Interesting Breakdown of the Russian Investigation

Im here

I laud StrongHorse Trump for speaking TRUTH TO POWER
Do any right wingers want to step up? Any at all?
Almost all of today's headlines in Russia are praising Putin and calling the summing "Better than super" <---- No shit.
Meanwhile, FoxNews throttles 45 for his pussified meeting with his boss.

Also, where are the typical right wingers today? AJ, Ish, vette, HairSpray, all missing. :(

NotAJ's latest incarnation was severely ban-hammered by Laurel two weeks ago. Que is reportedly working round the clock to help his "off board bro" NotAJ install a VPN to get around this heartless and hurtful ban-hammering.
Almost all of today's headlines in Russia are praising Putin and calling the summing "Better than super" <---- No shit.
Meanwhile, FoxNews throttles 45 for his pussified meeting with his boss.

Also, where are the typical right wingers today? AJ, Ish, vette, HairSpray, all missing. :(

Hairspray is writing another book and doesn't have the time to engage your twaddle as deeply as you'd like. Besides, BB is currently making you look like a well used fuckbuddy.** Not to mention Que making all of you look like dogs eating shit and telling each other how wonderful it tastes.

We can always tell when the discussion pegs the truth-o-meter; the Alts show up in droves. What's funny is that you assholes can't see that at all. You just open another tab and bring up another one to join the legions already here.

Smart is one thing you idjits ain't.

** BB WHERE did the enlightened and reasoned discussion come from? Dude, you've changed. Well done.
Yeah, you are wrong.

Solicitation of murder, whether you pay for it or not is illegal.
Let me clarify.
If they only told a friend they wanted to kill their spouse but never actually asked someone to, even though they met the person with the intent to ask, that's illegal?

But but Clinton!
<insert gifs of Maxine Waters blathering unintelligbly, Nancy Pelosi drooling and slurring, and Hillary being supported by Secret Service men while drunkenly stumbling.

My astonishment was based on the accuracy of your assertion to the effect: "...the Trump organization has admitted and provided proof that they did, in fact, try to conspire with the Russian government during the election."

If that admission and the proof of it is a historical fact, AND that admission and proof constitute a criminal act, as you seem to believe it does, then there is no reason indictments should not have been handed down with respect to ALL indictable suspects rather than just the Russians. That's all.
They provided proof that they tried to. I didn't say they provided proof they actually did collude with them.
Incidentally, in case you've forgotten, Trump Sr. tried to cover up the attempt by dictating a false statement for Trump Jr. to provide people.


Good juxtaposition.
Trump struck me as a guy who's very eager, over eager and wanting to please, in an interview for a job, Putin relaxed, knowing he holds all the cards with a complete novice.
In the few days that I've been posting gain, I've noticed that he's far more down the road on his way to Ish/vette/AJ status.

He's not the same dude I knew since I joined four years ago.

He just seems much angrier, less calm, and just borderline irrational.

Even Vetteman is posting less than he is...that is something.


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Lol. Good one. Blame the victim. That'll win you points every time. My gawd, the wimmens must be so thick you gotta beat 'em off with a stick. Right?

For my part I'd call you a tool except I can't figure out if you're denser than a hammer or more illiterate than a screwdriver. The hammer is supposed to be dense and the screwdriver can at least put tab A into slot B. Somehow I get the impression you think you can pound on the screwdriver with the hammer and call it "drilling" deep.
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They provided proof that they tried to. I didn't say they provided proof they actually did collude with them.

Incidentally, in case you've forgotten, Trump Sr. tried to cover up the attempt by dictating a false statement for Trump Jr. to provide people.

"Tried to" or "actually did" -- it doesn't matter. You still have the problem of citing a federal statute that defines the mere act of "colluding" or "attempted colluding" with representatives of a foreign government for the purpose of winning an election as a CRIME. I don't think you are going to find such a statute. Particularly if those in the Trump campaign did not know that the whole charade was orchestrated at the highest levels of the Russian government AND that the opposition material they were being offered was, in fact, credible. "Opposition research" is a staple in political campaigns, and I think the law is generally silent about how you typically get it.
Hairspray is writing another book and doesn't have the time to engage your twaddle as deeply as you'd like. Besides, BB is currently making you look like a well used fuckbuddy.** Not to mention Que making all of you look like dogs eating shit and telling each other how wonderful it tastes.

We can always tell when the discussion pegs the truth-o-meter; the Alts show up in droves. What's funny is that you assholes can't see that at all. You just open another tab and bring up another one to join the legions already here.

Smart is one thing you idjits ain't.

** BB WHERE did the enlightened and reasoned discussion come from? Dude, you've changed. Well done.

Why are you trying out your fictional writing skills in my thread, dipshit?
What, exactly, do *you* think the entire narrative about the Russians denying -Hillary- the election is about, if not Hillary? :confused:

This isn't about Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, or Bernie Sanders.

Under discussion is whether the Russians TRIED to help Trump at the expense of quite specifically Hillary, Or not. The truly mental are actually alleging that it DID cost, specifically Hillary, the election.

Kind of hard to leave the entire spector of Hillary out of a story about Hillary's loss. This isn't about McGovern's loss. This isn't about Dukakis loss or Algore's loss.

You know, the Hillary that lost to Trump while spending twice as much including millions of dollars that she got from actual Russians. That Hillary. Very much germane to the discussion at hand. Even if you don't want it to be.

"Tried to" or "actually did" -- it doesn't matter. You still have the problem of citing a federal statute that defines the mere act of "colluding" or "attempted colluding" with representatives of a foreign government for the purpose of winning an election as a CRIME. I don't think you are going to find such a statute. Particularly if those in the Trump campaign did not know that the whole charade was orchestrated at the highest levels of the Russian government AND that the opposition material they were being offered was, in fact, credible. "Opposition research" is a staple in political campaigns, and I think the law is generally silent about how you typically get it.

We’ve cover this and it’s not silent. Oppo research is a thing of value. Soliciting a @thing of value” from a foreign government is a violation. Having Hillary’s playbook is invaluable. The indictment says the hackers had contact with Trump’s team. You can say they didn’t know it was Russia, but mounting evidence would point to the fact that they did. Russia, if you’re listening feel free to be strong and powerful in your denials. I’m sure some folks will believe you.
Lol. Good one. Blame the victim. That'll win you points every time. My gawd, the wimmens must be so thick you gotta beat 'em off with a stick. Right?

For my part I'd call you a tool except I can't figure out if you're denser than a hammer or more illiterate than a screwdriver. The hammer is supposed to be dense and the screwdriver can at least put tab A into slot B. Somehow I get the impression you think you can pound on the screwdriver with the hammer and call it "drilling" deep.

The Oblivious Lawyer’s Handbook - The Ineffectual Use of Asinine Analogies

Have you given any serious consideration to using a ghost writer?

Perhaps you can have them punch up your Lit posts as well. A little extra work for them, where they bill you in 6 minute intervals.

Money well spent, yes?
You know, as someone who is actually on the inside of a certain amount of all of this - I think it is no secret to anyone that 'downstreaming intel creates the risk of upstreaming insight...'

The most recent set of 'charges/allegations' are a categorical mistake because of this.

Don't anyone who is 'merely' an innocent ordinary member of the public here for one second imagine that all of this was 'just' a political thing, or 'just' one ideological side against another in a sophisticated if 'rugged' democracy - this thing is almost too complex to realistically discuss generally with the 'unschooled' because firstly, there are a lot of active disinformation people operating even here on Literotica, AND they will jump to say that I am as well, and thirdly there have been instances in the past where death and killing has happened probably as a FAILING of US COINTELPRO and similar, and a breakdown of processes, rather than actual policy, but I am one of the hugest majority of the US-sympathetic '* *' that considers Obama's so-called 'Dispostion Matrix' grossly and criminally illegal and further that there is no general or specific right in any of the COINTELPRO charter and warrants to commit murder or acts that would result in a killing, and there never has been.

Which means that I am telling you directly the UK Secret Services have largely been responsible both for the failed 'Russia narrative' and that they have been involved in murders to advance their plans. Not YOUR plans, or 'our' plans (if you're a US citizen). Even Fox has been trying to cast all of this as just 'opposition research' and a political bias issue... It's not.

And how you can know that I am right is that the most recent testimony of Peter Strzok confirmed what I have said here for more than four years now - namely, that he and the FBI got the Steele Dossier (a UK agent's item) FROM AT LEAST THREE DIFFERENT SOURCES (and I am telling you all that one of these sources was directly from MI6 itself, and you can certainly draw that same conclusion from the recent hearings that the UK spy's dossier MUST have come from a UK source to Strzok; I am of course TELLING you that it did). The open public facts are leading in the direction I have said from the very start (of when I began posting this info here maybe MORE than four years ago, in fact). This is not 'oppo research;' this is the UK directly and deliberately misleading the FBI for THEIR political agendas. Strzok was a biased guy who was exploited by very sophisticated ACTUAL spies - UK spies. And to specify: Dr Peter Duncan of MI6 who was the handler and academic adviser of Stefan Halper (and you never saw THAT little tidbit anywhere else, admit it). But it will 'come out' in due course now.

I could 'speculate' about what will happen next, and if it transpires exactly as I say, too many questions will be raised.

So put it this way, the door swings.

I am trying not to be arrogant about the future and outcomes because it all never really and truly ends.

The OP is quite wrong. Not to mention that his/her/their view has literally been on the losing 'real politik' side - so which way do you want it, OP? Are you a loser and a liar, or are you speaking and promoting the truth and a loser...
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Those people here who WITTINGLY are trying to make this a 'Right v others' phenomenon, are liars.

Sure there could be worked up Left people who are unwitting idiots being pulled along by the propaganda.
You know, as someone who is actually on the inside of a certain amount of all of this - I think it is no secret to anyone that 'downstreaming intel creates the risk of upstreaming insight...'

it was a set up

from Day1
We’ve cover this and it’s not silent. Oppo research is a thing of value. Soliciting a @thing of value” from a foreign government is a violation. Having Hillary’s playbook is invaluable. The indictment says the hackers had contact with Trump’s team. You can say they didn’t know it was Russia, but mounting evidence would point to the fact that they did. Russia, if you’re listening feel free to be strong and powerful in your denials. I’m sure some folks will believe you.

Yeah, we've covered it and neither you nor anyone else have yet to make a credible case that the Trump campaign "solicited" (much less actually received) a "thing of value" in violation of federal election laws.

At best you guys keep taking a clear case of bait and switch by the Russian lawyer and keep trying vainly to stretch it into something else. The bitch thought by dangling the prospect of political dirt in front of Trump & Co. she could manipulate the meeting's agenda to the subject she really wanted to talk about, the Magnitsky Act. When Kushner found out she was basically bullshitting about dope on Hillary Clinton, not much happened after that -- nothing obviously criminal at least.

That legal calculus won't change no matter how much you pretend otherwise.
"russian collusion" is/was Peter Strzok's "insurance policy" just in case Trump won. The DNC in collusion with FBI initiated the whole thing, starting with PeePee Gate. One big lie, that some citizens actually believe, and unbelievably they want the elected President killed in office. wow.
Why are you trying out your fictional writing skills in my thread, dipshit?

Yay, completely triggered.

The Oblivious Lawyer’s Handbook - The Ineffectual Use of Asinine Analogies

Have you given any serious consideration to using a ghost writer?

Perhaps you can have them punch up your Lit posts as well. A little extra work for them, where they bill you in 6 minute intervals.

Money well spent, yes?

Not if you're the one begging for work. I mean, I know times is tough but they ain't that tough. Go write your own book.