et noir imagery, it doesn’t mean you need to go down that noir Greenstreet as well. Impressive stylistic response, however, and nicely adapted to the matter(s) at [her] hand(s). Good to see that you’re not claiming to be a Magnum P.I., unlike some here with delusions of glandeur.

Okay, enough of the convoluted, obscure, mangled allusions. I’ll leave everyone in peace, although I’ll be back to see how you’ve groan.

And oh, @JustAnotherFlower this picture proves that you can please all of the peephole all of the time. It doesn’t take a sleuth to figure out your intentions.
To use my womanly charms to disarm and use the Detective for my own gains? 🤔
I’m bad at this sometimes. 😂

"I have seen too much not to know that the impression of a woman may be more valuable than the conclusion of an analytical reasoner." SH my impression of you in this is strong, confident, and just downright sexy so name your price.
Awww... thank you, darlin'.
I can name my price? 😏
You're completely right, Detective. Let someone else hit the pavement searching for clues and snapping photos through window blinds. Come...
Come. That one word told me three things. First, the skirt, that's all she was wearing at this point, meant business. Next, she clearly thought my Saturday Night special was in my trousers and not in the holster around my ankle. Third, the dame clearly failed her high school biology if she thought a man could come on command. Looks like I'll be teaching some remedial academics on this sultry afternoon.

"I know you're there, Detective, you should come in. There's no need to stand in the hall like a voyeur. You have questions, I have answers, but they'll come at a price..."
I stood in the doorway, unable to speak or think clearly. Something about her mesmerized me, held my rapt attention. I pushed my battered fedora back on my head and took in the scene before me. She was trying to send a message, my brain and body were fighting for blood. I caught that she would answer my questions, but I failed to grasp that there would be a price.

I stepped through the door and lit a cigarette. "OK, Princess, let's play. Did you kill O'Leary?" I said in a cloud of smoke, "or, did you just convince Harry to do it for you?"
You're completely right, Detective. Let someone else hit the pavement searching for clues and snapping photos through window blinds. Come...

Now, now, Detective, I'm not a suspect! I'm an informant with a strict tic for tac rule...


To use my womanly charms to disarm and use the Detective for my own gains? 🤔


Awww... thank you, darlin'.
I can name my price? 😏
Yes you can name your price!