Interesting stastics about Lit stories

Re: Sig line?

MathGirl said:
Umm.... What's a "sig line?"
Thanks to all who PMd me with an explanation. I remember now that I turned them off. Hope I'm not missing something good.
missing something

MathGirl said:
Thanks to all who PMd me with an explanation. I remember now that I turned them off. Hope I'm not missing something good.

Turn them on just long enough to see sweetnpetites, then run away muttering to yourself
Re: we're probably all good at oral

DarlingNikki said:
Sweetnpetite, what's up? Is this a little "so there" joke on people who complain about long sig lines?

Yeah, I had a whle thread going about it. Back down to normal size now. (Still too long for many though:))

Svenskaflicka said:
*patting Chicklet on the head*

Yes, you're a biiiiiiiiiig girl!;)

I wrote one, (and only), non-consent and I'm 55, do I get a pat now.

I don't think I've ever ended anything with a sloppy line, (yet), I try to end the atual story line with a final snippet of dialogue.

I am guilty of attaching a bit of an Epilogue though, they all lived happily ever after sort of thing, or didn't as the case may be, well I'm an old softy.
