Interesting Breakdown of the Russian Investigation

I believe the Benghazi investigations will wind up soon.

Not as long as they can't find anything to pin on Clinton. It will go on until they do--or until they are voted out of office. They are all still scared shitless of Hillary Clinton, don't you know? :D
Not as long as they can't find anything to pin on Clinton. It will go on until they do--or until they are voted out of office. They are all still scared shitless of Hillary Clinton, don't you know? :D

They are weak little boys frightened of strong Democratic women.
They are weak little boys frightened of strong Democratic women.

<insert gifs of Maxine Waters blathering unintelligbly, Nancy Pelosi drooling and slurring, and Hillary being supported by Secret Service men while drunkenly stumbling.>


<insert gifs of Maxine Waters blathering unintelligbly, Nancy Pelosi drooling and slurring, and Hillary being supported by Secret Service men while drunkenly stumbling.>



As opposed to drooling and crybaby Dump, cowardly and conniving Mcconnell, and sniveling and sorry Ryan?

Carry on...
It isn't to me. A person may decide they're going to take a hit out on their spouse and meet with someone to finalize the contract, then get cold feet and decide not to. As far as I know that's not illegal (correct me if I'm wrong).

My astonishment was based on the accuracy of your assertion to the effect: "...the Trump organization has admitted and provided proof that they did, in fact, try to conspire with the Russian government during the election."

If that admission and the proof of it is a historical fact, AND that admission and proof constitute a criminal act, as you seem to believe it does, then there is no reason indictments should not have been handed down with respect to ALL indictable suspects rather than just the Russians. That's all.

Having said that, I have a major backpedal that will soon be appearing in the other thread.
And today.

A Russian national with alleged ties to a top Russian official was charged in federal court in Washington Monday with conspiracy to act as an agent of the Russian Federation, and was ordered held without bond.

Maria Butina, 29, was arrested Sunday in the District and made her first appearance in U.S. District Court before Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson. Her attorney, Robert Neil Driscoll, told the judge that Butina’s residence was searched by the FBI in April, that she had testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee in a closed session several months ago, and that “we have been offering to cooperate with the government the entire time.”

Butina did not speak during the brief hearing other than to state her name. A detention hearing and preliminary hearing were set for Wednesday.

The charges against Butina come days after the Justice Department unveiled an indictment against 12 Russian intelligence officers for allegedly conspiring to hack Democrats in 2016 and just hours after President Trump cast doubt on Russia’s involvement in an extraordinary joint news conference with President Putin.
US intelligence undermined US intelligence. When it gets political it's supposed to get political because it's undermining one of our enemies. They aren't supposed to be doing that influence us politics. Under Clapper that was clearly done. And it's absolutely wrong.

You know the same US intelligence the Democrats were castigating for the entire Obama administration for leading us into a war on a lie.

On a serious note though I have no idea what the hell is up to none of it makes any particular sense.

On the one hand it was a chickenshit move for them to release that indictment right before he shows up for this meeting to put Trump on the spot. They aren't in charge of foreign policy they work for him. They're under control the executive branch they have no business interfering with whatever he does or doesn't want to do regarding us Russian policies.

If they don't like it they can always tender a letter of resignation in protest.

I think some of it is that Trump is like the poster boy for being susceptible to reverse psychology. Every single time anyone tells him he can't do something or shouldn't do something he does it. I don't know why people that don't like him don't use that to their his their advantage more.

Jesus Christ, dude. Perception is reality and optics matter. Not sure how you get to the conclusion that "it was bad timing to release the indictment." They are our fucking ENEMY. This was the chance for 45 to be in a position of power against the Putins but instead he railroaded our own intelligence to not piss off the dictator.

Now, what leverage do we have against the charged now that 45 told Putin, "our bad"?
Jesus Christ, dude. Perception is reality and optics matter. Not sure how you get to the conclusion that "it was bad timing to release the indictment." They are our fucking ENEMY. This was the chance for 45 to be in a position of power against the Putins but instead he railroaded our own intelligence to not piss off the dictator.

Now, what leverage do we have against the charged now that 45 told Putin, "our bad"?

To accomplish what?

Whether the Russians did or didn't do what we think they did. They probably did. Putin's going to deny it and then what? We go to war? I think not. What's the point?

This Summit was not about revisiting Hillary's loss. No matter how much Hillary supporters wanted to be about revisiting Hillary's loss.
Jesus Christ, dude. Perception is reality and optics matter. Not sure how you get to the conclusion that "it was bad timing to release the indictment." They are our fucking ENEMY. This was the chance for 45 to be in a position of power against the Putins but instead he railroaded our own intelligence to not piss off the dictator.

Now, what leverage do we have against the charged now that 45 told Putin, "our bad"?

lets BOMB em:cool:
To accomplish what?

Whether the Russians did or didn't do what we think they did. They probably did. Putin's going to deny it and then what? We go to war? I think not. What's the point?

This Summit was not about revisiting Hillary's loss. No matter how much Hillary supporters wanted to be about revisiting Hillary's loss.

To accomplish what, what? At least make a power move to get a couple of the conspirators extradited for one. To not look like a giant fucking pussy to the rest of the world for two. And how about being as hard as possible on them so the rest of the world doesn't think that they can attack America without consequences because that's exactly what 45 just surrendered.

And you know damn well how I feel about Hillary so don't step to me with that assinine bullshit. Hillary's hand isn't up 45's ass and making him a pussy. I mean, there's no room with Putin's cock already being there.

Also, this;
'Disgraceful,' 'Pushover,' 'Deeply Troubled': Reaction To The Trump-Putin Summit
Not what I said, so no, you don't have it right.

No argument from me that the DNC people were idiots
As was the Democratic party for nominating Clinton.

It isn't to me. A person may decide they're going to take a hit out on their spouse and meet with someone to finalize the contract, then get cold feet and decide not to. As far as I know that's not illegal (correct me if I'm wrong).

It’s very common for orginizations to use security firms if they have a breach. There are different stories of whether or not the FBI even requests access to the server. The FBI requesting access wold be highly unusual according to the FBI.
I thought the Bolton/WH official line was the indictments were timed to give Tricky a position of strength in thehe Putin meetings. At least that is what Bolton said.

Does the RWCJ have more knowledge than Bolton on the matter :confused:
Trump says he believes Putin that Russia didn't interfere in election
Dylan Stableford 5 hours ago
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President Trump emerged from his historic summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday saying he doesn’t believe that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be,” Trump said during a joint press conference with Putin following their discussions. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”

But Putin himself acknowledged that he preferred Trump over Hillary Clinton in the election. “Yes, I did,” he said. “Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal.”
This server thing is just deflection. It doesn't mean that the Russians didn't try to manipulate the U.S. elections, or that the Russians and the Trump campaign (including Trump--openly doing so from 28 July 2016 on) didn't collude in getting him elected, or that Trump isn't a service-providing blackmailed asset of the Russians. It's just an attempt to deflect from that.
This server thing is just deflection. It doesn't mean that the Russians didn't try to manipulate the U.S. elections, or that the Russians and the Trump campaign (including Trump--openly doing so from 28 July 2016 on) didn't collude in getting him elected, or that Trump isn't a service-providing blackmailed asset of the Russians. It's just an attempt to deflect from that.

So these Russian political operatives are better than the best that Hillary could hire? And they were so good that they enabled Trump to win despite spending half as much as Hillary? Really??

They were so good that they were able to counteract the money from Hillary's war chest that came from actual Russian intelligence source linked companies?


It is nothing short of amazing that a bunch of Russians would know how to sway an American election better than actual, seasoned American political consultants.

Maybe the DNC can use Hillary's contacts with high-level Russians to get them some of that political expertise for the next election cycle?
We have officially lost Q-####. He invokes Hillary's name more than a vagina hat wearing Hillary supporter .
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So these Russian political operatives are better than the best that Hillary could hire? And they were so good that they enabled Trump to win despite spending half as much as Hillary? Really??

They were so good that they were able to counteract the money from Hillary's war chest that came from actual Russian intelligence source linked companies?


It is nothing short of amazing that a bunch of Russians would know how to sway an American election better than actual, seasoned American political consultants.

Maybe the DNC can use Hillary's contacts with high-level Russians to get them some of that political expertise for the next election cycle?

Whether you're incredulous or being facetious, you are making yourself look like a real fucking moron. Do you really want to sink the bizzydummys level?
FFS. CrowdStrike cloned the DNC server and gave a copy to the FBI. This bullshit that the FBI had no access to the DNC server is total crap.