inexplicable feedback - par for the course?

Re: Re: Hi all

gauchecritic said:
I have a theory about whacko feedback, which I'm going to attempt to resolve with my next story (it's the girly author/id thing)Gauche

Dear Gauchie,

Don't call me "Girly."

I've never had one like that but I had a couple of unusual ones. Since I'm new at this, I guess I could be wrong about them being unusual.

My story is posted at another site in 8 parts. One fellow kept writing to me to tell me what should happen in the next part. When I wrote what I wanted instead of what he wanted, he was quite offended and told me so.

I suggested that he write his own story and told him I'd be happy to read it. I got no response to that. I suppose I'll get a bad rating from him on the next part of my story.

Another man wrote to ask for advice on some advanced and dangerous bondage techniques. I advised him not to do it, fearing that he'd really hurt himself. Then he wrote to me and told me how he'd tied himself up and tortured himself.

Hmmmmm... I don't know how you can do that exactly, but the thought did bounce around in my brain for a while.

I didn't respond to that particular email . I did finally block his email because I got tired of the constant barrage of junk email he was sending me. I still don't believe Bill Gates is going to pay me $100 for forwarding email, no matter how many times I get that offer. :D
Fan mail

Here's one I received today. I have such an enlightened readership!

This message contains feedback for: MathGirl
This feedback was sent by:

hi.......i loved ur stories nd think ur a interesting nd 1 heck of a
hot gurl.....i really like net sexnd if ur interested contact me on my
if nothing else pllz send me a pic of urs

*DO NOT hit the REPLY button to respond to this email.*


Cool, huh?
LOL......Hysterical Fan Mail

Already sent this one to The Earl as I felt he'd certainly appreciate it........but I just HAD to share.........

This message contains feedback for: Thesandman
About the submission: Aunt Eva
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Bravo! Bravo! Old chap. Most of the porn written here is an outrage and brings home to us once again the tragic nature of the world in which we live, the evil which defaces human life. It remains a threat when not well done and it must be defeated. But defeating it involves more than good intelligence, it requires writing such as yours.

I remember Di used to say as we were shagging her sister, "It involves belief in the values for which we stand. It involves confidence in the human spirit." I never understood her either, but that Fergie, now that was one hot cousin. Love your work, Prince Charles
$#%^%*& feedback

I love the feedback from the self appointed critics.

There are the proofreaders who point out any typos.

There are the critics who don't like the way you write.

There are the dramatists who suggest alternative (and, of course, better) ways the story could have gone.

There are the sequelists who want a followup story in which the character is sodomized, beaten, or turned into a member of the opposite sex.

The majority, of course, are just assholes.

That time of the month again. That's the second time this week.
I just had my latest story, Why I Hate Charles deGaulle Airport, put up, and just a few minutes ago, I found this feedback in my mailbox:

I really don't understand your tirade against Paris CDG airport. It seems
to me that your problems all stem from your and your husband's incompetence.
Your apparent desire to travel on a shoestring appear to compound your
lack of nous.

Wanna bet that girl is French?:D

I tried the experiment about submitting something and not allowing voting. I just asked for comments.

I guess the thing got posted during the night, because there were 43 feedback messages waiting in my mailbox this AM.

Good grief! I always try to send a little note to feedersback, but this is ridiculous. I hate to use a boilerplate reply, but I may have to this time.

As they say, be careful what you ask for, you might get it.
