Interesting Breakdown of the Russian Investigation

You walked into my thread and tried to insult smart people. Not a great idea but you're not a smart people.

I usually don't laugh at children but your kid is dumb as fuck! Thanks for the funny!
Yeah, we've covered it and neither you nor anyone else have yet to make a credible case that the Trump campaign "solicited" (much less actually received) a "thing of value" in violation of federal election laws.

At best you guys keep taking a clear case of bait and switch by the Russian lawyer and keep trying vainly to stretch it into something else. The bitch thought by dangling the prospect of political dirt in front of Trump & Co. she could manipulate the meeting's agenda to the subject she really wanted to talk about, the Magnitsky Act. When Kushner found out she was basically bullshitting about dope on Hillary Clinton, not much happened after that -- nothing obviously criminal at least.

That legal calculus won't change no matter how much you pretend otherwise.
I've never claimed that colluding is a crime.

What is difficult to understand about Trump Jr. being excited to meet with and work with a person representing a foreign power to get information on a US political opponent?

As for the opposition research red herring, there sure are a lot of people who make a very good living off of something of "no value".

And even IF what people make good livings from are of no monetary value, the Trump campaign had known since April that Russia claimed to have Clinton emails, and providing "opposition research" of illegally obtained material IS illegal. Trump didn't care. By Trump I mean both of them, since Trump Sr. announced two days before the Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian government representative that he'll give a major speech within days about new information on Clinton, which he never gave, since they were all hoodwinked. Trump Sr. knew about the planned meeting.

So even though what the Trump campaign attempted wasn't illegal in and of itself, it was extremely unethical and demonstrates a willingness to work with a foreign power to influence the election even though there was a good chance it was with illegal material.
I've never claimed that colluding is a crime.

What is difficult to understand about Trump Jr. being excited to meet with and work with a person representing a foreign power to get information on a US political opponent?

As for the opposition research red herring, there sure are a lot of people who make a very good living off of something of "no value".

And even IF what people make good livings from are of no monetary value, the Trump campaign had known since April that Russia claimed to have Clinton emails, and providing "opposition research" of illegally obtained material IS illegal. Trump didn't care. By Trump I mean both of them, since Trump Sr. announced two days before the Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian government representative that he'll give a major speech within days about new information on Clinton, which he never gave, since they were all hoodwinked. Trump Sr. knew about the planned meeting.

So even though what the Trump campaign attempted wasn't illegal in and of itself, it was extremely unethical and demonstrates a willingness to work with a foreign power to influence the election even though there was a good chance it was with illegal material.

poster WAY BELOW AVERAGE makes NO mention of CuntClinton PAYING a BRIT SPY for the DOSSIER, made uo DOSSIER
You walked into my thread and tried to insult smart people. Not a great idea but you're not a smart people.

Lol, I only responded to 2 people, you and Emerson40. Trust me, neither of you are "a smart people".

Both of you consistently get your facts wrong. Both of you consistently assume things as truthful EVEN AFTER it's proven that those things are false. You deflect, shift the goalposts, backpeddle, LIE, evade, throw stones for no other purpose EXCEPT to throw stones, and think that no one can see you do it.

Yeah, you're the hammer. The screwdriver has more brains than you do.
Lol, I only responded to 2 people, you and Emerson40. Trust me, neither of you are "a smart people".

Both of you consistently get your facts wrong. Both of you consistently assume things as truthful EVEN AFTER it's proven that those things are false. You deflect, shift the goalposts, backpeddle, LIE, evade, throw stones for no other purpose EXCEPT to throw stones, and think that no one can see you do it.

Yeah, you're the hammer. The screwdriver has more brains than you do.

Point to where I got my facts wrong.
Did you not hear him say he trusts putin over US intelligence agencies?

Oh wait...then he changed his mine when he found out it was broadcast in the US as well ...ok, so he spits:D

I dont trust US "intel", they are part of the COUP
Did you not hear him say he trusts putin over US intelligence agencies?

Oh wait...then he changed his mine when he found out it was broadcast in the US as well ...ok, so he spits:D

willy... President Trump did not say he "trusts Putin over US intelligence agencies." You interpreted his words to say that. You are fake news.
I heard President Trump voice his honoring and respect for our "great intelligence services."

I don't agree with President Trump, that our intelligence services are honorable or respectable. U.S. intelligence allowed 9/11, and insisted Saddam had WMD. Our intelligence services only serve themselves.
Point to where I got my facts wrong.

We can start with the Russia conspiracy theory that opened this thread, wander through the "he's throwing the US under the bus" claim that came after that, talk about how Russia is "our fucking ENEMY. This was the chance for 45 to be in a position of power against the Putins but instead he railroaded our own intelligence to not piss off the dictator", discuss how there is NO TREATY with Russia as debunking your commentary that we need to get the indicted Russians expedited.

You consistently get your facts wrong, fail to reach logical conclusions, and use derogatory remarks to personally deride those who speak against you. Such as the stones you started throwing in post #47, #62, #67, #75, #88, #100, and #105. Yet you think that doing that makes you look and sound "funny". :rolleyes:

Then there was the unsupported denial you threw out there in post #64 in an attempt to deflect from the facts and the discussion as well as the shifting of the goal posts in post #113 just to round out my list.

And that's just in this thread. But, somehow you think no one can see you doing all of that.

Definitely a hammer.
We can start with the Russia conspiracy theory that opened this thread, wander through the "he's throwing the US under the bus" claim that came after that, talk about how Russia is "our fucking ENEMY. This was the chance for 45 to be in a position of power against the Putins but instead he railroaded our own intelligence to not piss off the dictator", discuss how there is NO TREATY with Russia as debunking your commentary that we need to get the indicted Russians expedited.

You consistently get your facts wrong, fail to reach logical conclusions, and use derogatory remarks to personally deride those who speak against you. Such as the stones you started throwing in post #47, #62, #67, #75, #88, #100, and #105. Yet you think that doing that makes you look and sound "funny". :rolleyes:

Then there was the unsupported denial you threw out there in post #64 in an attempt to deflect from the facts and the discussion as well as the shifting of the goal posts in post #113 just to round out my list.

And that's just in this thread. But, somehow you think no one can see you doing all of that.

Definitely a hammer.

That's just like your opinion, man.

Seriously, you couldn't even come up with ONE.
I don't call him TimRapy for nuthin'!

Hey did you know that there's a small village someplace missing their idiot? You should run home so they wouldn't have to put up signs advertising a small reward for your return.

That's just like your opinion, man.

Seriously, you couldn't even come up with ONE.

And yet you think you're "a smart people". Seriously, you're a hammer. Forged even.
Hey did you know that there's a small village someplace missing their idiot? You should run home so they wouldn't have to put up signs advertising a small reward for your return.


Hey, Timothy, can you tell the difference between these three statements?

A: I claim to be intelligent.
B: I claim to not be intelligent.
C: I make no claim as to whether I'm intelligent.

When you're done with that we can talk about the propriety of using a chart from 2013 to make a claim about Trump's fiscal policies. LOL.

We can start with the Russia conspiracy theory that opened this thread, wander through the "he's throwing the US under the bus" claim that came after that, talk about how Russia is "our fucking ENEMY. This was the chance for 45 to be in a position of power against the Putins but instead he railroaded our own intelligence to not piss off the dictator", discuss how there is NO TREATY with Russia as debunking your commentary that we need to get the indicted Russians expedited.

You consistently get your facts wrong, fail to reach logical conclusions, and use derogatory remarks to personally deride those who speak against you. Such as the stones you started throwing in post #47, #62, #67, #75, #88, #100, and #105. Yet you think that doing that makes you look and sound "funny". :rolleyes:

Then there was the unsupported denial you threw out there in post #64 in an attempt to deflect from the facts and the discussion as well as the shifting of the goal posts in post #113 just to round out my list.

And that's just in this thread. But, somehow you think no one can see you doing all of that.

Definitely a hammer.

Or ... you are a Tricky Trumpy apologist and no fact that runs contrary to your confirmation bias is able to be computed by your brain.

So one or the other.